How many units of alcohol a week do you drink?

  • Up to 10 units

  • Up to 20 units

  • Up to 30 units

  • Greater than 30 units

  • None

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Oct 25, 2017
None. It comes from the fact that my step-father was a heavy drinker and I just generally dislike the taste.
Mar 10, 2018
. It was really just about things that dull your senses. It was meant to be a joke but I can accept that it missed. I know that everyone's life brings them to different places and conclusions and that their no inherent shame in alcohol/drinking/meds/recreational drugs.
All good, knew you were being somewhat tongue-in-cheek


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I don't even hit your '10 units' except for maybe a few times a year. And I brew my own beer and make mead. I enjoy alcohol, but I don't have a risky relationship with it, thankfully.


Oct 27, 2017
I could never be an alcoholic simply because I'm a cheap bastard and my frugalness overrides all other concerns. Alcohol is fucking expensive. If I'm in the grocery store, why would I buy a pack of beer for $10 when I can just get soda or juice that lasts longer and is half as cheap? So, I only drink when I'm out with friends or have free liquor given to me. Right now, I've got two good bottles of some hard liquor but since they are my only bottles I only use a bit at a time. I'll use them periodically to punch up some tea or other drink. But, that's about it.

Every now and then I'll treat myself to an actual pack of whatever beer or liquor of my choice. But, that's maybe once in a few months. Plus, alcohol just makes me sleepy so I can't be drinking that shit all the time.


Nov 2, 2017
I get wild when I go out. But I haven't drunk anything for the past 5 months I think. I don't drink on my own at home, I think that is a path that leads to alcoholism.
Oct 28, 2017
At my worst I was probably around 60-70 units per week. Maybe more.

During my last few semesters of college, I drank alone every night. I always made sure to have a bottle of vodka in the freezer and, once I got home from class, I would start chipping away at it with my shot glass and a carton of orange juice. It made my tedious existence a little more enjoyable and my hangovers were mild and rare. I haven't drank anything in almost a year, but I'll probably go back to it.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
I could never be an alcoholic simply because I'm a cheap bastard and my frugalness overrides all other concerns. Alcohol is fucking expensive. If I'm in the grocery store, why would I buy a pack of beer for $10 when I can just get soda or juice that lasts longer and is half as cheap? So, I only drink when I'm out with friends or have free liquor given to me. Right now, I've got two good bottles of some hard liquor but since they are my only bottles I only use a bit at a time. I'll use them periodically to punch up some tea or other drink. But, that's about it.

Every now and then I'll treat myself to an actual pack of whatever beer or liquor of my choice. But, that's maybe once in a few months. Plus, alcohol just makes me sleepy so I can't be drinking that shit all the time.

Your point still stands but 10 bucks for a 6 pack is a deal IMO

I've got too comfortable with 16oz cans from good breweries costing 4-5 bucks each


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I'll occasionally have 1 after dinner during the week, but usually have a few on the weekends.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
History of severe alcoholism among my family and friends. Not everyone mind you, but enough that it's made a lasting impact. So I rarely drink. Not because I have any worry that I will become like that, I won't. But because experiences with addicts have turned me off from it.

I went through a period in my 20s where I would drink socially quite a bit, when I was still getting a feel for things. But I've since decided that I don't really care for it.

I can imbibe now and then when the right occasion comes up. And thankfully I don't have any addiction problems, so I can walk away from it at the drop of a hat.


Feb 24, 2018
Father was a alcoholic, ruined his body and eventually died from the damage that had been done by the time he was sober.

I don't drink very often. It takes a lot for me to get drunk, and I have a very hard time maintaining a "Buzz" .

Last night I took 5 shots (I actually measure with a shot glass when I drink) of whipped vodka, and put 2 more shots into my coffee.
I started to feel buzzed as I drank my coffee, but felt completely sober by the time I finished it (roughly and hr from first shot to finishing coffee.

I don't socially drink (like out at restaurants) very often because I'd rather just have soda since a few drinks does absolutely nothing to me and I'd rather not spend 50$ on alcohol when Im' out. So when I drink, I generally buy a bottle and finish it, getting completely fuking smashed.

