
Dec 12, 2023
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Game on motherfuckers
Oct 25, 2017
Lol they banned me for the meme for "causing cross thread drama". Lots of butthurt chuds in that Stellar Blade thread I guess.

On topic, it's absolutely bonkers to me that some dipshits think the Outlaws main character looks ugly. But it has made me think more about physical beauty in our media. Whether it's movies or games, they are all chock-full of super attractive people. And in most cases that attractiveness has nothing to do with the character or the story per se. But of course, in games, the way male characters are attractive is very different from the way female characters are. This comic does a great job of illustrating that -

I wonder how the masses would react if most of our media featured truly average-looking characters.
Not to put the country on blast, but I kinda like British TV cause they don't all look like models all the time.


Aug 27, 2020
They don't want actual women around, they want us out of gaming, both development, the press and playing them. Hell it's why I feel so many of these chuds promote AI over actual artists and I 100% believe they'd push for AI voices to get rid of the need for voice actresses. They want game to be their ultimate power fantasy.

This is the general idea and I don't really have too many good Twitter examples (because I will never get a Twitter account ever) and I'm going to keep going back to this one account, but this is a really good example of their hive mindset.

"Yes! Let's go back to the positive gaming community WE created before you came in with your bullshit and ruined it. We didn't need you, we didn't want you in here but you came in and destroyed everything anyway."

These shallow, superficial men detest that women want to invade what they classify as "their hobby" and "their safe space". It pisses them off tremendously that we're even trying to have a say in how games are designed to become more inclusive and realistic in their portrayals. These are also the kinds of people who will go around on the internet flaunting how they have a hot wife that they bang every day too. And it leads one to wonder that if they're so satisfied with themselves and their wife...then what's the problem? Surely their wife doesn't look like a perfect model out of a hentai, right?

Case in Point:

And, sure, I'm only posting one guy, but this mentality bleeds all over the internet and into so many other people. They have such hot girlfriends and wives, but even they are not good enough that they still want video games to be their "escapism" from their loving partners.

It truly, truly is pathetic.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Well, well, well, would you look at how that boot's looking on the other foot now.

It was funny seeing the chuds getting so mad at this. Can't handle it when the same shit they do to women is sarcastically done to men to highlight the stupidity of it.

Even saw some QRT's going "so you like adolescent boys" in response, they're so close to getting it.


Jul 11, 2022
These are also the kinds of people who will go around on the internet flaunting how they have a hot wife that they bang every day too. And it leads one to wonder that if they're so satisfied with themselves and their wife...then what's the problem? Surely their wife doesn't look like a perfect model out of a hentai, right?

Case in Point:

And, sure, I'm only posting one guy, but this mentality bleeds all over the internet and into so many other people. They have such hot girlfriends and wives, but even they are not good enough that they still want video games to be their "escapism" from their loving partners.

It truly, truly is pathetic.
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Oct 25, 2017
It was funny seeing the chuds getting so mad at this. Can't handle it when the same shit they do to women is sarcastically done to men to highlight the stupidity of it.

Even saw some QRT's going "so you like adolescent boys" in response, they're so close to getting it.
Ha, these chuds are getting worse somehow!


Oct 28, 2023
All this crap being thrown at Outlaws is just reminding me of what happen with Forspoken. I guarantee 80% of people complaining about the protagonist are just mad at them being a black women. In any case I'm excited for the game especially with the announced faction system which I always enjoy seeing different attempts of in games.
Feb 24, 2018
This is the general idea and I don't really have too many good Twitter examples (because I will never get a Twitter account ever) and I'm going to keep going back to this one account, but this is a really good example of their hive mindset.

"Yes! Let's go back to the positive gaming community WE created before you came in with your bullshit and ruined it. We didn't need you, we didn't want you in here but you came in and destroyed everything anyway."

These shallow, superficial men detest that women want to invade what they classify as "their hobby" and "their safe space". It pisses them off tremendously that we're even trying to have a say in how games are designed to become more inclusive and realistic in their portrayals. These are also the kinds of people who will go around on the internet flaunting how they have a hot wife that they bang every day too. And it leads one to wonder that if they're so satisfied with themselves and their wife...then what's the problem? Surely their wife doesn't look like a perfect model out of a hentai, right?

Case in Point:

And, sure, I'm only posting one guy, but this mentality bleeds all over the internet and into so many other people. They have such hot girlfriends and wives, but even they are not good enough that they still want video games to be their "escapism" from their loving partners.

