
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I guess it's hard to nail a trilogy. TFA and TLJ set the review bar really high and I was optimistic, but these impressions have defeated me.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels to me like they wanted to make three new mainline star wars movies, because that's how the others happened, but they just didn't plan them as a trilogy rather than 3 separate projects, perhaps due to wanting to tweak the stories in response to fan feedback as it went. So it feels more like a serial than a grand connected trilogy.


Oct 27, 2017
I will never understand why Kathleen Kennedy let J.J. abrams and rian Johnson do this trilogy with so little planning ahead of time

what a fucking waste. They should have hashed out every major plot point and at least began drafting each script before they started filming 7.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I thought that post about TROS being like Serenity (Shitty matthew mcconaughey movie) was a high point in hot takes.

That Mummy one might of just overtook it.


Oct 27, 2017
Haha, seems like a good laugh. There will undoubtly be some amazing audible and visual splendor. I'm all in for that and the nostalgia. And i expect some really embarrassing stuff.
It's all good. I mean i've already seen the ridiculous speeder-bike thing that launches a trooper into the air..... Star Wars has always been filled with really ridiculous decisions and god-awful humor. Combined with some amazing set-pieces, amazing sound and some solid performances and action.
Just enjoy it for what it is.
Oct 25, 2017
Somewhere in Zanarkand
Thank god they torpedo TLJ, but damn TLJ should've never even be made. At the end of the day, this mess comes down to Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy not having ALL THREE films written at least in a basic form before even beginning to film TFA. You can't force 3 different ideas and writing teams to make shit work. And now the solution is to bring back Sheev and end the saga? Fuck Lucasfilm.


Never been made?

There's so much in The Last Jedi - the idea of the Prime Jedi alone is enough for an entire movie. JJ isn't a good story-teller. The man is a wizard at directing, but his plots are fan-service at best and self-destructive, nostalgic pandering at their worst.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
TROS thread is going to go into OT4, calling it here.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Going to need receipts on that because uh that's pretty wild to post to a public account.

Private account/

Not me personally.

It's coming from a couple people who follow his Letterboxd account when he left a link for it on his twitter account. I can't contact them them for a link since I don't have an account but this guy is offering one if you want it. Ask him for it.



Oct 27, 2017
I will never understand why Kathleen Kennedy let J.J. abrams and rian Johnson do this trilogy with so little planning ahead of time

what a fucking waste. They should have hashed out every major plot point and at least began drafting each script before they started filming 7.
FWIW there were loose plans in place.


Oct 25, 2017

this movie will be way more divisive than #TheLastJedi



Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
But these tweets aren't buying guides its a critic sharing their opinion.

A tweet from a critic saying : "Movie bad don't spend $17.85 at your local theater" would be absurd. Critcs have been dunking on movies with flowery language for decades.
And it's still stupid.



Oct 25, 2017
Which means you weren't paying any attention to anything he said.

First of all how do you both have Lunar and a second word that starts with W in it.

Secondly. They can interpret it as cowardice if they want to. I don't think the film leads them there but it's whatever.

They also never bring up the fact that Han is a coward too off doing his same old bullshit that was before the sequel trilogy.


Dec 3, 2018
I will never understand why Kathleen Kennedy let J.J. abrams and rian Johnson do this trilogy with so little planning ahead of time

what a fucking waste. They should have hashed out every major plot point and at least began drafting each script before they started filming 7.
Only James Cameron with his avatar sequels and movies shot back to back like the matrix sequels follow that route,but not having the general story mapped out beforehand and let the scripts written around the story is mindblowing.


Oct 27, 2017
Think we're just entering a phase where Star Wars will just be "another franchise". Some good, some bad, nothing to take that seriously.

It's no longer the defining cultural tentpole type of thing, and really hasn't been that for a long time, aside from TFA being able to temporarily tap into OT nostalgia.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Never been made?

There's so much in The Last Jedi - the idea of the Prime Jedi alone is enough for an entire movie. JJ isn't a good story-teller. The man is a wizard at directing, but his plots are fan-service at best and self-destructive, nostalgic pandering at their worst.

Yes but now TLJ doesn't fit. TLJ on its own is a fine film even if it isn't my favorite, but I've been adamant that in the context of TFA and now TROS, it doesn't work. That shouldn't have happened. In hindsight JJ should've directed all 3 films for the sake of coherence. So yes TLJ shouldn't have been made. But that's missing the point. The plot of all 3 of these films should've been set in stone from day one. Colin Trevorrow leaving and JJ getting two films and Rian doing his thing shouldn't have fucked up the trilogy like it seemingly has. This is a mess.


Oct 27, 2017
Can confirm this. I remember being taken back by it.

In his defense, the actual plot of TFA is a garbage retread. The characters are fun. I can see why someone intimately involved with the Lucasfilm Story Group would be bothered by it.

Hey I actually agree with him, movie fell apart when Han showed up.

He's still insane for that R1 score though.

Absolutely. I actually really enjoyed TFA's first act up to that point, but it really implodes afterward.


Nov 6, 2017
Except - if the leaks are true - it really does retcon one of TLJ's major thematic elements due to it being plot-related.
Hint hint, it's something TLJ and the fourth book in the Chronicles of Prydain have in common...

A theme is something abstract. It exists between interpretation and subtext. You can't retcon it, you can only go in a different direction.

And Star Wars is no secret to that already. It's been doing that since Empire Strikes Back when Vader being a hot headed jackass being pretty core to his character was replaced with his being a canny manipulator. And the list goes on and on and on and...


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is giving me TLJ flashbacks. Where I was scared going into the theatre. Turned out to be one of my fav SW movie.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Not going to lie I kind of dig the divisiveness. I love discussing film. Figuring out why some people love it and some hate it. Certainly more entertaining than blanket "It's great fun! So funny! So much heart!"

Can't wait to talk more about it when I see it on Thursday.


Oct 26, 2017
Sounds like this trilogy will wind up more divisive than the prequels. Whole thing should have never been made, all it ended up doing was cheapning the OT films. ROTJ was the perfect ending for the saga and now, they've gone and fucked it up. Should have been a different saga.
Dec 31, 2017
I'm wondering if the divisiveness among the critics will lead to a generally unified response by fans, kind of like the opposite to TLJ. If the movie really does retcon TLJ a lot, which critics reviewed highly, I can see why now the critical response seems mixed.

Sounds like this trilogy will wind up more divisive than the prequels. Whole thing should have never been made, all it ended up doing was cheapning the OT films. ROTJ was the perfect ending for the saga and now, they've gone and fucked it up. Should have been a different saga.

Brah you haven't even seen it.