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Oct 25, 2017
Glad there's other options if something goes wrong with the mail. Except in McDoogle's case, where it doesn't help at all.

edit: you know, if you have friends in the area...
i'm just saying, hypothetically, if someone were to instruct another person on what votes to cast on their ballot for them, is that vote fraud? and if it was, how would they prove it?
... of course i would NEVER recommend doing something like this haha that would be bad. if it is illegal. which it might be. and that's terrible.
"Technically" I am not sure how they would prove it either way...but I think someone can fill it out for you if you are there to sign the envelope. I forget the exact wording on it since I don't have mine handy, but yeah.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017

text message from @JeffFlake late tonight: "Just read your story. This is reprehensible behavior."

In response to this story:


Do womething about it along with every other shitty thing you trot out to concern avout to seem like one of the good ones despite being just as rotten

Fuck offfff, i hope if you run for president the neo nazis you helped create give you 0 votes


Oct 25, 2017
You know, I just connected the dots of Trump saying it's good to physically assault reporters after one was just brutally murdered.

Mr Paptimus

Oct 26, 2017
I try not to give out too many personal details, but suffice to say I have two options right now for voting in November as far as I can tell. They mail me out a new ballot, a family member gets it for me and overnights it to where I am (cost of like 50 bucks, but whatever), I vote, mail it, and it gets in on time. Alternatively I book a same day flight to get to my polling location in the morning, vote, then fly back same day.

And, to be honest, I'm not super complaining about it, because I value voting (unlike that mod who did a "woe is me" thread) and I have the means to do it. It's just frustrating because I hate doing absentee voting, or basically not voting in person all the time. And I feel like every time I've had to do absentee voting, it's been a bad election (results-wise).

I know you're not supposed to do it, but is there any reason you couldn't just get a family member to fill it out the new one and sign for you (other than it probably not being allowed). I doubt anyone would ever find out.
Oct 25, 2017
User banned (3 days): Attempted derail, persistent history of hostility towards staff
I know you're not supposed to do it, but is there any reason you couldn't just get a family member to fill it out the new one and sign for you (other than it probably not being allowed). I doubt anyone would ever find out.
Could I? Sure. Will I? No. I really value voting, those that died for their right to vote, which is why I hate dumbasses (note: not calling that specific mod a dumbass even though I reported them that they shouldn't be a mod and maybe that's why all my reports since then are super sketchy if I even get a response) who don't vote or discourage people from voting because "they're all the same". I am willing to waste a day, and half a grand to vote if needed.

I don't think it will come down to it, but I'm prepared for it.

Voting is goddamn important. In all elections. At all times.

Edit: Today/tomorrow I get to call back and have them send out another ballot. I'm sure they will, and the turnaround from a family member getting it, mailing it to me, and me sending it back will probably be fine. It's just frustrating.


Oct 27, 2017
I know you're not supposed to do it, but is there any reason you couldn't just get a family member to fill it out the new one and sign for you (other than it probably not being allowed). I doubt anyone would ever find out.

If you do this then both you and your family member deserve every bit of the fine and jail time coming to you.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Like even taking the matter of his replacement out of the question entirely, I'm just so happy that Jeff Flake will in the very near future be an ex-senator. One of the most useless people to ever hold a seat. I'll be much better able to appreciate the comedy of his faux-tortured-good-guy-soul existence when it's tied to his mind-blowing flop of a Trump primary challenge and less of a constant prelude to his daily votes to fuck the country over.


Oct 26, 2017
Like even taking the matter of his replacement out of the question entirely, I'm just so happy that Jeff Flake will in the very near future be an ex-senator. One of the most useless people to ever hold a seat. I'll be much better able to appreciate the comedy of his faux-tortured-good-guy-soul existence when it's tied to his mind-blowing flop of a Trump primary challenge and less of a constant prelude to his daily votes to fuck the country over.

