
Oct 28, 2017
I like when people make public apologies and they say 'my life is being torn apart!' as if that's the important part of the apology. It's very transparent.

As per usual. It also tries to shift blame like it wasnt her own actions that tore her life apart lol.

Also, its been 24 hours. Enough time hasn't even passed for her life to actually be destroyed.


Nov 27, 2017
It's always curious how these people feeling threatened for their life to the extent of calling 911 still take the time to move towards the so-called threat in a confrontational manner.
She knows she wasn't being threatened. She didn't think the recorder was worthy of compliance any sort of diplomacy, so she resorted to escalating methods of intimidation. She wanted to avoid the hassle of being held accountable and asked why she thought she didn't need to stand near her dog while it was shitting in the park.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
Read this earlier and i am happy her life is getting destroyed. fuck her. she tried to ruin another person's life when he requested something reasonable that she should of been doing to begin with. Plus that poor dog. Glad it has been saved.
This shit with calling the cops because the person is of color needs to put those callers in jail.


Mar 18, 2018
I'm not sure how you would put it in legislation but there needs to be some sort of law against this. conspiracy to end a life or something.

She's upset her life was ruined? She was trying to end someone else's over litteraly nothing. That was an attempted killing in that video. Unbelievable levels of evil in that moment.


User requested temporary ban
Nov 11, 2019
This is scary to watch to be honest. Major escalation that could have ended up go knows how. Wish she would get charged.
Also, she has the same name as my boss. Asked her and she said she got more than usual traffic in her LinkedIn, probably people looking it up.


Oct 27, 2017
That act panicking on the phone to instil false urgency is a horrible thing to witness.
Oct 27, 2017


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Absolute scum. Can legal action be taken against this piece of shit?

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
"He's probably conceiling a cellphone!!"
*cop starts blasting*

We all know it has never mattered lol. Everything is a weapon when you're black in America. Even the thought of a weapon.

I fear getting hemmed up by the police one day and hearing "He's going for my gun!!" as I just stand there. Like, it's legit one of my biggest fears.


Oct 26, 2017
It's so infuriating that she tries to pretend she felt unsafe. I'm a woman on the smaller side. I've felt unsafe in public before. My reaction isn't to get in the person's face and stick around as long as I can. If I feel unsafe somewhere, I leave, and I imagine most people do the same.

Every excuse out of her mouth is such transparent bullshit.

White woman pleading to white America that her life is being destroyed after 24 hours. How long until a GoFundMe is started and Karen racks up hundreds of thousands?

She's a New York woman who worked in finance, so hopefully she's not as appealing to the usual "but muh freedoms peach" types.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
It's so infuriating that she tries to pretend she felt unsafe. I'm a woman on the smaller side. I've felt unsafe in public before. My reaction isn't to get in the person's face and stick around as long as I can. If I feel unsafe somewhere, I leave, and I imagine most people do the same.

Every excuse out of her mouth is such transparent bullshit.

She's a New York woman who worked in finance, so hopefully she's not as appealing to the usual "but muh freedoms peach" types.
I'm sure she will get a nice undisclosed severance package.


Oct 28, 2017
I fear getting hemmed up by the police one day and hearing "He's going for my gun!!" as I just stand there. Like, it's legit one of my biggest fears.

Shit is wild man. I feel for all my American fam cause like you said man, it just doesn't matter what you do, you aren't safe when interacting with the police.


Oct 28, 2017

White woman who called police on a black man bird-watching in Central Park has been fired | CNN

The white woman who called police on a black man in Central Park during an encounter involving her unleashed dog has been fired from her job, her employer said Tuesday.

Oh sure. Of course you didn't.
I bet you say "I'm gonna call the cops and tell them a white guy is threatening me" everytime you feel threatened by someone of white color.

Also the "blessed" apology is a new one, i will give her that. The rest of the commonplace apology is the usual lying nonsense.


Oct 27, 2017
that was straight up attempted murder, she knew exactly what she was doing with calling the cops on a black man threatening her


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
JFC she's fucking deliberately lying about being threatened. How the fuck does scum like her go to sleep? She's literally trying to get the cops to harm (read: shoot) him.


Oct 28, 2017
I fear getting hemmed up by the police one day and hearing "He's going for my gun!!" as I just stand there. Like, it's legit one of my biggest fears.

