
volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I do wish Stahl had come back with hard facts instead of basically just saying "yes you did" at his denials. I guess you don't really go to 60 Minutes for hard hitting.
Jan 10, 2018
He can if not enough of us show up to vote (see 2016). Thankfully I don't think that mistake is being made this year, but I do worry about fraudulent shit going down invalidating mail in/early votes, which is why we need to make it a landslide and not remotely disputable where one state with close numbers would swing the whole thing (ala Florida 2000)

That is why those "Trump is shitting himself on purpose takes are potentially harmful.

The nothing matters, all is lost hottakes are the spiritual successors to both sides are the same and your vote doesn't matter. They try to trigger nothing but apatism and sense of hopelessness among easily impressionable swing voters, to discourage them from voting.

And I'm sick and tired of this shit.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
They both seem pretty bad in this.

He's throwing a tantrum and giving non-answers meanwhile she's hardly challenging him with facts

I'm losing my mind. Have you ever tried reasoning with a toddler throwing a tantrum? All the facts in the world wouldn't have changed this interview.

Lesley Stahl, legendary jouranlist, bad at interviews. I've heard it all today.


Apr 13, 2019
I do wish Stahl had come back with hard facts instead of basically just saying "yes you did" at his denials. I guess you don't really go to 60 Minutes for hard hitting.
This is the one thing in american journalism I dont get.

Is it so hard t prepare a rebuttal for things they know with pretty much 100% certainty he is going to say? They bitch and moan, but when they have an opportunity to actually show their work, they do this. Is it because they dont want to be banned from interviews...? I dont get it.
Oct 31, 2017
They both seem pretty bad in this.

He's throwing a tantrum and giving non-answers meanwhile she's hardly challenging him with facts
You cannot get a narcissist to admit things unless it is convenient for them at the moment. PERIOD. You can show all the evidence in the world and recall things they said verbatim and they will always say they were joking or you misinterpreted or come up with some other outlandish, outrageous excuse.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
This is the one thing in american journalism I dont get.

Is it so hard t prepare a rebuttal for things they know with pretty much 100% certainty he is going to say? They bitch and moan, but when they have an opportunity to actually show their work, they do this. Is it because they dont want to be banned from interviews...? I dont get it.

For sure. She knows what questions she's going to ask, she should be prepared for his rebuttals with proof.


Oct 26, 2017
Stahl knew what she was doing, instead of getting sucked into a back and forth with Trump like he wanted, she made her point and then let him hang himself with his rants. Nothing Trump said or did is appealing to anyone outside of his base, and there's nothing you could do to convince those people otherwise.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Harrisburg, PA
You cannot get a narcissist to admit things unless it is convenient for them at the moment. PERIOD.

Then don't hold the interview. There's really no point if it's going to be the same result as the majority of interviews with him. Prep yourself beforehand because the dude spews the same 3 lines of bullshit- have your facts in order to rebuttal against the lies.
Oct 31, 2017
Then don't hold the interview. There's really no point if it's going to be the same result as the majority of interviews with him. Prep yourself beforehand because the dude spews the same 3 lines of bullshit- have your facts in order to rebuttal against the lies.
Ok well you clearly, for some reason, don't think Trump comes across as an outrageous childish buffoon in this interview.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
The "4d chess" takes gotta stop.
Seriously. His clever distractions and changing of focus never ever work. He undermines his new narrative immediately, or just gives people something as horribe (or worse) to go at him with. His base has been solidified for a long time, and none of this helps or hurts him with them. All he does is keep Biden's polling lead historically steady, and hamper his own ability to pin any bullshit on Biden.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 7, 2020
Stahl literally pushed trump so hard that he quit the interview, I don't know how some of you are expecting her to go harder.


Oct 25, 2017
The interview could have been better in that I wish Leslie did have more facts to cover some of his talking points over instead of bickering, but either way the interview was a disaster and my takeaway is that the president is woefully unprepared to handle difficult questions - he's the POTUS, so I'd think any question is fair game. Maybe give him some easy ones like "So what do you do in your freetime? Do you have freetime?" just to throw him off a bit.

EDIT: Ah I suppose that's a good point some others have mentioned - 60 mins. does cutaways to cover things outside of the interview itself, so some facts will likely be presented there.


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
Jesus christ dude, this is not the hill you wanna die on. Fucking think about your Trump-defending "b-but both sides bad!" rhetoric before you post here.
Fuck that. You think trump saying somehting shitty absolves this shitty response from leslie? So your telling me focus on how terrible trump is and ignore shitty reporting? Fuck that. I don't have to both sides obvious shit.

THis is part of the reason we are in this crap. Media wont fracking call out shit as it is. The media is what tries to both sides shit. Like if obama did any of this crap he would be crucified. But you think having media ask soft ball questions and letting trump's tirade go on with unlimited air time is the answer.

again, fuck that.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Let's be real, he'll just go again with 'fake news' and 'how nasty of you'

Yeah but who cares about him? At least people could see for themselves. But another member said it best. We haven't seen the 60 Minutes version. Maybe they'll cut away with fact checks and video evidence throughout.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Lesley Stahl is a saint. I couldn't imagine sitting through that frustrating interview without losing it and shouting at him.
He's like a child, he picks one word in your sentence and goes running with it regardless of what the actual question was.

Pence was just as bad as Trump in his own way. At least he stayed vaguely on-topic, but he spent so much time filibustering the interview with long vague speeches that she only managed four questions.
I love how he accused her of not asking questions about foreign policy or Biden, then she said she would love to but the WH staff cut the interview.

Can't wait to see this with proper editing and some fact-checking cutaways.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. She was bad at containing him and holding his feet to the fire.

