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Oct 28, 2017
definitely can't see that one backfiring
Can't get much worse anyway so why not let corbynists to their thing and have a moderate labour party for the rest?

I don't think many here thought that, even his supporters here, he won the leadership and the PLP fucked up the challenge. I hoped he would move on under his own steam but he didn't and he was entitled to face the voters. If the moderates learn to be moderate within their own party and membership then we might salvage something workable, it doesn't look like it so far.
Even moving under his own steam wouldn't have worked considering the guy is hated. He should've stepped back and let someone that appeals to more voters takeover (i doubt they would have won but imo there would've been a decent chance for a better result by someone like starmer).


Oct 25, 2017
definitely can't see that one backfiring

If they want a coalition of the centre/centre left then they are going to need a big SDP style movement and ditch the lefties. Cos it ain't happening as it stands and the centrists seem to be unwanted by the labour party.

Something is going to give.


Oct 28, 2017
If they want a coalition of the centre/centre left then they are going to need a big SDP style movement and ditch the lefties. Cos it ain't happening as it stands and the centrists seem to be unwanted by the labour party.

Something is going to give.

Dude, centrism is absolutely dead right now. They can't leave because they've seen what happens. That's why they want to retake the Labour Party and force everyone on the left to vote for them.


Oct 28, 2017
then when they fail, they could merge with the lib dems and become journalists?
No offense because i know you're corbyn supporter but can't you see that the current labour party doesn't have what it takes to win a election? The last 2 two goverments were the worst ever and a halfway decent opposition would've wiped the floor with them.

Trolling and calling people centrists isn't a viable strategy (i know you'll continue anyway) to win anything outside of your social media bubble.


Nov 14, 2019
For everyone talking about how the left is dead, I'll once again post the Scottish GE map


The SNP had to fight the long battle and eventually the floodgates opened when the public had had enough of Labour Centrism/Blair/Brown and business as usual at Westminster.

Will that happen for England? Fuck knows, it's not looking likely just now, but just steamrolling right into "We need Blairism back" at a time when the Union could end and you are on your own seems short-sighted.

One of the unifying things about the SNP right now is all the MPs move in the same direction, fight for the same things and make that message clear to the public. English Labour is like the hunger-games where everyone in the party has a weapon and it's their duty to kill everyone else, undermine leadership and behave like a pack of predators.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm honestly not sure what you're disagreeing with. I agree that if Brexit goes well in 5 years time that will be used against Starmer if he is the leader of Labour going into the next election.
I'm arguing that even if it goes shit it'll be used against him simply because they'll think he'll go against the will of the people. The overton window has shifted so much it's it'll no longer be a feasible mainstream position whether or not Brexit is a good idea more a question will brexit go as well as it should have. Anyone that's seen as still arguing the former will be smeared as a remainer wanting to reverse brexit to hell and back. Plenty of Northerners already don't trust Labour so their brexit position has to be faultless if they wish to make any sort of headway.

Only with a faultless record on brexit (and by faultless I mean racist dog whistle against immigration because let's not beat around the bush here that's what those people actually want) can the said candidate make much breakthrough the the tories actual record. Of course the dog whistles can't be too overt or they'll lose their not racist base. It's a shitshow but racism is the prevailing ideologies in this country.


Oct 28, 2017
No offense because i know you're corbyn supporter but can't you see that the current labour party doesn't have what it takes to win a election? The last 2 two goverments were the worst ever and a halfway decent opposition would've wiped the floor with them.

Trolling and calling people centrists isn't a viable strategy (i know you'll continue anyway) to win anything outside of your social media bubble.

This would be harsh if it wasn't for how badly the centrists got wiped out.

Face it, England is fash and the solution is an equal but opposite force.


Oct 28, 2017
For everyone talking about how the left is dead, I'll once again post the Scottish GE map


The SNP had to fight the long battle and eventually the floodgates opened when the public had had enough of Labour Centrism/Blair/Brown and business as usual at Westminster.

Will that happen for England? Fuck knows, it's not looking likely just now, but just steamrolling right into "We need Blairism back" at a time when the Union could end and you are on your own seems short-sighted.

