
Oct 29, 2017
While it's easy to never buy anything from them again looking at what they've been putting out and what's coming Microsoft needs to end their publishing partnerships as soon as possible if they don't clean house at THQ immediately. Developers under THQ shouldn't have to suffer because the most disgusting or incompetent people in the world are funding them.


Mar 18, 2018
I mean, Reinhard Pollice was in that thread joking about a "Cease this faggotry" meme.

There is no coming back. THQ Nordic will never be able to pretend they have any concept of dignity, civility, or professionalism as long as someone can just post the pics of that chat.


This isn't something small or someone misspoke. This is genuinely something they shouldn't be allowed to easily crawl back from without firing a few people.

Imagine buying a game from someone who promotes a child porn site?


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Can they least have the decency to remove that damn link. It is depressing that they are screwing the THQ brand with such stupidity.
Oct 29, 2017
I can't believe I'm writing this sentence. I just can't believe it but it's been 12 hours and the official THQNoridic twitter account still links directly to a site delisted from google for its known links to Child Pornography.

At this point I wish to state that THQNordic are actively spreading and promoting child porn willingly and purposefully


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 2652

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"hey guys just woke up and typed resetera into my browser and went to the gaming section and clicked on the thread that said THQ AMA on 8chan and read some posts that said "that site hosts pedophiles, what a disgusting move" and then i"
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Deleted member 4037

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think we have to realize that THQ totally knows what its doing and probably knew what it was getting into, unless someone with a moral compass and a higher rank comes along, there will be no turnaround


Mar 18, 2018
BEacuse I am a nice person I kinda figured the "calm down, geez" referred to the barrage of "read the threadmarks, idiot" posts and not to the actual controversy. Might be wrong.

Possibly but if so then this is a risky thread for that poster to not be clarifying who they're talking to when they simply post "calm down"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think we have to realize that THQ totally knows what its doing and probably knew what it was getting into, unless someone with a moral compass and a higher rank comes along, there will be no turnaround

Yep. This kind of thing does not happen and then continue because of a rogue individual.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
I mean, Reinhard Pollice was in that thread joking about a "Cease this faggotry" meme.

There is no coming back. THQ Nordic will never be able to pretend they have any concept of dignity, civility, or professionalism as long as someone can just post the pics of that chat.
The only chance was for Wingefors to try his damnedest and go on a mighty purge.

But it seems that isn't happening


Nov 21, 2018
man of man. i mean, hosting an AMA on a site with such bad stuff going on: terrible and what the heck? but the screenshots of the guy conversing with that community...i mean...there are just no words.

edit: going to sleep now, but it is going to be BEYOND interesting to wake up and see the repercussions.


Oct 25, 2017
Who called that person an idiot?
I like hyperbole. Also am too lazy to go back to check properly.

Possibly but if so then this is a risky thread for that poster to not be clarifying who they're talking to when they simply post "calm down"
Sure. I would be more wary of the first "what's going on, guys?" post, considering that just the thread title is descriptive enough.

Yep. This kind of thing does not happen and then continue because of a rogue individual.
What I don't understand is why. If you managed to infiltrate a mid size publisher as a 8chan regular, why would you use it for this when you could do much more damage just through the regular "we do not include politics in our titles" fuckery. It's mind boggling, really.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
"What's a THQ Nordic? I just started playing video games yesterday and I don't understand why everybody's so angry at them and talking about racist pedophiles."


Oct 29, 2017
There are a shocking number of users popping up with the talking point that Twitter is no different than 8Chan (so there's "nothing to criticize"), with alarming specificity in their knowledge about child pornography.
Never let the pedophiles tell you how to react.

This whole thing is disgusting.


Game Designer
Nov 5, 2017
Digging into the replies on twitter you can see this has brought out precisely the folk that THQ Nordic intended.

I think we have to realize that THQ totally knows what its doing and probably knew what it was getting into, unless someone with a moral compass and a higher rank comes along, there will be no turnaround
It's likely they had an apology schedule planned out before they started the event. The fact that they didn't take down the link with the first non-apology was a dog whistle to its people.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Meanwhile, THQ Nordic still has a link to a child porn resource up on their Twitter RIGHT NOW, after tons of backlash. They are literally linking to it, knowingly.

Edit: I can't even with this shit.


Oct 28, 2017
That's the part that astonishes me the most.

Like how many people outside of the internet, or even forums in general, even know about the existence of 8chan?

Why would you ever risk your entire company just to get an EXTREMELY small subset of people to go "oh man, this corporation sides with us! I'll definitely support them...what? buy their videogames? fuck no."