It truly, truly is pathetic.
"Let's go back to the positive gaming community WE created before you came in with your bullshit and ruined it." is also just a complete lie. Like I and many others pointed out in the Women of gaming thread, women have been influential and involved in gaming since even before most of these people would consider gaming history starting; same with women playing video games. While the industry is very guilty of erasing or obscuring so much of what women did for the industry, these people are being deliberately ignorant (Or just repeat what they've been told without checking).


Mar 19, 2024
These shallow, superficial men detest that women want to invade what they classify as "their hobby" and "their safe space". It pisses them off tremendously that we're even trying to have a say in how games are designed to become more inclusive and realistic in their portrayals. These are also the kinds of people who will go around on the internet flaunting how they have a hot wife that they bang every day too. And it leads one to wonder that if they're so satisfied with themselves and their wife...then what's the problem? Surely their wife doesn't look like a perfect model out of a hentai, right?

Case in Point:
How do I put this, please forgive my inability to word this any better:
This is how people who've never had sex think people who have sex talk about it like.


Nov 30, 2017
How do I put this, please forgive my inability to word this any better:
This is how people who've never had sex think people who have sex talk about it like.

The discussion surrounding women's portrayal in games has really devolved when we're going after a person's sexual experience, or lack their of, to explain their positions on the topic. This Character AI guy is a massive tool and I'm not defending him, but I know plenty of people who are by all rights sensitive, well-adjusted and have happy families, and have met asexual people as well that still seek base titillation from games and adjacent media. Who knows if this guy posts about games on Twitter after sex with his wife or not - it's irrelevant and engaging in a proxy "you're a virgin / no I'm not" debate is probably not productive.

There's plenty wrong with Stellar Blade, Tera, Invictus, Nikke etc. that we shouldn't need to resort to this.
Mar 23, 2024
This is the general idea and I don't really have too many good Twitter examples (because I will never get a Twitter account ever) and I'm going to keep going back to this one account, but this is a really good example of their hive mindset.

"Yes! Let's go back to the positive gaming community WE created before you came in with your bullshit and ruined it. We didn't need you, we didn't want you in here but you came in and destroyed everything anyway."

These shallow, superficial men detest that women want to invade what they classify as "their hobby" and "their safe space". It pisses them off tremendously that we're even trying to have a say in how games are designed to become more inclusive and realistic in their portrayals. These are also the kinds of people who will go around on the internet flaunting how they have a hot wife that they bang every day too. And it leads one to wonder that if they're so satisfied with themselves and their wife...then what's the problem? Surely their wife doesn't look like a perfect model out of a hentai, right?

Case in Point:

And, sure, I'm only posting one guy, but this mentality bleeds all over the internet and into so many other people. They have such hot girlfriends and wives, but even they are not good enough that they still want video games to be their "escapism" from their loving partners.

It truly, truly is pathetic.

That Twitter ai character guy probably uses something like chatgpt to write his stuff, not surprised he sounds real dumb.

Also what he's saying is really gross and not to say anyone shouldn't be upset by him but it really does seem like that guy and others on twitter, just write stuff like that to get the most reaction possible positive or negative. It's sad this attitude is so prevalent but it is really rough to see all these twitter posts talking about fixing women bodies/gaming communities tbh, it's pretty depressing.

Well at the very least most of these guys aren't in charge of anything in the industry. Glad also that most of the designs are just ai trash and not official other than the odd few like Ste*lar blade lol (Specifically from the people on twitter and the like rn, there are plenty of over sexualized designs out there ofc).
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Mar 19, 2024
The discussion surrounding women's portrayal in games has really devolved when we're going after a person's sexual experience, or lack their of, to explain their positions on the topic. This Character AI guy is a massive tool and I'm not defending him, but I know plenty of people who are by all rights sensitive, well-adjusted and have happy families, and have met asexual people as well that still seek base titillation from games and adjacent media. Who knows if this guy posts about games on Twitter after sex with his wife or not - it's irrelevant and engaging in a proxy "you're a virgin / no I'm not" debate is probably not productive.

