
Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
It should be the standard; hopefully their competitors in the PC and console space take note. It's why I hope they clean up this gen, because they are doing lots of good things this round that their competitors need to step up on.


Oct 25, 2017
I recently had the urge to play Yakuza 0 again; I had beat the game 2-3 times in the past few years but I told myself this would finally be the time I 100% it and get all the achievements. Of course I stopped playing halfway through because Game Pass makes my backlog constantly explode.

So, here I am booting up Yakuza 0 like I said and somehow the game was still in Quick Resume, like 5+ months later and I'm not even in the same state I was when I last played it. I played tons of games since then and it was still suspended in the background. It booted up in a few seconds and was right where I left off.

I truly feel that this is what it feels like to be next gen.

I really hope Switcher on PS5 eventually becomes this. Granted fast loading into games is great but to store games exactly how you left it, and with multiple games, is pretty awesome.

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
Xbox just gets it. Everything they do lately is designed to be super convenient and user friendly. They are knocking down walls and making waves this generation.


Jul 10, 2019
I received my xCloud invitation 2 days ago, I had a fairly neutral opinion on cloud gaming, after having experienced Cloud on the web browser of my Mac Book & IOS, even if the quality is not yet constant .

I firmly believe that the Game Pass Ultimate and these features (access to +300 games, available on PC, console, Cloud, First party day one etc ...) will be a big game changer at the same level as the Xbox live and maybe more.

I understand the fact when Phil said that the Cloud was not there to replace the consoles, but to act as a supplement. In practice, this is a huge supplement.

I can't even imagine the children / student at school in their free time being able to play the games they want, on the platforms they have at Instant-T just via the XGPU ... How many times when I had to wait the end of the day to face a friend in Fifa or COD 1v1 etc ... When XSX blade will come it will be if you want to play just go.


Oct 27, 2017
Chandler, AZ
Couldn't agree more. They're in a fantastic place and continue to build towards something truly special. The X was at first a great distraction when I couldn't find a PS5 but now I'm thinking I may just wait for the PlayStation mid gen upgrade. So much to play with backwards compatibility on the X.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
As a PS mainly gamer, it blows me away waht MS is doing with xcloud. I mean just look, MLB 21 is on it while it isn't on Sony's side. That is just how ahead of the game they are at.

Sony better have a good answer to MS because if they don't, I can see them lose a lot of in the coming years. I have a X1X currently but can't wait to get an SX. Maybe just wait for the mid gen revision but def gonna get one. I have GPU so I guess I'll have to use xcloud for streaming stuff. I tried it before and it was so easy to use and "it just works" like it's been said. It's really great stuff. Very excited for what MS keeps doing with it.

Garcia el Gringo

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I've been keeping up with Xbox through their BC being implemented on Xbox One back in 2015, the launch of Play Anywhere in 2016 and their seamless cloud save implementation (I regularly played across three Xbox Ones last-gen and my saves just populated painlessly as I swapped between them) and Xbox One X enhancements, so what's seemed so revolutionary to people revisiting the ecosystem now, or checking it out for the first time, has felt incremental (Game Pass, Steam, Cloud, Touch, Smart Delivery) to me.

It's been neat to see Microsoft build to where they're at now feature and service-wise. And it's exciting to see many more people make full use of the ecosystem with the turn of current-gen - it's definitely the standard for console use to me.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
If Xbox gets high quality, big budget games rolling out, this certainly becomes the most compelling product portfolio and I don't think it'll be close, among the consoles.

As a person who works in technology, I acknowledge that the sheer engineering that came together for all of the current facets (Series X design, the backward compatibility, Smart Delivery, Gamepass, XCloud) to come together so seamlessly is truly staggering and worthy of praise.

The PC Xbox experience is the one glaring stain on Phil and Microsoft right now. Get that shit together man.
Nov 8, 2017
The PC Xbox experience is the one glaring stain on Phil and Microsoft right now. Get that shit together man.