Mate you dont know the half of it.
Everytime ive lived in a majority white country ive had a near constant sense of anxiety whenever im out in public.
Nothing ever materialized in The UK, The US and France but it finally happened seemingly inevitably.

Got the cops called on my ass for crossing the street meters from my house. Some girl who was delivering pamphlets door to door, my street only has a walkway on one side, the side she was black sense was tingling so I knew to let her go some distance and pray she isnt going the same direction (so i set up my playlist and put on my earphones)....the gods were on my side she was going left I was going black sense was still going off so I walked on the road a few meters then crossed to the other side with a im walking a "clearly" unmarked police car passes me going down towards my street (its a dead end so I was already thinking what the fuck, but after the small victory of not needing to walk behind her or pace fast as fuck to overtake her I was feeling confident that im just a normal human being)
Go my cigarettes and started my walk back home...lo and behold the cop car is parked a few houses ahead of mine and two cops come out stop me and question me....during said questioning the girl from earlier shows up with tears in her eyes and says I scared her....I wasnt even shocked or angry.....pure calm, clarity a confirmation of a view ive held for so long was staring at me petrified........I am a monster.

Two months later I left Australia and have never looked back.

Ctrl Alt Del

Jun 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mate you dont know the half of it.
Everytime ive lived in a majority white country ive had a near constant sense of anxiety whenever im out in public.
Nothing ever materialized in The UK, The US and France but it finally happened seemingly inevitably.

Got the cops called on my ass for crossing the street meters from my house. Some girl who was delivering pamphlets door to door, my street only has a walkway on one side, the side she was black sense was tingling so I knew to let her go some distance and pray she isnt going the same direction (so i set up my playlist and put on my earphones)....the gods were on my side she was going left I was going black sense was still going off so I walked on the road a few meters then crossed to the other side with a im walking a "clearly" unmarked police car passes me going down towards my street (its a dead end so I was already thinking what the fuck, but after the small victory of not needing to walk behind her or pace fast as fuck to overtake her I was feeling confident that im just a normal human being)
Go my cigarettes and started my walk back home...lo and behold the cop car is parked a few houses ahead of mine and two cops come out stop me and question me....during said questioning the girl from earlier shows up with tears in her eyes and says I scared her....I wasnt even shocked or angry.....pure calm, clarity a confirmation of a view ive held for so long was staring at me petrified........I am a monster.

Two months later I left Australia and have never looked back.
Jesus, I'm very sorry.
Oct 25, 2017
Mate you dont know the half of it.
Everytime ive lived in a majority white country ive had a near constant sense of anxiety whenever im out in public.
Nothing ever materialized in The UK, The US and France but it finally happened seemingly inevitably.

Got the cops called on my ass for crossing the street meters from my house. Some girl who was delivering pamphlets door to door, my street only has a walkway on one side, the side she was black sense was tingling so I knew to let her go some distance and pray she isnt going the same direction (so i set up my playlist and put on my earphones)....the gods were on my side she was going left I was going black sense was still going off so I walked on the road a few meters then crossed to the other side with a im walking a "clearly" unmarked police car passes me going down towards my street (its a dead end so I was already thinking what the fuck, but after the small victory of not needing to walk behind her or pace fast as fuck to overtake her I was feeling confident that im just a normal human being)
Go my cigarettes and started my walk back home...lo and behold the cop car is parked a few houses ahead of mine and two cops come out stop me and question me....during said questioning the girl from earlier shows up with tears in her eyes and says I scared her....I wasnt even shocked or angry.....pure calm, clarity a confirmation of a view ive held for so long was staring at me petrified........I am a monster.

Two months later I left Australia and have never looked back.

Damn sorry that happned to you.

I fucking HATE walking behind white women on my way home for work. I'm a fast walker and they always without fail get jumpy when they see me. The worst part is that I live in a neighborhood that's being heavily gentrified and it's like if you're so scared of black people, don't fucking live here.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck her, and fuck the system that lets her weaponize this shit.

I can't believe there are people actually asking why he was recording the confrontation before she threatened with the police.

As soon as the situation starts to escalate, if you're a PoC, you pull out whatever you can to document the situation because WE ALL KNOW HOW THIS SHIT GOES.

Some white people think this shit is new to us. It's not. We can feel/read the temp of the room when shit starts to look sketchy and feel dangerous. It's not hard for us. We see it all the fucking time.
Oct 29, 2017
This is what she wanted to unleash on him.

