
Oct 25, 2017
I have to go with 2021. I feel like 2022 is going to be too late to shift the generation in their favor. 2020 seems too early for most of their acquisitions to hear fruit tho, and on top of that, I expect Xbox Scarlett to launch at the end of that year. So I'm saying 2021. Scarlett's first full year has to be a big deal for the sake of the Xbox brand, and I think MS knows this. We also can't forget the streaming box, rumored to be in development and make the streaming experience from XCloud (entering Beta this year) better. If they can deliver on that, while also releasing kickass exclusives, it could be a massive deal, and being Xbox games to th masses for cheap (that have good enough internet). Again, I expect that to launch end of 2020 alongside Scarlett, so 2021 is where I expect MS's best efforts to happen. I think that is "the year of the Xbox" potentially.
I honestly don't know who Xbox is supposed to appeal to right now. I would wager most Xbox owners would like to go PS5 next gen for the exclusives, and they can even play PS4 exclusive they might have missed this gen. If someone were to press me for five good reasons to pick up an Xbox over the other options, I don't think I could give them.
Well, first off, if we're talking about this gen, I personally bought an X1X for the best Console hardware (I prefer Console to PC), and for their phenomenal efforts with BC (they are the only Console to offer it this gen). Also for their Console exclusives (yes, everyone here will say that Xbox has no games, but there are absolutely great games there that can't get on PS4 or Switch Imo). Oh, and Gamepass is a ridiculous value, and the Console doesn't rev up like a hair dryer when I play anything even remotely demanding of the hardware. Those are five reasons why Xbox appealed to me.

Secondly, and obviously I can't speak for everyone here, but as an "Xbox owner", I have no intention of picking up a PS5 instead. I would miss out on the exclusives MS will bring to bear if I did so (again, no Gaming PC here). Instead, I will simply buy both Consoles, and have the best of both worlds, like I did this gen with my X and Pro. Now, most people will only get one for financial reasons obviously, and I totally get that, but even then, a current Xbox only owner would lose their library if migrating over to PlayStation, and also miss out on Xbox exclusives (I personally think MS will deliver here in a big way next gen, honestly). BC is a big reason to stay put if you can only afford one Console.

Mr Delabee

Oct 25, 2017
Is this a serious post? I can't tell. MS had a nice year in 2014, but to think that was the year of Xbox is kinda farcical.

Well it's the year I played Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, D4 and Super Time Force.
Hell I even managed to enjoy some split screen co-op games of Halo MCC. 2014 was more than just a nice year.


Oct 25, 2017
Crackdown 3, Gears 5 and a new Ori is making this year look pretty good. I certainly prefer that personally to what Nintendo has announced for this year so far, even if Microsoft's games might not sell as well. And we still don't know if sony's bigger games will make it this year.


May 14, 2018
Crackdown 3, Gears 5 and a new Ori is making this year look pretty good.

Ori is the only thing I'm invested in. Gears needs a ground up reboot imo. Crackdown 3 didn't preview all that well. I don't know, I'm really hoping Halo Infinate is also a reboot. I'm just having trouble getting hyped for any of their franchises these days (outside of Forza Horizon, and even that's starting to get stale after 4 games).

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People who like online games? Xbox live?

PlayStation is great, and there's some real quality stuff their. Great single player games. last of us, god of war, spiderman, horizon. Great games that I wish where on Xbox. Notice anything about those games? All single player 3rd person action games.

I love those kind of games and that where Microsoft is definitely lacking but I love online games, racers, strategy games tooo. Assuming ps5 is backwards compatibile I'll probably get it at launch but I mainly play online games with my family and friends. And honestly the best place for me as an online gamer is Xbox.

I guess what I don't know/understand is, what is Microsoft offering in the online space which is really above and beyond compared to PSN? I often see PSN deals posted in the forums and PS+ monthly free games, but I don't see the same level of excitement about the MS equivalents. Maybe this is a marketing issue, or is the content itself to blame?

I have to go with 2021. I feel like 2022 is going to be too late to shift the generation in their favor. 2020 seems too early for most of their acquisitions to hear fruit tho, and on top of that, I expect Xbox Scarlett to launch at the end of that year. So I'm saying 2021. Scarlett's first full year has to be a big deal for the sake of the Xbox brand, and I think MS knows this. We also can't forget the streaming box, rumored to be in development and make the streaming experience from XCloud (entering Beta this year) better. If they can deliver on that, while also releasing kickass exclusives, it could be a massive deal, and being Xbox games to th masses for cheap (that have good enough internet). Again, I expect that to launch end of 2020 alongside Scarlett, so 2021 is where I expect MS's best efforts to happen. I think that is "the year of the Xbox" potentially.

