
Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
So this year then?

I don't think 2019 will be The Year of Xbox, but I do think it will be a great year for Xbox with Ori 2 and Gears 5. Best year for Xbox since 2016.
I more excited for Ori than any other game on any platform. I only played Blind Forest for the first time last year as I hadn't owned an Xbox this gen before the X launched. Let's just say it blew me the fuck away!

Deleted member 3017

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Oct 25, 2017
I'd say really only because of uncharted 1 vs halo 3. Halo 3 is considered the peak of the series.

Also Mass Effect 1, Bioshock (Xbox console exclusive for a year), The Orange Box (delayed on PS3 and with a number of technical issues), and pretty much the best version of every multiplat.

Plus Crackdown to a lesser extent. 2007 was a killer year for Xbox.

Mr Delabee

Oct 25, 2017
2014 was already the year of Xbox but no one cared, which I'm sure will be exactly like the next year of Xbox.


Oct 25, 2017
Who knows, they are making good moves but to have a really great year that called be called "theirs" you need a good system, great software and a sprinkle of luck. Their first party stuff this gen has been spotty.


Oct 25, 2017

Deleted member 35598

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Dec 7, 2017
2021 will be the year of the Xbox.
2019 and 2020 will belong to the Switch, but I expect Microsoft to be as innovative and bold as they were with the 360.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
The prospect of GamePass + xCloud makes the future of Xbox really exciting.
Microsoft believe they can reach 2 billion gamers worldwide. If they are able to reach even 10% of that goal, it would be a huge boost to the gaming industry.

Just looking to 2020 and onward is really exciting.


Jun 5, 2018
For me they need to put out a couple of real GOTY contenders in a year to be considered a stellar year and Forza, Halo and Gears aren't gonna cut it like they did 10 years ago. No chance

They need to be braver in there AAA games line-up.
Your right. They need to be. But so does Sony. Every big AAA budget Sony makes is a 3rd PERSON action single day player focus game. Uncharted, last of us, GOT, god of war, spiderman, death stranding, horizon. All their biggest games All great. ALL single player focused 3rd person action games. I actually think Microsoft is much more diverse although the quality isn't quite up to par.


Dec 13, 2017
wasn't it 2015 with their greatest game line up. "With the biggest blockbusters, all of the best exclusives this year, and an expanding library of your favorite Xbox 360 titles – this is the greatest games lineup in Xbox history. Jump ahead."


Oct 28, 2017
2014 was already the year of Xbox but no one cared, which I'm sure will be exactly like the next year of Xbox.

Not even close. It had a few very good games (especially relative to PS4's slow start) but it's pretty laughable IMO to call that lineup something special in the vein of "Year of Xbox". Xbox has not had a homerun year this gen.

Got Danny

Nov 8, 2017
wasn't it 2015 with their greatest game line up. "With the biggest blockbusters, all of the best exclusives this year, and an expanding library of your favorite Xbox 360 titles – this is the greatest games lineup in Xbox history. Jump ahead."

That was extremely annoying marketing. Put the games out, let the fans decide how great it is. Don't tell me its the greatest

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
So when you say "year of Xbox" you mean a year that Xbox sticks out above Nintendo and Sony?
Oct 27, 2017
Your right. They need to be. But so does Sony. Every big AAA budget Sony makes is a 3rd PERSON action single day player focus game. Uncharted, last of us, GOT, god of war, spiderman, death stranding, horizon. All their biggest games All great. ALL single player focused 3rd person action games. I actually think Microsoft is much more diverse although the quality isn't quite up to par.
I think it depends how you define brave. Sony's output is brave in that no other AAA developer like MS or EA is willing to put out big single player titles like God of War or Detroit with no season passes/lootboxes/cosmetics. You only see these types of games now in the AA space with games like Control or Vampyr. Sony is the only one willing to put a lot of money behind these types of games anymore.


Jun 5, 2018
If Halo Infinite is "God of War"-level of reboot, then by God hold on to your butts.
When asked 'describe in 1 word halo infinite' Frankie (343 director) said capacious. Halo infinite is also to have 4 player split screen. More players per match than any halo game before it.

It's definitely a reboot. That's why we didn't get halo infinite in 2018 and that's why it's also not coming in 2019.


Jan 21, 2018
I'd guess we'll see most new products from their recent acquisitions between 2021 and 2023. But 4 years is so long in this business, so let's wait and see.

For me personally it will be the year Age of Empires 4 releases.


Jun 5, 2018
I think it depends how you define brave. Sony's output is brave in that no other AAA developer like MS or EA is willing to put out big single player titles like God of War or Detroit with no season passes/lootboxes/cosmetics. You only see these types of games now in the AA space with games like Control or Vampyr. Sony is the only one willing to put a lot of money behind these types of games anymore.
That's a fair point too.