Considering how (relatively) easy it is to just build a normal launcher with normal win32 deployments (every publisher on earth has one that works way better than Windows store), I assume the reason it's a cluster fuck still is because of deeply entrenched political disputes between parts of Microsoft. Like whoever is thr stakeholder on the win store or UWP stuff in the Windows division making life super hard.

The system has been mega shit for five years or more (I had issues with Quantum Break when it came out) so I've given up hope it'll become truly good ever. I'm just praying it'll become tolerable.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Considering how easy it is to just build a normal launcher with normal win32 deployments, I assume the reason it's a cluster fuck still is because of deeply entrenched political disputes between parts of Microsoft. Like whoever is thr stakeholder on the win store or UWP stuff in the Windows division making life super hard.
For. Sure.

There is literally no logical reason to not break off and create a win32 Xbox store that's juiced to the gills like Live on steroids because PC.

I have to imagine that's why Phil and co were like "fuck it just put them on Steam too".


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty wild. A lot of things I now take for granted are things that haven't actually ever been a thing in previous generation jumps. Like, when I got my XSX, I was able to boot up a game I was just playing on my X1, with my same Elite controller, and jump right in at the same spot I was on the older console. And if there was a Smart Delivery version upgrade available, then I got that too, all with no charge. That shit is nuts.

I assume the reason it's a cluster fuck still is because of deeply entrenched political disputes between parts of Microsoft. Like whoever is thr stakeholder on the win store or UWP stuff in the Windows division making life super hard.

Yeah, I think this as well. Someone at MS is the UWP Boss and won't let go of that for this purpose.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm always confused when I see people post this. Microsoft didn't even support Kinect games on the very next generation, let alone beyond that. I don't blame them for making that decision at all, it's just weird to see people pretend that it never happened.

You're not confused at all, you keep bringing this up across multiple threads. This must be like the 10th thread I've seen you do the same thing. You've found a "gotcha" to use and are trying to milk it. At least be more honest with your concern trolling.


Feb 4, 2020
For. Sure.

There is literally no logical reason to not break off and create a win32 Xbox store that's juiced to the gills like Live on steroids because PC.

I have to imagine that's why Phil and co were like "fuck it just put them on Steam too".

UWP was a big push by Microsoft, so it made sense that they wanted that to be a unified front across the company on PC - including Xbox - regardless of how any particular division felt about it.

Of course then they gave up on it, but you were still left with a store and underlying infrastructure fundamentally designed around those sealed containers. Xbox have done some work on a title-by-title basis to pry open certain games for modding and whatnot since then, but that's far from ideal.

I doubt Spencer is blind to the fact that the status quo on PC sucks. The man will have used plenty of Steam over the years, and understood what that experience offers that the Microsoft Store doesn't. Now that it sounds like they are getting to create a new application that isn't beholden to the vestigial organs of UWP and can go back to win32 etc., hopefully they can make a launcher that isn't terrible.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
I don' t even use handheld mode on my Switch so I am definitely not the intended market

Ha, I'm the opposite. I pretty much only use Handheld mode because I'd rather play my PC, Xbox, or PS on my TV since they look significantly better and I have vastly better game libraries on them (due to better game deals and services and lack of deep sales for big Switch releases). The Switch is great for me for gaming in places where I can't easily access my other systems.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
You're not confused at all, you keep bringing this up across multiple threads. This must be like the 10th thread I've seen you do the same thing. You've found a "gotcha" to use and are trying to milk it. At least be more honest with your concern trolling.
Please clear this up for me once and for all then: is the answer that people don't know, or don't care? It seems like the only people who respond are in the Jim Ryan camp on it, which seems at odds with everything else I see posted at Era.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020

Society if UWP worked as intended
Nov 12, 2017
I like everything I've seen from them so far from a consumer standpoint. Gamepass on PC is real bad tho in terms of the client and I'm waiting on those studios they bought to start churning out stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
Please clear this up for me once and for all then: is the answer that people don't know, or don't care? It seems like the only people who respond are in the Jim Ryan camp on it, which seems at odds with everything else I see posted at Era.

