
User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Her claiming native blood at the level she is at downplays people of substantial native blood who face a real uphill fight vs some rich white woman.
Exactly, and actual American Indians have said as much in light of this shit, and yet we still have people defending her over it.


Dec 13, 2018
you're pretending that warren wasn't wrong in what she did. she used an ethnicity other than her own for a personal advantage, and then claimed victory when it was revealed that it basically wasn't true. if you're going to argue that being maybe 1/1024th native american validates her claims, then you're being disingenuous and/or hypocritical, period. there is not an argument here. she was wrong. i would still vote for her, but she was absolutely wrong, and you know it.
I think it was a mistake. I never said it was right. I think she honestly didn't know what she was doing was wrong. She won't be talking about Native American ancestry from here on out. She never lied about anything though. Or claimed she had more blood than she did. And that 1/1024th number is highly misleading. We can't really say how much blood she has. That's why she shouldn't have even taken the test. It's pretty meaningless in deciding native ancestry.


Oct 25, 2017
did you miss 2016? the public are absolutely stupid! if talk of policy were to outrank everything else Hillary would have won! what are you even talking about? good lord. also everyone was mocking Trump when he announced his run, everyone was mocking Trump when he was in the primary, everyone was mocking Trump when he was in the general. guess what? he won

so yeah I honestly have no idea what you're even trying to get across right now
If shitting on someone is enough for stupid people to give you an election, there'd be a lot less poc in office. There was a lot more factors in play in the 2016 election than just "who gives the best zingers". Like farmers/ miners thinking they could vote for trump cause he'd help them. It's not that simple. Just because trump got lucky and won once does not mean that we now have to have only dumbass candidates whose only advantage is that a certain base finds them charismatic.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
You can't really do that without also implicating Bill Clinton though. Not saying that it shouldn't happen regardless of course, but it's not an attack that is gonna split evenly down party lines, especially when you're only running on "probably".

You're probably right, but Bill Clinton (probably) being a rapist didn't stop Democrats from hammering Trump over the Access Hollywood tape. Not every Democrat needs to go in on him over this, just enough to get the media to talk about that instead of Warren's ancestry.

A savvy politician could even get the media to do most of the work. Trump's "people are talking about X" way of mudslinging worked well for that, so someone else could do the same and get the media talking about the Katie Johnson lawsuit and how Trump walked in on underage models while they were changing.

I just think it would be a missed opportunity for someone not to try going for the one angle that made Roy Moore lose his election.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, so little native blood that Native Americand have spoken out against her claim, finding it offensive.

Isn't their opinion the topic the most important?

Trump is a scumbag and having a memeing president is horrific. But we also need to be honest in what the Warren situation is.

No you were brainwashed. Warren isn't an idiot and didn't do anything Racist and if you don't support her you are a trump loving republican no matter who you actually support for President. /s

Deleted member 1445

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't worry that Trump has ammo, I worry that the American people will go for the funny TV man over the smart but not cool, and not very savvy at messaging, technocrat. Warren is a better technocrat than Hillary, and has better speaking skills and more sincerity, but you can't fight catch phrases with spreadsheets.
Which has nothing to do with if there is an actual gaffe to play off of or not. If there isn't any, they'll lie and make it truth. The worry about this DNA crap, specifically is a pure nothingburger, and reeks of paranoia - or worse, mal intent.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What does the word "gamer" mean or identifying as a "gamer" mean, as used here? Who identifies as a "gamer"?

I'm an old, washed man.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how much Koch is paying these Trumpers in here to fake hating Trump in most threads but giggling at this one joke in a conniving attempt to gaslight us into normalizing Trump.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If shitting on someone is enough for stupid people to give you an election, there'd be a lot less poc in office. There was a lot more factors in play in the 2016 election than just "who gives the best zingers". Like farmers/ miners thinking they could vote for trump cause he'd help them. It's not that simple. Just because trump got lucky and won once does not mean that we now have to have only dumbass candidates whose only advantage is that a certain base finds them charismatic.

you'll have to forgive me for not underestimating Trump. if and when he loses then we can talk about luck. until then he should be treated as far more of a threat than you're giving him credit for.
Oct 28, 2017

I'm sure when Trump's handlers explained it to him, they couldn't stop him from tweeting it.


