Oct 28, 2017
New York
Food...every 6-12 months I seem to keep losing and gaining the same 15-20 pounds and yo-yo-ing back and forth :/ At least I'm on the downward trend again, hopefully it keeps this time.

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Oct 29, 2017
Can't quit smoking even though it's giving me emphysema so I say that.

Second is my on and off love affair with dope, stuff is horrible.


Oct 25, 2017
PSA: if you are addicted to alcohol do not attempt to quit cold turkey. Alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. Seek medical assistance.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Yeah since you realized you were wrong about that op you might want to either edit it out or otherwise update the post

I will say, though, it's a common stigma about addiction, and those stigmas make it a lot harder to treat for various reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
Video games, then weed, then sugar.

Video games were by far the hardest, but I'm pretty solidly over them. I actually find them boring and irrelevant to me for the most part now.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
PSA: if you are addicted to alcohol do not attempt to quit cold turkey. Alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. Seek medical assistance.
That's definitely in cases of pretty severe alcoholism.

If you were a moderate alcoholic like myself you'll be mostly fine quitting cold turkey. I just craved and ate a lot of candy and sugary shit when I first stopped.

Eugene's Axe

Jan 17, 2019
Sugar and porn. Other than that. I've never been addicted to anything even though I've tried many things some feeling very good like cocaine but I've never developed an addiction to any of that.
Oct 29, 2017
Soda, finally kicked all carbonated beverages over my honeymoon last spring. Mt. Dew was a lifelong addiction in particular, one of which my teeth bore the brunt.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Cigarettes. I'm going into what I feel will be my final attempt at quitting cigarettes.

Being consumed by my work does me no favors, and the social aspect of tagging along when everyone is getting up to go take smoke breaks has torpedoed every previous attempt. The difference this time is that I have suddenly started loathing the act of smoking. Something snapped and I just don't enjoy it anymore. I am more prepared this time. I have diagrammed the internal and external factors that have caused my continuing addiction, I just need to figure out how to compensate for each.

All of that said, I'm still putting biting my fingernails far above smoking in degree of difficulty. Fuck this shit. I see no promise land. I see only despair.


Oct 25, 2017
Group chats (Ventrilo, raidcall, axon, discord, MSN, yahoo chat, AIM, etc)

Not sure if I can call it a addiction but I always wasted hours being in groups thinking it was worth the time to talk to people - my main wanting to do so was to talk about video games, anime, movies and technology.

Was a waste of time mainly cause

1. people were unavailable (offline, afk)
2. People were talking about other stuff that I wasn't interested in
3. People kept making sex jokes, racist jokes, etc with each other to the point where it was pretty uncomfortable and make you think these people are fucked up in their head
4. Kept bringing up drama and gossip and causing arguments with each other to the point where the whole chat goes to hell
5. Talking about personal problems like 100% in detail like medications, family issues, etc - stuff you wouldn't tell complete strangers on the internet.

So I don't bother with stuff like that anymore thankfully.

I am in a few discord groups but I don't bother logging into discord cause I rather use my little free time doing something more productive.

I am in a WhatsApp group mainly cause of my cousins (hometown group or something) but I have it on silent and mainly lurk.

Edit : quitting sugary foods, fast food, coffee , etc was easy though
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
It wasn't all too hard, but I completely cut soda and energy drinks out 6 years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Cigarettes. It has been several years since I took so much as a drag, and to this day sometimes I'll have a beer with dinner or drink a particularly good cup of coffee and the urge comes surging back strong.

I may sound mean saying this but I truly believe any addiction can be overcome , those who don't simply have weak mental strength.

Once addicted to alcohol, true dependance, quitting without medical supervision and drug treatments can literally be fatal - and it often is. It's not a matter of willpower.
Oct 27, 2017
Sugar - not sugary soda, which I quit years ago, but sugary snacks like chocolate and chocolate biscuits.
Scratch cards - I had to force myself to stop when I bought 100 euro worth of scratch cards, and didn't win anything. I still want to buy them, thinking 'oh, I'll win something now for sure', but realistically I know I won't.


Oct 27, 2017
Anti-depressants..I might not even be able to live without them. I can wtihdraw for a while but after that feelings f anger come kicking.


Nov 6, 2017

There were a few factors.

- my room back at home with my family became a place that enabled the habit. It was the place I smoked the most so it would be difficult to be there and not think about smoking.

- I spin with tobacco. Pretty sure I was over spinning for years (pretty much 50/50) which resulted in a nicotine dependency.

Smoked everyday for 5 years (there were a couple breaks but only because I fell apart a couple times due to addiction to it lol)


Nov 15, 2017
Weed. Its such a "I just want to relax after a hard day" drug.

I took a month off from doing it this past December and realized how much i don't need it. I only use it to numb myself to the things around me. Which can be great every once in a while, but when you get to the point of doing it everyday, its very easy to fall into a routine where you just want to chill all the time.
Mar 29, 2018
Sugar easily. Pure poison that is socially acceptable makes it so easy to become addicted to.
I think this is the one for me, I'm still deep in it.

The big problem is I've got an extremely restricted diet due to multiple intolerances and such, so often wrestle with hunger pangs, getting my calories in.

And what's the easiest way to get calories into the body...?


Oct 25, 2017
Adderall. I've been off of it since the new year. It was an awful addiction that lasted several years for me. The first few weeks were rough, but outside of some weight gain, I'm finally feeling like myself again.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Chocolate chip cookies. Honestly, I can't think of any "addictions" which were hellish to overcome. It's not in my personality, fortunately.


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
I may sound mean saying this but I truly believe any addiction can be overcome , those who don't simply have weak mental strength.

The most depressing thing about this statement isn't that it's empirically wrong but that it's a commonly held belief.

People are genuinely so self-centered they think their experience of the world must be everyone else's."If I can do it, so should you! Anything less is weakness or laziness!"


Oct 25, 2017
Biting my nails...

Stuff like sugary drinks I can simply not buy (and at least get some comfort in the fact that I'm saving money) but my nails are always there, growing waiting to be chomped


Oct 29, 2017
I haven't been able to give up nicotine. Quit smoking but started with snus instead.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
I have a severe internet addiction. I don't leave for work/study until I had my social media debrief. I'm also stingy with mobile data.