Generally don't drink beer (Unless I've already been doing shots, and it's just something to drink) because I have a really hard time getting buzzed/drunk off of it. I get full as fuck after like 5-6 beers, then I slow way down and pretty much just become/stay sober as I drink unless I just absolutely pound them.

I have no idea what units mean, this is literally the first time I have ever heard that term in relation to alcohol.

But whatever a 750ml bottle of vodka is. That's how much I drink.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I drink too much. I deliberately avoided any alcohol this weekend specifically because I noticed it was depressing my work habits.


Oct 25, 2017
After watching the documentary in the OP, I installed an app on my phone just so I can track how much I am drinking so I can confirm this.

I'm confident my drinking is less, but today alone on a "long" drinking day, I will have hit the weekly NHS max recommendation. Keep in mind I haven't gotten beyond moderately drunk, but spending a decent chunk of the afternoon and evening hanging out and drinking adds up QUICK. I changed my vote, because if I get close to today twice on the weekend and have a few casual ones during the week (which I still tend to do), I'm definitely over 30 units. While I've cut back some since I turned 30, I should go further for my health alone. I don't want to be middle aged and saddled with health complications/shortened life just because I liked spending so much time doing this. I think I lulled myself into believing that it wasn't a lot. Of course if you hang around at bars all the time, it's not difficult to be better than average or many.


Oct 27, 2017
I stopped drinking around the start of pandemic lockdown because it was hurting my work and my relationships, and it was becoming very clear that it would only get worse during Covid. It's been one of the best decisions I've ever made


Oct 25, 2017
Father was a alcoholic, ruined his body and eventually died from the damage that had been done by the time he was sober.

I don't drink very often. It takes a lot for me to get drunk, and I have a very hard time maintaining a "Buzz" .

Last night I took 5 shots (I actually measure with a shot glass when I drink) of whipped vodka, and put 2 more shots into my coffee.
I started to feel buzzed as I drank my coffee, but felt completely sober by the time I finished it (roughly and hr from first shot to finishing coffee.

I don't socially drink (like out at restaurants) very often because I'd rather just have soda since a few drinks does absolutely nothing to me and I'd rather not spend 50$ on alcohol when Im' out. So when I drink, I generally buy a bottle and finish it, getting completely fuking smashed.

Generally don't drink beer (Unless I've already been doing shots, and it's just something to drink) because I have a really hard time getting buzzed/drunk off of it. I get full as fuck after like 5-6 beers, then I slow way down and pretty much just become/stay sober as I drink unless I just absolutely pound them.

I have no idea what units mean, this is literally the first time I have ever heard that term in relation to alcohol.

But whatever a 750ml bottle of vodka is. That's how much I drink.

I'm sure you're aware of this but you have what would probably be considered a drinking problem


Oct 25, 2017

Keep in mind, I drink less than 20 times a year.
"I don't drink very often, but when I do I down an entire bottle of vodka" is what many would consider a drinking problem. It's not about how often you drink, but the fact that you put a dangerous amount of alcohol into your body when you do drink would probably be frowned upon by your doctor, for example.


Feb 24, 2018
"I don't drink very often, but when I do I down an entire bottle of vodka" is what many would consider a drinking problem. It's not about how often you drink, but the fact that you put a dangerous amount of alcohol into your body when you do drink would probably be frowned upon by your doctor, for example.

I'm 6'3 and anywhere from 250 to 280 throughout the year.
It's certainly not a dangerous amount of alcohol to someone my size/tolerance.

Doctors would frown upon me eating entire XL pizza's at a time either. Fuck em =p


Oct 25, 2017
Don't typically like the way it tastes so I drink very infrequently.

Being drunk is fun but I'm not overly fond of the feeling either.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't been drinking much during the pandemic because I'm a social drinker and I personally don't like drinking at home (unless I have people over). What's scary is when I do drink, I do identify with that "switch" where I just keep going until theres no more or I'm too tired.