I wish with all my hope and being that I could be the fly in the wall during the meeting where this was discussed and the people who somehow, against all signs of common sense and human evolution, said "That's a great idea!"
There's no way the people who decided this aren't gators in some way. Like you said, no one knows abut 8 chan except people in the know of its monstrous origins


Oct 25, 2017
its still wild as hell that they still have that fucking link up. what are they fuckin doing lol
I'm sure someone will try and say "oh they're all asleep over there, they'll get to it in the morning" and ignore the fact that linking to a site like this is a Defcon-5 level PR apocalypse that needed to be dealt with ASAP.


Oct 26, 2017
Just catching up - were people really unironically trusting SGG as a source of info?

It infuriates me every time she inserts herself into these issues. She generally has no idea what's going on but presents herself as an authority for attention, as seen here. In this case, Mark Kern fucking sucks, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't exactly hard to realize it was the literal owner of the site who reached out to them and offered to moderate.

Meanwhile I called her on about spreading lies about someone in the industry she randomly dislikes - for years - a few months ago when she was trying to act like she wasn't familiar with them while doing it again, and of course she's then been slandering me by spreading that I post on a certain reprehensible hatesite ever since, so... I'm personally not exactly happy to see her having been taken at face value on this site. Kinda ruined my mood tonight, tbh.
Jesus, dude, what a mess. Sorry you have to deal with that.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder why all the gaming YouTube 24/7 outrage channels aren't screaming to high heaven about a game publisher linking to a site delisted by Google for hosting child porn.

What sort of person is willing to call everyone out except pedophiles? I'll leave you to fill in that blank.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
So, I don't normally do boy
I'm sure someone will try and say "oh they're all asleep over there, they'll get to it in the morning" and ignore the fact that linking to a site like this is a Defcon-5 level PR apocalypse that needed to be dealt with ASAP.
Inam curious if this gets picked up by actual mainstream media.

If say BBC, Reuters or Washington Post/New York Times picks up this shit in the morning, would it still be worth it for THQ Nordic targeting sales at a small fringe group?
Jun 26, 2018
THQ Nordic: "the opportunity was here and we took it, we got apporached in a very friendly and polite manner and were assured, said person (shoutout to Mark) will take care of the nasty stuff. so, here we are."

Also THQ Nordic: "I personally agreed to this AMA without doing my proper due diligence to understand the history and the controversy of the site. I do not condone child pornography, white supremacy, or racism in any shape or form."



Nov 5, 2017
Multiple people at THQ decided it was a good idea to host an AMA on a website which specialises in child abuse and rampant Nazism. This includes their head of PR, and a a major executive who helps run the company and is a notable shareholder.

They knew what the site was. They still went in. They still continued to post there and jokingly responded to homophobia among other things.

They are still linking to the board which supports this 12 hours later.

There are thread marks which give a better summary including screenshots. You should read them.
I see thats fuckin gross thanks for the quick recap, i only lurk from time to time here i never get used them

I take it you missed the part where THQ has that tweet up with child porn in it?
Yes i did thats why i was asking

Do you even fucking GRASP what is going on here? No. We shouldnt calm down. This is the worst thing a company can do.
The calm down was to the people dog piled on me for asking

For mysterious reasons known only to themselves, but which probably involved either peyote or some long con infiltration plan, THQ's PR department decided that holding an AMA on 8chan's /v/ board was a brilliant idea that every would get behind. If you are confused about what 8chan is, it's the site for the kind of people who thought 4chan was too mainstream and moderated.
During the AMA, which included the head of THQ's PR and at least one other board member, the THQ people attempted to meme it up with the resident edgelords, with predictable results (there were also some false flags by idiots, but mostly it was THQ themselves talking about big anime tiddies). Cringe and embarrassment ensued.
When the effects of peyote worn off, THQ attempted a half hearted apology, which nobody is buying (generally because they still haven't bothered to remove any incriminating tweets 12 hours later). The corporate is going with a hard "no comment policy." Twitter is on fire. People are afraid just viewing screenshots of 8chan thread is going to get them v&.

