How many units of alcohol a week do you drink?

  • Up to 10 units

  • Up to 20 units

  • Up to 30 units

  • Greater than 30 units

  • None

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Oct 25, 2017
I generally drink 1 beer a night (about 355ml). Sometimes 2, sometimes none.
Mostly strong beers in the 6%-9% range.
I never get drunk by myself. Just takes the edge off and helps me sleep.

If I'm visiting family I'll drink a lot more. Usually 3 or 4 beers and maybe a glass of wine and/or some liquor.
So I voted "up to 30", but my average is probably shy of 20.

There are alcoholics in my family, but I've never had an addictive personality.
I never feel like I "need" a beer, and I have no desire to drink at all before the evening.
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Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
When I feel like it. I don't buy alcohol more than a few times a year, but I do buy a lot of it when I do.


Oct 27, 2017
I drink about 3 times a year, and only the good sweet stuff like apple/peach/grapefruit Soju or drinks at Disneyland California Adventure.

Hate the taste of alcohol and beer so those are the only ones I really enjoy.


Oct 26, 2017
I try to not drink on weekdays. Weekends though, I YOLO' it. I kinda need it after how shit weekdays are.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't had a drink in about 15 months, since my last vacation. It's not a thing that really bothers me, though lately I've fancied a beer or two a few times but since there was none in the house and we're in lockdown I just did without.
Oct 28, 2017
My relationship with it is utter disdain and contempt after growing up with a family that abused and relied on it. I can't see a single good thing about alcohol because of that. Doesn't help that everything I've ever tasted immediately had me wanting to spit it out. Nasty stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Northern California
I only drank once or twice a year before going on antidepressants, so now I can't drink at all. I admit I feel a little jealous of my friends who can drink while we play tabletop RPGs online, but this is definitely for the best.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I drink two or three times a week. Sometimes too much, but it's not really an issue.


Oct 26, 2017
Not a drinker but did tell myself I would try it years back. I have since had maybe 9 or 10 4 packs of these over the last decade:

Tastes like a fruit drink with a weird alcoholy aftertaste. Im sure it's weak alcohol but it still counts!

Haven't had any in a while as I stopped buying them but hey, I just wanted to try it. I have no real desire to drink. It's a habit that costs money and impairs driving. Doesn't appear attractive to me from the outside so. /shrug.


Oct 25, 2017
I️ used to drink to much. Took a couple months off in 2020 and felt a lot better physically and mentally. Started up again during the holidays and election stuffs. This week I'm back to being sober. Only been a couple days but I️m already feeling a lot better. Prob gonna stick with it for the foreseeable future


Nov 6, 2017
Very rare now. For me that has completely changed with age. It's pretty natural for people in their 20s to drink excessively but that changes as you get older.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I was a social drinker in my early twenties, but now as a 27-year old, I'm turned off by it. I just don't find it enjoyable anymore and I can rarely finish drinks. Now that weed is legal in my state I find it has all the pros of alcohol without the hangovers.

I'll smoke and eat weed any day over alcohol.


Oct 28, 2017
Social drinker mostly. Even in recent years I've lessened my drinking and this past year I've had maybe a couple of prepandemic beers still sitting around. My desire to drink for drinking a sake is almost zero at this point, but during my more social drinking days I could get pretty plastered.


Oct 27, 2017
Used to regularly drink, but now only when I see friends and we wanna get more talkative. That is to say, very rarely now.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll have a drink socially, or when the mood strikes me. Pre-pandemic, that might have been once a month, once every couple of months. Now, I don't remember when I last had an alcoholic drink.


Oct 26, 2017
When I drink, I drink. I just did "Dry January" after drinking quite a bit in November and December.


Oct 25, 2017
It varied, but prior to COVID I went out a fair bit to the pub so I was drinking around 20-30 units of alcohol a week.

Nowadays since being at home I usually drink a 330ml bottle of beer with my dinner, so around 1.7 units of alcohol a day.

I did feel my drinking habits were getting a bit out of hand before, so I'm glad I'm drinking less than I was. I also feel far less dependent on it too.


Oct 25, 2017
This forum is weird when it comes to drink. Pretty much 95% of people I know and in society generally drink in my country but this place seems like teetotal central.

I think a lot of Americans, which is probably a big percentage of this site, have a strange relationship with drinking. In countries like France and Italy kids are brought up drinking a glass of wine with dinner. It's not a big deal. They grow up to be pretty sensible about drinking. But in America it's a forbidden fruit, and then people go wild with it once they are allowed to drink. And then you see the flipside, where because of this unhealthy relationship they swear it off completely.

The other factor that plays into excessive drinking in America is the larger socioeconomic forces which are crushing people tighter and tighter. We spent so much energy talking about the pain meds addictions in the country, but that and excessive drinking is just a symptom, a coping mechanism, and we haven't dealt with the root societal causes at all. Want to solve substance abuse problems? Then let's solve massive wealth inequality, lack of middle class jobs, lack of opportunities for minorities, lack of worker protections, lack of free health care, lack of affordable housing, lack of treating people with dignity and humanity.


Oct 27, 2017
If I'm in a social situation where alcohol is present, I'll partake. But I don't keep it in the house and can easily go months without really coming in contact with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Cut it out of my life in 2020 going strong in 2021. Maybe a gin and tonic at Xmas.

Removed it for health goals and because I am cheap and realized how much I saved just getting a water.
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Oct 27, 2017
Used to consume about 30 drinks a week, drinking almost everyday. Did that for at least ten years. Now I'm more than 3 years sober. No regrets.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Very rare now. For me that has completely changed with age. It's pretty natural for people in their 20s to drink excessively but that changes as you get older.
This. Now I tell people if I'm going to drink at all its cause I want to party and get drunk specifically. Which is like maybe 2 or 3 times a year at the most. I've lost all real desire to drink.


