What was worse?

  • Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

    Votes: 502 29.9%
  • Star Wars Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 1,179 70.1%

  • Total voters


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Oct 25, 2017
Gotta echo the "Crystal Skull is not as good as the trilogy but worth a watch, Rise of Skywalker is arguably the worst film in the franchise" sentiment in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll mark it down as recency bias and the sequel trilogy being mired in some sort of Culture War bullshit because as bad as it is, it's nowhere near as bad as Crystal Skull.

I mean, "nuking the fridge" became Hollywood lingo for crying out loud.


Oct 27, 2017
This will never in a million years happen, but given her proximity to both it would be interesting to get Kathleen Kennedy's take.


Oct 25, 2017
Rise and it's not even close. There are parts in Crystal Skull that are genuinely good.

Rise is devoid of anything remotely good.

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
Crystal Skull is a solid 7/10.

It has plenty of camp, but it is a solid Indy adventure. I don't get why people shit on it so much.

Shia LaBeouf and turning Indy into a happy family man maybe

I have some issues but I also think the movie gets unfairly shit on. I actually love the entire atomic bomb sequence

so, Rise by several country miles


Oct 30, 2017
I saw Crystal Skull once and will never watch it again. People saying it was not that bad are out of their minds. I don't want to watch RoS, but I could sit through it again.


Jul 13, 2019
Crystal Skull.
There were plewnty of ways a new Indy film could have been good, they just biffed it.

There was no version of TROS that was going to be good.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd go with TROS just because of the hot potato-ing of episodes 7-9 (episodes 4-6 have done the same thing, but at least they were consistent). Episodes 7-9 had the opportunity to create a new antagonist, but just dropped the ball. Don't get me started on the characters.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I always find it funny that people have no issue with made up religious nonsense like the Arc of the Covenant or the Holy Grail being real items that do literal magic but got forbid Aliens which in concept is just another form of life in the vast universe that is more advanced then us and every one looses their minds.


Oct 25, 2017
Crystal is a let down sure, but it doesn't have much riding on it, and as others have said, can stand on its own without involving the others. it's still fun, in a goofy way. A way that Indy probably shouldn't be, but it can still be stupid fun.

ROTS actively tries to take back the previous 2 movies because JJ Abrams didn't know how to move on from TLJ so he just, didn't. ROTS is a failing at a level beyond the film, it's a failing at Disney to keep their most valuable property running smoothly instead of just winging it and hoping people would buy in because 'Star Wars'


Oct 25, 2017
I'm super excited to rewatch Crystal Skull with my kids after we watched the original trilogy over the past 3 weekends. I can't imagine wanting to go back to Rise anytime soon.


Oct 25, 2017
Crystal Skull is bad

Rise of Skywalker is the creative equivalent of that pink goo they make chicken nuggets out of. At least the prequel movies were bad in service of some kind of artistic vision. Rise of Skywalker is a portent of a possible future, a Funko Pop stomping on a human face, forever.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
Crystal Skull is easily worse because the Star Wars brand had already been long sullied before Rise of Skywalker. ROS was just another bad Star Wars movie, of which we've had a few, but Indy had never been so awful in such a profoundly disappointing way.


Oct 25, 2017
Rise of Skywalker might legitimately be the worst film I have ever watched. Most bad movies are bad because their vision exceeded their resources and their talent, or because their intention was misguided or offensive, or at worst because they just couldn't make their ideas into an interesting movie. Rise of Skywalker is top to bottom an intellectually, artistically, creatively bankrupt project without an ounce of sincerity visible in any aspect of its production. Rise of Skywalker is the equivalent of a novelty light up keychain that you buy for $15 at a theme park gift shop and comes with a redemption code for a lootbox.

I don't know if I'm adequately describing how much I loathe this movie
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see why people hate KotCS so much. Like, it has a LOT of flaws, don't get me wrong, but a lot of it really feels like people doing CinemaSins dings. "You can't survive a nuclear explosion with a refrigerator, DING"

Crystal Skull is easily worse because the Star Wars brand had already been long sullied before Rise of Skywalker. ROS was just another bad Star Wars movie, of which we've had a few, but Indy had never been so awful in such a profoundly disappointing way.

I don't think that's a fair argument, since TFA and TLJ brought Star Wars back to being good again. RoS killed that, and now they have to regroup.


Apr 26, 2021
I must be in the minority, I thought both movies were pretty solid.

I thought KotCS was a little better so RoS is worse.


Oct 29, 2017
Crystal Skull is the worse movie for me, but RoS has WAAAY more bad implications for the rest of the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Crystal Skull was not as punchy as the first three, but it wasnt even a bad movie.