Who! I didn't know he was signaling a primary challenge. I thought he was going to wait until 2024. He must be expecting a Trump impeachment, because no modern Republican can primary Trump. He's far too popular among them.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Who! I didn't know he was signaling a primary challenge. I thought he was going to wait until 2024. He must be expecting a Trump impeachment, because no modern Republican can primary Trump. He's far too popular among them.
I dont think he will either, he'll flaunt it but ultimately pull some bullshit about not wanting to cause a divide in the party (in reality knowing he would grt crushed and doesnt hate trump) and he'll try to run in 2024 with the same GOP platform as ever, just this time he's gonna be civil about it


Oct 25, 2017
You should also tell them that Uber and Lyft are offering free Election Day rides!
that's fantastic I had no idea they were doing that. I'll have to let my mom know as she doesn't have a car

Could I? Sure. Will I? No. I really value voting, those that died for their right to vote, which is why I hate dumbasses (note: not calling that specific mod a dumbass even though I reported them that they shouldn't be a mod and maybe that's why all my reports since then are super sketchy if I even get a response) who don't vote or discourage people from voting because "they're all the same". I am willing to waste a day, and half a grand to vote if needed.

I don't think it will come down to it, but I'm prepared for it.

Voting is goddamn important. In all elections. At all times.

Edit: Today/tomorrow I get to call back and have them send out another ballot. I'm sure they will, and the turnaround from a family member getting it, mailing it to me, and me sending it back will probably be fine. It's just frustrating.
I'm not trying to dig for more details cause you're obviously reticent about giving out too much info but am I crazy or do you live in the middle of nowhere? Perhaps I read that wrong I'm working on very very little sleep right now lol

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I cant believe someone can actually read more than one article about politics qnd think all politiciams are the same


Oct 26, 2017

text message from @JeffFlake late tonight: "Just read your story. This is reprehensible behavior."

In response to this story:

Fuck off, Flake.
In recent days, a cadre of conservative House Republicans allied with Trump has been privately exchanging articles from right-wing outlets that fuel suspicion of Khashoggi, highlighting his association with the Muslim Brotherhood in his youth and raising conspiratorial questions about his work decades ago as an embedded reporter covering Osama bin Laden, according to four GOP officials involved in the discussions who were not authorized to speak publicly.
While Khashoggi was once sympathetic to Islamist movements, he moved toward a more liberal, secular point of view, according to experts on the Middle East who have tracked his career. Khashoggi knew bin Laden in the 1980s and 1990s during the civil war in Afghanistan, but his interactions with bin Laden were as a journalist with a point of view who was working with a prized source.
Several Trump administration aides are aware of the Khashoggi attacks circulating on Capitol Hill and in conservative media, the GOP officials said, adding that aides are being careful to not encourage the disparagement but are also doing little to contest it.

The GOP officials declined to share the names of the lawmakers and others who are circulating information critical of Khashoggi because they said doing so would risk exposing them as sources.
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) have taken the step of invoking the Global Magnitsky Act to force Trump to report to Congress on whether people should face sanctions over Khashoggi's alleged death, including Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Yet there has been little confidence among senators that Trump will suddenly feel pressure to penalize high-ranking Saudi officials or take other sweeping punitive measures.
Spineless fuckers.
Oct 26, 2017
and dems that dont use their actions in campaign ads against them are clueless.

these men sold their souls, sold their people, their country.

they are traitors


Oct 25, 2017
People were super hyped about Florida early voting to the point where they thought Florida was in the bag. And then the panhandle rural surge sent everyone catatonic.

To be fair the panhandle surge seemed to catch everyone by surprise not just people on NeoGaf. But 2016 I think is a overall good lesson to try to not divine too much from Early Vote totals.

So, what's the goal of this caravan? What do the organizers hope to achieve?

Like, are immigrant activists happy with it?

It's not that complicated. The point is to escape gang recruitment, murder and rape. There is safety in numbers. They don't, nor are they obliged to, care about US electoral politics. They just don't want to die.


Oct 25, 2017
I think she SHOULD be President, but I dunno if she can run again. That being said, I'd rather her run again than Bernie.

nature boy

Oct 25, 2017
"It's curious why Hillary Clinton's name isn't in the mix—either conversationally or in formal polling—as a 2020 candidate," said Philippe Reines, her longtime gatekeeper in the Senate and at the State Department. "She's younger than Donald Trump by a year. She's younger than Joe Biden by four years. Is it that she's run before? This would be Bernie Sanders' second time, and Biden's third time. Is it lack of support? She had 65 million people vote for her."

