Where Does Your Loyalty Lie?

  • Kyrian

    Votes: 143 20.2%
  • Necrolords

    Votes: 127 17.9%
  • Night Fae

    Votes: 247 34.9%
  • Venthyr

    Votes: 191 27.0%

  • Total voters
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Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Here's your options:


Note: You only have access to the Threads of Fate option once you unlock world quests on a single character.

This is one of the best features ever.

Deleted member 52442

User requested account closure
Jan 24, 2019
Sanguine depths is pretty meh which is disappointing

All the dungeons are good/great besides Necrotic wake (horrible) and sanguine depths (meh) imo

tomorrow ill be item level appropriate for heroics so we'll see how that goes


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Forget about choosing a covenant, I'm stressing out about Phalynx or Larion.

Didn't get to play as much today but I'm up to 54 and having fun. I'll choose tomorrow.


Oct 25, 2017
How's everyone feel on this so far? I loved legion, and bailed on BfA before the first patch. Thinking of getting this, is it more like legion or following BfA?


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
The intro to Maldraxxus is madness. Absolute madness.

I really like it.


Oct 25, 2017
I usually have some hits/misses in terms of leveling zones -- and so far, having just finished Ardenweald, I loved all 3. And all for different reasons! All 3 are so different from each other. Ardenweald got my emotions and cemented it as my covenant for my druid, especially due to having the most fun with both the covenant and signature abilities compared to the others.


Oct 26, 2017
...Yeah? Covenant campaigns dont start until max lvl. The main storyline just act as a setup for those.

Of course duh, I was counting the main story of each zone as the covenant campaigns and...technically they aren't (except they are, but game systems wise they aren't lol). So I can continue the stories of each zone that I've already seen on 3 different alts in the future I guess, neat!


Nov 6, 2017
Got to 60 and started my covenant campaign. I loved the leveling, all the zone were great with Bastion and Ardenweald being my favorites. Leveling in BfA was exhausting and I can say this was the total opposite. Plan is to wait for my friends to level and clear all the mythic dungeons before the weekly reset.


Oct 27, 2017
is NO ONE doing dungeons right now? ive been in several 1hr+ long queues as dps today before quitting without queue popping.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
The game feels off. The questing is very by the rails and you cannot do anything until you finish the campaign up to getting the Soul Ash.

Covenants just... Eh... Like, it's a lot of hype but at the end of the day it's just another base you slowly upgrade.

I can see this expansion not being well liked in a bit just cause it's all the same stuff as previous expansions from WoD onward.

The covenant abilities for a lot of classes are just actually useless for almost every situation. As a Rogue, I didn't notice much from leveling with those abilities. It would be nice if each were an abiltiely that just grew with your ilvl in terms of damage and held a decent cooldown. I am thinking of rerollinh druid for Night Fae nuclear blast but the game itself is just reminding me how much I hate gated content.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Also torghat needs to be way harder. You just take the DPS and HP bonuses. You literally faceroll it and you're spent more bored having to drudge through floors of ezmode. I watched some beta streams and it doesn't seem to get harder, you eventually melt bosses in seconds.


Oct 27, 2017
Western Australia
Hey guys, first time back playing in maybe close to 10 years.

I've started a new character and an working my way through the starting area - it's much more cinematic than I remember things being back in the day.

I pretty much left when burning crusade came out - am I able to revisit some of those expansion packs? When I finish up with the latest one.


Serious Sam

Oct 27, 2017
I pretty much left when burning crusade came out - am I able to revisit some of those expansion packs? When I finish up with the latest one.
Don't worry, all the old content is still there. It's just kind of hidden from "newcomers" so that game feels less overwhelming. You'll be able to revisit all the old zones and content as you want.


Jan 10, 2018
is NO ONE doing dungeons right now? ive been in several 1hr+ long queues as dps today before quitting without queue popping.
Most likely just a large amount of people queueing as dps compared to tank/heals. Especially with new dungeons and nobody knowing mechanics if they weren't keeping track of alpha/beta


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I just finished the Bastion story quests and Im already lvl 56 without a single dungeon run. Maybe leveling is too fast?


Oct 25, 2017
I pretty much left when burning crusade came out - am I able to revisit some of those expansion packs? When I finish up with the latest one.

You don't need to finish anything. All expansions scale from level 10 to 50. You can jump in another one when you want.

