Where Does Your Loyalty Lie?

  • Kyrian

    Votes: 143 20.2%
  • Necrolords

    Votes: 127 17.9%
  • Night Fae

    Votes: 247 34.9%
  • Venthyr

    Votes: 191 27.0%

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Oct 26, 2017
Paganmoon you ever run Prism? I know all the guides say to run Judgement of Light, especially with it being passive, but I'm not finding the benefits of it very exceptional at all in my m+ logs, and since mana is a complete non-issue for Holy Palis, I'm wondering if Prism would be good. It's more aoe healing which I feel I sorely need (especially in prides / halls of attonement shards / de other side mask guys), more dps also since you would cast it at enemies every 20 secs.

I'm also tempted to go Sanctified Wrath instead of Awakening, Awakening procs are, by its very nature obviously, very random, and I feel like I hold back on using Wings because of the procs. Sanctified also makes Wings much better for aoe with the holy shock CDR, thus a better cooldown for those AOE heavy situations I mentioned.

For whatever reason I've been a "guide whore" on the Paladin compared to the Priest where I experimented a lot more myself (in fact, I was clamoring for Flash Concentration long before everyone found out it was good lol)


edit: hell even Saved by the Light in the same tier as Judgment of Light and Holy Prism sounds nice.
One of the thoughts on Judgement of light is that you're going to be using judgement for DPS anyway, so mind as well get some passive healing from it. If you pick holy prism, that's another GCD to add to your rotation, and personally I find I don't have enough GCD windows to go around as is :)
Another thing with Holy Prism is, it might have 40 yard range, but the AoE portion of the heal (which only works if used on an enemy target) is only 15 yards from that target, so it's not really an AoE heal either. In that regard, Judgment of Light is more of an AoE/Group heal.

Saved by the light I can't say much about other than the beacon target (which for me 100% is the tank) is usually the least of your worries. Judgement for me is about 5-7% of my overall healing in a dungeon, and I'm sure that can be higher. Basically should be used on cooldown.

A few tips for prides,:
  • Don't forget to use Aura Mastery (with devo ofc) when they hit high stacks/in the last 20% of the prides health, also use your Divine Protection at the same time, means you basically negate half the damage of the pride, plus if you're running Shielding Words conduit (which you should), your WoGs are gonna shield you for tons so you should be pretty safe yourself.
  • Use holy power on WoG before you get HP Capped, even if no one needs healing, to bait Awakening procs.
  • If everyone is topped off, or close to, throw a Flash of Light on tank/Beacon target, to pool up Holy Power, I usually do this early on in the pride when everything is on CD (Holy shock/CS), to get some "free" holy power to bait Awakening procs.
  • Also, don't be afraid to use Wings if you're not proccing awakening. Awakening has made me basically use wings on cooldown, since it procs so much, so no use saving wings it really.
  • Finally, Divine Shield/Sac on another target is also a great way to deal with them, when they get to high stacks.

Now some things your group can/should do on prides:
  • They should use short CD defensives (like mage shield).
  • On higher keys, at least one DPS cooldown should be used to make sure pride doesn't live too long. (making sure not all use their cooldowns, but 1 uses a short dps CD)
  • Speaking of mages, they can and should use Alter Time when pride hit's high stacks, and you should track it's usage on your party frames. I track that and when I see mage does Alter (when they're topped up), I basically ignore the mage for the duration. Helps tons.

On Shards in HoA:
  • you can basically negate the damage on yourself if you use divine protection, and Shield of the Righteous when he does his Thrash. Thrash is Physical damage so SotR armor increase helps mitigate it tons.
  • And seeing as it's physical, you can BoP a target and they'll take 0 damage from it as well,. Helpful if you've got another melee with you.
  • The tooltip says thrash range is 40 yards, but that's wrong. it's actually 35 yards, so your ranged can stand at max range, dps, and take no damage.

De Other side masks guys:
  • Pray.... and have a night fae that can stun them :D
  • Also Divine shiled/Sac works well on this too.
  • And I think at keys around 15, the mask guy does about 80% of peoples HP as damage for it's duration, so don't panic, and just heal up (and make sure everyone's topped up before the channel starts).

All in all, they key to Holy Paladin is Cooldowns. super important to not be afraid to use them, and not save them for "oh shit" moments, as they're designed around it I think.

