Oct 25, 2017
Soda/ sugary drinks

Now I just drink mostly water. I'll have coffee, tea and maybe a diet iced tea. After cutting out sugar by 80-90%, I sleep and feel soooooo much better. Skin looks better too.

Seriously, sugar will fucking kill you. Cut as much out of your diet as possible. Make sure whatever you eat doesn't have added sugar in it.


Dec 8, 2018
The most depressing thing about this statement isn't that it's empirically wrong but that it's a commonly held belief.

People are genuinely so self-centered they think their experience of the world must be everyone else's."If I can do it, so should you! Anything less is weakness or laziness!"
Watch out everyone we are in the presence of a supreme being
Cigarettes. It has been several years since I took so much as a drag, and to this day sometimes I'll have a beer with dinner or drink a particularly good cup of coffee and the urge comes surging back strong.

Once addicted to alcohol, true dependance, quitting without medical supervision and drug treatments can literally be fatal - and it often is. It's not a matter of willpower.

You guys should probably read earlier posts before making a reply....