Well, first off, if we're talking about this gen, I personally bought an X1X for the best Console hardware (I prefer Console to PC), and for their phenomenal efforts with BC (they are the only Console to offer it this gen). Also for their Console exclusives (yes, everyone here will say that Xbox has no games, but there are absolutely great games there that can't get on PS4 or Switch Imo). Oh, and Gamepass is a ridiculous value, and the Console doesn't rev up like a hair dryer when I play anything even remotely demanding of the hardware. Those are five reasons why Xbox appealed to me.

Secondly, and obviously I can't speak for everyone here, but as an "Xbox owner", I have no intention of picking up a PS5 instead. I would miss out on the exclusives MS will bring to bear if I did so (again, no Gaming PC here). Instead, I will simply buy both Consoles, and have the best of both worlds, like I did this gen with my X and Pro. Now, most people will only get one for financial reasons obviously, and I totally get that, but even then, a current Xbox only owner would lose their library if migrating over to PlayStation, and also miss out on Xbox exclusives (I personally think MS will deliver here in a big way next gen, honestly). BC is a big reason to stay put if you can only afford one Console.

It totally makes sense to me to buy both consoles (in the event of no PC). I'm mostly talking about people that only get to pick one console, how would you sell someone on buying an X1 over a PS4? Or a Nextbox over a PS5? I think those who only have an Xbox currently are an especially ripe target market for switching given the rumors of extensive PS5 BC which would patch a hole Sony had this gen and give PS newcomers the chance to play PS4 games they never got to.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone here could possibly know, but surely MS have every opportunity to have one hell of an E3 showing this year.
Oct 25, 2017
Idk what they could release that would be a GOTY contender besides something completely out of left field. Maybe an Obsidian game I guess now that they'll have a bigger budget

Halo hasn't been in these discussions in a long time. Same with Gears. Racing games get no love for GOTY.
Feb 10, 2018
I don't think anyone here could possibly know, but surely MS have every opportunity to have one hell of an E3 showing this year.

This E3 won't be the best for them, unless they decide to show next gen.
E3 2012 was not that great because they could not show anything for next gen.
But things are a bit different, Phil has already said they are working on next gen, which is an unheard of thing to do in the gaming industry when you are 2+years away from launch.


Oct 30, 2017
I think from 2020 onwards will be really good.
2019 will have crackdown 3 and gears 5 which ain't to bad.

Halo infinite
Forza 8
Undead labs next game
Compulsion games next game

Forza horizon 5
Ninja theory game
Rares next game
Inexile next game

The coalition gears 6?
The Initiatives first title
Turn 10 game
Obsidians next game.

Also there may be more if MS does buy some more devs like the rumours suggest.

But yeah 2022 could be really epic.
Because the years prior are likely cross gen.
Why stop there? Please tell us what MS will release in 2023-2030.

Monty Mole

Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
This E3 won't be the best for them, unless they decide to show next gen.
E3 2012 was not that great because they could not show anything for next gen.
But things are a bit different, Phil has already said they are working on next gen, which is an unheard of thing to do in the gaming industry when you are 2+years away from launch.
Scarlet is launching H1 2020.
Nov 1, 2017
Probably when the next console announcement cycle starts. It's tough to change how you're perceived in the middle of a console cycle and while they've done a really admirable job if they're going to make a strong momentum shift it's going to be when they can grab everyone's attention the most.


Oct 25, 2017
Will there be one again?

Sony and Nintendo are operating and firing on all cylinders. Sony are expanding their first-party and some premier studios seem to be doing so in order to have games to show sooner rather than later. It's not going to be any easier for Xbox to stand out, but next-gen perhaps they stand a better chance. Then again next-gen will have bigger and more than likely better sequels to games like Horizon, God of War and Spider-Man as well as plenty of interesting and ambitious new IP.

This year seems relatively easy for Microsoft to make a splash with Sony and Nintendo having a thin confirmed line-up. Let's hope Gears 5 is something amazing.
... Nintendo have an amazing lineup of games confirmed for this year, and to some extent so does Sony. With enough evidence that they're looking to get Death Stranding and The Last of Us Part II out the door this year, I wouldn't count on it. Sony stands to release 2 well-received games not long after Microsoft's first big game of the year, which I doubt is going to be well received at all.
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Deleted member 36493

User requested account closure
Dec 19, 2017
They need to have games that can out hype stuff like Pokemon, Zelda, Spider-Man, God of War, Final Fantasy, etc, and I just don't see it.

