
Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
I only use my Switch handheld as, outside of a few 1080p first party titles, it looks very ropey indeed on a 55" screen. I'm used to the X and Pro pumping out 4K (or near) and HDR visuals and it's a huge, huge step down to Switch. But as a handheld, it's a different story - it's bloody incredible. Seeing MK8 on that screen at a locked 60fps is something we couldn't have imagined just a short time ago.

As a handheld, it's surpassed my expectations. As a docked console, it's exactly where I expected it to be and I remain disappointed that we will still never see another powerful Nintendo home console.


Oct 25, 2017
Overall, when a developer has the time/resources/talent for a game's development and when the game itself has easy ways to make adjustments (e.g., it was 1080p/60fps on other consoles and can become 720p/30fps), the ports can turn out quite well. Exclusives also can look great. It seems that certain engines, like Snowdrop, work really well on Switch.

Switch is clearly a different kind of console from the PS4/XB1, and its capabilities lie somewhere between Wii U and PS4/XB1. As a result, it's hanging in there and probably could run a recognizable version of most modern games released. The exceptions are likely the most technologically ambitious titles, but even then, clever development and compromises could potentially make it happen. (It's just a matter of if consumers would want those compromises' final results.)

I'm feeling okay with the console's capabilities. I'm mostly playing exclusives, indies, remasters, and ports that got special attention, and I'll probably keep doing that, since I own a PS4 that can handle the heavy lifting when needed.

I'm still eagerly awaiting a Switch Pro that can help out with the capabilities, but as has been the case with all of my Nintendo console purchases since the Wii, graphics aren't my primary concern. A good art and tech team still can produce wonderful results. Technologically capable or not, Switch has built up a solid library of good-looking games.

TL;DR: I feel that my Switch's capabilities are fine. It is home to great games that work well on the system, and I have a PS4 to play on when I feel it's a better fit.
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why many Switch users try in every way to convince the others that its main weakness, which is a necessity due to the much smaller form factor and ultimately what allows the Switch to be a portable and thus have its main appeal over the competition, just isn't there.

It doesn't hold its ground against PS4/XBone. In direct comparison, for the few games that are actually ported to it thus providing the chance to compare at all, Switch version is always the worst one, by a clear measure. And that's absolutely normal. Its selling point is not being able to hold its ground graphically against the other platforms (which it can't). It's allowing you to play wherever you want: and that it can do, quite well actually.
Yeah, this.


Brand Manager
Oct 27, 2017
sorry but what do you mean? we certainly have NOT seen what the switch is capable for yet.

If you would prefer to do so, you can of course wait until the next generation of consoles is out to accurately judge what each machine "was capable" of. But between direct ports (some of which are really well done) of current gen games, and looking at some of the games that PS4 and Xbox One had at this point in their life cycle (like Witcher 3, Ryse or The Order) there is just no indication to support the OP's claim that the Switch can hold its own against the other 2 consoles when it comes to performance.

And again, that is fine. The only people who somehow expect and keep arguing that the Switch is on the same performance level as the PS4 and XBox are the diehard fanboys. Everyone else just appreciates that they have a handheld they can play Skyrim or DOOM on.


Oct 25, 2017
"compromised". DOOM looks amazing to me, despite me playing PS4 Pro and Xbox One X versions of the game. Even Switch only games like Mario + Rabbids have an very impressive look despite the lower IQ and resolution. I think people are way too eager to shit on the Switch's graphical capabilities because it doesn't have the hardware to achieve the resolution and IQ (and some third party open world games outright can't run due to glaring bottlenecks), but what it can achieve is way beyond what I would find acceptable for a portable device in 2018. Even as a console, I don't mind some of the ports that run noticeably worse than the other consoles because those consoles flat out are not portable.

Do people find last gen games on PS3/Xbox One suddenly unplayable or something? A lot of the resolution and IQ issues were seeing on the Switch is reminiscent of the way developers made compromises last gen to get games running well. I have no issues playing a last gen game where a HD release doesn't exist and still get impressed at some of the visuals achieved years ago where 720p was the common acceptable resolution.
Yes, games running at half the resolution and at less than half the framerate are compromised. I don't know what else you would call it.

Switch has good looking games, but it's not near as powerful as the other consoles, and that's okay.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
My view of the system's capabilities really haven't changed much. It's a moderately powerful handheld with great 1st party games. The compromises on 3rd party games are far too great for me though.

