
Oct 26, 2017
If she actually misrepresented herself on purpose in order to accomplish something else, then this is a problem. But what a DNA genealogy test says does not determine how proud or how much ownership of your lineage you can have. You either have native lineage, or you do not. And if she does, then it really doesn't matter what the percentage is.

She has many times in the past misrepresented herself on purpose. You can have first nations ancestry without being a member of a tribe.
Mar 10, 2018
I think the discussion of whether the meme is funny or not misses the point.

When you're about to have what is essentially a popularity contest to decide the fate of the country, perception matters. DJT isn't your drunk uncle at the 4th of July barbecue benignly making fun of his coworkers. He's Idi Amin charming the international community before committing atrocities at home.

I'm all for a good laugh and I think political correctness often smothers good comedy, but in this case the stakes are just too high to normalize this guy.
bUt LoL iT wAs So FuNnY!!!


Oct 28, 2017
So let me get this thread straight. A white woman claimed Native blood, exposes herself to doing the same shit white people have been doing for a while by trying essentially hijacking native ancestry/culture. Trump points that out and people who laugh at that are racist? I'm guessing this hits home for a lot of "Native Americans" in here or being the opposite of Trump no matter what he says is at a all time high


Oct 27, 2017
Be honest and speak from your heart, don't be performative.
I mean, I'm mostly joking, but I genuinely do have pretty complex feelings on this. I hate Trump. I hate that he and his awful base are posting this shit. I hate any bit of ammunition they get to fuel his support in 2020. Which is why I'm really bummed that Warren (a politician I really like overall) made such a boneheaded move in releasing the DNA results and doubling down on "see, I was right!" It was a huge unforced error on her part and it's hard not to resent her a bit for doing it. It's for that reason that I think the kernel of truth to the meme is mildly funny and clever (and I think it's a huge leap to call the meme racist given the circumstances), but I don't feel like I can celebrate it given the source.


Oct 25, 2017
gotta love people holding this against her compared to the laundry list of things wrong with trump. But those memes tho while millions suffer.

I feel confident in saying they 100% of the project in this thread who don't want Warren to run would rather her be President than Trump. People are hesitant about Warren because they feel it will lead to Trump's second term.


Jan 2, 2019
It's not racist. It's also not funny. Its bullying. But this is how far we have fallen that so many if you now willing to laugh at this.
I was willing to give Warren the benefit of doubt until the test because I've had relatives tell me stories about black and native American relatives in my family that were proven either untrue or doubtful after actual research. So maybe she grew up being told by her family she had native heritage. But after the test she should have said exactly that. "I was raised being told one thing, that obviously isnt true, I feel silly but that's the way things go sometimes." And every rational person would have moved on.
But it still doeant excuse this shitty fucking behavior from trump.

Except she believed the test validated her clams.

This Washington Post article has been posted before, but people should read it, because I think a lot of people think the test said she only had 1/1024th NA DNA, when the truth is more complex, and does seem to give some evidence to Warren's claims.

Just about everything you've read on the Warren DNA test is wrong

Also, it should be noted one of the three Cherokee tribes says that the test did show evidence of native ancestry and that she wasn't claiming tribal membership

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians chief voices support for Elizabeth Warren

"Senator Elizabeth Warren does not claim to be a citizen of any tribal nation, and she is not a citizen of the Eastern Band," he said. "Like many other Americans, she has a family story of Cherokee and Delaware ancestry and evidence of Native ancestry."

Look, Warren made mistakes. She should have consulted with all tribes before both taking and releasing the test. She should have done a better job explaining she wasn't claiming tribal membership (which she wasn't, but she wasn't as precise as she should have been). But I also think that the media has done a poor job explaining the results, which have enabled people like Trump to blast her with accusations that she was lying about having native ancestry, and have even lead to some of her usual allies to believe this as well.
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Oct 25, 2017
Assuming the identity of a long mistreated minority group just because of some family lores is not a minor flaw to me; and it's worse to bring DNA tests into the game.


