
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, that employee wanders into the back, paces for a minute, checks some texts, comes back out and goes "nope, sorry, fresh out."

"Can you check in the back" is the hallmark catchphrase for folks who have never worked in a retail shop and have no idea how it goes.

People do this because - guess what - sometimes employees actually do find things in the back. Just because some retail employees are useless doesn't mean they all are. I should point out the guy in the video here didn't do anything wrong though.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Did you work in Electronics? Because I don't think that 50/50 comment is unilaterally true... it wasn't my experience at all, personally.

I was a full time closer in Electronics at Wal-Mart and was up for department manager job before I withdrew to move to another state. We always knew exactly what we had and when/where, because if your store was like mine, Electronics was responsible for checking their own shipments in -- CAP 2 (the receiving and stock team, for the Wal-Mart uninitiated) would take them off the truck for you and pallet them, but you had to actually manually check it for discrepancies yourself.

Asset Protection in my store actually probably would have written you up for what you did... because in our store something being still on the pallet in Electronics meant it had not been checked yet. We had low staffing too, so in the Holiday season it was not uncommon for a pallet not to get checked until the morning shift the next day.

All I'm getting at really is that I don't think your advice here is applicable to all Wal-Marts lol

Also, to the people saying he should be punished: kindly check yourself. We were constantly told to preempt frequent questions like this when I worked at Wal-Mart, and he politely asked how he could help once the customer got belligerent about it. He was probably recording it BECAUSE people get belligerent. Overall though, most people hear the preemptive canned line and just thank you and hang up. It works. That's why they do it.
I had this issue at two different Wal-Mart stores, one that I worked at and another in my hometown that I didn't work at. I was actually a CSM at the time, and admittedly the CAP team at my store weren't exactly the best. But I can't blame them, either, as that store was 1000% mismanaged.

Also, I agree and don't think people in these situations should be punished. Retail workers deal with enough BS for not enough pay.
Oct 28, 2017
Stores around here used to amend their calls with "We currently do not have Nintendo Wiis". It's not a new practice, and is useful. The customer just got offended for nothing.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
If you're offended by this video, you're definitely an odd duck.

This is a completely normal practice. If the person is calling about a PS5, they get the information quickly. If they aren't, they can easily clarify as such like a reasonable person.

It's not disrespectful at all.

Possum Armada

Oct 25, 2017
Greenville, SC
Its safe to say ERA harbours a few "Karens" here lol.

nothing really wrong with the content of what the employee said. I guess it could have been worded better, somthing like "Hi this is Walmart, just to let you know we don't have any PS5s in stock atm, did you require another service?" Or something along those lines

More than a few. Mix in the normal corporate apologists and you've got a third of this thread.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
People are so sensitive they get riled up because he answered the question before it was asked ? I would have laughed and thanked the guy.


Oct 25, 2017
I spent 6 years in retail and the last holiday season I worked was almost a decade ago. We did the same thing this guy did when people were calling for Wii and PS3. Some of y'all are goddamn ridiculous.

Most people just laughed and said "Oh, okay! Thanks."


Oct 30, 2017
Why? I hate it when people don't take their job seriously (he's lucky to have one these days). He's getting a legit customer and he chooses to fuck with him right off the bat. I don't see humor in that.
How the fuck is pre-empting the most common question you're asked in a month, not taking your job seriously?

And for anyone comparing call-ins to people in the store clearly have never worked where you have to answer a phone.


Oct 30, 2017
Its safe to say ERA harbours a few "Karens" here lol.

nothing really wrong with the content of what the employee said. I guess it could have been worded better, somthing like "Hi this is Walmart, just to let you know we don't have any PS5s in stock atm, did you require another service?" Or something along those lines

But he wasn't trying to be efficient, he was trying to be funny, that's why he was recording.


Oct 27, 2017
I worked at Electronics Boutique in the UK back the in day, before we bought Game.

I remember the Christmas where PlayStation and N64 were massive. Goldeney and Zelda were two of the biggest games and we had massive waiting lists fr them because for obvious reasons cartridges were in shorter supply than disks.

There were plenty of people who understood this. But we got a few - often posher people - who would swan in a day or so before Christmas and ask for "this Zelda" thing and were completely shocked to discover this was a thing in short supply. Even worse many did this with console hardware - completely unaware there were perhaps 100 ahead of them in a waiting list.