TL;DR this is a worse PR fuck up than anything Anthem related, chiefly because EA managed to somehow avoid the CP minefield.
Thank you very much yeah i had no idea what is 8chan, i heared about 4chan before, anyway this whole thing is a disaster

Again the "calm down" was to the barrage of posts toward me not reading probably which is fair

BEacuse I am a nice person I kinda figured the "calm down, geez" referred to the barrage of "read the threadmarks, idiot" posts and not to the actual controversy. Might be wrong.
Thank you
You can read the thread title, OP, and/or staff threadmarks if you're curious. They actually really plainly spell things out, including a few examples. If you've got more specific questions, people are happy to reply. Honestly, I thought (think?) you came across as a bad-faith poster; anyone actually curious has a lot to look at. Repeatedly asking people to restate a situation (while implying that reactions might be hyperbolic) is a widely understood trolling method, and I assumed that's what you were doing.
Apologise if my post came like but honestly i am not hardcore ERA poster i don't know about many of the function introduced on the few last updates and i admit its my fault
hey guys just woke up and typed resetera into my browser and went to the gaming section and clicked on the thread that said THQ AMA on 8chan and read some posts that said "that site hosts pedophiles, what a disgusting move" and then i
Stop putting words on my mouth and calm the fuck down, don't vent you frustration me. After understanding the whole thing i am as disgust and frustrated as everyone and i even cheered for THQ Nordic before


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder why all the gaming YouTube 24/7 outrage channels aren't screaming to high heaven about a game publisher linking to a site delisted by Google for hosting child porn.

What sort of person is willing to call everyone out except pedophiles? I'll leave you to fill in the blank.
At least pedophiles aren't PC SJW libs!!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So, I don't normally do boy
Inam curious if this gets picked up by actual mainstream media.

If say BBC, Reuters or Washington Post/New York Times picks up this shit in the morning, would it still be worth it for THQ Nordic targeting sales at a small fringe group?
"Gaming company with Nickelodeon cartoon licenses mingles with Internet community delisted for child pornography"


Oct 27, 2017
The stuff going on at r/gaming (including a pic of a thread being locked earlier today posted here) is like... the perfect intersection of everything shitty about gamer culture and everything stereotypical that people hate about anime culture rolled into one. It makes me ashamed of my hobbies.
What sort of person gets angry at everyone except pedophiles?
Spoiler: A lot of them are pedophiles.
Honestly? Smells like Insider trading.
How is it? You up on some stock information we dont know about?
This seems unlikely given the official responses of "meh" out of upper management, so some actual proof would be lovely. Mind you, these people would end up in prison for deliberately tanking their own stock and profiting off it! I refuse to believe that, despite running an AMA on a child porn board, that they're stupid enough to commit a felony as part of the process.


Oct 25, 2017
There's literally no scenario where a company of this size gets asked if they want to do a PR piece with a site, and they don't at least GOOGLE the fucking site to see what it is. We're not talking some guy walking up and asking for a quote as they walk out of a meeting or something outside the office, we're talking back and forth correspondence regarding an actual PR stunt.

Fuck THQ Nordic, sorry to all the devs but not touching anything there.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
At least pedophiles aren't PC SJW libs!!
"Some of my best friends are pedophiles, can I really just demonize them and not try to find a more reasonable compromise?

Like we both hate Brie Larson. That's the sort of thing you would never know if you just labeled them as creeps and called the cops on them."
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's the question, isn't it?

Almost makes me think that their apology wasn't genuine and they still want people to check out their edgy punk rock AMA.
What if they bought up all those IPs just to turn them into alt-right shit? :/ Doesn't affect me directly because i will not buy another game from them, but damn... such a shame.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we have to realize that THQ totally knows what its doing and probably knew what it was getting into, unless someone with a moral compass and a higher rank comes along, there will be no turnaround
The case is closed on it being intentional. I just don't know if anyone can say for sure what they got themselves into, unless it's some sort of insider trading, early contract termination, or general finance scam.

What will be the consequences?

I see thats fuckin gross thanks for the quick recap, i only lurk from time to time here i never get used them

Yes i did thats why i was asking

The calm down was to the people dog piled on me for asking

Thank you very much yeah i had no idea what is 8chan, i heared about 4chan before, anyway this whole thing is a disaster

Again the "calm down" was to the barrage of posts toward me not reading probably which is fair

Thank you

Apologise if my post came like but honestly i am not hardcore ERA poster i don't know about many of the function introduced on the few last updates and i admit its my fault

Stop putting words on my mouth and calm the fuck down, don't vent you frustration me. After understanding the whole thing i am as disgust and frustrated as everyone and i even cheered for THQ Nordic before
Heh, I think you chose a particularly unfortunate topic to not read up on first, but I guess it's hard to make a good choice for that since definitionally you haven't read it yet.

Emotions are rather tense, and we've already had our share of obvious trolls.