Even if half of those people would no longer support Clinton in another election, Reines argued, "there's no one in the Democratic Party who has anywhere near a base of 32 million people. That's multiples of what a Sanders or a Warren have."

Why would a close aide go on the record if she had no interest in running?


Oct 27, 2017

Suttonmentum seems real.

I'm still holding out hope for a silent majority type deal that will break the models most pollsters are relying on.

If I were the Dems I'd start messaging they somehow. Conventional wisdom says telling people "the blue wave is coming" will decrease turnout, but I think there's power in trying people that a high turnout election is a great way to punch back at all this bullshit
Oct 27, 2017
The World
People were super hyped about Florida early voting to the point where they thought Florida was in the bag. And then the panhandle rural surge sent everyone catatonic.

To be fair the panhandle surge seemed to catch everyone by surprise not just people on NeoGaf. But 2016 I think is a overall good lesson to try to not divine too much from Early Vote totals.

I think too many misconceptions from 2016 exist, Clinton did not lose Florida due to the Panhandle, she lost it due to Tampa/Orlando area.

2008: McCain +7,687
2012: Romney +14,164
2016: Trump +51,899

2008: Obama +13,857
2012: Romney +2,742
2016: Trump: +33,970

2008: McCain +3,135
2012: Romney +7,108
2016: Trump: +26,860

Early voting had danger signs for Clinton which were ignored.

Florida had a huge jump in white voters voting early also, in fact after Hispanics white voters voted more than black voters for EV. And Florida Hispanic voters are not as Dem leaning as let's say Nevada. I remember linking to this story - in old forum and it was mostly ignored as media trying to play things up.

Michigan - Detroit early voting was down while Michigan early voting was up. The danger signs were there but ignored.

North Carolina - Early voting was up among White voters by almost 3% while down among Black voters by 5%. Yes, part of the reason was the NC laws and shitty state government. But the danger signs were there.

Ohio - Cuyahoga County where Dems need to run up big time Early Voting was down by almost 16%. Still Clinton campaign went all in for Ohio.

I think Nate Cohn wrote the story for 2016 election in July itself -


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

UK's May condemns Trump for praise of lawmaker who assaulted reporter

8:16 AM - Oct 19, 2018
In response to those comments, May's spokesperson said they think violence against reporters is "completely unacceptable."

"He obviously made comments at a political rally and those are for him but more generally we would always say that violence or intimidation against a journalist is completely unacceptable," a spokesperson for the prime minister said in a statement to the press on Friday.


Nov 9, 2017
Hillary is not the problem. Dumb fucking Americans, are the problem. Hillary Clinton was the most experienced and qualified candidate we've had run for the presidency in years. It is not her fault that she's been the target of ridiculous conspiracy theories over the years and Americans are so fucking stupid and believe them.


Oct 25, 2017
I think too many misconceptions from 2016 exist, Clinton did not lose Florida due to the Panhandle, she lost it due to Tampa/Orlando area.

I think a lot of people get thrown off because they boil Tampa/Orlando down to Hillsborough and Orange/Osceola where Hillary did as good or better than Obama. But she got annihilated in the surrounding areas for the media markets.


Oct 27, 2017
All these ploys to turn out the GOP base.

The problem with any of them is that this kind of language and rhetoric is what the new GOP base wants to hear and does hear on a daily basis since it's now become commonplace within the party. There's nothing new here to drive them than any other day. They all already think Democrats are the devil and that PoC from all corners of the world are coming for their jurbs.


Oct 26, 2017
Just throwing this out here but I think my problem with the media is that they are completely unequipped to deal with the nightmare they helped create. They literally can't process it because of their now generations-old abandonment of principles and obsession with appearances.

It's almost understandable. If astrophysicists have verified there's a space rock 50 miles wide in a collision course with the Earth, the frazzled guy screaming "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" is the straight take and the guy in a suit stroking his chin and calmly pondering the impact to the economy is flippin' crazy. That's hard to grasp for a bunch of idiots obsessed with appearing to be the smartest folks in the room without actually lifting a finger to find out anything about what they're reporting.
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