Not a single person on earth can hold Trump's feet to the fire. Dude's a petulant child. It doesn't matter if the greatest interviewer ever is talking to him, Trump will still whine and complain. It's nothing to do with Stahl and everything to do with Trump's poor temperament.


Oct 25, 2017
Despite what some are saying I liked that she didn't "fact check" him outside of "yes you did," because we know it's true, and it's not on us to prove his eight billion lies are lies (they are). It's a waste of time to do the work fact checking idiots like this, of course they're lying, and by the time you dig up the clip they've already moved on to something else that's totally insane. You can't have an intelligent conversation with this guy, he is incapable of it.


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
I do wish Stahl had come back with hard facts instead of basically just saying "yes you did" at his denials. I guess you don't really go to 60 Minutes for hard hitting.
Exactly. How hard was it for her to say, " Obama care IS what started covering pre-existing condition" , how bout she mention how millions of people weren't covered before obama care and now they are. The point isn't to try and convince this turd, but to not let me unopposedly go unaswered. Like he goes on and on and on about hunter biden and you dont even mention he was IMPEACHED even once because of that? EVEN FREAKING ONCE!


Oct 27, 2017
Even though this was his idea, considering the blowback on media today, I'm sure he's looking to fire "whoever it was that came up with this dumb idea."

So probably another intern or coffee boy is about to get promoted to Campaign Manager just to get fired by Trump for incompetently suggesting they release their own footage ahead of 60 Minutes, because Trump would never have suggested this himself.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Despite what some are saying I liked that she didn't "fact check" him outside of "yes you did," because we know it's true, and it's not on us to prove his eight billion lies are lies (they are). It's a waste of time to do the work fact checking idiots like this, of course they're lying, and by the time you dig up the clip they've already moved on to something else that's totally insane. You can't have an intelligent conversation with this guy, he is incapable of it.
I'm guessing she decided/was told not to bother with live fact-checking because they would just insert the clips/tweets in the actual show.


Oct 29, 2017
Under my Hela Hela
Where did I say otherwise? Dudes a clown. Nice dodge though.

The insincerity is radiating off you, and your attempts to both sides this interview is transparent. Stahl did her job, stop armchair quarterbacking how to interview when you clearly are out of your element. Interviewers can't stop the interview in its tracks to show PowerPoint slides or video files proving Trump is lying, nor is it their job to go "gotcha" like they're in a live feed Era thread.

Not to mention, how exactly would that accomplish anything? Trump is a denial machine. He isn't suddenly to admit wrongdoing just because they show him footage of him saying stuff. He'd say it was fake news or a joke. And the interviewer accomplishes nothing except wasting time.
Oct 31, 2017
Where did I say otherwise? Dudes a clown. Nice dodge though.
"Nice dodge" lol insanely unnecessary. I wasn't dodging, but that irritated me, so now I'll bite. My point is, is that she's interviewed him before; she knows what she's doing. He's going to lie regardless. I think she clearly did a good job considering the fact that he's been whining about it ever since, and has been trying to discredit her, and walked out of the interview early. She royally pissed him off. The best interviewer was the Australian guy IMO but she clearly did her job and got him very heated.

The insincerity is radiating off you, and your attempts to both sides this interview is transparent. Stahl did her job, stop armchair quarterbacking how to interview when you clearly are out of your element. Interviewers can't stop the interview in its tracks to show PowerPoint slides or video files proving Trump is lying, nor is it their job to go "gotcha" like they're in a live feed Era thread.

Not to mention, how exactly would that accomplish anything? Trump is a denial machine. He isn't suddenly to admit wrongdoing just because they show him footage of him saying stuff. He'd say it was fake news or a joke. And the interviewer accomplishes nothing except wasting time.

you said it much better than me. Thank you :-)

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
That wasn't as bad as I was expecting given all the hype. It was mostly the same infantile idiot we have seen over and over in press conferences, debates, interviews, etc. She challenged him and called out his bullshit, but I think he walked out because he realizes he is likely to lose and is just cracking at this point. I dream that he does the same thing in tonight's debate.


Oct 27, 2017
People still think that you can change his supporters' minds? They can release the piss tapes and he can admit to it and all they will do is claim that being pissed on is no big deal. Who gives a shit about his supporters, it's the people that have some sort of decency (even if it's minuscule amount) that can actually change their vote that count. In all honesty, what matters most is energizing the opposition rather than changing anyone's mind at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Most of the time I find any comments about a reporter "owning" an interviewee to be exaggerated but she really did hand him his ass there.
Hallie Jackson has a habit of doing that when the GOP WH officials try to push the talking points instead of answering the question.

Here's another one from a couple of weeks ago when she couldn't get a clear answer regarding Trump's pre-debate COVID test results, and it's just as glorious.



Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
The insincerity is radiating off you, and your attempts to both sides this interview is transparent. Stahl did her job, stop armchair quarterbacking how to interview when you clearly are out of your element. Interviewers can't stop the interview in its tracks to show PowerPoint slides or video files proving Trump is lying, nor is it their job to go "gotcha" like they're in a live feed Era thread.

Not to mention, how exactly would that accomplish anything? Trump is a denial machine. He isn't suddenly to admit wrongdoing just because they show him footage of him saying stuff. He'd say it was fake news or a joke. And the interviewer accomplishes nothing except wasting time.

Yup. He would literally just pivot to:

'Where did you get that excel. Those numbers have to be wrong'
'You googled Washington Post? Bezos fake news'
'Hrm, it says so on the CDC site? I don't think that's right, Ill call them'

And Lesley would be chasing down that corridor again like she did with these pushbacks.

People are looking for that punch out blow that stuns him into silence when the fucker literally hasn''t stopped talking since he was five. Dude was taking calls while recovering from Covid, out of breathe and all; there will be no 'gotcha' moment he will acknowledge because he really isn't listening to you..just his own voice, LOL