Oct 25, 2017
If there happens to be some good beer in my house, maybe 2-3 a week.

But there often isn't.


Oct 27, 2017
North Texas
I was drinking daily for years, trying to keep it to two drinks a day most of the time, but that ballooned to easily 25-30 drinks a week during 2020.

For the last couple months, I've cut back to only drinking once a week. No dramatic rock-bottom moment or anything, just kind of realized I wasn't enjoying it anymore and it was interfering with my weight loss.

Deleted member 11976

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Used to do it socially, maybe a few drinks a month, but the pandemic has put a crashing halt to that. I usually drink on special occasions/holidays and that's it. We don't keep or regularly stock alcohol in my house either. I'd rather smoke weed or take an edible.
Oct 31, 2017
I was an alcoholic when I first started college

like there was one time where I put a couple of shots of whiskey into a container and I drank it in a bathroom stall before class lol

But ever since I started taking meds for ADHD I only drink like on average once every couple of months


Jan 10, 2018
I'll drink it when going karaoke or maybe at a get together with friends (everything pre-pandemic of course).

I don't drink much at all otherwise. Pretty much only a Sake, Shochu or Soju drinker when I do. Usually down for a flavored one. Although I don't mind a regular malt or something with friends if the place only offers that


Oct 25, 2017
I think a lot of Americans, which is probably a big percentage of this site, have a strange relationship with drinking. In countries like France and Italy kids are brought up drinking a glass of wine with dinner. It's not a big deal. They grow up to be pretty sensible about drinking. But in America it's a forbidden fruit, and then people go wild with it once they are allowed to drink. And then you see the flipside, where because of this unhealthy relationship they swear it off completely.

The other factor that plays into excessive drinking in America is the larger socioeconomic forces which are crushing people tighter and tighter. We spent so much energy talking about the pain meds addictions in the country, but that and excessive drinking is just a symptom, a coping mechanism, and we haven't dealt with the root societal causes at all. Want to solve substance abuse problems? Then let's solve massive wealth inequality, lack of middle class jobs, lack of opportunities for minorities, lack of worker protections, lack of free health care, lack of affordable housing, lack of treating people with dignity and humanity.

I can't disagree with anything in this post.


Jul 22, 2019
I'm a teacher and try to not drink on school nights. Fridays and Saturdays I have a few drinks, more if my D&D group is playing or if I'm brewery hopping.


Oct 25, 2017
I never was a heavy drinker, but during covid times I would start earlier and earlier in the day. The last two times I poured myself a shot of whiskey I just looked at it and could imagine the effects coming on more like a headache in a minute. I poured it out and haven't had a drink in two months. I feel it's better self care for me to not drink now. I might come back to it later, but right now I'm very content where I'm at. I don't feel like I'm missing out on it at all.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Excluding New Years where I had two servings of champagne, I just had my first alcoholic beverage in 4 months with my dinner — a single beer.

I've been on night shift the vast majority of the past 5.5 years since I began my current job, often leaving the best times to drink around my sleep schedule as mornings, which has always felt odd and inappropriate to me. Prior to this, I used to drink heavily at least once a week because of the social life I had.

I don't miss alcoholic beverages that much, I was always a lightweight and I really only enjoy beer for the most part. It was easy to get to a point where I'd be puking over a toilet.

So yeah. I have maybe a beer or two every few months.
Sep 15, 2020
I'll drink at a birthday party, wedding, or if a friend is visiting out of town or in the situation I'm the friend in town. With how things have been lately, I think I've been sober for more than a year now.

I also don't drink as much as I used to and maybe on rare occasions I'll have a little more than extra during the middle of a trip. That way I don't have to deal with a hangover at the beginning and on the flight back home.

Beer gets me gassy and bloaty, I can't drink a lot of it without discomfort coming early and wasting time with multiple trips to the loo since it filters out of me pretty quickly. Now if it's hard liquor, that's more enjoyable for me as it hits earlier, doesn't make me gassy, bloaty, and doesn't send me to the bathroom as often.


Dec 3, 2020
I wouldn't equate alcohol to pain pills or not "facing the world."
It's a really weird thing to say. Like, someone could just as easily look at this community and label it as people who play video games so they don't have to "face the world."
. It was really just about things that dull your senses. It was meant to be a joke but I can accept that it missed. I know that everyone's life brings them to different places and conclusions and that their no inherent shame in alcohol/drinking/meds/recreational drugs.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
I'm big into craft beer and still drink too much, but in a more responsible way than I used to, I think. At least, I try not to get wasted like I did when I was younger. Weekdays vary between nothing and 1-3 beers per day, weekends usually something like 2-4 per day. I find it harder to keep beer in the fridge than to not bring it into the house, so I tend to buy smaller 4 packs to get me through the weekend and hope there's nothing by the time Monday rolls around.

Mum and dad were alcoholics growing up. Not violent or non-functional ones, but they drank every day and I got into the habit of avoiding spending too much time with them past 8pm or so, mum especially was annoying to be around. I think the standard weekly order was 1.75l of blended scotch and two boxes of Franzia. Dad ended up quitting cold turkey after some health issues, still have no idea how he did it, but he'll have a glass of wine or a beer occasionally now instead of crushing wine daily. Mum still drinks but it seems to be less damaging now.

I tried to always be cognizant of that family history, so I've been doing a dry january the past couple of years, and try to make sure that I don't get to a point where I can't stop. I also try to be mindful of letting up a little bit when I'm feeling down, I drank more in my 20s due to depression and it never helped