There's plenty wrong with Stellar Blade, Tera, Invictus, Nikke etc. that we shouldn't need to resort to this.
Yeah I didn't really mean to start this kind of discussion, I mostly point this out because I notice a lot of these people have this sort of complete fascination with the very concept of sex to where they think it's some kind of goal and a gotcha. It's a complicated thing to say without sounding like you're just pointing fingers, but I think it kinda speaks a lot how much worth these people put on one's ability to have sex, to put the act in such a massive pedestal. There's probably more to say about my experience in talking to people like this but I'm not super confident in my ability to word this right now, and I really don't want this to devolve into that sort of conversation about virginity not even indirectly.
Feb 9, 2024
I just wonder what's with the seek/need of tillilation in games.

I don't mean this from the publisher or developer standpoint, i already know their answer, "sex sells yadda yadda"

But from the user's perspective... what's the point? I mean, yes, just like in movies and TV shows, we want out main characters to be appealing, but appealing can mean a lot of things.

I'm a cis straight man almost in my forties, i've played a lot of stuff, i was a teen in the wake of poligon 3D games and i already cringed at the sight of female characters having sexy poses and animations for the sake of it (plus, for a long time there was only one TV in my house, so for example playing Soul Calibur 2 and being pit agaisnt Ivy made me want to crawl into a hole and disappear), if i want to look at porn and erotica with exaggerated proportions and jello t&a i know several sites in the internet to do so, but when i'm gaming i want to game, i want my main character to be appealing as a game character, to fit in the setting it's been put on.

Sorry, i know i'm preaching to the choir here, the lastest controversy with SW:O has me rolling my eyes once again, and i get the feeling this is happening more and more often lately.


Oct 25, 2017
I just wonder what's with the seek/need of tillilation in games.

I don't mean this from the publisher or developer standpoint, i already know their answer, "sex sells yadda yadda"

But from the user's perspective... what's the point? I mean, yes, just like in movies and TV shows, we want out main characters to be appealing, but appealing can mean a lot of things.

I'm a cis straight man almost in my forties, i've played a lot of stuff, i was a teen in the wake of poligon 3D games and i already cringed at the sight of female characters having sexy poses and animations for the sake of it (plus, for a long time there was only one TV in my house, so for example playing Soul Calibur 2 and being pit agaisnt Ivy made me want to crawl into a hole and disappear), if i want to look at porn and erotica with exaggerated proportions and jello t&a i know several sites in the internet to do so, but when i'm gaming i want to game, i want my main character to be appealing as a game character, to fit in the setting it's been put on.

Sorry, i know i'm preaching to the choir here, the lastest controversy with SW:O has me rolling my eyes once again, and i get the feeling this is happening more and more often lately.
It's not about titillation, the objectification of and hostility towards women is the point. Everything has become part of the all-encompassing culture war for these people.

Preferences are a thing of course, but I feel like a large part of why you get over the top shit like jello breasts with balloon physics is because it's more demeaning and overtly objectifying, not because it's hotter.


Feb 27, 2024
I just wonder what's with the seek/need of tillilation in games.

I don't mean this from the publisher or developer standpoint, i already know their answer, "sex sells yadda yadda"

But from the user's perspective... what's the point? I mean, yes, just like in movies and TV shows, we want out main characters to be appealing, but appealing can mean a lot of things.

I'm a cis straight man almost in my forties, i've played a lot of stuff, i was a teen in the wake of poligon 3D games and i already cringed at the sight of female characters having sexy poses and animations for the sake of it (plus, for a long time there was only one TV in my house, so for example playing Soul Calibur 2 and being pit agaisnt Ivy made me want to crawl into a hole and disappear), if i want to look at porn and erotica with exaggerated proportions and jello t&a i know several sites in the internet to do so, but when i'm gaming i want to game, i want my main character to be appealing as a game character, to fit in the setting it's been put on.

Sorry, i know i'm preaching to the choir here, the lastest controversy with SW:O has me rolling my eyes once again, and i get the feeling this is happening more and more often lately.
I feel like it's just the fact that they don't see us as a full human. They can cry all day how much they "love" women and the women in their lives, but it definitely feels like a "they're mean to the wait staff" kind of deal, ya know?


Jul 11, 2022
Yeah I didn't really mean to start this kind of discussion, I mostly point this out because I notice a lot of these people have this sort of complete fascination with the very concept of sex to where they think it's some kind of goal and a gotcha. It's a complicated thing to say without sounding like you're just pointing fingers, but I think it kinda speaks a lot how much worth these people put on one's ability to have sex, to put the act in such a massive pedestal. There's probably more to say about my experience in talking to people like this but I'm not super confident in my ability to word this right now, and I really don't want this to devolve into that sort of conversation about virginity not even indirectly.
I think I get what you mean, but I'm not confident in my ability to really word it either. It's no secret that sex is viewed as being very "important" in some circles - men may be seen as "failures" if they're unable to acquire sex, because as you said, it's seen as a goal. And people with that kind of mindset often also tend to view sex as something you do to a woman, not something you do with a woman. It's like some weird powerplay thing, and if they have sex, they have "power" in their minds. It's hard to eloquently explain though.