Fucking Christ.

How is a legal police tactic to rest your knee and body weight on someone's neck like that?

Do we know what happened in this case? Was the officer fired? Jailed?

Nah man. How would she have known?

Not like there is a history of this sort of thing.....
You don't even need to go to this, though, it's not like she should have know or she could have known because of videos like this or the history of this.

We all know she knows, she admitted it. The second she said 'I'm going to tell them theres an African-American man...' we all knew exactly what she meant.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Guess what gets me is the people defending her keep trying to spin it as him "making her anxious" by approaching her when the video clearly shows that he had called her from a distance and she walked up on him aggresively.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
Mate you dont know the half of it.
Everytime ive lived in a majority white country ive had a near constant sense of anxiety whenever im out in public.
Nothing ever materialized in The UK, The US and France but it finally happened seemingly inevitably.

Got the cops called on my ass for crossing the street meters from my house. Some girl who was delivering pamphlets door to door, my street only has a walkway on one side, the side she was black sense was tingling so I knew to let her go some distance and pray she isnt going the same direction (so i set up my playlist and put on my earphones)....the gods were on my side she was going left I was going black sense was still going off so I walked on the road a few meters then crossed to the other side with a im walking a "clearly" unmarked police car passes me going down towards my street (its a dead end so I was already thinking what the fuck, but after the small victory of not needing to walk behind her or pace fast as fuck to overtake her I was feeling confident that im just a normal human being)
Go my cigarettes and started my walk back home...lo and behold the cop car is parked a few houses ahead of mine and two cops come out stop me and question me....during said questioning the girl from earlier shows up with tears in her eyes and says I scared her....I wasnt even shocked or angry.....pure calm, clarity a confirmation of a view ive held for so long was staring at me petrified........I am a monster.

Two months later I left Australia and have never looked back.

Dude, I love how you mentioned the black sense tingling. Like, you can FEEL that shit when it's coming. My wife struggles to understand why I don't like going to high end restaurants sometimes. She'll always want to go out on a Sunday afternoon and I'm like "I really don't feel like getting hit with death stares from old white people as the waitress walks us to our table".

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
To those asking why he's recording, you do understand the power dynamic here is clearly in the white ladies favor right? She knows exactly what she's doing when she says "I'll tell the cops an African American man is threatening my life". That is her threatening to have him murdered. His recording is his only protection because we know who the cops would side with otherwise, and she's perfectly fine fabricating this entire encounter.

I would assume most people here know that already though.

Deleted member 4452

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
To those asking why he's recording, you do understand the power dynamic here is clearly in the white ladies favor right? She knows exactly what she's doing when she says "I'll tell the cops an African American man is threatening my life". That is her threatening to have him murdered. His recording is his only protection because we know who the cops would side with otherwise, and she's perfectly fine fabricating this entire encounter.

I would assume most people here know that already though.
These are the same people who would post 'why did they record this? Just let the police do their job' in every thread showing a cop killing another black person if they thought they'd get away with it

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is so infuriating. That murderous racist piece of shit is now hiding behind tears.

Also, anyone questioning why the guy filmed can go fuck themselves. It's frequent and self-explanatory enough that I don't think for a second that this question is asked in good faith or that any answer will ever be convincing to these people.


Oct 25, 2017
Guess what gets me is the people defending her keep trying to spin it as him "making her anxious" by approaching her when the video clearly shows that he had called her from a distance and she walked up on him aggresively.
I think it's not unreasonable to believe that a woman might get freaked out by a man approaching her while she is alone in the park. It's pointless conjecture though. Ultimately her actions are way out of line, and she was in the wrong to begin with.

Honestly this is why it's not even worth it to approach people in these situations. There are a lot of crazy ass people out there, with ingrained racism, or paranoia from watching too much Dateline/Investigative Discovery. He probably should have just called the police on her, since there's signs up about keeping your dog on a lease. The current pandemic just highlights the fact that a large portion of our population cannot deal with being asked/told do even simple things, like wearing a mask, without losing their shit. People will escalate anything they don't like to the extreme very quickly.


Oct 28, 2017
Jesus Christ that video. Her voice as well. The dog going absolutely mental and getting strangled and she's more interested in trying her best to get the black man gunned down by the police.

Was there an update on what happened with this? (Sorry if it's been posted).