Oct 31, 2017
They have Obsidian and whatever the 2nd team that makes Forza Horizon games is doing. If both those teams release new games in the same year, and they have a shot of dethroning Sony or Nintendo for a single year. Way too early to tell. It looks like they're making a ton of good moves. At this point as I've said before, they literally can't be worse than their garbage output this generation. So I expect a lot better with XboxTwo to be more inline with X360 in terms of quality.

It sure as hell isn't going to be 2019 though, presuming 2/3 big guns from Sony show up and Nintendo has something other than Pokemon for the rest of the year. 2020 or 2022 if it happens. I expect GOW II, Spiderman II to hit 2021 and who knows what else from Sony which makes that year a wrap. I don't even think MS needs to win but make a splash so they're taken more seriously when it comes to games. That can even happen this year with Halo, Gears and 1-2 other games they can release this year.

People who like online games? Xbox live?

PlayStation is great, and there's some real quality stuff their. Great single player games. last of us, god of war, spiderman, horizon. Great games that I wish where on Xbox. Notice anything about those games? All single player 3rd person action games.

I love those kind of games and that where Microsoft is definitely lacking but I love online games, racers, strategy games tooo. Assuming ps5 is backwards compatibile I'll probably get it at launch but I mainly play online games with my family and friends. And honestly the best place for me as an online gamer is Xbox.
TLOU's MP is one of the best made, my favorite from last generation. Saying that, I'd like Sony to make 1-2 more online focused franchises as well.


Oct 27, 2017
It would be nice for sure, but there's nothing to hint at the idea that Microsoft is going to go all out this year outside of Crackdown 3 coming later this month. Still, if there was a year to knock it out of the park, this would be a good one to make that happen.


Alt Account
Nov 14, 2018
I think it depends how you define brave. Sony's output is brave in that no other AAA developer like MS or EA is willing to put out big single player titles like God of War or Detroit with no season passes/lootboxes/cosmetics. You only see these types of games now in the AA space with games like Control or Vampyr. Sony is the only one willing to put a lot of money behind these types of games anymore.
Days Gone /= "Brave"


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way

Deleted member 5535

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Oct 25, 2017
Probably never as between fp, Sony and Nintendo have much more games and established franchises than xbox, as well as more success. Even with new studios, I don't think that will change for the company.


Oct 25, 2017
I would hope 2020/2021, they seem to be building everything towards a brand refresh for next gen. They need to really, Halo Infinite as a launch title would be confirmation that they realise this. There is a lot of potential with Xbox right now, I hope they can capitalise on it. But to the question of your thread... who knows if they will be able to, over the next year or two we should be able to get a good idea of their plans. As rumours/reports come out, as GDC and E3 2019 passes. What moves they make on the first party front, they have said their not done so lets see who they partner with/acquire. What the mysterious MSGP is working on etc, exciting times but who knows if it will be the successful relaunch the brand needs or a staggered whimper.
Feb 10, 2018
I think from 2020 onwards will be really good.
2019 will have crackdown 3 and gears 5 which ain't to bad.

Halo infinite
Forza 8
Undead labs next game
Compulsion games next game

Forza horizon 5
Ninja theory game
Rares next game
Inexile next game

The coalition gears 6?
The Initiatives first title
Turn 10 game
Obsidians next game.

Also there may be more if MS does buy some more devs like the rumours suggest.

But yeah 2022 could be really epic.
Because the years prior are likely cross gen.

Deleted member 3017

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Oct 25, 2017
This year seems relatively easy for Microsoft to make a splash with Sony and Nintendo having a thin confirmed line-up. Let's hope Gears 5 is something amazing.

There is not going to be a thin lineup for Nintendo this year. Animal Crossing, Pokemon Gen 8, Fire Emblem, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, and Luigi's Mansion 3 are all confirmed for this year and all will be big hits. It's also extremely unlikely that Nintendo has revealed all of their major releases for 2019.

Also, Days Gone will be relatively big for Sony and it's possible they have one or two other big hitters coming in 2019.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't have answer that hasn't already been said and elaborated on but the one thing I think many people not everyone but many people truly forget is just how much money Microsoft has, if they really wanted to own the console space they could, both figuratively and literally. I think the past two years has shown us that they are definitely trying to turn things around and are making moves that could pay off, will they immediately slay or even tame the giant that is Sony or Nintendo of course not but for people to completely dismiss them is insane when they literally could afford to buy and close down A company like Sony or Nintendo, obviously that would never happen and it would be stupid to even suggest it but the point is they have been the the most valuable company in the world at one point and still are up there trading places all the time. They have the option to make money moves if they wanted to. Don't sleep on them. The more good games out there the better, the more competition the better in the long term.