Switch to me can truly hold its own against PS4 and XBO when developers actually try to push the system

It can't though and your fooling yourself if you really believe this. It does a good job as a handheld but there is no way it keeps up to consoles that are designed to draw a lot more power.

It's still PS360-level for me. There is nothing spectacular about those screenshots, especially when you compare them to top-looking games on X1 and PS4.

It's really unfair and inaccurate to call the Switch PS360-level. The capabilities of the GPU alone is far above what we had in the PS360 consoles.


Feb 21, 2018
To me, Switch is an interesting example of what you need to have for major publishers to bring their games on your platform. I mean it's a well-known narrative that tells, that the only thing publishers need is money. So popular platform amongst customers = popular platform amongst publishers. Reality is nowhere near this. Wii was extremely popular but due to an astronomical difference in power, no desire was enough to bring PS360 games on the platform. With Wii U we saw exact opposite - it was an infamously unpopular platform, so its power was not the argument = no ports.

Switch I think hit right in-between these extremes. It's still underpowered, but this time at very least it uses similar generation of GPU hardware and well-known ARM architecture and tools. And it's popular. So we finally saw some efforts from third parties to bring their games. And also it's a good time for developers to have an actual real-life case to test their efforts of optimization and improvements to the scalability of their engines. Snowdrop, ID Tech 6 and Unreal all shown impressive possibilities to fit on such weak hardware. All these technics may return to "BIG" versions and future consoles as well (as it was already done with Warframe port, where optimization from switch version was included to PC/One/PS4).

My point - Switch is still weak, but it's powerful just enough for publishers to try it out. Problem is that with potential PS5/TwO we sill get another step to the fidelity of games and ports to Switch will again become impossible.


May 31, 2018
My thoughts on the Switch's capabilities are the same now and they'll likely be the same for a while longer:

No potential Switch port is either impossible or guaranteed, only higher or lower on a spectrum of possibility that excludes either extreme. It's best not to rule anything out or expect anything because we just do not know what might happen until it does/doesn't.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm afraid many people still think it is as powerful as the PS3 or Wii U. Many games already show that's not true, and it's pretty powerful. But there's still work to do in order to change people's mind.

Infamous Hawk

Oct 30, 2017
Switch to me can truly hold its own against PS4 and XBO when developers actually try to push the system.

Dude. Switch is a very powerful mobile platform but it's literally never going to be as powerful as PS4 and XBO. Developers can't squeeze performance that isn't there. This is like some kid with a Honda Fit thinking he can compete with a Dodge Charger. Just not going to happen.


Oct 27, 2017
The Switch is a tiny handheld that runs on 7W. It was never going to be equal to a big black box that draws 130W. It's amazing as a handheld and OK as a console.


Oct 27, 2017
People make huge mistake when they keep comparing Switch to other consoles. it is a different type of a device with different purpose.

it doesn't matter how Switch games looks in comparison to other consoles, it is the only option to play those games anywhere anytime and you can't do this with a bigger and more capable device.
when you consider the actual hardware it is impressive and more capable than most 800$+ mobile devices. a Nintendo device hasn't been this capable and balanced within its domain since the GameCube. Switch games have been performing great with solid fps whatever they are even this early into the hardware life cycle.


Oct 25, 2017
"it runs on toasters"
and than you bring a gpd win 2 video specifying "recent integrated gpu"

you know that switch is a handheld machine right

Yeah. Recent so that no one tells me "what about the Intel HD4000 from 2008 ??"
Intel HD 615 is litterally what you'd call a toaster.
Of course I bring a video of the GPD Win 2. It's a handheld too. And it's running on a core m3 CPU with an HD615 GPU, which are toaster tier for a laptop.
And the proof with that is that without any specific work on the device, it runs well over 30fps at medium settings and native resolution.

Where's the trolling here ?
If anything, it's the most honest comparison possible.
Oct 27, 2017
I only use my Switch handheld as, outside of a few 1080p first party titles, it looks very ropey indeed on a 55" screen. I'm used to the X and Pro pumping out 4K (or near) and HDR visuals and it's a huge, huge step down to Switch. But as a handheld, it's a different story - it's bloody incredible. Seeing MK8 on that screen at a locked 60fps is something we couldn't have imagined just a short time ago.

As a handheld, it's surpassed my expectations. As a docked console, it's exactly where I expected it to be and I remain disappointed that we will still never see another powerful Nintendo home console.
This is generally how I feel. Switch games look abominable on my 55' OLED, especially compared to the PS4 and Xbox One.

It is very impressive as a handheld console but I don't particularly care about portable games.