Oct 25, 2017
So let me get this thread straight. A white woman claimed Native blood, exposes herself to doing the same shit white people have been doing for a while by trying essentially hijacking native ancestry/culture. Trump points that out and people who laugh at that are racist? I'm guessing this hits home for a lot of "Native Americans" in here or being the opposite of Trump no matter what he says is at a all time high
Quiet, you're making too much sense.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I mean, I'm mostly joking, but I genuinely do have pretty complex feelings on this. I hate Trump. I hate that he and his awful base are posting this shit. I hate any bit of ammunition they get to fuel his support in 2020. Which is why I'm really bummed that Warren (a politician I really like overall) made such a boneheaded move in releasing the DNA results and doubling down on "see, I was right?" It was a huge unforced error on her part and it's hard not to resent her a bit for doing it. It's for that reason that I think the kernel of truth to the meme is mildly funny and clever (and I think it's a huge leap to call the meme racist given the circumstances), but I don't feel like I can celebrate it given the source.
I appreciate your perspective. Here's where I'm at, I guess: Thinking she fucked up politically is entirely fair. Someone of Native American descent hating her for what she did is entirely fair, who the hell would I be to say otherwise. I'm not taking issue with either of those things, however signal boosting a racist and their message and a racist website and its message is not going to help anything, it only hurts our cause. Finding attacks based on ethnicity funny by a racist POS, let alone the President of the United States does not help anything.
Oct 27, 2017
Because we only call out people who aren't on our side for cultural appropriation. If it's someone on our side caught faking it then we hand wave it because "she's a good person" or some shit.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
It scares me how many people are just blatantly ignoring this.

Don't let Trump lower your fucking expectations down to his level

This isn't 4 Chan or Reddit.

Meh. Its Trump. Most of us remember better and expect better from future presidents.

I don't have a lot of energy to add this to the "this is why I hate trump " list atm. Its stupid, yes but what do you expect? Class? Highbrow policy?


Oct 30, 2017
So let me get this thread straight. A white woman claimed Native blood, exposes herself to doing the same shit white people have been doing for a while by trying essentially hijacking native ancestry/culture. Trump points that out and people who laugh at that are racist?

It all comes down to teams my man


Oct 25, 2017
Going for that elusive 4chan voting bloc.



Oct 27, 2017
So let me get this thread straight. A white woman claimed Native blood, exposes herself to doing the same shit white people have been doing for a while by trying essentially hijacking native ancestry/culture. Trump points that out and people who laugh at that are racist? I'm guessing this hits home for a lot of "Native Americans" in here or being the opposite of Trump no matter what he says is at a all time high

It's an attempt to redirect attention away from what Warren did.


Oct 27, 2017
I appreciate your perspective. Here's where I'm at, I guess: Thinking she fucked up politically is entirely fair. Someone of Native American descent hating her for what she did is entirely fair, who the hell would I be to say otherwise. I'm not taking issue with either of those things, however signal boosting a racist and their message and a racist website and its message is not going to help anything, it only hurts our cause. Finding attacks based on ethnicity funny by a racist POS, let alone the President of the United States does not help anything.
Exactly right, and that's why I say the kernel of the meme (Warren trying to use really flimsy evidence of her supposed Native American heritage) is funny, not the meme itself or its source. In fact, I think a lot of comedians have taken on Warren's gaffe in a much funnier and more insightful way than this low-effort shitpost.

And for the love of god, no one claiming to be against Trump should be RTing this shit as "lmao how funny" or anything like that.


Oct 27, 2017
gotta love people holding this against her compared to the laundry list of things wrong with trump. But those memes tho while millions suffer.

That's the curse of having the more educated side of the electorate: we have to consider what people with IQs over 80 are going to think about self-inflicted wounds and the consistent mishandling of a political loser of a topic. Trump has a cult: we have a base and a group of low-information moderates that can be influenced by this type of attack.

The 2020 primaries haven't even begun. The choice is not Warren Vs. Trump: the choice is Warren vs. what will most likely be a half dozen candidates who didn't shit the bed before their campaigns even started. This isn't even a Man Vs. Woman thing as Gillibrand and Harris are considered likely to run and haven't had anything nearly as devastating happen to their prospects.

After 2016, Democrats can and should be hyper-sensitive to candidates with unforced errors that can result in enduring, low-effort attacks that resonate.
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Oct 25, 2017
Seems like it is better for Warren to get this crap out of the way now.
This is true. The problem is that she botched that attempt horribly and just made things worse because she addressed what was important to her (her family's honor) while deliberately ignoring the actual ethical or political problem.


Nov 19, 2018
So let me get this thread straight. A white woman claimed Native blood, exposes herself to doing the same shit white people have been doing for a while by trying essentially hijacking native ancestry/culture. Trump points that out and people who laugh at that are racist? I'm guessing this hits home for a lot of "Native Americans" in here or being the opposite of Trump no matter what he says is at a all time high

I'm pretty sure Trump's worship of Andrew Jackson has nothing to do with people sensitive to Native American culture or their demise not thinking this is funny at all and pointing out the racial undertones. Pretty sure.