Possibly whenever Obsidian's first true Xbox exclusive releases.
See the thing is, GoW2 and Spider-Man 2 will be sequels to critically acclaimed games. The hype surrounding them will be massive because of the quality of the originals. MS needs to first release a new huge AAA critically acclaimed game, then get the hype for a sequel going to match what Sony will be achieving in Year 1-3 of PS5.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Probably not until the Halo Infinite, which looks to be a big revamp from the last two Halo games. Doubt this will be a phenomenal year because Gears doesn't have the same draw it used to have and lol Crackdown.

Why does there need to be "Year of the Xbox"?

Chinese New Year, duh. Which is Tuesday, by the way. Prepare yourselves.

Deleted member 35598

User requested account closure
Dec 7, 2017
I hope they announce some AAA games then! The only thing we know for sure is Animal Crossing and Pokémon.

There is that secret game for FYQ19 that will please Nintendo fans. We'll see. So that will make 3 big AAA for 2019 from Nintendo, that's pretty good.

I think Microsoft could be in the same position in 2021. By that time studios like the Initiative and some of the studio they acquired will have big AAA exclusive games ready.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm thinking the first or second year of next gen. They've been building up teams for a while now. Eventually those games have to come out.


Oct 25, 2017
See the thing is, GoW2 and Spider-Man 2 will be sequels to critically acclaimed games. The hype surrounding them will be massive because of the quality of the originals. MS needs to first release a new huge AAA critically acclaimed game, then get the hype for a sequel going to match what Sony will be achieving in Year 1-3 of PS5.

Yeah, that's the big setback.

No matter how good their future 1st party studio games are, they're all going to be giant question marks in terms of quality and success.

Like imagine Ninja Theory's new game, sure there'll be interest in it, but compared to the first teaser/trailer for God of War 2 & Spider-Man 2, it won't even come close.

Of all the generation to muck it up, this one was the worst for Microsoft to do it. Almost feels like it'll take until the generation after next to get on par with where Sony or Nintendo are now.


Dec 11, 2018
Yeah, that's the big setback.

No matter how good their future 1st party studio games are, they're all going to be giant question marks in terms of quality and success.

Like imagine Ninja Theory's new game, sure there'll be interest in it, but compared to the first teaser/trailer for God of War 2 & Spider-Man 2, it won't even come close.

Of all the generation to muck it up, this one was the worst for Microsoft to do it. Almost feels like it'll take until the generation after next to get on par with where Sony or Nintendo are now.

Will it though? Nintendo also mucked up this gen and they recovered nicely with the Switch.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a feeling MS is going to launch before Sony for next gen.

If they do that, that year head start will be their year.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
They already peaked in 2007 OP...


Dec 11, 2018
I honestly don't know who Xbox is supposed to appeal to right now. I would wager most Xbox owners would like to go PS5 next gen for the exclusives, and they can even play PS4 exclusive they might have missed this gen. If someone were to press me for five good reasons to pick up an Xbox over the other options, I don't think I could give them.

I picked up an Xbox One a few months ago over a PS4. These are my reasons why.

1. Better online infastructure

2. New games day one on Game Pass.

3. Built in 4k Blu-Ray player.

4. Acquisition of some of my favorite studios (especially Obsidian)

5. Forza Horizon 4 is the best racing game in ages.

6. Backwards Compatibility

7. Crossplay with my PC and Switch friends.


Oct 27, 2017
If they can take Halo back to its roots from a gameplay and narrative perspective and revitalise the Halo IP I think you will see MS get it's 05-08 swagger back. MS is always at its best when Halo is firing on all cylinders. Halo can draw people in/back to Xbox but the rest of it's first party will be what gets people to stay. Variety will be key. MS lacks what Sony is good at with 3p perspective story based games. He'll MS lacks games with any type of story. New IP to follow Halo will be critical.


Oct 27, 2017
Will it though? Nintendo also mucked up this gen and they recovered nicely with the Switch.
Yeah Nintendo did. In the middle of the generation.

For MS to do that, they should have made the One X their next gen console.

I don't see sales increasing for them, or Sony. Their next gen consoles are a few years away. MS missed their recovery chance this gen. What they have done is set themselves up good for next gen.


Sep 16, 2018
2021 will be the year of the Xbox.

Before even anything has been shown? How can anyone have the faintest idea on what kind of games MS are working on? Acquisition of studios is the easy part, getting them to churn out a quality title is where the challenge lies. How many studios knock it out of the park in their first attempt? I would suggest caution and patience before making a claim like that.

2019 and 2020 will belong to the Switch, but I expect Microsoft to be as innovative and bold as they were with the 360.

