Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
A fair compromise with marvel fans who defend evil disney would be to allow disney to keep marvel, including the xmen, and all their original IP but make them sell everything else. I think that would be fair and accepted by everyone (except for greedy disney of course).

Are we still pretending that the X-Men factor in this in any way beyond nonsensical message board shitslinging?


Nov 6, 2017
small price to pay when we will finally be able to see Wolverine AND Spiderman on the big screen together!!!!!


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Have the people who claimed Disney+ was going to destroy Netflix arrived to defend this shit yet?

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not everything at launch, Hulu has them but not everything.

"Hulu has live sports"


It's the gulag where all creativity will one day be contained and put to work.

So hop on my steamboat boys

But don't rock it


The beat they used is one of my favorites of all episodes. Plus since it is a season finale they don't have a "who won? who's next" and that fit like a glove.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking bullshit. Really happy I've already seen quite a few of these in theaters. This is probably gonna hit my local plaza theater hard.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Fucking bullshit. Really happy I've already seen quite a few of these in theaters. This is probably gonna hit my local plaza theater hard.

My other local theater (which is 3 miles away from the one referenced in this article and is a NON-PROFIT THEATER) pretty much lost most of the horror movies it used to show in Oct because of this too.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a weird one, like I searched for Raising Arizona since its picture is in the link and it's on Hulu.

Alien. Nothing.
Phantom of the Paradise. Nothing.
Die Hard. Nothing...Die Hard 4 is on it.
There are probably a ton of different licensing agreements, both with Fox films and Disney's own movies, that they probably to have wait out before they can put them on D+ or Hulu.


Oct 25, 2017
But they will get the rest in the future yes? It's not as if Disney is making them unavailable completely right?

The article offers dueling scenarios: one is that Disney is going to dump 'em onto Hulu/D+, the other is that they are not letting small theaters screen old movies because they want as many screens as possible to be showing the new stuff.

I suspect it's both at once.


Oct 25, 2017
until we get a better idea of what their Hulu looks like I think I'd have preferred it if Comcast bought Fox tbh

but also I'm not American so I haven't had experience with their telecoms industry either. anyways fuck disney lol

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Buy physical copies of classic fox titles.

Disney gonna gobblers knob that shit


Oct 25, 2017
But it's all worth it to get X-Men in the MCU at some unspecified time in the future. Right? /s

Of course.

You don't need to watch these old movies at local run-down theater that can barely afford to pay for a cleaning staff. Buy one of the million of DVDs out there sitting at bargain bins if you really want to.

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
Scorcese saying something dumb and needing Disney to be broken up are both independent things. you don't really have to pick a side. What a lame post
the idea that Disney is producing unique, exceptional, culturally valuable media is an implicit justification for their monstrous size and shitty practices

whether or not people think Disney makes good films is a huge influence on whether people think they should be curbed


Oct 25, 2017
That's so fucked up. What's the harm in letting small theatres run their marathons? People will still stream your shit.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It makes sense in a way though. The reason some of the films aren't coming to + immediately is because of contracts with other services. Now cinemas wouldn't really be a contradiction there I'd assume, but I could definitely see how it's probably easier for them to let all contracts on them expire, set out their own plans for + and then renegotiate the contracts. Of course they may never redo the contracts, but that would be leaving money on the table.


Feb 6, 2019
I wonder what is going to happen to licencing of Fox films to boutique labels like Arrow and Criterion?

Just looking at my blu-ray shelf I can see Fox titles licenced to Arrow (My Darling Clementine, Big Trouble in Little China, Inferno, Zardoz), Eureka (Fixed Bayonets!, Forty Guns, Pickup on South Street)) and Indicator (Little Murders).

I wonder if releases like these will start going out-of-print soon?

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
Why? There's a public interest in film preservation and forcing studios to make them available for public viewing at a reasonable cost would contribute toward that goal.
Mandating that copyright holders maintain the public availability of their work in order to maintain copyright shouldn't even be controversial.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
Yeah this is pretty shitty. The people who would go to see these older movies aren't the same people who will want to go and most of Disney's modern output if the option of the older movies aren't there, and those that do would probably choose to see both. It doesn't make business sense, and from an artistic point of view is just preventing more art from being displayed as intended.