Oct 25, 2017
And your point is that trump has been normalized? That was always going to happen. There's a thread everyday on Trump's tweets. If you grew a third arm you'd be used to it in two years.
I'm not saying you cannot expect things that Trump does or recognize that he's classless. However people who are laughing at this trash and saying "welp she's done" are normalizing this type of behavior from a president.

There's a clear difference.


Oct 27, 2017
She's still a strong contender, along with Sanders and Brown, above Harris/O'Rourke/Biden/Booker. The DNA thing was a standard gaffe, politicians make them all the time. Trump is just focusing on it because he has no substance on policy to counter her message.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
I'm not saying you cannot expect things that Trump does or recognize that he's classless. However people who are laughing at this trash and saying "welp she's done" are normalizing this type of behavior from a president.

There's a clear difference.

Oh, ok. No, I'm not laughing. Eye rolling, yes. Laughing, no. 2020 is going to be nasty as fuucckkk, people in the streets.... You think that 2016 was nasty? Oh boy.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
And your point is that trump has been normalized? That was always going to happen. There's a thread everyday on Trump's tweets. If you grew a third arm you'd be used to it in two years.
Pushing back against him is the opposite of normalizing him, which a lot of people do in those threads.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone is saying it's a done deal. none of us are from the future, no one knows for sure. however compared to the other candidates that could potentially run I don't like Warren's chances against Trump and would rather not risk it after she showed a fundamental misunderstanding of how to fight him.

also, again, Trump made a fool of himself countless times during his first run. he made what would normally be seen as campaign ending fuck ups. a lot of them. he still won. so please, quit bringing up Trump doing dumb shit or other leaders mocking him as evidence that he can't win again. stakes are far too high for that kind of mentality.
Read it again, I am not saying it's evidence that Trump can'tt win again, I'm saying its evidence that this shit that you think will sink Warren doesn't matter in the long run. Also the mentality that shouldn't be tolerated is that the president acting like a child, and that the public is lowering or their candidates to trump's standards.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
She's still a strong contender, along with Sanders and Brown, above Harris/O'Rourke/Biden/Booker. The DNA thing was a standard gaffe, politicians make them all the time. Trump is just focusing on it because he has no substance on policy to counter her message.

I've never seen another politician in my life time doing DNA tests.

I know American politics are a circus, but that was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


Oct 27, 2017
It seems like there's a lot of misinformation in this thread regarding Warren, her claims, and the events that actually took place.

Warren was raised in Oklahoma with stories of Native American heritage from her parents and grandparents. Her parents eloped because her father's family disapproved of her mother's family being part Native American. Neither her nor her parents claimed tribal membership at any point, nor did they do any sort of deep study of their ancestry, but nonetheless these are the stories she was raised with.

For what happens next, I highly recommend reading this Boston Globe article which scoured her academic and professional records and contains interviews with people who were involved with her hiring at every stage of her career: She identified very closely with her mother's side of the family, and started making claims about Native American ancestry when the older matriarchs in her family started aging and dying. However, at no point did she ever receive any professional benefit from these claims, as the Globe article concludes after a thorough examination of the records.

Fast forward to October 2018 when she takes a DNA test. The test concludes that she very likely does have a Native American ancestor, making her (by blood) between 1/64th and 1/1024th Native American. The Cherokee Nation criticized this move not because of how much or how little Native American blood she had (as an earlier poster suggested), but because she took a DNA test at all to try claim heritage. DNA tests are irrelevant with respect to tribal membership, and Warren acknowledges this in the video and statement she released after taking the test.

That's pretty much it. Yeah, she may have made some political gaffes in her messaging on this issue, but to label her as dishonest or untrustworthy seems totally unfair and disconnected from reality. She has been nothing but transparent here.

To me, this whole issue feels completely inconsequential regardless of how you look at it. Elizabeth Warren is an extremely smart woman who has been a champion of the middle class for her entire career, long before entering politics. She was brought into politics not because she was seeking office, but because she was a subject matter expert whose guidance was sought after the 2008 financial collapse. She should be evaluated based on her policies and how well she would perform as president, because I think you would be hard-pressed to find someone who has more concrete, well-researched positions.


Oct 26, 2017
Pushing back against him is the opposite of normalizing him, which a lot of people do in those threads.

You can push back against him without subjecting yourself to a purely anti-Trumpian future in thought and deed.

You can, in fact, think this is a funny meme while simultaneously saying "Trump's policies are harmful and ineffective and his decorum is actively eroding American prestige around the world".