I think the one thing to remember with people like this, with conservative "ideology" in general is that they tend to be extreme conformists and seek to punish anyone that "steps out of line". Women in games not 100% being there as pure eye candy is seen as threatening to the status quo they want to maintain, which is why they get so enraged by it and seek to "fix" it, either by using AI to yassify them like in that one guy's tweets, harassing game devs/companies/etc, or otherwise just making it very known that these characters don't get them hard and making it everyone else's problem.
Feb 24, 2018
It's not about titillation, the objectification of and hostility towards women is the point. Everything has become part of the all-encompassing culture war for these people.

Preferences are a thing of course, but I feel like a large part of why you get over the top shit like jello breasts with balloon physics is because it's more demeaning and overtly objectifying, not because it's hotter.
If feel like for many, the sexual frustration and titillation was where it started and instead of being able to self-reflect or accept their own flaws, began to lash out on external factors and grifters, Nazi and the Alt-right (which for them was always about control and power) in general seduced them by telling them what they wanted to hear and repeating their ideology. It's why sites like Reddit, YouTube, Twitter and Valve were so damn irresponsible for not cracking down on these groups appearing on their sites (or in some cases, encouraging it for revenue).

It feels like the exact logic pick-up artists use to get followers. At this point, for many of these people, their following the people who made them feel belong, even though in many cases, their just being used for profits, most of these grifters would happily sacrifice them if it meant getting what they wanted or money.
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Mar 19, 2024
I just wonder what's with the seek/need of tillilation in games.

I don't mean this from the publisher or developer standpoint, i already know their answer, "sex sells yadda yadda"

But from the user's perspective... what's the point? I mean, yes, just like in movies and TV shows, we want out main characters to be appealing, but appealing can mean a lot of things.

I'm a cis straight man almost in my forties, i've played a lot of stuff, i was a teen in the wake of poligon 3D games and i already cringed at the sight of female characters having sexy poses and animations for the sake of it (plus, for a long time there was only one TV in my house, so for example playing Soul Calibur 2 and being pit agaisnt Ivy made me want to crawl into a hole and disappear), if i want to look at porn and erotica with exaggerated proportions and jello t&a i know several sites in the internet to do so, but when i'm gaming i want to game, i want my main character to be appealing as a game character, to fit in the setting it's been put on.

Sorry, i know i'm preaching to the choir here, the lastest controversy with SW:O has me rolling my eyes once again, and i get the feeling this is happening more and more often lately.
It's hard to say. I think it's a combination of a few aspects
Maybe firstly how that stuff did in fact use to be far more common in the 90s and 2000s. Physics engines started becoming a thing and graphics nice enough to be able to depict pretty ladies, and since "sex sells" the pretty ladies started pouring in.
But these pretty goofy sexualised designs were never met without at least some ridicule and controversy, so as soon as jell-o physics + sexy ladies wasn't a unique selling point anymore and gaming had grown enough to want to experiment with more realistic artstyles + the whole thing where people beyond teenage male cishets are playing videogames means that stuff started to be less common and less gratuitous.
But I guess that can't do and it's gotta be someone's fault so it's the fault of we feminazi SJWs for taking the cheesecake away from the menu and thus now it's something they feel the need to bring back to make gaming great again or something. That's a way I see it at least.


Oct 25, 2017
Gaming if all the chuds who need their video games to be pornographic bc they're just so horny went on AO3 and cranked it to some Steve/Bucky smut before playing instead


Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
I just wonder what's with the seek/need of tillilation in games.

I don't mean this from the publisher or developer standpoint, i already know their answer, "sex sells yadda yadda"

But from the user's perspective... what's the point? I mean, yes, just like in movies and TV shows, we want out main characters to be appealing, but appealing can mean a lot of things.