One of the unifying things about the SNP right now is all the MPs move in the same direction, fight for the same things and make that message clear to the public. English Labour is like the hunger-games where everyone in the party has a weapon and it's their duty to kill everyone else, undermine leadership and behave like a pack of predators.
The SNP is the perfect example of what the labour party (and pretty much any social democrat party on the continent) should be. If labour turns into englands SNP that would be the best solution. Drop the democratic socialist policies, don't go back to the blair days and get someone good at his job and the world looks a lot better for labour.

This would be harsh if it wasn't for how badly the centrists got wiped out.

Face it, England is fash and the solution is an equal but opposite force.
That doesn't respond to anything in my post and sounds like the same buzzwords you have posted since the election.


Oct 25, 2017
This would be harsh if it wasn't for how badly the centrists got wiped out.

Face it, England is fash and the solution is an equal but opposite force.

We will see, the get brexit done period is over so we are entering a new one, I'm not sure how it will go, it feels more like a Heist than the third riech.


Oct 31, 2017
This would be harsh if it wasn't for how badly the centrists got wiped out.

Face it, England is fash and the solution is an equal but opposite force.
That ain't going to work, there's too many "middle class" and the people that would traditionally support socialism like their anti-immigration racism too much whereas the people that actually voted for them this election tended to be the most diverse/least racists. It's a dead end. A compromise is needed. Not even Boris Johnson was stupid enough to market himself as fascist or far right even if he was.


Oct 28, 2017
The SNP is the perfect example of what the labour party (and pretty much any social democrat party on the continent) should be. If labour turns into englands SNP that would be the best solution. Drop the democratic socialist policies, don't go back to the blair days and get someone good at his job and the world looks a lot better for labour.

That doesn't respond to anything in my post and sounds like the same buzzwords you have posted since the election.

I've said plenty, if you want to back centrist politics after the last 2 decades, well good luck to you.


Oct 25, 2017
That ain't going to work, there's too many "middle class" and the people that would traditionally support socialism like their anti-immigration racism too much whereas the people that actually voted for them this election tended to be the most diverse/least racists. It's a dead end. A compromise is needed. Not even Boris Johnson was stupid enough to market himself as fascist or far right even if he was.

I don't understand why they think the centrist scum will hang around if they get locked out of the party, they waited for Corbyn to fail to retake it, if they can't they have 5 years as SDP. 2 to work something out.


Oct 27, 2017
The SNP is the perfect example of what the labour party (and pretty much any social democrat party on the continent) should be. If labour turns into englands SNP that would be the best solution. Drop the democratic socialist policies, don't go back to the blair days and get someone good at his job and the world looks a lot better for labour.
Which Democratic Socialist policies would you want them to drop?


Oct 28, 2017
I've said plenty, if you want to back centrist politics after the last 2 decades, well good luck to you.
See? You're doing it again or do you view the SNP as centrist? If so i'll gladly be one.
Which Democratic Socialist policies would you want them to drop?
Nationalization would be the first thing i'd look at. I'm all for imposing tighter rules on companies but the state shouldn't outright takeover free companies.

I'll provide more examples later if you want but i'll head out with the wife now.
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Oct 25, 2017
the vast majority of the policies in the last 2 elections weren't the problem. There's just too much shit associated with Corbyn (rightly or wrongly), Brexit is still a huge factor and Labours campaign was absolutely terrible this time round tired, unfocused and had a few policies that jsut didnt sell well to the public (broadband & 4-day week)

I think if we got a leader that has kept their nose clean but is much more personable and they ran on a similar manifesto that was sold and explained better (keep it simple, simple slogans) thenwe could do better in the next general election.

Nationalization would be the first thing i'd look at. I'm all for imposing tighter rules on companies but the state shouldn't outright takeover free companies.

I'll provide more examples later if you want but i'll head out with the wife now.

Nationalisation was one of labours more popular policies and its a policy that makes sense in industries that have natural monopolies.

I would only suggest that instead of saying they will nationalise all the things that they just do one that will make the most impact. personally id recommend water and other utilities as that would have the widest impact. Nationalising rail wouldn't fix the problems with rail as thats just something that needs huge investment to replace centuries old infrastructure and its also a thing that benefits London much more than anywhere else.
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Oct 27, 2017
See? You're doing it again or do you view the SNP as centrist? If so i'll gladly be one.

