
Oct 30, 2019
The big problem in the crisis is the following. Trump pulled this due to exiting the Obama lead nuclear deal in 2018. Which lead to this:

Khamenei's website on Friday quoted him as saying the chant meant "death to US leaders, death to [US President Donald] Trump and John Bolton and [Mike] Pompeo". "It means death to America's rulers ... we have nothing against the American people," he said. Bolton is the United States' national security adviser, while Pompeo is the secretary of state.

I also saw this explanation on a recent Vice ep. Trump knows this too. The "supreme leader of Iran" literally said that he has no problems with US citizens, he just wants Trump and his staff dead. Them specifically. It´s personal for all involved and you know Trump. This has been going on for over a year too. And now you know why we are where we are.


Oct 27, 2017
Both Americans and Iraqis have no deaths. All missiles missed the target or shot down by air defense missile.

Mod Edit: Removed Unverified Source

CENTCOM said 10 missiles hit Al Asad, 1 hit Erbil and 4 failed. Nothing about missile defense nor Iraqi casualties.

(Probably posted as it's 45 minutes old but here's the source for that:)



Nov 7, 2017
Lots of reports cited here and elsewhere from correspondents in the middle east stating no American casualties. Seems reasonable to assume that sending dozens of cruise missiles against static troop positions without incurring a single death is a relatively non-aggressive act of face saving on the the side of the Iran. I'd put money on this being the end of the conflict.

No one knows how Trump will react obviously, but retired military figures (like Petraeus- interesting inteview here: Foreign Policy interview with Petraeus) are painting this as an unequivocal win, so it's not unreasonable to assume that's the advice he'll be given by his generals. The appearance of victory seems to be the guy's primary motivation in life.

This is where I currently stand aswell.


Oct 13, 2018
so did iran basically attack specific places where they knew there would likely be no casualties? seems like this might of been a bit of chest thumping by iran while not directly trying to start a war. don't like that they want to play chicken with a psycho in the white house.
So they straight up lobbed them in a semi-random direction?

You can and probably the U.S has been watching over the border at Iran arranging their missile units, and once they fired, sent off the notices for forces to take cover. Whether or not this is deliberate, a ploy or a actual revenge attempt depends. One, Iran issued that statement that unless the u.s responds, that's it from them. Two, is it not possible Iran could have tried harder to keep their missile units in cover and firing from unknown locations? Probably.

I am waging a deliberate attempt for a save face action.


Nov 8, 2017
I think we need to stop framing descalation as cowardice. Even if we think it might be. It's not good to imply not bombing the shit out of another country is cowardly.
Im talking about cowardice in the context of Trump as a person, which would clearly serve the world better in this case, as opposed to the other impulse i mentioned. I was clearly not talking about America and how they should act. Deescalation is obviously the best case here, and Trumps cowardice might be helpful here for a change.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Then why isn't not going to war with Iran the right answer now?
I never said it was the right answer to go to war. I said Biden was being smart by not putting out a blanket statement before having all the facts.

Only a reckless fool of a politician would make a blanket statement like that before having all the facts. If it turns out US soldiers or personnel are dead then Biden would be buried for that kind of statement.


Oct 26, 2017
Lots of reports cited here and elsewhere from correspondents in the middle east stating no American casualties. Seems reasonable to assume that sending dozens of cruise missiles against static troop positions without incurring a single death is a relatively non-aggressive act of face saving on the the side of the Iran. I'd put money on this being the end of the conflict.

No one knows how Trump will react obviously, but retired military figures (like Petraeus- interesting inteview here: Foreign Policy interview with Petraeus) are painting this as an unequivocal win, so it's not unreasonable to assume that's the advice he'll be given by his generals. The appearance of victory seems to be the guy's primary motivation in life.
Let's see how Trump fucks this up.


Oct 28, 2017
I find using twitter hashtags for stuff like calls to war to be un-ironically awful...then I remember our president uses Twitter like a public Situation Room..


Oct 30, 2019


Oct 25, 2017
Tip to avoid further escalation: respect the sovereignty of Iraq and their expulsion of US forces and get the fuck out of the country.

I also have no time for lessons in Process Nuance from anyone. This was an extrajudicial killing of a foreign leader and no fucking handwringing over how to frame Sulemani's legacy would legitimize it, even if Trump had asked congress real nicely. This "US as the Eternal Protagonist of the World" horseshit is getting real old and is even now being trotted out by familiar faces on both sides of the aisle to obfuscate the circumstances surrounding this lunacy.