Regarding Sanctified Wrath vs Awakening, I ran SW early on, and for a few months, but I have not once regretted switching to Awakening. I tended to hold Wings too much with SW, but awakening proccing so often is just a godsend. But do try it out, might work better with your playstyle.

Hope this helps :)

data west

Oct 25, 2017
This list is good and not bias


Oct 27, 2017
It's done.


And I also finally got 226 bracers to stick a socket on, so I'm officially done with the Maw. :D

The group also got Mythic Darkvein down on Sunday, so I'm happy to finally be through that boss. I'm looking forward to Artificer more; the wipes will be a lot more interesting than "DPS missed a soak again."


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
If it is I'm honestly surprised it took so long to do something like that, or the WoW Tokens in Classic servers, those would probably be huge money makers for them
tokens for classic were a thing in some regions, so there's probably vestiges of that all over

TBC probably isn't getting a cash shop, but it will for sure have paid services since they already announced the BC boost to 58


Oct 25, 2017
4% wipe on Heroic Denathrius. Ooof. So near and yet so far.

It took a bit of time to actually go one step further, but finally: HC Denathrius down. Got caught out a bit by an ill-thought-through plan of pushing DPS hard, which ended up - in hindsight - making us repeatedly hit transition points at really inconvenient moments. Consciously binning that idea and deliberately taking things a bit more slowly and carefully got us the kill quite early on Monday, only three attempts that day (tank error in P2, 2% wipe, kill).

That's *likely* to be it for this tier, although we do sometimes brush close to 20, so *maybe* there's a possibility of Mythic.


Oct 27, 2017
It took a bit of time to actually go one step further, but finally: HC Denathrius down. Got caught out a bit by an ill-thought-through plan of pushing DPS hard, which ended up - in hindsight - making us repeatedly hit transition points at really inconvenient moments. Consciously binning that idea and deliberately taking things a bit more slowly and carefully got us the kill quite early on Monday, only three attempts that day (tank error in P2, 2% wipe, kill).

That's *likely* to be it for this tier, although we do sometimes brush close to 20, so *maybe* there's a possibility of Mythic.

Gratz! The last few percent are always the hardest, especially on a fight like Denathrius where the ending is very much its own sort of beast. :D

If you end up trying Mythic, Shriekwing is very simple (especially compared to Denathrius) but still punishing in its own right. Huntsman is a step up in difficulty, and probably about on par with Denathrius overall (though it's, again, much simpler). Hungering Destroyer is where Mythic starts getting serious.
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Oct 25, 2017
So WoW peeps, I stopped playing a while back, back before they turned sylvanas into a joke of an evil villain, but I wanted to catch up on the new expansion story without playing it. Any good vid recommendations that cover the lore up to the latest patch (or as close to it as possible)? Also, is sylvanas/the story comically bad?


Oct 27, 2017
So WoW peeps, I stopped playing a while back, back before they turned sylvanas into a joke of an evil villain, but I wanted to catch up on the new expansion story without playing it. Any good vid recommendations that cover the lore up to the latest patch (or as close to it as possible)? Also, is sylvanas/the story comically bad?
Not going into the story itself as you seem intent on hating it, but you could check out Nobbel's video's. Has an overview for all covenants and overarching story.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
First time playing a prot paladin. Word of glory heals crazy good. Does it scale when you start getting more gear at end game?


Oct 27, 2017
First time playing a prot paladin. Word of glory heals crazy good. Does it scale when you start getting more gear at end game?

Yep, WoG always hits like a truck. Though against harder hitting enemies, the mitigating power of SotR becomes increasingly valuable, and therefore using WoG becomes a riskier move.

Try out Hand of the Protector in a group situation if you haven't. :D Full health heals for everyone!


Oct 27, 2017
We kinda technically already knew this, but given that you don't play I guess it makes sense :P
With her stating that Ysera 'belongs to her sister' and all that during the Ardenweald storyline

This is the first real confirmation though.

Some people were suspecting that her "sister" was Eonar, or even Freya, since Eonar was the being who originally empowered Ysera, and Elune is more of an adoptive mother to her.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, WoG always hits like a truck. Though against harder hitting enemies, the mitigating power of SotR becomes increasingly valuable, and therefore using WoG becomes a riskier move.