So you're concern trolling multiple threads because you haven't got a definitive answer? C'mon son. We both know what you're doing.
Dec 21, 2020
The iOS/ Apple(?) of gaming, where the ecosystem works across different hardware. I think that's the best way to describe it.


Feb 4, 2020

Society if UWP worked as intended


There were some really great aspects to UWP, but the major problem was that it was meant to be an evolution to something that most people didn't really need or even want to see evolve.

Of course then there were also people like Tim Sweeney waxing half-baked conspiratorial nonsense on the internet about how it was really meant to put every other store on Windows out of business, which also didn't help.


Oct 28, 2017
How is this not a legitimate question when it comes to discussion of long term hardware support in the console space? It's front and centre.

I don't have an issue with questions. You just aren't asking them in good faith. The point you make is valid, MS dropped support for first party hardware and software. But you already know that. Bring that up as an issue you have with MS, don't try to act like you just found out some brand new info though.

Last time you brought it up, I asked you something like, which Kinect games did you want to use on on your series console and can't. Your response was to literally ask if I was Jim Ryan.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
I don't have an issue with questions. You just aren't asking them in good faith. The point you make is valid, MS dropped support for first party hardware and software. But you already know that. Bring that up as an issue you have with MS, don't try to act like you just found out some brand new info though.

Last time you brought it up, I asked you something like, which Kinect games did you want to use on on your series console and can't. Your response was to literally ask if I was Jim Ryan.
Firstly, I only found out that it was the case fairly recently, and it surprised me because in all of the countless BC discussions here, nobody had ever thought to mention it. Since then it continues to surprise me when people say things along the lines of "I'm only buying Microsoft hardware because they always support their old hardware" and nobody responds that that isn't true, with this obvious example from this very gen.

If somebody posts "I'm only buying Nintendo hardware in future because of their excellent third party support" or "I'm only buying Sony hardware in future because Jim Ryan is #4theplayers" is it concern trolling to respond that the facts don't support that? I'll admit that I'm guilty of blunt/snarky posts more often than I should be, and with more than 6,000 posts here I think that some boneheaded posts are inevitable, but I also think that the Jim Ryan analogy is absolutely on point, and topical 😁


Oct 28, 2017
Firstly, I only found out that it was the case fairly recently, and it surprised me because in all of the countless BC discussions here, nobody had ever thought to mention it. Since then it continues to surprise me when people say things along the lines of "I'm only buying Microsoft hardware because they always support their old hardware" and nobody responds that that isn't true, with this obvious example from this very gen.

If somebody posts "I'm only buying Nintendo hardware in future because of their excellent third party support" or "I'm only buying Sony hardware in future because Jim Ryan is #4theplayers" is it concern trolling to respond that the facts don't support that? I'll admit that I'm guilty of blunt/snarky posts more often than I should be, and with more than 6,000 posts here I think that some boneheaded posts are inevitable, but I also think that the Jim Ryan analogy is absolutely on point, and topical 😁

Define recently.


Nov 7, 2017
I feel like the only way you are all in on this philosophy is obviously if you like to jump between games and don't care where you can play them. I never play more than one game at a time and I never sacrifice quality for convenience. For a while I tried to get in on the Vita remote play thing but then I was like - why am I doing this? If I have time to play a game I want to sit down put my headphones on and play it on a big screen.
It depends on the game. Ideally playing on my 65" CX OLED in my basement is optimal but it's not always convenient. Slapping on a Bluetooth controller to my phone works on occasion but it's not the best for every game due to screen size (and tiny text). On occasion I like playing remote on my laptop in my bedroom. I'm really looking forward to the PC remote app. It's long overdue.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 6, 2018
Xbox is the only place I feel my digital library will be playable long into the future. Being able to play all your games across devices and it just work is super important to Xbox and it shows! With streaming and game pass I have access to so many great games. It truly is amazing.