Considering TLOU2 will drop in one of these years, I think it'll take all the accolades and limelight in that particular. Also, there is a small matter of a new IP by Kojima which is intriguing to say the least.


Oct 27, 2017
They dont even offer VR, When they adopt that and bring back the snap feature then i'll happily jump aboard, So whichever year that is.
Nov 12, 2017
Will there be one again?

Sony and Nintendo are operating and firing on all cylinders. Sony are expanding their first-party and some premier studios seem to be doing so in order to have games to show sooner rather than later. It's not going to be any easier for Xbox to stand out, but next-gen perhaps they stand a better chance. Then again next-gen will have bigger and more than likely better sequels to games like Horizon, God of War and Spider-Man as well as plenty of interesting and ambitious new IP.

... Nintendo have an amazing lineup of games confirmed for this year, and to some extent so does Sony. With enough evidence that they're looking to get Death Stranding and The Last of Us Part II out the door this year, I wouldn't count on it. Sony stands to release 2 well-received games not long after Microsoft's first big game of the year, which I doubt is going to be well received at all.
Next gen they will earn lot of market share we can do a bet on it )
As for this gen ...they did what was humanly possible After mattrick horror movie


Oct 28, 2017
Well it's the year I played Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, D4 and Super Time Force.
Hell I even managed to enjoy some split screen co-op games of Halo MCC. 2014 was more than just a nice year.

It's cool that you enjoyed those games so much personally, and that's a slightly above average lineup...but nowhere near "Year of the Xbox" level or anything special. That was a solid year, but common :p

Super Time Force isn't exclusive to Xbox and D4 is definitely not much to be excited about. From your list, it's really just Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza Horizon 2. It wasn't until #3 that the Horizon series hit the next level. I loved Sunset Overdrive! That's the standout from the list to me. Titanfall was fun but very light on content.
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Feb 8, 2018
Haven't been on Xbox since the 360 but I think once again, the next Halo will be a big deal (not sure how important the current one has been for them they seem to care more about 3rd party this gen)
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Oct 27, 2017
Keep in mind also brand new studios don't just open up and start shitting out GOTY contenders. Sony's studios are the way they are now because they grew together over a long period of time and over a lot of games. I expect Microsoft's new studios to put out some very solid games, but you can't just expect a brand new studio to make the next TLOU off the bat.

Then again, they do have Obsidian, so who knows.


Oct 27, 2017
I think from 2020 we'll start to see real heavy hitters dropping. I honestly think Halo is coming back in a very big way.

They also have Obsidian, Initiative, Ninja Theory and Playground Games (Team 2) all potentially working on high budget games. There is a lot to be excited about in the coming years from MS, as hard as that is to believe.


One Winged Slayer
2014 was already the year of Xbox
That's, uh...I don't know about that. Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive were great, but the only other big XB1 exclusive that I can think of was the Master Chief Collection and its infamously-botched multiplayer. (It's finally a fully-functioning game in 2019, at least...)

I personally would give 2014 to the Wii U. Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Super Smash Bros. For...that was a hell of a lineup. It was arguably the one year where that console absolutely crushed it.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Haven't been on Xbox since the 360 but I think once again, the next Halo will be a big deal (not sure how important the current one has been to them)
Halo suffered this gen because 5 had a low budget completely by the numbers campaign, and it was on a console that few really wanted at the time of its release (pre-S/X).

But the combination of an ambitious soft reboot big budget Halo game (hopefully Infinite) combined with a fresh new generation of appealing hardware and it would definitely be a big deal, especially when you factor in that it'll be Game Pass day one too.

I've got confidence in Microsoft delivering decent hardware next gen, but I'm not sure about 343 and Halo, as 4 & 5 were underwhelming for me. I really hope they can pull through, the E3 teaser looked fantastic and I like the idea of it going back to its more open roots - those large environments and the locked 60fps will be very special indeed, especially on next gen hardware.
Feb 8, 2018
Keep in mind also brand new studios don't just open up and start shitting out GOTY contenders. Sony's studios are the way they are now because they grew together over a long period of time and over a lot of games. I expect Microsoft's new studios to put out some very solid games, but you can't just expect a brand new studio to make the next TLOU off the bat.

Then again, they do have Obsidian, so who knows.

They are also the ones who don't own Iconic character or mascot if you will (besides master chief). Sega got Sonic (yeah I know that the 360 almost felt like a dreamcast 2 with all that Sega support but it's still not their creation) Ninty mario, Sony bandicoot, so maybe if they'd have established such a IP over the years more systems would be sold because people of any age can buy and play it
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Oct 28, 2017
Soon as they make some games people give a dam about

Everyone is waiting to see if they deliver