In *general* you'll want to spend HP exclusively on SOTR, and use the 'free' WOG you get from doing five of them. Although I sometimes throw out WOGs in magic-damage-heavy fights too since SOTR is less effective for survival in that context.

Try out Hand of the Protector in a group situation if you haven't. :D Full health heals for everyone!

While I can't do it in any high-level stuff, In lower M+es I've got quite fond of "Me as tank AND healer, and four DPS". Things *melt*. Unfortunately it goes out of the window on any content where I'm actually taking serious enough damage myself!

(Unfortunately that tier has three very nice talents, it's probably the most context-specific of our tiers)


Oct 26, 2017
So I was wondering: what is the point of the PTR when they usually just release the same content with a few tweaks here and there on the live servers? Why don't they have their own QA?


Oct 27, 2017
So I was wondering: what is the point of the PTR when they usually just release the same content with a few tweaks here and there on the live servers? Why don't they have their own QA?
They do. QA will never be able to do what thousands upon thousands of people playing can though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
They do. QA will never be able to do what thousands upon thousands of people playing can though.
Especially in instance testing. The internal teams are going to have their own biases for encounters and dungeon routes and it's unlikely to be how players are going to do things initially. It's just as important to see how organized teams and PUGs tackle this content before guides get spread around.

You could see this in action with secret mythic phases or in the olden days with how buggy fights like Ra-den and Algalon were.
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Oct 25, 2017
Code is weird too, I don't remember when that was exactly, I think it was some late WotLK patch, where regular changes somehow broke Illidan fight in Black Temple.

The game has always been massive and it's gotten exponentially more complex since, there's just no way to identify all bugs with an ordinary QA process


Oct 27, 2017
The eternal cycle:

1. I have some money!
2. I wonder what's on the BMAH today...

Honestly seems like a pretty reasonable price for a rare item, so I'm happy!
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Oct 26, 2017
I continue to have a really hard time with my Holy Paladin, doubly so because I've been going back and forth between her and my Holy Priest, and Priest is just so much easier and effective. I've seen fistweaving monks say that holy paladins are so much easier compared to fistweaving, and that they have to do and watch a bunch of things and they still don't do anyware near as much dmg, well that's exactly how I feel going from my pali to my priest (err concerning healing obviously, not dmg).

Maybe it's just the wrong class for my group to be very honest, I think we just take way too much unnecessary damage from things (the type of shit people joke about pugs) and I can easily "babysit" that on the Priest (in fact I call her my babysitting healer) but on the Pali it's just too overwhelming, I can't keep up with all the dmg coming on constantly

If a tank goes super low he might aswell be dead because I can't get him back up compared to just going "lol Angel + Holy Word Sanctify there you're fully healed carry on" on the Priest, and group wide damage... forget about it. Funny thing is, I was worried about prides and de other side mask guys, turns out the worse ones are actually the ToP green ghosts with that ridiculous massive aoe they do.

Obviously I'm not saying Holy Paladins aren't good, they are meta for a reason, but it might not work for my group, seems like a healer made for more coordinated group, or a group that actually doesnt stand in bad or mitigates own damage, and that's just not us unfortunately (myself included btw).

Maybe I should just try out Virtue, or even Virtue + Saved by the Light I dunno. I've actually been seeing a lot of virtue being used in various high key videos lately, is it cropping up in the meta or what's going on?

Anyway, just ranting a little bit because the frustrating part is that I'm actually really enjoying the playstyle.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I should just try out Virtue, or even Virtue + Saved by the Light I dunno. I've actually been seeing a lot of virtue being used in various high key videos lately, is it cropping up in the meta or what's going on?

I was actually going to suggest this. I haven't done any 9.0 Holy Paladin, but BoV used to be a staple for dungeons. Glimmer is probably good for consistent background healing, but BoV will be more powerful for the burst moments you're talking about. I'd give it a shot!

It's hard to beat the raw healing throughout and reactive lifesaving power of Holy Priest, but BoV will let you get closer.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Poking around the game for the first time in some years since my friends are playing. Trying to decide what to level. What are more fun these days, Death Knight tanks or Warrior tanks? Both in PvE and PvP.