I'm a cis straight man almost in my forties, i've played a lot of stuff, i was a teen in the wake of poligon 3D games and i already cringed at the sight of female characters having sexy poses and animations for the sake of it (plus, for a long time there was only one TV in my house, so for example playing Soul Calibur 2 and being pit agaisnt Ivy made me want to crawl into a hole and disappear), if i want to look at porn and erotica with exaggerated proportions and jello t&a i know several sites in the internet to do so, but when i'm gaming i want to game, i want my main character to be appealing as a game character, to fit in the setting it's been put on.

Sorry, i know i'm preaching to the choir here, the lastest controversy with SW:O has me rolling my eyes once again, and i get the feeling this is happening more and more often lately.
Over the years the answers that I have typically come across tends to fall into two categories.

1. Porn tends to be "lower quality". You look at Stellar Blade and you look at.....I dunno I can't really name any porns off the bat. But presumably SB just looks and sounds a lot better.

2. They specifically like the tease aspect of just showing enough but not enough to be full on pornography.

However I have a third answer I've come to realize and I think a lot of these people like to feel "legitimized". A lot of people kinda worship large companies in the sense that if a company like Sony decides you are worth making games for then that makes you more legitimate. This is why despite there being tons of skin tight big boobed crazy spine ladies in video games; it is Sony specifically engaging in it that gets them happy. Because Sony is big and successful and if they think you're worth it, then you're not the freak, It's everyone else who is!


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I like how it's not just underwear. Oh no. It shows off e v e r y t h i n g. God forbid you don't shave down there huh.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh great there's a thread on the 'journey' of designing Stellar Blade. Legit annoyed that trash still isn't confined to a single OT so I can ignore just one thread instead of having it pop up repeatedly in the first page.


Aug 27, 2020
These are designed with the feedback and input from the actual athletes though, I'm not sure if falls under sexualization. Doenst mean weirdos will not sexualize the athletes regardless.

I find that hard to believe when the women's outfit has a zipper going straight down the front of her chest that would do more than just "give her air" and expose all, if any, of her cleavage. Where's the front zipper on the men's side?



Feb 8, 2024
I think I get what you mean, but I'm not confident in my ability to really word it either. It's no secret that sex is viewed as being very "important" in some circles - men may be seen as "failures" if they're unable to acquire sex, because as you said, it's seen as a goal. And people with that kind of mindset often also tend to view sex as something you do to a woman, not something you do with a woman. It's like some weird powerplay thing, and if they have sex, they have "power" in their minds. It's hard to eloquently explain though.
I mean even for women it is seen as an exepcted goal. Mum and Dad freaked out when I told them I was asexual and was planning on getting zero-depth vaginoplasty just because I didn't see the point in paying an extra 10 t-birds just to have a new hole to have sex with. Eventually got them to come around, but it's just hard to convince people that sex isn't the end all be all of relationships, though honeslty the thing that got them to come around was telling them about the sexual abuse. A woman isnt' necesessarily suposed to want sex, but she must still be avaliable for sex.

Also, culturally, sex is all about power, or at least sexual violence. It's why all these chuds say bullshit like doing rape threats against female developers they don't like or saying ones they deem horrific as too ugly to rape (though honestly if they had the chance they'd probably do it anyway). Before I transitioned, I was culturally seen as a faggot more or less and that transgressing of manhood led to sexual violence from three different people that I am aware of. Luckily nothing has happened for 7 years now but the implicit threat is still there in a lot of interactions with men.

Oh my fucking god did they just play FNV with all the "sexy" character mods??? I swewar I've seen that arse on mod nexus

Hazel - it/its :3


Aug 28, 2019
I find that hard to believe when the women's outfit has a zipper going straight down the front of her chest that would do more than just "give her air" and expose all, if any, of her cleavage. Where's the front zipper on the men's side?
The mens top is separate from the bottom so a zipper isnt really necessary to take it on and off.


Oct 25, 2017
Have they never seen a woman in baggy pants before? Like, no shit you're not going to see any definition on her ass because she's wearing normal cargo pants and not a skintight latex suit, lol.

The blame for this should actually fall a bit on other shows, particularly Marvel.

None of the costumes are real on those shows - even the ones where they actually have a suit, they CGI them in post to look skin tight and bulge in all the right places. It's not possible for humans in tight cloth to look like that, but Marvel shows create the illusion you can. You can see the difference in Fallout and in the Dune movies, where the director isn't using CGI to make a skin-tight look.


Oct 25, 2017
If they did take women athlete's input on the outfit, it sure seems like they promptly threw it all in the trash based on some of the choices made here.