Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
My mask drives me nuts in a grocery store for a half hour. I can't imagine what it would be like for hours on end in Florida summer heat. No thanks.

Also, good luck to security having to deal with the army of dipshits who will wear a mask to get into the park and then take it off once inside.


Oct 31, 2017
Universal will have monitors all over the park....and how they are going to enforce it? I mean, if you violate their ToS, they can kick you out. This isn't your local grocery store.
Even with all their monitors they can't be everywhere. There's a lot that goes unnoticed by employees and security, its not possible to cover every spot in the park. And even if they are all caught and kicked out that is all possible incidents where someone didn't wear a mask and possibly had the virus and gave it to other people. Considering you won't even notice being infected for a while this could spread a lot through the park and out into the public. I mean hopefully the temperature check is effective at front but no way thats a 100% solution, maybe not even 50%, we don't know.

But it all seems so pointless to me to put a theme park ahead of ensuring people's health. Not even directly blaming Universal here but everyone involved in clamoring for these businesses to open up, as a society, is sad. All for a theme park people have been to hundreds of times and there's no need to rush back. It only seems inevitable to spread through the park to me with opening this early while it is still going around Florida, not like they're actually waiting until its truly much safer.
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Oct 25, 2017
Not touching this. I am an AP on both Universal and Disney and I am not touching them until winter at least. That's not including the suffocating Orlando heat in summer with a mask. Big no no.
I am missing Epcot though. Damn it.


Oct 25, 2017
For more info I did a post


Universal Orlando Plan for Parks: June 5, 2020 Reopening | TouringPlans.com Blog

Universal Orlando Resort closed March 16, 2020, due to the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Univers

One thing I don't understand is why the temp check is considered super important when as far as I am aware most people with the virus are asymptomatic. I get it can weed out those that are symptomatic, but are asymptomatic folks less likely to spread or is it just as bad?

Either way, this is fucking dumb and way too early. I won't be going anywhere near these parks until there's a vaccine.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
I really hope they will let you freeze your passholder account. No way I will feel comfortable going anytime soon.


Oct 31, 2017
I imagine the wait times on the low capacity rides will be hell but good on them for doing this

There's no way Disney doesn't use Universal reopening as a free beta test right?
Parks are honestly going to be pretty empty and will have a capped capacity each day. So even with all the rides now losing 1/2 of their ride capacity at least, the waits will average out to be somewhat normal.


Oct 31, 2017
Even better than Flight of Passage?
Fight of Passage is really good but ultimately just a big screen as your seat moves around a little. Hagrid's is a completely immersive rollercoaster that shockingly doesn't offer a single screen. Imagine an outdoor Revenge of the Mummy is the best comparison I could make.


Feb 5, 2019
Epic Universe
I'm going to be going soon enough. I'll make a report for you guys about my experiences and what they can do better.

I always wanted to write about my travels. This will be a good first step.


Oct 30, 2017
Wow, fuck off. The attendance have to be in the hundreds to practice social distancing.

Honestly, I am glad that they are opening. We need to see what will happen. If it is a shit show we will know soon enough. I love theme parks but thats not why i want them to open. If theme parks can open successfully then we know schools can open in the fall. The ideas they are throwing out for school here in Michigan are awful.

There's no vaccine.


Feb 20, 2020
Seems like a mistake, but I guess it all depends on just how crowded it gets. Harry Potter opening day crowds would be catastrophic. If it's on the lower end of attendance they can probably manage. I'll be biting my nails a we wait for the data...


Oct 31, 2017
Wow, fuck off. The attendance have to be in the hundreds to practice social distancing.

There's no vaccine.
There won't be a vaccine for a while. Orlando has nearly 100,000 people who work at the theme parks. These people are needing to receive money and the unemployment system here has been awful to say the least.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess LegoLand is also reopening in early June.

It is interesting they want to be first, but their new rules are interesting and not the worst ideas.

It just isn't economical for them to stay closed. it would be impossible for them to survive closed until 2021 or later.


Oct 28, 2017
New York
I'm so glad I'm not on the boards or in the super upper management level meetings these companies are having about reopening...because you know they're all setting tolerable infection % levels that they'll still stay open at, and that's just fucked up.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
They're going to be alternating ride vehicles. Once a party gets off. The team members will clean that RV and send it through the ride empty until it comes back and load more guests on it.

this is going to end poorly lmao

I'm so glad I'm not on the boards or in the super upper management level meetings these companies are having about reopening...because you know they're all setting tolerable infection % levels that they'll still stay open at, and that's just fucked up.

i'm sure florida is working on some sort of legislation to make sure businesses can't be liable for what happens to patrons/employees.


Oct 31, 2017
this is going to end poorly lmao

i'm sure florida is working on some sort of legislation to make sure businesses can't be liable for what happens to patrons/employees.
On some rides it'll be easier than others. The Mummy and Gringotts have two sides that they load and unload from so it's simple for them to simply make the left side the sanitation side for example.


Oct 25, 2017
6 feet socially distancing would be pretty impractical for schools.

That's a better idea than what is being thrown around
Wow, fuck off. The attendance have to be in the hundreds to practice social distancing.

There's no vaccine.

Not sure if you have children or not. At home learning is not cutting it. If they have to wait for a vaccine to go back to school that is not gonna work if you are a working parent. I can't leave my kids home alone while my partner and I work.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Well this seems ill-advised af. I'd be actively really angry if any of my friends or family planned on going in the near future.


Oct 26, 2017
My family was supposed to go disney world and universal mid July and we just cancelled our trip. Even then is too soon imo


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It will be interesting to see how Florida and California differ here. I doubt that the California parks will be allowed to open much before Labor Day. I can't help but think that Disney might be better off letting Universal go first and face the brunt of the extra challenges that come with be the first to open.


Oct 25, 2017
who the fuck would wanna go there during an ongoing pandemic, not only go and risk something but also go and spend all hot ass day wearing a facemask.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Still bummed that we had to cancel our family Florida trip. It was over a year in the making. Hopefully come 2021 we can go (it isn't easy aligning 6 adult's schedules let me tell you)


Oct 28, 2017
Countdown til the first suit for COVID death contracted at a theme park. I guarantee it within the next 2 months.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd imagine Universal will do the same "if you visit us you voluntarily assume all risk" thing Disney's doing.

There's no way that sort of agreement stands up to actual legal scrutiny.

How can you tell if the virus lives in you for days before you show signs?

If a person was otherwise isolated, if there's a large enough confluence of cases coinciding with visits to the park. Along with a host of other contact tracing methods. On top of that who's to say someone with an active infection doesn't get in anyway? How well trained will the gate keeping personnel be? Where/how will tests be done to determine who can enter the park? Will there even be tests? Especially if there's a long queuing line, how well do you think anxious tourists will abide by social distancing guidelines? Much more so the type that will willingly go to a theme park under these conditions? You wouldn't even need to be admitted to the park proper to still contract it on park grounds.


Oct 25, 2017
I love all of these places that are all "eh, just do a temperature check" like that's a guaranteed way to check for the virus.

who the fuck would wanna go there during an ongoing pandemic, not only go and risk something but also go and spend all hot ass day wearing a facemask.

I live in Florida. Co-workers have been bitching for months that they can't go to Disney. They will all probably be there the day it opens.