Oct 27, 2017
Poking around the game for the first time in some years since my friends are playing. Trying to decide what to level. What are more fun these days, Death Knight tanks or Warrior tanks? Both in PvE and PvP.

I don't play either. :D But I think that most people agree that most classes and specs in current WoW are enjoyable, so it really comes down to what aspects appeal to you more.

Warriors have a massive edge in mobility, thanks to Charge and Heroic Leap. Death Knights, on the other hand, have the utility of Death Grip and magical trickery, like Chains of Ice, Anti-Magic Shell/Zone, and Control Undead. Tank-wise, Blood DK still has incredible self-healing but is susceptible to burst damage at the highest level of content. Protection Warriors are the most traditional tank spec, with generally low self-healing (making them more reliant on their healer) but some of the best raw damage mitigation in the game.

If you're looking for what's more "meta" among cutting edge players, it's probably Warrior for tanking and PvP, and DK for PvE DPS. That said, the classes in WoW are pretty balanced right now, so I'd personally say that the best thing you can do for yourself is follow your heart and have fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's fascinating that Blizzard created two versions of a new mount; one for the Shadowlands and a less detailed one for Burning Crusade Classic.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
it's weird that we're starting to see classic servers diverge from retail

things like mounts and toys are probably not that significant really, but i wonder if this means they're open to bigger changes down the line, and maybe even start making new classic-era stuff


Oct 26, 2017
great video by Hiru

The timing on it couldnt be better because I don't remember a time where YT wow videos were this click-baity. Bellular for example has completely gone off the deep end with click bait WOW IS DOOMED videos lately, especially since he started doing 2 hour streams and cutting those into 10min clips, not a bad way to get out 20 click bait videos instead of 1 a week hey Bellular?

Don't get me wrong, it's what works for youtube and it's algorithm and the dude wants to get paid, I get it, but its so blatant that I find it hilarious (and slightly disapointed because I used to watch his stuff)

Nubkeks also made a video pretty much mocking Bellular's clickbait videos which I thought was funny.


Oct 31, 2017
Miami, FL
Those prices for Classic WoW servers are absurd. $70 for the digital deluxe edition, $35 for the cloning service, and $40 for a character boost that can't even be used on the new new BC races is insane.


Oct 25, 2017
Those prices for Classic WoW servers are absurd. $70 for the digital deluxe edition, $35 for the cloning service, and $40 for a character boost that can't even be used on the new new BC races is insane.

Yeah, I was at least semi-interested in TBC classic but seeing this shit just has me fucking right off.


Oct 27, 2017
great video by Hiru

The timing on it couldnt be better because I don't remember a time where YT wow videos were this click-baity. Bellular for example has completely gone off the deep end with click bait WOW IS DOOMED videos lately, especially since he started doing 2 hour streams and cutting those into 10min clips, not a bad way to get out 20 click bait videos instead of 1 a week hey Bellular?

Don't get me wrong, it's what works for youtube and it's algorithm and the dude wants to get paid, I get it, but its so blatant that I find it hilarious (and slightly disapointed because I used to watch his stuff)

Nubkeks also made a video pretty much mocking Bellular's clickbait videos which I thought was funny.

I was actually talking to people about this recently. I'm confident that a lot of comments on places like Wowhead come from people who aren't even playing the game, but still follow the game with some sort of vindictive "Blizzard will surely be dead this time!" grudge. It's a conflux of WoW having existed for so long, the game "destroying" old content (i.e. outside of Classic, you can never go back and relive that one time when you really thought the game was perfect), and the dead generally outnumbering the living (there are plenty of active players, but WoW has just built up a huge player base of former players over the years).

The negativity really spiked with early BFA (Sylv really did kill hope, I suppose? :P), to the point that there was really never any gratitude given back to Blizzard for the aspects of BFA that were awesome. 8.0 had great refinement to the overall game system (e.g. Profession revamp, War Mode), 8.1 had a top-tier raid, 8.2 had the most content ever seen in a patch, 8.3 kept iterating and freshening systems up through what would normally be the "dead" period of the expansion.

Personally, I don't follow content creators, so I'm probably mostly insulated from this. I read (and roll my eyes) at the Wowhead comments, and then I go in-game where it turns out everyone who's playing is pretty much happy. It's definitely a weird disconnect between the people in-game, and what's on social media sites / comment sections.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally, I don't follow content creators, so I'm probably mostly insulated from this. I read (and roll my eyes) at the Wowhead comments, and then I go in-game where it turns out everyone who's playing is pretty much happy.