Nationalization would be the first thing i'd look at. I'm all for imposing tighter rules on companies but the state shouldn't outright takeover free companies.

I'll provide more examples later if you want but i'll head out with the wife now.
Natural monopolies and public utilities should absolutely be nationalised. British rail privatisation is younger than most posters here but so many treat it as the natural order of things. And tends to have good public support.


Oct 27, 2017
Just because i like the SNP it doesn't mean i support everything they do.Also i'm talking about non essential stuff like internet and railways.

Stuff like water should be closely taken care off.
Calling internet and public transport "inessential" really just shows you've never been poor tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't mind the internet policy, just don't put it in the day 1 manifesto, policy overload isn't a good tactic.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't mind the internet policy, just don't put it in the day 1 manifesto, policy overload isn't a good tactic.
I agree tbh. Although I get their logic? The biggest argument the right have against left wing policies is "how are you going to pay for" especially after a decade of a right wing government crippling the economy as right wing governments tend to do. I can see the argument for "here's everything we're gonna do and it's fully costed" as a counter to that.


Nov 14, 2019
I don't mind the internet policy, just don't put it in the day 1 manifesto, policy overload isn't a good tactic.

I have to agree, but I think what happened was Labour thought this policy might be their golden goose to chase the working-class vote. For better or worse, not enough people are thinking about Government ran broadband when they're all sitting with their retention Sky TV/Broadband deals cause they threatened to leave.


Oct 28, 2017
The SNP is the perfect example of what the labour party (and pretty much any social democrat party on the continent) should be. If labour turns into englands SNP that would be the best solution. Drop the democratic socialist policies, don't go back to the blair days and get someone good at his job and the world looks a lot better for labour.

That doesn't respond to anything in my post and sounds like the same buzzwords you have posted since the election.

Umm I take it you don't live in Scotland? Before Labour starting getting more ambitious before this election, many of their policies were already implimented or supported by the SNP in Scotland. I would say quite a lot of their supporters would support nationalisation, but it is not possible under the devolved government. I would say in Scotland at least, the Lib Dems take the Tory vote more than anything else, especially where I am from.


Oct 31, 2017
The way labour marketed their stuff this election was completely stupid but that's another big issue of theirs. Labour manifesto wasn't half as radical as they pretended it was (Some of it was radical for the UK but most wasn't radical for the EU). If they had constantly compared their expenditures to other EU countries you wouldn't have gotten half as much stupid shit about wheres the money coming from. Banging into people skulls that their public expenses would be half that of Frances (while getting out such and such) and mentioned that whereas the tories are promising a quarter in comparison is far more meaningful to the average person than x millions.

The average person has no understanding of what these figures mean and as such anything that seems absurdly high is met incredulously. If you mention that your raising it to half your nearest neighbor while your opponent is raising it a quarter or whatever the argument becomes if France can manage it why can't the UK. Then you can turn it into a nationalism argument.

All the nationalisation stuff shouldn't have been there, that's the sort of stuff you implement quietly while in parliament not campaign on. Coming explicitly at the super rich during campaign was also foolish as most people don't like to consider themselves poor. Campaign on whats popular with the majority of of your target base without alienating anyone else. Anything iffy you do like the tories do and do it behind back doors in the secret places once in power.

Labours problem was a PR problem while their young base ate all this up the people they needed to court were turned off. They were far too stuck in their ways and resistant to change. You don't need to be centrist to have a degree of flexibility and paying attention to core issues.
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Oct 25, 2017
I agree tbh. Although I get their logic? The biggest argument the right have against left wing policies is "how are you going to pay for" especially after a decade of a right wing government crippling the economy as right wing governments tend to do. I can see the argument for "here's everything we're gonna do and it's fully costed" as a counter to that.

I probably don't understand the law properly, but couldn't they just announce they would look into the social aspect and provision of modern day communications and sneak it in later, i don't know if that would make them liable for share price losses or something.


