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Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019


Oct 27, 2017
No instead you agree most with Mayo Pete. Congrats
Honestly, I think it means its a bad quiz. I like Mayor Pete's resume on paper, but I think he's inexperienced and woefully clueless on race relations. He's also a clumsy political operator with transparent ambitions and lacks sincerity. I don't care enough to check but I'm pretty sure he's been inconsistent on a few positions, meaning I could probably swing the quiz depending on when I decided to use his answer on a subject from.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
Honestly, I think it means its a bad quiz. I like Mayor Pete's resume on paper, but I think he's inexperienced and woefully clueless on race relations. I don't care enough to check but I'm pretty sure he's been inconsistent on a few positions, meaning I could probably swing the quiz depending on when I decided to use his answer on a subject from.
I think it's just a reminder that policy doesn't really matter and that this is all a popularity contest


Oct 27, 2017

3) The Republicans get an hour of questions. Then the Democrats. The questions are posed to counsels from both sides. Senators do not speak. Both sides work out how they determine what questions they may pose. We expect the Senate to subdivide this up into two hour chunks.

I'm not sure I'm reading this right. Is there only two hours total allotted for Q&A?


Jul 25, 2018
Stocks are as expensive as they were in the 2000 bubble, fueled by the Federal Reserve's relentless "liquidity" push and monetizing of the US debt (at least $60BN per month of printed money to keep the bubble going), and Trump wants more of it to help him get re-elected.



Oct 27, 2017
The quiz showed you who you agree with on policy and your response is "nah"
Maybe you do agree with mayo!
Oh, probably do agree with him on the policy outlined in the quiz, but as I pointed out, there are other factors. Was my point about him being clueless about race incorrect? Or him being inexperienced? Politically clumsy? Do you consider those as part of "popularity"?


Oct 30, 2017
Stocks are as expensive as they were in the 2000 bubble, fueled by the Federal Reserve's relentless "liquidity" push and monetizing of the US debt (at least $60BN per month of printed money to keep the bubble going), and Trump wants more of it to help him get re-elected.

Yup. Fed has been quietly engaging in quantitative easing since September 2019 during a time of strong economic growth. Something isn't right.
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Nov 3, 2017
Trump is announcing his middle-east peace policy. This ought to be good for a laugh.


Oct 27, 2017
There's supposed to be 16 hours i think total. Looks like it will be back and forth with 2 hour chunks then a break maybe?
Cool, thanks

They're putting band aids on a leak and are waiting for a dem president to let the blood flow
Irony is my biggest worry about Clinton was I figured the economy would take a dump during her term. And now that become a worry for whoever follows Trump.
Oct 26, 2017
I really hope those Obama to trump voters never vote for a democratic candidate again. Fuck those pieces of filth, irrational assholes. They belong to republican trash and the democratic party should never have pander to them.
A vote is a vote and that shit adds up.

Push for high-speed, heavy lift rail, with stops in darn country, get therebacking by stating reduced cost to move there goods to there destinations, create mini stop hubs in dead/dying towns to inject some hope to those who think they are forgotten.


Oct 25, 2017
A vote is a vote and that shit adds up.

Push for high-speed, heavy lift rail, with stops in darn country, get therebacking by stating reduced cost to move there goods to there destinations, create mini stop hubs in dead/dying towns to inject some hope to those who think they are forgotten.

I don't really see how this hurts people of color so, although we should try it if it will help people, I don't think it will win their votes.


Jul 25, 2018
They haven't cut rates since late 2019 and Powell's made it clear he's not going to drop rates just to make up for Trump's nonsense trade wars. The liquidity problem in interbank lending was weird for sure
Powell already enabled Trump there. He cut rates on Oct 30th, which was the third time in 2019, while the "phase one" trade deal with China was days from being finished, which is what Trump wanted. He wanted the Fed to accommodate due to the damage he caused, and then he could fix the damage and therefore eat his chocolate cake and have it too.

A couple of weeks ago one of the Fed chiefs hinted at the next move being a rate cut not hike.



Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA

Who would have guess that he was a giant piece of shit?


Who would have seen this coming?

Jesus Fucking Christ. This dude kills civilians, destroys the oath he took, and now exposes his former team to harm because he wants to make a fucking name for himself.

He should be in jail for the rest of his life and maybe a few more after.

It feels like I just hate everything today but in actuality, it is everyday of this shitshow.


Oct 25, 2017
I want a Forma first; it not, Biden. I know Forma is a pipe dream so let's drown Booty.

Ayyyyy lmao

But CA25 already went blue. 🧐

I'm guessing she got OUTRAISED a la McSally.

Ayyyy lmao

CA25 is open, that was Katie Hill's seat.

Unless it's also a message for Cenk to get out of the race, which might be a good thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Powell already enabled Trump there. He cut rates on Oct 30th, which was the third time in 2019, while the "phase one" trade deal with China was days from being finished, which is what Trump wanted. He wanted the Fed to accommodate due to the damage he caused, and then he could fix the damage and therefore eat his chocolate cake and have it too.

Last week one of the Fed chiefs hinted at the next move being a rate cut not hike.

This isn't really about the trade stuff, it's about monetary policy basically being wrong for the past 5 years or so because we didn't understand how much inflation had changed in the wake of crashing birthrates. (tldr there: everyon'es turning into Japan)


Nov 27, 2017
My husband and I have done everything possible for birth rates. It's up to the straights now. Y'all will fuck it up.


Oct 27, 2017

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