Oct 26, 2017
Who knew releasing DNA results that would be embarrassing would end up embarassing you?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
you'll have to forgive me for not underestimating Trump. if and when he loses then we can talk about luck. until then he should be treated as far more of a threat than you're giving him credit for.

Exactly. The entire world underestimated that sack of crap and now we have a Nazi wannabe mob boss taking orders from Russians in the White House.


Oct 25, 2017
The criticism isn't that she has a small amount of NA DNA

The criticism is she let the stupid attack get to her to a point where she self sabotaged and gave everyone ammo for something she should have never done in the first place.

Which means in the one instance she actually went toe to toe with Trump, she failed horribly and in a rather humiliating fashion.

It shoes me she is horribly unreliable to deal with the shit Trump will throw at the GE candidate. Doing the thing he wants you to do is literally the exact opposite thing you should do.
This is politics that decides the leader of a country. "Just ignore it and it'll go away" does not work here, nor should it. And how are you ignoring Trump, the one who calls out and tries to get into twitter beef with anyone that criticizes him. If what you say is true, every politician has ammo on trump and does that stop him from humiliating us ona national level? It doesn't. Not to mention you're giving a dna test that was technically true, way too much importance, you're acting as if Warren should crawl under a rock for the rest of her life cause someone said she doesn't have enough NA blood in her. If anything Trump is the one who's unfit to be a politician considering his thin skin and pride.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait until she holds a press conference and gets the calipers out to measure her skull as proof of ancestry.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
lol, this is why Warren running is pointless.

She largely nuked her own public image with that ridiculous DNA test.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is politics that decides the leader of a country. "Just ignore it and it'll go away" does not work here, nor should it. And how are you ignoring Trump, the one who calls out and tries to get into twitter beef with anyone that criticizes him. If what you say is true, every politician has ammo on trump and does that stop him from humiliating us ona national level? It doesn't. Not to mention you're giving a dna test that was technically true, way too much importance, you're acting as if Warren should crawl under a rock for the rest of her life cause someone said she doesn't have enough NA blood in her. If anything Trump is the one who's unfit to be a politician considering his glass skin and pride.

you're all over the place

you keep bringing up things that Trump has done that reflect on him poorly. like we didn't know his true character prior to becoming president. remember the "grab her by the pussy" comment? that didn't sink him. Trump mocked a disabled person, that didn't sink him. there were so many others. all before he got elected.

also literally no one is acting like Warren should crawl under a rock for the rest of her life. the absolute worst that people are hoping for is that she doesn't run for president because of how she handled Trump. that's it.

also also OF COURSE TRUMP IS UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT. we knew that before he was president as well and look what happened. Trump!

Deleted member 41638

User requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
I had a solid "heh", not quite a chuckle but breathed out harder than normal.

Still dumb coming from the president but this is what we are now.


Dec 7, 2018
I'm in no way politically astute, but even I know that taking the bait and releasing the DNA results is the dumbest thing ever. Anyone know who her advisor is? That person needs to be fired.


Dec 13, 2018
I do not look forward to the Dem Primaries. Things used to be better when campaigns were like 2 months. Now that they are 2 years it just gives Dems too much opportunity to hate on their candidates and obsess over every flaw. This is right in Trump's wheelhouse. He deals in hate.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Warren but she needs to drop out in the off chance that she becomes nominee. Trump would absolutely destroy her in the general.


Dec 25, 2017
It's not racist. It's also not funny. Its bullying. But this is how far we have fallen that so many if you now willing to laugh at this.
I was willing to give Warren the benefit of doubt until the test because I've had relatives tell me stories about black and native American relatives in my family that were proven either untrue or doubtful after actual research. So maybe she grew up being told by her family she had native heritage. But after the test she should have said exactly that. "I was raised being told one thing, that obviously isnt true, I feel silly but that's the way things go sometimes." And every rational person would have moved on.
But it still doeant excuse this shitty fucking behavior from trump.