Edit: removed very boring anecdote


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Saw some guy at the store the other day asking if they had any in the back... the employee was like no we definitely do not. And the guy asked him to check.

Not sure some people really grasp how this works lmao

Dude probably thinks that employees have one or two stashed in the back for themselves. Same shit happened with toilet paper earlier in the year. If employees had any, it would have already been paid for and that person's property, and likely not in the fucking store.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that employee wanders into the back, paces for a minute, checks some texts, comes back out and goes "nope, sorry, fresh out."

"Can you check in the back" is the hallmark catchphrase for folks who have never worked in a retail shop and have no idea how it goes.
I'm currently working retail, we get deliveries everyday, they aren't all on shelves until well after closing, so "Can you check in the back" has a reasonable chance of me finding the product for them.

Regarding "checking the back - it's 2020. Every store should have some sort of handheld device or computer that can pull up inventory. I worked at TRU in 2015 and any employee could tell you if something was in the back without actually going to the back, since everything was scanned into a location after we unloaded it.

If an employee with an attitude says they're out of something without checking (besides PS5s) they're probably not good enough at their job to find it in the back anyway (especially at Walmart).

Those tools are expensive and usually in the single digit numbers per store, in the time you get one (and may need find item code to input), a visual inspection of stock is usually faster. Also where I'm working delivery arrives by pallets stacked about 2m high, even if the item is in stock if it is in the middle of the pallet you're not seeing/getting to it.


Oct 27, 2017
Why? I hate it when people don't take their job seriously (he's lucky to have one these days). He's getting a legit customer and he chooses to fuck with him right off the bat. I don't see humor in that.
If you've ever worked in retail you'll know you have to have a sense of humour to survive it.

The most egregious thing he did was record it, but his tone was polite and he provided the correct information (whether it was preemptive or not).

Choosing to focus on this guy when the caller called him "retarded" is an interesting take.


Nov 27, 2017
Why? I hate it when people don't take their job seriously (he's lucky to have one these days). He's getting a legit customer and he chooses to fuck with him right off the bat. I don't see humor in that.

What's the problem? This is the same thing as setting up a voicemail explaining there are no PS5's available. It saves the customer from asking an unnecessary questions. Great service, in my opinion. If he calls for something else, that's fine too.


Oct 27, 2017
I spent 6 years in retail and the last holiday season I worked was almost a decade ago. We did the same thing this guy did when people were calling for Wii and PS3. Some of y'all are goddamn ridiculous.

Most people just laughed and said "Oh, okay! Thanks."

Imagine appreciating someone saving you time...

But no. Fire him into the sun for efficiency.


Oct 30, 2017
What a douche, he should be reprimanded for this and be sent on training. Very disrespectful. This is your job, I know it sucks; I'm in the same boat, but I would never pull shit like this.

what? if anything he's allowing more people to get through to them with questions NOT pertaining to the PS5 stock issue by getting it out of the way immediately. he's saving time. when i was calling my ISP recently their opening line was literally about next gen consoles releasing recently and the internet in the area being slower because it was getting absolutely hammered...which happened to be relative to my question. done. the call took seconds, not minutes.

the guy who called clearly was going to ask about PS5 stock too, he was just salty about the fact it was his presumed question...for whatever reason


Oct 25, 2017

You got any of those PS5s?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Why? I hate it when people don't take their job seriously (he's lucky to have one these days). He's getting a legit customer and he chooses to fuck with him right off the bat. I don't see humor in that.
What? The guy says "electronics, we don't have any PS5's" and the guy chooses to overreact. They are allowed to preface with that information.
There's not wrong with that.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
While that may be the unfortunate reality for you,

I'd be taken aback if someone answered my question before I even asked it. Then I'd go "Oh ok, thanks, bye."
Why would you get upset by quickly getting the information you were seeking and throw insults over it? What's wrong with you?
People can be such weird dickheads for no reason.
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Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, that employee wanders into the back, paces for a minute, checks some texts, comes back out and goes "nope, sorry, fresh out."

"Can you check in the back" is the hallmark catchphrase for folks who have never worked in a retail shop and have no idea how it goes.
It works at shoe stores.