I wish Nintendo would release a powerful home console, with a proper controller and without the gimmicks attached. We haven't really had one of those since the Gamecube.


Oct 27, 2017
Great for a handheld, good enough for a console. It's my primary console, by far, but that has more to do with all its other features, it's just great that the graphics are not holding the games back too much for me to care.
Hero of Legend
Oct 26, 2017
What I mean by holding its own is that it's something that's at least comparable (as that Warfame comparison vid posted earlier shows), not that it's as powerful as PS4 and XBO, since obviously that's not the case and I never implied it was.

I just feel it's far closer to current gen than a lot think. Certainly far closer to PS4 than PS3.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dude. Switch is a very powerful mobile platform but it's literally never going to be as powerful as PS4 and XBO. Developers can't squeeze performance that isn't there. This is like some kid with a Honda Fit thinking he can compete with a Dodge Charger. Just not going to happen.

Kind of agree with the person you quoted. Obviously it can't handle graphics like The Witcher 3 has but to me Mario Odyssey looks a ton better than games that go for that art style on Playstation, such as Knack and Crash. And first party Nintendo games are generally 60fps as well. For such a tiny thing that definitely is holding its own IMO.


Oct 31, 2017
Amazing portable and capable console. It's great for what it is, an hybrid!

Obviously it doesn't stand a chance in raw power with PS4/X1. I mean, a game like Horizon or Uncharted 4 would NEVER be playable on the Switch.

That being said, I buy every 3rd party for the Switch, even if it also comes out on the PS4 (I own both).

Infamous Hawk

Oct 30, 2017
Kind of agree with the person you quoted. Obviously it can't handle graphics like The Witcher 3 has but to me Mario Odyssey looks a ton better than games that go for that art style on Playstation, such as Knack and Crash. And first party Nintendo games are generally 60fps as well. For such a tiny thing that definitely is holding its own IMO.

Preference for a certain art style has nothing to do with technical specs.

That's great that you like Mario Odyssey on Switch. The Switch still won't run a game like Forza Horizon 4 or RDR2 as they currently exist on PS4/XBO.
Oct 29, 2017
I wouldn't say it could hold its own against the PS4/X1 just because it can get some heavily compromised ports. I mean its good for a handheld but it just seems silly to compare them. I'm currently playing through God of War and its insane how good that game looks, literally every couple minutes I'm going wow.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fine, I'm reaching 150 hours of Warframe on Switch and I can easily say Panic Button did an amazing job as always.


Oct 27, 2017
Well ...playing Wolfenstein 2 on the Playstation and than on the Switch left me pretty disappointed with the Switch version.
It was so damn blurry and sluggish.
I think Panic Button as a porting Studio is pretty overrated (see the subpar Ps4/Xbox port of Subnautica).
The most impressive Switch port in my opinion was Outlast 2, the image quality was so good.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
What I mean by holding its own is that it's something that's at least comparable (as that Warfame comparison vid posted earlier shows), not that it's as powerful as PS4 and XBO, since obviously that's not the case and I never implied it was.

I just feel it's far closer to current gen than a lot think. Certainly far closer to PS4 than PS3.

Wolfie is an amazing port that i will never cease to be in awe seeing on handheld mode, it seems like wizardry. And still i dont feel it is comparable to the other console versions, specially not the pro/1x ones. Comparisons need equal ground of criteria to be fair and the switch can be docked to match other consoles - and it just doesnt "hold its own against them" this way, i'm sorry. On the other hand, it more than surpasses everything ever released to this day as a handheld, which i believe is far more what they were going for.

Wanting to compare e-penises for the switch with ps4/x1 is silly. They're not the same thing. They're not using the same mindset as their basis.


Oct 25, 2017
What I mean by holding its own is that it's something that's at least comparable (as that Warfame comparison vid posted earlier shows), not that it's as powerful as PS4 and XBO, since obviously that's not the case and I never implied it was.

I just feel it's far closer to current gen than a lot think. Certainly far closer to PS4 than PS3.

Yeah but as people said: Warframe runs on nearly everything.
As for being closer to PS4 than PS3 sure, it's a more modern platform. More modern than PS4 too.
But yeah in term of horsepower, the gap is still there. That's why the framerate in Doom is two times lower and the resolution is 3 to nearly 4 times lower.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Feels like a slightly better version of last gen consoles(PS360 & Will U) to me. It's not a bad thing considering its' portability, but i've never quite understood the idea that

"Panic button got doom to run on switch, so switch can handle pretty much anything on current gen with some small compromises."