No war with Iran. The resistance to this must be clear-eyed and swift.

Rocket Man

Oct 25, 2017
Iran can say they saved face for now, but their Quds force operations are probably going to go into overdrive after all this.
Jan 4, 2018
Just to clear up some potential confusion, casualty does not automatically mean death. It's basically just another way to say injury (although that includes death). So there can be reports of casualties without anyone necessarily dying. We just don't have enough information yet to know one way or the other (or if there were any at all in the first place).

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
8 min ago
Iranian official tweets: "Get the hell out of our region!"
Iran's minister of telecommunications Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi took to Twitter following the missile attack on US targets in Iraq.
"Get the hell out of our region!" he tweeted.

The tweet: Get the hell out of our region!#HardRevenge

Im play with this.
Fuck America being in the Middle East. Cut the military budget by half, and start building shit in our country.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Ah, so this is what Hannity wants, to take out Iran's oil fields. Bringing on Oliver North to push it. If there is anyone we should trust when it comes to Iran... its him. Always about oil posturing with these goons.


Oct 13, 2018
I never said it was the right answer to go to war. I said Biden was being smart by not putting out a blanket statement before having all the facts.

Only a reckless fool of a politician would make a blanket statement like that before having all the facts. If it turns out US soldiers or personnel are dead then Biden would be buried for that kind of statement.

Also important to note the Republicans are rapidly pushing that Trump is forcing Iran to back down and framing this as a win, therefore it's not best to slam Trump as causing a war, then Iran backs down and you look like a fool for not backing Trump.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Edit: My apologies. I thought that was an official government account.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Tip to avoid further escalation: respect the sovereignty of Iraq and their expulsion of US forces and get the fuck out of the country.

I also have no time for lessons in Process Nuance from anyone. This was an extrajudicial killing of a foreign leader and no fucking handwringing over how to frame Sulemani's legacy would legitimize it, even if Trump had asked congress real nicely. This "US as the Eternal Protagonist of the World" horseshit is getting real old and is even now being trotted out by familiar faces on both sides of the aisle to obfuscate the circumstances surrounding this lunacy.

No war with Iran. The resistance to this must be clear-eyed and swift.
100% agreed, and I urge everyone to join a protest if they can and call their representative demeaning no war with Iran and the US out of Iraq.


Oct 26, 2017
8 min ago
Iranian official tweets: "Get the hell out of our region!"
Iran's minister of telecommunications Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi took to Twitter following the missile attack on US targets in Iraq.
"Get the hell out of our region!" he tweeted.

The tweet: Get the hell out of our region!#HardRevenge

Can someone shut down Twitter?

Maybe they could just have an old fashioned #Twitter war instead?


Oct 27, 2017
On the other hand, the Pentagon seems to be in disarray, so who knows if what the CENTCOM spokesperson said is even right! They just gave a briefing where they couldn't confirm number of missiles that hit nor their types.



Oct 27, 2017
This is giving me flashbacks of the India-Pakistan standoff a year ago.

I hope for de-escalation, but Trump is cut out of the same cloth as Modi.


Oct 13, 2018
On the other hand, the Pentagon seems to be in disarray, so who knows if what the CENTCOM spokesperson said is even right! They just gave a briefing where they couldn't confirm number of missiles that hit nor their types.

Some of it might be OPSEC reasons. Its way too early for briefings like this, especially if the potential might exist for further action by either side.


Oct 30, 2019
Republican senator calls Iran's actions "an act of war"
From CNN's Jeremy Diamond
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, reacted to Iran's attack on two Iraqi bases housing American troops on Fox News this evening.
"This was an act of war, Sean, by any reasonable definition," Graham told host Sean Hannity. "The President has all the authority he needs under Article II to respond and how he responds is yet to be determined, but he has that authority to respond."
Graham ended by saying he had just gotten off the phone with President Trump.
"Let me say tonight, if you are watching television in Iran, I just got off the phone to the President: your fate is in your own hands in terms of the regime's economic viability. You continue this crap you're going to wake up one day out of the oil business," Graham said.
Moments earlier, Graham noted that Trump could opt to respond by hitting either military or oil targets.

I don´t need to comment how this is a bad take, do i? Also Fox News. It continues being the "offical" state media in the US it seems.


Oct 30, 2017
That would comes off as opportunistic. Biden's about showing he has a steady hand. That involves not using the moment, without knowing all the facts, for political gain. His past statements have been worried carefully. Not surprising he'd hold off.

Yeah true, but the way it's currently worded seems too cookie cutter it almost seems forced.