I have a complicated relationship with alcohol because there are times where when I drink a lot I can be either completely fine (and acceptably "drunk") or self destructive. The latter hasn't happened in a while - a big part of it having to do with some life changes and choosing who I drink with.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, Canada
Due to my eczema, my skin starts to flare up badly if I consume more than 1-2 cans/bottles of alcohol. So I've never really felt what it is like to be drunk. I am much of a fan of drinking alcohol in the first place, so if I were in a social environment where people are drinking, I may have a cider/cooler or a flavoured soju, but that's about it.

Ballpoint Ren

Oct 25, 2017
Kind of a mixed bag for me. I certainly don't mind having a drink every now and then on occassion, or when I'm with my partner. Living with a pathologically lying alcoholic for most of my life has put me off of getting drunk or doing any kind of heavy drinking though.


May 8, 2018
Colton, CA
I got zooted tonight but on average I would say 15-25 units a week. I have been boozing harder during the winter. Need to cut it out and get back to riding my bicycle more but the weather has been ass.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, according to this poll, none.

I drink so little these days. The lowest poll option, I'm no where near that, lol.

My mother was an alcoholic, and I just promised myself I wouldn't put my kids through what I went through. I can drink heavy when I want to, and just stop when I want to.


Jan 30, 2021
I'm a....functioning alcoholic. I'd say I went from a highly functional one to a barely functional one over the course of the pandemic until now.

I don't know the direct translation of units of booze to what I actually drink but I have to assume it's the highest possible option in the poll for me.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Used to drink pretty frequently, but mostly just at parties / when I'm with friends. Honestly haven't had any alcohol in months. Not for any particular reason, but I just don't really get the urge to drink anymore. It's more of a social thing for me rather than something to unwind with or whatever, and with COVID I haven't been able to go out drinking with friends in close to a year.
Oct 25, 2017
ill have a beer or a glass of wine with dinner pretty much every night
tho not gonna lie i crave soda more than i crave alcohol
Oct 30, 2017
I've got a pretty complete drinks cabinet, and follow cocktail chemistry and how to drink on YouTube.

but, since September my partner and I have been following this Joe Wicks diet plan and there's no room for alcohol in it.
have gone from a few drinks a week, to one per month roughly.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
I basically don't drink, aside from rare occasions, stuff like after-wedding parties where there are lots of drunk people around having fun. Maybe like once or twice a year on average? At my peak during university, it was maybe around 10-15 times a year.

When I do drink, though, I drink a lot (by my lightweight standards) and have always had a lot of fun. It helps that I've never had a hangover and feel well-rested and great the next day, no matter how much I drank.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
I don't drink except for when I am out with friends sometimes. I'm too much of a lightweight and it affects me too much.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was in college and for a few years after I graduated, I was a very heavy drinker (easily over 30 units a week). These days, I probably drink 10 units per month at most. I enjoy the taste but I don't enjoy the effects the next day if I overindulge.


Feb 28, 2019
I have a couple friends who I like to crack open some wine with, but I only see them a few times a year. Outside of that I don't really drink.
Oct 27, 2017
Social drinker. I don't see the point of drinking alone and find it quite concerning all the people drinking at home alone while zooming during Covid. They are creating very unhealthy habits drinking at home while physically separated from ppl.


Jan 6, 2021
I've been to a few AA meetings in the past and its crazy to me on what some consider to be an alcoholic. I'm not even sure if this is true or not but someone shared that they only drink once a year and they do it to get drunk on the anniversary of some loved ones death. Everyone one was like "yup you're an alcoholic even if you only do it once a year". Basically saying any rituals linked with booze is part of being an alcoholic even if its only once a year. Also the whole alcoholism is a disease is widely debated amongst doctors and scientists.


Feb 25, 2018
I drink quite heavy, but I only drink when going out to pubs and clubs ( before rona of course). Usually two bottles of wine followed up with some double vodka shots.

outside of that I don't drink at home or at random occasions.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
need to cut back. is there a sober era?

Not sure if i'll quit permanently but been tough with covid and living alone


Nov 1, 2017
Tomorrow will be 5 weeks sober for me, cant even believe it. I've been binge drinking 8-12 beers every 3 days or so for more than a decade. I feel great, I have cravings here and there where I think "aw man, a beer sure does sound good right now" and then I just tell myself "no, TEN beers sounds good right now, and that's the problem"