Oct 30, 2017
England, UK
All the nationalisation stuff shouldn't have been there, that's the sort of stuff you implement quietly while in parliament not campaign on. Coming explicitly at the super rich during campaign was also foolish as most people don't like to consider themselves poor. Campaign on whats popular with the majority of of your target base without alienating anyone else. Anything iffy you do like the tories do and do it behind back doors in the secret places once in power.

Labours problem was a PR problem while their young base ate all this up the people they needed to court were turned off. They were far too stuck in their ways and resistant to change. You don't need to be centrist to have a degree of flexibility and paying attention to core issues.

Posters on this board have pointed out that the Labour Manifesto was like a detailed 10 year programme. You don't need that. People just won't absorb it and it will give Labour opponents everywhere ammunition to attack it.

Even dyed-in-the-wool Local Authority departments know about simplicity of message. Your key points should fit on one side of a credit card. Notice how thin the Tory manifesto was.

Something like,

- Soft brexit - CU & elements of SM
- Renationalising railways and Energy and Water [actually popular, because of state economies of scales and lower prices to end consumers]
- NHS, NHS and NHS


Oct 25, 2017
That's the smear that will be used against Starmer. They'll ask him whether he thought leaving the EU was a bad idea because he was a remainer and they'll hit him with unpatrotic bullshit. Then smear him with how he secretly wants to rejoin the union and state all the issues with that. They chewed out Theresa May for being a Remainer and she was a Tory PM.

It's all completely predictable how that would go.

Strong disagree.

The worst mistake Labour can do moving forward is rehash the 2019 GE. The next one might not be for 5 years. If all Labour do is show up saying "we really thought it through, and we've come around to the Tory position on Brexit from 5 years ago," they run the risk of looking like fools to anyone left of center.

Leave is bad policy. And it doesn't have majority support in 2019 even. In 2024? If Brexit goes tits up (as it will), why roll into GE2024 as the party of "we know this whole thing turned out to be shit, but we're in favor of it" when the majority of your own voters (and voters in GE2019 at large) already thought Leave was shit 5 years prior?

Labour has time to think their direction through. They should not be thinking "how do we win over the 2019 electorate?" but "how do we win the 2024 (post-WA) electorate?"


Oct 28, 2017
I hope Nicola and the Scots keep up this pressure for indyref 2 every single day until its on. The SNP absolutely democratically won the right for a new ref and Boris deserves to be grilled every day until he allows it.


Oct 25, 2017
Has she gone that far?

She's right though. Peddling the Queen and country shite only works with gammons, really old people, Army/ex-Army and Rangers fans.

Kezia Dugdale has admitted the SNP has now won "three clear mandates" for a second independence referendum.

The former Scottish Labour said that support for Scottish independence has "never been higher" after the SNP's "sensational" result at the general election and it would be hard to disagree with the party's demand for a rerun of the vote.

I don't have access to the rest of the article, it's from the Sunday Times.


Nov 14, 2019
Kezia Dugdale has admitted the SNP has now won "three clear mandates" for a second independence referendum.

The former Scottish Labour said that support for Scottish independence has "never been higher" after the SNP's "sensational" result at the general election and it would be hard to disagree with the party's demand for a rerun of the vote.

I don't have access to the rest of the article, it's from the Sunday Times.

Wonder if she regrets it now?



Nov 14, 2019
Probably, i think reality is going to sink in at some point, but the Labour party in Scotland has to start doing it's own thing even if it remains pro union, they can strike deals with the english party when needed. it can't carry on like this.

Richard Leonard is digging his heels in, but I've got a feeling he won't be around for much longer. Like 4 Scottish Labour leaders or something in the last 5 years lol.

Lee Morris

Oct 28, 2017
This a post on Facebook by the Labour candidate, Brian McDaid in Skipton.

"The fallout from the election has produced a wide range of emotions across the country, but I heard something last night that has shocked me, but sadly, not surprised me.

I was out in Skipton and I walked past a group of young lads, maybe a couple of years older than Alix and Julia. They recognised me and shouted:

"Haha, you lost and now we will get Brexit done and get rid of all the P*kis around here"

I hope for the sake of our society, this is just an isolated reaction, but I have a genuine fear and concern, it is not.

Regardless of the result of this election, to have such bitter hatred in our youth or anyone, is shocking and disgusting."


Nov 14, 2019
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