To be fair, isn't that to be expected? I wouldn't expect a large portion of people who are overly negative on the game to still be playing it.


Oct 25, 2017
Those prices for Classic WoW servers are absurd. $70 for the digital deluxe edition, $35 for the cloning service, and $40 for a character boost that can't even be used on the new new BC races is insane.
Yeah it's complete bullshit. Just trying to squeeze every bit of cash from everyone. No reason for it to be so expensive.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
great video by Hiru

The timing on it couldnt be better because I don't remember a time where YT wow videos were this click-baity. Bellular for example has completely gone off the deep end with click bait WOW IS DOOMED videos lately, especially since he started doing 2 hour streams and cutting those into 10min clips, not a bad way to get out 20 click bait videos instead of 1 a week hey Bellular?

Don't get me wrong, it's what works for youtube and it's algorithm and the dude wants to get paid, I get it, but its so blatant that I find it hilarious (and slightly disapointed because I used to watch his stuff)

Nubkeks also made a video pretty much mocking Bellular's clickbait videos which I thought was funny.

Wow, and this coming from Hiru (whose videos I've always enjoyed).

I think its become something worth talking about at this point. WoW deserves criticism, just like pretty much every game, but within the last year or so there's been a noticeable uptick in just blatant "outrage!" videos from YT creators who I could usually trust to be objective enough to be above that sorta thing. And hey, maybe you really do think that Shadowlands is an exceptionally bad expansion (I'd disagree), however, there does come a point where hyper-focusing on every perceived flaw of the expansion morphs into you complaining about WoW not being the game that you want it to be, and I just wonder how valuable that is.

Like, I agree about Bellular. I used to love his content, but now I find him insufferable. ESPECIALLY since he started this "podcast" that's essentially just him ranting to his buddy and then chopping it into a dozen YouTube mini-clips with click-bait headlines like "BLIZZARD WHY!?" "IAN WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?" "I'M JUST SO SAD!!!" absolutely polluting my timeline. It's just exhausting if "hate content" is just not something you're into, but that's what gets YouTube's algorithm going these days.

I find myself gravitating to smaller WoW content creators like Hazelnutty Games (who is ridiculously sweet), Signs of Kelani etc. -- people who still have their criticisms of WoW and will talk about them, but ultimately it comes from the perspective of someone who clearly still enjoys the game they're playing. Because if you're not enjoying the game anymore, it's "MAKING YOU SO SAD!!!"...then why tf am I watching you?
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Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, isn't that to be expected? I wouldn't expect a large portion of people who are overly negative on the game to still be playing it.

It's true! I think the difference with WoW is that a lot of people who aren't actively playing still partake in the larger, beyond-the-game community.

Most fansites for nerd hobbies don't have comments sections that are filled with hilariously negative boomer dads. Wowhead does.

To fan the flames a bit more, Wowhead (like other content creators) editorializes a significant amount of negativity into their news articles. The MMO-C forums are largely trash, but I actually yearn for the day when it was the main WoW news site and actually just reported news objectively, instead of pumping out 5+ articles a day filled with commentary and hand wringing.

(I probably sound like the boomer dad now, don't I? :P)


Oct 26, 2017
Wow, and this coming from Hiru (who's videos I've always enjoyed).

I think its become something worth talking about at this point. WoW deserves criticism, just like pretty much every game, but within the last year or so there's been a noticeable uptick in just blatant "outrage!" videos from YT creators who I could usually trust to be objective enough to be above that sorta thing. And hey, maybe you really do think that Shadowlands is an exceptionally bad expansion (I'd disagree), however, there does come a point where hyper-focusing on every perceived flaw of the expansion morphs into you complaining about WoW not being game that you want it to be, and I just wonder how valuable that is.

Like, I agree about Bellular. I used to love his content, but now I find him insufferable. ESPECIALLY since he started this "podcast" that's essentially just him ranting to his buddy and then chopping it into a dozen YouTube mini-clips with click-bait headlines like "BLIZZARD WHY!?" "IAN WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?" "I'M JUST SO SAD!!!" absolutely polluting my timeline. It's just exhausting if "hate content" is just not something you're into, but that's what gets YouTube's algorithm going these days.