Oct 30, 2017
Xbox is the only place I feel my digital library will be playable long into the future.
Some slight disappointment that not all 360 games are backwards compatible (I could understand not all OG XB games not being BC) so I feel I need to buy a backup 360 at some point BUT point taken. Even if Sony has reversed course on the PS3 store closure, the genie is out of the bottle and the likelihood (however into the far flung future) that my PS3 breaks and I can't find a replacement and my digital purchases (particularly the PS1/2) games are inaccessible frightens me. Feels like even if it's not perfect (ie. Not all 360 games are bc), feels like at least my last gen purchases and onwards will carry forth from now on more likely with MS environment, so gonna be avoiding buying digital on PS. To be fair, PS4 and onward should be OK, but again, between them two, I'm pretty comfortable saying my purchases will be more likely to carry over on Xbox.

Well, until Sony throws money Phil's way and he comes over to that side and a Jim Ryan type comes to take his spot lol


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
If they can finally get their in house exclusives in order they'd be unstoppable I think, and this from a long time PS fan. I'm impressed with what Xbox has done, and kudos for fully supporting the PC which was a pretty big gamble that's paying off big time
They seem to be on the right track so far with their recent investments. I'd wager in two years, Xbox will be pumping out first party games fairly quickly.

OT, I loaded up Red Dead Redemption and my save from years ago was pulled and loaded. I am really impressed with their infrastructure right now.


Nov 4, 2017
The iOS/ Apple(?) of gaming, where the ecosystem works across different hardware. I think that's the best way to describe it.

I would rather call Microsoft the "Microsoft of Gaming" ;)

I work in Enterprise IT and have a lot of non-gaming interactions with MS stuff. Most of the stuff they are doing with Xbox, they have been doing with Office, Exchange, Active Directory, Skype, Windows 10/Server and so on for a decade.
They can be a really cool company.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I have been super loving my xbox the past few years between gamepass, xcloud, cross save, cross play, Microsoft Rewards its all just been fantastic. With GamePass I am playing more and more games every year and buying fewer and fewer games.

Its easily the best value in gaming in the last few years.
Nov 21, 2017
I absolutely love the fact that I can game on my Series X + TV setup at home, and then continue the same game on my laptop while travelling ( for work ). The save-syncing is just seamless.

With that said, I still find myself playing on PS5 more - for now, at least. But that is only because there are a ton of PS4-exclusives that I missed out on, and am now catching up to.

So many choices, so little time. Ah well.
Oct 8, 2018
Here I am, got my Xcloud beta access. Log on to my phone at work, iOS via the web app. Oh look, Gears Judgement is on here.

Wow, my 360 saved loaded up from like 8 years ago... Runs pretty well too. And theres Rage 2 as well, my save I was playing a few hours ago just loads right back up. Now i'm using my Macbook to play rage 2 at work. Works well enough to get some Arks grinded through.

The ease at which you can just enjoy your games, save files, no matter where you are is incredibly convenient and really just makes gaming so much easier and more convenient.

Starting to understand MS's goal here. Not that xcloud is the primary part of gaming, but supplementary, at least for me I believe. Just makes you want to buy and play more games.

Series X, W10 and now Xcloud. Definitely played more games past 2 months than I have in the whole last year. I've knocked down my backlog by like 10 games already... So good.

This year, and possibly 2022, will be lighter on new games than usual but the next few years after that are going to be truly amazing for gaming. There's going to be all sorts of media attention and spotlights on it now too because Microsoft has made such a big commitment to it
Oct 25, 2017
I would rather call Microsoft the "Microsoft of Gaming" ;)

I work in Enterprise IT and have a lot of non-gaming interactions with MS stuff. Most of the stuff they are doing with Xbox, they have been doing with Office, Exchange, Active Directory, Skype, Windows 10/Server and so on for a decade.
They can be a really cool company.

Yeah, MS has a lot of expertise in this stuff. Sometimes it's really hard to make things really simple.