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Read it again, I am not saying it's evidence that Trump can'tt win again, I'm saying its evidence that this shit that you think will sink Warren doesn't matter in the long run. Also the mentality that shouldn't be tolerated is that the president acting like a child, and that the public is lowering or their candidates to trump's standards.

that's why beating Trump is the main objective here and why there are better candidates to put forth than Warren


Nov 1, 2017
Warren will never win. The country is genuinely too stupid to see past this stupid Native American meme. It will be the "Emails" of the 2020 election.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Pushing back against him is the opposite of normalizing him, which a lot of people do in those threads.

I'm not saying people aren't pushing back, people push back against unpopular politicians every election by voting them out of office or denying them entry.

Just when something is said by him that is wacky, unhinged, untruthful or offensive everyday via tweet, that becomes normal. I'd fall out of my fucking chair if he changed his tune and supported a dem led plan to reopen the gov't tomorrow.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I feel confident in saying they 100% of the project in this thread who don't want Warren to run would rather her be President than Trump. People are hesitant about Warren because they feel it will lead to Trump's second term.
Yep. Warren is maybe the one potential candidate (among those seriously exploring at this stage) that Trump could possibly beat, and it has almost nothing to do with this DNA test thing. Her persona of New England professor is like a perfect blend of the parts of Obama/Clinton that Trump over-performs against.

Then this DNA thing showed that she didn't really get how Trump "works" even though she should have learned that either from 2016 or at the very least Obama. Obama laid out a blueprint for how to beat Trump at this shit re: the birth certificate and it's amazing that none of the GOP primary opponents looked at it (Clinton mostly followed this template regarding the emails but had to also fight Congress and Comey).


Oct 25, 2017
This was bound to happen.

That DNA test stuff was some sideshow bob walking into a rake bullshit and how did anyone in her camp let her do it I dont know.


Jan 2, 2019
It seems like there's a lot of misinformation in this thread regarding Warren, her claims, and the events that actually took place.

Warren was raised in Oklahoma with stories of Native American heritage from her parents and grandparents. Her parents eloped because her father's family disapproved of her mother's family being part Native American. Neither her nor her parents claimed tribal membership at any point, nor did they do any sort of deep study of their ancestry, but nonetheless these are the stories she was raised with.

For what happens next, I highly recommend reading this Boston Globe article which scoured her academic and professional records and contains interviews with people who were involved with her hiring at every stage of her career: She identified very closely with her mother's side of the family, and started making claims about Native American ancestry when the older matriarchs in her family started aging and dying. However, at no point did she ever receive any professional benefit from these claims, as the Globe article concludes after a thorough examination of the records.

Fast forward to October 2018 when she takes a DNA test. The test concludes that she very likely does have a Native American ancestor, making her (by blood) between 1/64th and 1/1024th Native American. The Cherokee Nation criticized this move not because of how much or how little Native American blood she had (as an earlier poster suggested), but because she took a DNA test at all to try claim heritage. DNA tests are irrelevant with respect to tribal membership, and Warren acknowledges this in the video and statement she released after taking the test.

That's pretty much it. Yeah, she may have made some political gaffes in her messaging on this issue, but to label her as dishonest or untrustworthy seems totally unfair and disconnected from reality. She has been nothing but transparent here.

To me, this whole issue feels completely inconsequential regardless of how you look at it. Elizabeth Warren is an extremely smart woman who has been a champion of the middle class for her entire career, long before entering politics. She was brought into politics not because she was seeking office, but because she was a subject matter expert whose guidance was sought after the 2008 financial collapse. She should be evaluated based on her policies and how well she would perform as president, because I think you would be hard-pressed to find someone who has more concrete, well-researched positions.

Also, it should be noted that I think the reason Warren has been bringing this up was in response to right wing attacks going back since 2012 claiming she used native ancestry to advance her position in Harvard. Criticisms that have dogged her since then. She actually doesn't like to talk about it much, but probably feels the need to defend herself, understandably. So Trump was not the first to bring it up, he was picking up on what others have been doing since 2012. So she probably felt the need if she was going to do a national campaign to challenge this claim that she's lying.

Unfortunately she didn't count on that the media sucks when it comes to reporting DNA findings (along with her own lapse in proper messaging)


Oct 25, 2017
that's why beating Trump is the main objective here and why there are better candidates to put forth than Warren
Yes, we agree on that. We'll see who else runs besides Warren. I'll consider them a better candidate based on their policies. If there's a better candidate, so be it, I'll support them.