I find myself gravitating to smaller WoW content creators like Hazelnutty Games (who is ridiculously sweet), Signs of Kelani etc. -- people who still have their criticisms of WoW and will talk about them, but ultimately it comes from the perspective of someone who clearly still enjoys the game they're playing. Because if you're not enjoying the game anymore, it's "MAKING YOU SO SAD!!!"...then why tf am I watching you?

I was wondering why all those Bellular videos started popping up! I like the guy and his videos, but it seemed so weird that there was suddenly an influx of these videos. Plus, his other videos tended to be very neutral in general and these latest ones have been very off the rails (and full of vulgarity lol )


Oct 25, 2017
When is 9.1's ETA? I figure I might as well wait on my alts til flyings in.
Probably not until July/August at the earliest at this rate.
Like, I agree about Bellular. I used to love his content, but now I find him insufferable. ESPECIALLY since he started this "podcast" that's essentially just him ranting to his buddy and then chopping it into a dozen YouTube mini-clips with click-bait headlines like "BLIZZARD WHY!?" "IAN WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?" "I'M JUST SO SAD!!!" absolutely polluting my timeline. It's just exhausting if "hate content" is just not something you're into, but that's what gets YouTube's algorithm going these days.
Bellular has been this way for a few years now, I have my gripes with the game but dude was pumping videos out about the same shit over and over again. I just unsubscribed to him two years ago and my YouTube feed has been clean ever since.

data west

Oct 25, 2017
If you downtalk Bellular, Reddit will downvote you into oblivion.

Which is weird how positive they are about someone who is so utterly negative and out of his depth


Oct 28, 2017
I enjoy Bellular's videos. Probably because I mostly agree with him and there's a catharsis in listening to someone else voice similar frustrations that I have.

I guess if you're enjoying what WoW has become there's probably nothing there for you in his videos, but I'm not one of those people.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't play either. :D But I think that most people agree that most classes and specs in current WoW are enjoyable, so it really comes down to what aspects appeal to you more.

Warriors have a massive edge in mobility, thanks to Charge and Heroic Leap. Death Knights, on the other hand, have the utility of Death Grip and magical trickery, like Chains of Ice, Anti-Magic Shell/Zone, and Control Undead. Tank-wise, Blood DK still has incredible self-healing but is susceptible to burst damage at the highest level of content. Protection Warriors are the most traditional tank spec, with generally low self-healing (making them more reliant on their healer) but some of the best raw damage mitigation in the game.

If you're looking for what's more "meta" among cutting edge players, it's probably Warrior for tanking and PvP, and DK for PvE DPS. That said, the classes in WoW are pretty balanced right now, so I'd personally say that the best thing you can do for yourself is follow your heart and have fun.
Thanks for the informational answer and advice!


Oct 26, 2017
When is 9.1's ETA? I figure I might as well wait on my alts til flyings in.

I wouldn't be surprised if 9.1 hits by the end of June (I'm guessing June 22nd). Their Q2 ends June 30th and they need people to resub before then. They are already testing heroic late tiers of the raid and even if everything is not ready, I think they will push it out regardless to meet that deadline.


Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if 9.1 hits by the end of June (I'm guessing June 22nd). Their Q2 ends June 30th and they need people to resub before then. They are already testing heroic late tiers of the raid and even if everything is not ready, I think they will push it out regardless to meet that deadline.

That sounds about right. I'm in that weird space too where I can either let my sub run or just keep moving alts into SL. I'm just getting them through the Maw intro for now since I have the mount.

Leveling is annoying knowing that flying is so close and the 2 big shortcuts at 60 are huge time savers.


Oct 26, 2017
I was actually going to suggest this. I haven't done any 9.0 Holy Paladin, but BoV used to be a staple for dungeons. Glimmer is probably good for consistent background healing, but BoV will be more powerful for the burst moments you're talking about. I'd give it a shot!

It's hard to beat the raw healing throughout and reactive lifesaving power of Holy Priest, but BoV will let you get closer.

been playing a lot with Virtue lately (good timing too since I believe bursting is THE week to play virtue anyway) and it's so good and game changing that I honestly don't think I can go back to glimmer :/
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