TRoS actively worked to ruin all eight movies before it.
Apr 21, 2018
I always find it funny that people have no issue with made up religious nonsense like the Arc of the Covenant or the Holy Grail being real items that do literal magic but got forbid Aliens which in concept is just another form of life in the vast universe that is more advanced then us and every one looses their minds.

My problem wasn't the aliens at all in fact, it was the reliance on cheese ball bad CGI action, turning the movie into a grating theme park ride. It legitimately felt like a cartoon to me, and where it does have some stronger moments in the beginning, it just spirals downwards from there. The movie had zero of the heart of the original trilogy.

With that said, upon reading this thread and reliving the awful mess of RoS, I realize it is a much worse film and actively retcons and ruins parts of the saga's story.
Apr 21, 2018
Though Crystal Skull was worse for me as an experience because I have been a big Indy fan, Rise of Skywalker is worse all round as a movie in my estimation. I can get through nearly the first half or so of Crystal Skull. It is the one DVD from the Indy collection that my kid almost never puts on, so I am not subjected to it very often, but I dont mind the rocket sled or motorbike through the university etc parts, you have a solid 30 odd minutes there I would say. I could not be motivated to watch 30 minutes of Rise of Skywalker again for any reason short of bodily harm to myself or loved ones.

This is true. The first 30 min of Crystal Skull is quite fun.


Oct 27, 2017
Indiana Jones movies are so standalone it's hard to be angry about a bad one, particularly when it's a 'one last ride' entry like 20 years later. Crystal Skull stuck out for being a 150-minute mind-numbing CGI ordeal back in 2008, but if you go back and watch it today now that all blockbusters are 150-minute CGI ordeals it's honestly pretty watchable.

You can't separate TROS from the rest of Star Wars because it's not just a direct sequel, but for whatever boneheaded reason they decided it also had to be the capper to ALL Star Wars, so it just sits there forever spoiling the whole thing. One of the most cynical, creatively-bankrupt exercises in the history of corporate filmmaking. A movie with no thesis, no themes, nothing to say about anything. Just all around dogshit. Folks, it stinks.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never know, as soon as Shia was swinging across the jungle with monkeys I turned it off ...


Oct 25, 2017
TROS wasn't THAT horrible. It just didn't give us a satisfying conclusion. It was mostly just boring with no real buildup or climax. Nothing from the previous movies amounted to anything substantial in this one.

Crystal Skull felt more like a 50 year High School reunion with wasted side-actors in bad roles and some really dumb CGI moments.

I've re-watched ROS more than Crystal Skull. In fact, I've only seen Crystal Skull once and have no desire to watch it again.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
crystal skull just had no business being made and i hate it

that hurts me much more than yet another bad star wars movie

like yeah temple of doom isnt very good but neither is return of the jedi, they didnt need to unearth indiana jones
Last edited:
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
Crystal Skull is a great and fun Indy movie. It's not the worst Indy, and only reason it's shit on is because people wanna pretend they are some elite dumbasses and hate on it because it used some CGI.

Rise of Skywalker was just bad.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Crystal Skull has the benefit of a world-class director behind it. Spielberg can (and has) made bad scripts watchable. Rise of Skywalker is just a disastrous mess.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Crystal Skull is bad

Rise of Skywalker is the creative equivalent of that pink goo they make chicken nuggets out of.
I believe it's called 'chicken'.

Crystal Skull has the benefit of a world-class director behind it. Spielberg can (and has) made bad scripts watchable. Rise of Skywalker is just a disastrous mess.
The problems with Crystal Skull aren't the script. Rather more the CG and how all the action is staged. It isn't *the dialogue scenes* people take issue with.


Oct 25, 2017
both movies are terrible so really just arguing about which animals shit you'd rather eat isn't exactly a good time. Still, I'd put my nod at Crystal Skull as being slightly worse. ROS is awful but has decent effects, good acting, moves at an insanely breakneck speed, and you can sorta understand why X Y and Z occur even though the script is wretchedly bad and its all just reused tropes and member berries.

Crystal Skull has some bad acting (Shia LB, the russian evil lady?), you get insane goofy moments that make you just go "what the fuck?" like fridge time or aliens, and its also chock full of tropes and member berries.

Either way I've only watched both movies once, in theaters, and will never watch either again so maybe I'm forgetting which one is worse.


May 14, 2019
I was more disappointed in Crystal Skull just my expectations were higher but it's TROS. Crystal Skull is a self contained disappointment. TROS let down what came before it.