Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
In theory I'm against sticking a phone in someones face during public altercations because I think it escalates the situation but it's a good job he was recording otherwise there would've been no proof that the reason for the panic and urgency in her voice during the call to the police was a complete lie and all in her head.


Oct 25, 2017
She threatens the guy videoing with what she is going to say to the cops, knowing full well what that could entail.


Oct 25, 2017
What in the flying fuck.

I wonder what triggered here inner KKK. Was it the near proximity to a black man. Was it the injustice to be told to be considerate to your fellow man, when the man in fact was black?


Oct 31, 2017
Former Survivor castaway and current Manhattan District Attorney candidate Eliza Orleans' take on the situation.



Oct 27, 2017
I found this pretty shocking not just because of the content, but because these are both educated professionals. How has she gotten this far with an overt racist attitude like this?

When she steps back and says "excuse me" to pause the conversation before screaming for emergency police assistance is really next level.

Also lol at him still saying thank you as soon as she leashes the dog, the man stayed on mission the whole time.

Hard to sympathise with her for the storm heading in her direction..


Self-requested ban
May 25, 2020
Truly disgusting, the fact that she could game the police to possibly "deal" with a person she doesn't like is blood boiling.


Nov 2, 2017
bEast Coast
Stop going against the narrative that NYC is paradise in way and the rest of the country would be so much better if it was like NYC.

It is only the most segregated major city in the country. Don't turn off the autofellate machine.
i've seen more racism in NYC than in my connecticut suburb that is 99% white

there's no narrative that NY is a paradise. it's full of some of the worst people i have ever interacted with on normal everyday exchanges


Oct 27, 2017
Vile. Absolutely vile. Finding it hard to articulate without expletives the treatment of her (no longer owned) dog and the sheer audacity of her to get a black man done for at the same time.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Holy fuck. Just saw this. It is a truly disturbing and horrible display of racism and privilege.

Unconscionable on every level.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Ughhh, just watched it again focused on the dog. That poor little fella. It was choking and gasping for air when she finally put it down.

What an all around horrible human being.


Oct 25, 2017
Not only is this woman clearly racist, she sounds psychotic. This is evident in her actions on her poor dog and the news interview.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Just gonna say, in general some people gotta be a bit more reflective to their racism. "Amy" will always exist; horrible racist people are a sad fact in the world. But don't get it twisted, the people online who's first reaction is 'poor dog' while a woman is fake crying in hopes the cops come to assault an innocent...this is why we have those broad racism posts with everyone rushing in like "Me? Racist?"

The system that enabled her to to possibly pull this off are co-signed and propped up by the 'poor dog' first people. She's only taking advantage of something created with the help of those people.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (2 months): concern trolling around racism, victim blaming, ignoring staff post
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?

You can read the article some posts above which goes over why he was recording and when he started recording.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?

This is the wrong question.

The question to ask is why, in a so-called civilized society, is immediately pulling out a camera the safest and most correct action to take for a Black man when approached by a belligerent white woman?


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?
He asked her nicely to leash up prior to recording, but pulled the phone out when she started getting hostile, and he made the right decision.


Nov 8, 2017
I can't stand people who walk their dogs without a leash and it happens all the time. I used to live in LA and some lazy assholes in my neighborhood would just let their dogs out the front door to go do their business.

With no regard to the many other dogs in the neighborhood, traffic, pedestrians. If you're gonna do that why not let them out in your backyard? People are careless assholes. One time I was bit by a dog and another time my dog was. Both times different people just let their dogs roam free with no supervision. One of them was a German Shepherd, that was a stressful incident...

Edit: after the time my dog was attacked by the German Shepherd, I went back and filmed the place for several to show how two large aggressive dogs were out roaming freely with no one around and the house doors wide open. You film to have evidence because otherwise it'll just be your word against theirs. This is probably the best thing about having cameras in all smart phones, being able to record evidence of something instead of just verbally trying to convince people.


May 31, 2018
User banned (permanent): concern trolling around bigotry, prior severe infraction
I worry for her mental health. That is some irrational inexcusable behaviour. Racism and privilege as clear as day.

Btw do Americans just get around filmming each other nowadays? Hostile unattractive environment to live in ...


Oct 25, 2017
Devil World, Toronto
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?

It's pretty obvious that wasn't the start of the altercation if you watch the video. If she acted like that after then I have a hard time believing she wasn't acting pretty shitty before hand too. She probably freaked out when he asked her to leash her dog.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?

Is it really that hard to figure out why a black man would want to have his phone out and ready to record when confronting a white woman?

Come on...

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Truly disgusting, the fact that she could game the police to possibly "deal" with a person she doesn't like is blood boiling.

Its really in the same vein as people using the police for swatting people.

Just have zero sympathy for that lady. Reading the CNN article on the whole incident, the lady is saying that "her entire life is being destroyed right now." Well, hey, maybe don't try to destroy somebody else's entire life and karma won't smack you in the face? Some people are just complete assholes. That lady is getting what she deserves for her sociopathic behavior.


Oct 25, 2017
I worry for her mental health. That is some irrational inexcusable behaviour.

Btw do Americans just get around filmming each other nowadays? Hostile unattractive environment to live in ...
You have it mixed up, it's a hostile environment when you're having interactions with racist pieces of shit like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus it's a good thing he started recording.

It really says a lot that she thought she would get away with this despite the video evidence. Probably hoped they'd shoot first and never ask questions never.


Oct 31, 2017
he really needed to record this? Clearly the racism is awful and good for him to get it on tape. but what was he doing before that outburst? recording her walking her dog without a leash? why?
They are in an area where dogs are supposed to be leashed. He asked her to leash her dog which prompted her to become irate and make false racist claims over the phone fully knowing that the police would take her word over his. Recording events like this could have saved him from being arrested or worse.

Deleted member 52442

User requested account closure
Jan 24, 2019

White woman who called police on a black man bird-watching in Central Park has been fired | CNN

The white woman who called police on a black man in Central Park during an encounter involving her unleashed dog has been fired from her job, her employer said Tuesday.

"When you're alone in the Ramble, you don't know what's happening. It's not excusable, it's not defensible."

She told CNN that since the video was posted, her "entire life is being destroyed right now."

She has been placed on administrative leave by her employer, investment company Franklin Templeton.

"We take these matters very seriously, and we do not condone racism of any kind. While we are in the process of investigating the situation, the employee involved has been put on administrative leave," the company's statement read.