To enable the scaling in the expansion you decide, you need to visit the Chromie NPC in Stormwind.

Just remember that if you want to continue playing inside the expansion you want, you have to disable XP gain at level 49, otherwise the game forcefully boots you out of the scaling as soon you get to level 50. So if you ding 50 you can't go back with the scaling working. You'd need to create a brand new character.


Oct 31, 2017
Miami, FL
Some friends and I decided to dive into Heroic + Mythic Sanguine Depths and Mists of Tirna Scithe. Pretty easy when all is said and done. It'll only get easier as we continue to get gear from heroics/mythics.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I usually have some hits/misses in terms of leveling zones -- and so far, having just finished Ardenweald, I loved all 3. And all for different reasons! All 3 are so different from each other. Ardenweald got my emotions and cemented it as my covenant for my druid, especially due to having the most fun with both the covenant and signature abilities compared to the others.
Convoke the Spirits is the best ability Druid got since Symbiosis

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I liked Bastion's atmosphere the most thus far. Also, the Prime Engineer guy is great.

Maldraxxus was fine, although it had an annoying start. By the end it got much better.

I had just started Ardenweald when I realized I didn't want to play my Warrior first after all, and went back to my paladin, lol.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Thank god i'm done with Ardenweald.

Although the loremaster in me will want to do all side quests and the campaign eventually.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm doing all the sidequests I come across, many are actually rather interesting and show you bits of the zone you wouldn't see if you stick to main story.


Oct 26, 2017
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah druid travel form / worgen running wild will either get locked from The Maw or they will just unlock every mount when people start throwing hissy fits (in this case, with reason tbh)


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know if Soulshape works in the Maw? And in non-Shadowlands areas? I love it on my DK. Still have Venthyr to try, but this mobility bonus could make me choose Night Fae.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know if Soulshape works in the Maw? And in non-Shadowlands areas? I love it on my DK. Still have Venthyr to try, but this mobility bonus could make me choose Night Fae.

I haven't tested it myself, but I'm almost completely certain that it works in both the Maw and non-Shadowlands areas.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know if Soulshape works in the Maw? And in non-Shadowlands areas? I love it on my DK. Still have Venthyr to try, but this mobility bonus could make me choose Night Fae.
It does but remember that outside of rested areas Soulshape is just a 50% movement speed boost with 2 small blinks.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't tested it myself, but I'm almost completely certain that it works in both the Maw and non-Shadowlands areas.
It does but remember that outside of rested areas Soulshape is just a 50% movement speed boost with 2 small blinks.

Nice thanks both.

And "just" 50% is already huge for one of the slowest class in WoW :D I mean my base movement ability gives me 35% for 10s... And if I want another one (which gives 75% this time), I have to sacrifice survivability talents. I hate it so much when I'm doing a dungeon and I see the 4 others rush ahead, while I roleplay as slow-walking Arthas. Could be nice in pyp too.

But I haven't made up my mind yet. I need to see Venthyr and check every convenants again...


Oct 25, 2017
Thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, got to 60. Still would've preferred to go Necrolords on my Blood DK but Venthyr abilities feel so good to use, and then were a close seconds after going through the areas anyway.

I'm not really feeling the Maw though so far.


Oct 29, 2017
Anyone know if Soulshape works in the Maw? And in non-Shadowlands areas? I love it on my DK. Still have Venthyr to try, but this mobility bonus could make me choose Night Fae.
Yea I don't know either but I should bloody hope so.... It's one of the huge benefits of that covenant


Oct 25, 2017
Might be stuck on the main story, no new quest is popping up for it, spoilers below

"Ive just rescued Baine from Torghast, now on the quest to gain 1250 soul ash. Am i on the right path still for the main story? as there is no "Main Story" icon for the quest


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Nice thanks both.

And "just" 50% is already huge for one of the slowest class in WoW :D I mean my base movement ability gives me 35% for 10s... And if I want another one (which gives 75% this time), I have to sacrifice survivability talents. I hate it so much when I'm doing a dungeon and I see the 4 others rush ahead, while I roleplay as slow-walking Arthas. Could be nice in pyp too.

But I haven't made up my mind yet. I need to see Venthyr and check every convenants again...
I might be biased in the evaluation of Night Fae Soulshape since I play a Worgen.........................Druid :D
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