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
The Target near me put up a sign in the vestibule telling people they don't have these items and listed both the PS5 and XSX/XSS. I'm sure that didn't deter everyone though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Like 90% of the time I ask people to check the back they find the product and bring it to me. But I also only ask when their website says the item is in stock at that store. And then they usually check their own computer and see it is indeed in stock.


Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
"Hey, you got any of those ultra hard to get items?"
"Sorry, no"
"But I need one"
"Sorry, but we're all out"

I've seen these meltdowns happen. I feel sorry for anyone who's had to work retail at any point and deal with shitheads like that. The delusion that the world caves to you and you alone runs deep...


Oct 25, 2017
"No, I don't.
Personally, I think it will be a while before you can come in and having a normal buying experience with that product. Just entering, picking up and paying.
Mostly because after launch there were only two times where the console was available only through our (and other retailers) website for online purchase with delivery and this has been mandated by Sony. So, if they mandate this It can only be related to the pandemic and possible fear of bad publicity regarding crowded spaces because of their product. So if that's the case, and since it's currently winter and it's gonna be a while before the cases drop, I'm guessing it will be about 3/4 months before stuff normalize.
Until then, check social media to learn when you can buy online one, but be ready for it to be quick."

I've said this probably 500000000000 times the past month.


Oct 28, 2017
Like all the other objectively correct people in this thread, I would have laughed and thanked him for preemptively volunteering the information I was looking for anyway. I have no idea how or why anyone would have found that rude.

...But I've worked in CS most of my life in one form or another, so maybe I can't understand the POV of people who've never had to.


Oct 26, 2017
Some of y'all want a guy to get fired over this with Christmas near on a pandemic.



Oct 25, 2017
What a douche, he should be reprimanded for this and be sent on training. Very disrespectful. This is your job, I know it sucks; I'm in the same boat, but I would never pull shit like this.

Walmart workers are the largest recipients of welfare and food stamps. You get what you pay for, or rather don't.

Retail is a dystopian wasteland in the US. Not really gonna be bothered by those trying to just get by.


Nov 2, 2017
I dunno what to tell you: if you answer the phone with an answer to a question you don't know is gonna be asked (it's likely, but not a guarantee) you come off really sarcastic and annoying, as seen in the reaction by the customer.

/edit: I'm done, I'm clearly the only one who thinks this.
when I worked customer service and there was a popular product, we were told to indicate it at the start of the call even if we werent asked because our systems were clogged with people asking for the same thing 24/7. Sometimes its done to speed up everyones process.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
Doesn't have to call the guy an fing retard, it's not that serious. People that get pissed at low wage workers gotta be the biggest babies
Oct 27, 2017
What a douche, he should be reprimanded for this and be sent on training. Very disrespectful. This is your job, I know it sucks; I'm in the same boat, but I would never pull shit like this.
Reprimanded for what exactly? I'm just curious.

The script in the begin of that call was probably suggested by management anyhow. Walmart had so many issues with people in store asking for PS5s they had to move back to online only.
Oct 25, 2017
2020 had some of y'all losing your minds. Saying he should be fired for this. Damn. It is clear you have never worked retail, it is an exceedingly common practice. The worker even backed it up and asked, ok how can I help you. The guy was clearly calling about a PS5 and got salty. The fact that he called the employee 'retarded' and we have people falling on the sword for the poor customer.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Why? I hate it when people don't take their job seriously (he's lucky to have one these days). He's getting a legit customer and he chooses to fuck with him right off the bat. I don't see humor in that.

He literally, verbatim, said "We don't have any PS5's". How is that fucking with someone? They don't have any PS5's.

I work in an electronics department. We do not have any PS5's. The automated system that routes customer calls says that the store does not have any PS5's or Series X's. I have not answered a call asking about anything else in weeks. Even if we did have them (we don't), you couldn't buy one, because they're only available online.


Oct 25, 2017
The employee could have said it a little slower, I think it's pretty obvious he's saying it fast so the person becomes confused and then maybe asks for a ps5.

But then I also don't give a fuck if employees are doing something to take their mind of the fact they're forced to work during a fucking pandemic.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yea, called a bunch of places in my lifetime and service will greet along with reservations full, we don't have x, etc all the time.