I have to wonder why the article just now popped up though. I was under the impression this had been going on for some time and was company policy since the merger? Shouldn't this have been an article in April or May? Or have they really only started cracking down now?
He is. This right here is Cerberus.
What the hell? That's insane even for me.
Copyright should always, always be use it or lose it. The insane amount of time corporations get to hold on to artists' works for is awful.


Oct 26, 2017
Disney has horrible business practices, they always had.
Those movies should be public domain anyway, though of course, Disney is big part of the reason why they aren't.

Truly, the worst possible timeline.

There isnt a tineline where Disney is ballsy enough to fuck with Rocky Horror fans.


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Question: how would that happen? I mean, logistically, what kind of plan is there beyond "the revolution"?

I'm very much "fuck capitalism", but when I ask for specifics about how, say, a communist revolution would handle the way the world is currently set up all I get are vague handwaved assurances that it'll all work out.
I mean, obviously (I hope?) my post wasn't 100% serious. I'm just super mad at Disney and dream about a mob storming them, just a nice relaxing little day-dream I have occasionally. . I'm not even that much of a revolutionist (and I'm not a communist at all, I'm an anarchist.) Discussing revolutionary politics in this thread feel to be just a tad off-topic - But If you actually want to discuss it and talk about leftist politics, you're welcome to hit me up on DM though I guess?
Oct 26, 2017
Of course.

You don't need to watch these old movies at local run-down theater that can barely afford to pay for a cleaning staff. Buy one of the million of DVDs out there sitting at bargain bins if you really want to.
Said by someone who hasn't been to one of these theatres and doesn't understand the appeal of watching classic films on the big screen.


Sep 18, 2018
I personally don't think Disney knows what to do with most of what it got from Fox. Planet Of The Apes and Avatar, two franchises they've specifically said they're excited about continuing, aren't in the + line-up.

I'm not not concerned, but I feel like they're just shifting all their policy to reflect what they had for their original films, without realising the consequences. At some point they'll realise "The Omen" is not "Cinderella" and adjust, I would hope. I'd imagine there are important film fans in Hollywood itself that would complain to Disney once this impacted them.

(I'm someone who suspects over time Disney will sell off a good chunk of Fox properties they can't make bank with, though)


Nov 6, 2017
Are we still pretending that the X-Men factor in this in any way beyond nonsensical message board shitslinging?

Are you kidding? Where do you think brand loyalty comes into play? People were flipping their shit going nuts about Disney acquiring fox just so they could see Deadpool saying naughty words in the mcu. They actually think the acquisition of these characters was the driving force behind acquiring fox. So yes fanboys fiercely protecting Disney and it's gross practices is being driven heavily behind their love of Disney IPs and their image- star wars, MCU, the mouse himself.

Check the threads on this very forum on when Amazon or Google do something along these lines vs. when Disney does it. It's amazing how many Disney defenders come in to explain why what Disney is doing is fine.


Nov 6, 2017
I personally don't think Disney knows what to do with most of what it got from Fox. Planet Of The Apes and Avatar, two franchises they've specifically said they're excited about continuing, aren't in the + line-up.

I'm not not concerned, but I feel like they're just shifting all their policy to reflect what they had for their original films, without realising the consequences. At some point they'll realise "The Omen" is not "Cinderella" and adjust, I would hope. I'd imagine there are important film fans in Hollywood itself that would complain to Disney once this impacted them.

(I'm someone who suspects over time Disney will sell off a good chunk of Fox properties they can't make bank with, though)

You really think they blindly acquired fox without having a plan in place?


Oct 26, 2017
It makes sense in a way though. The reason some of the films aren't coming to + immediately is because of contracts with other services. Now cinemas wouldn't really be a contradiction there I'd assume, but I could definitely see how it's probably easier for them to let all contracts on them expire, set out their own plans for + and then renegotiate the contracts. Of course they may never redo the contracts, but that would be leaving money on the table.
No. This is just Disney's policy with all their movies, now it just includes everything from Fox as well.

It has absolutely nothing to do with Disney+.