Doom is impressive, but it also isn't super indicative considering its' design is for relatively small areas filled with lots of corridors as opposed to a lot of open areas.

Starlink looks solid, but I haven't touched it, and the pictures in the OP, while solid, don't particularly wow me.

My friend had a shitty laptop from 2010 that ran Warframe fine.

If Witcher 3 gets put on the thing and doesn't run/look like garbage, I'll change my tune about it. Right now, it's a good piece of tech that is about as powerful as you could hope considering its' form factor, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Oct 29, 2017
Well, I would say that even playing many of these games on PS4 would be a compromise for me if they have a PC version. I can ignore performance perfectly fine with first party titles (especially Nintendo's), but I cannot if there is a PC version.

Not to mention that even I can agree that games where the devs truly try to push the PS4 look better than anything else, even PC. So yeah it is not surprise that a game on a weaker system can look amazing. Switch can look on part at times with the other, PS4 can look at times on its own realm.
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Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
It's very impressive but anyone who thinks it can hold its own compared to the ps4/xb1 is frankly deluded.

It's more powerful than the last gen but you only have to look at something like God of War, Horizon, Uncharted 4 etc to see the Switch is nowhere near that level.


Oct 28, 2017
It can get some ports of PS4 and XB1 games and its exclusive titles look nice. It's doing what I expected. I haven't seen a title that made me go, "holy shit, they did that" though.

As time goes on and the system is better understood it should get some more solid ports. It's not a powerhouse system but for a handheld its solid and docked it is fine for me. A Pro revision would be great for me though.


Jul 14, 2018
Feels like a slightly better version of last gen consoles(PS360 & Will U) to me. It's not a bad thing considering its' portability, but i've never quite understood the idea that

"Panic button got doom to run on switch, so switch can handle pretty much anything on current gen with some small compromises."

Doom is impressive, but it also isn't super indicative considering its' design is for relatively small areas filled with lots of corridors as opposed to a lot of open areas.

Starlink looks solid, but I haven't touched it, and the pictures in the OP, while solid, don't particularly wow me.

My friend had a shitty laptop from 2010 that ran Warframe fine.

If Witcher 3 gets put on the thing and doesn't run/look like garbage, I'll change my tune about it. Right now, it's a good piece of tech that is about as powerful as you could hope considering its' form factor, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Witcher 3 would have to have loading screens travelling around, and or drastically reduced NPC count. Switch CPU would choke in town, and the CPU/GPU would be fighting for bandwidth in the open world. It's just too large, and there is too much going on for the CPU to calculate.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
It looks amazing for a handheld but pales in comparison to PS4 and Xbone. But that's to be expected.


Feb 26, 2018
Look at the guys post history, you're wasting your time.

are you salty about something? if not, who are you?

What I mean by holding its own is that it's something that's at least comparable (as that Warfame comparison vid posted earlier shows), not that it's as powerful as PS4 and XBO, since obviously that's not the case and I never implied it was.

I just feel it's far closer to current gen than a lot think. Certainly far closer to PS4 than PS3.


It's very impressive but anyone who thinks it can hold its own compared to the ps4/xb1 is frankly deluded.

It's more powerful than the last gen but you only have to look at something like God of War, Horizon, Uncharted 4 etc to see the Switch is nowhere near that level.

okay but those games launched well ahead of the ps4 life cycle, best looking game before was infamous second son. optimization and knowledge of the hardware is a thing even on switch.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Witcher 3 would have to have loading screens travelling around, and or drastically reduced NPC count. Switch CPU would choke in town, and the CPU/GPU would be fighting for bandwidth in the open world. It's just too large, and there is too much going on for the CPU to calculate.

Lol, I don't believe it's possible at least with out massive, massive detriments or black magic. To really change how I feel about the switch at this point though, I'd likely need to see a similarly big game like that ported to switch. Otherwise, it's kind of performing exactly as I'd expect it too for the most part, and even these examples like the ones in the OP don't really change that, imo.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Switch graphics look awful compared to current gen consoles. It looks like complete trash when compared to modernn PC games. Nothing about the switches graphics are impressive. It blows my mind that there are people out there they think the Switches graphics are anything to write about. Your cellphone is capable of better performance.


Dec 12, 2017
I've never been particularly concerned with the performance of the Switch's software so much as their pricing.

While a little better than last gen, Switch software deals seem to be terrible in comparison to games on other platforms.

And that's not even taking into account the blatant price-gouging for a lot of critical Switch accessories.