Oct 25, 2017
Somewhere in Zanarkand
Yes but now TLJ doesn't fit. TLJ on its own is a fine film even if it isn't my favorite, but I've been adamant that in the context of TFA and now TROS, it doesn't work. That shouldn't have happened. In hindsight JJ should've directed all 3 films for the sake of coherence. So yes TLJ shouldn't have been made. But that's missing the point. The plot of all 3 of these films should've been set in stone from day one. Colin Trevorrow leaving and JJ getting two films and Rian doing his thing shouldn't have fucked up the trilogy like it seemingly has. This is a mess.

Oh, agreed on the mess. I just don't think TLJ is why it's a mess - every major plot point that Rian picked up (beyond rebels on the run) was set in motion by JJ.

He created a blank canvas for Rian, and RJ absolutely ran with it. JJ retconning TLJ is what happens when JJ's worst impulses take over, not the natural result of picking up TLJ's story. You live in the legacy you create.

JJ should know better, man.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like this trilogy will wind up more divisive than the prequels. Whole thing should have never been made, all it ended up doing was cheapning the OT films. ROTJ was the perfect ending for the saga and now, they've gone and fucked it up. Should have been a different saga.
Only more divisive because most people agree the PT was shit. And the ST was ALWAYS going to be made, even if George never sold Lucasfilm. It was going to happen.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, agreed on the mess. I just don't think TLJ is why it's a mess - every major plot point that Rian picked up (beyond rebels on the run) was set in motion by JJ.

He created a blank canvas for Rian, and RJ absolutely ran with it. JJ retconning TLJ is what happens when JJ's worst impulses take over, not the natural result of picking up TLJ's story. You live in the legacy you create.

JJ should know better, man.

I don't think JJ ever thought he'd have to pick up the pieces of the nine thousand story threads he set into motion without a clear plan.


Dec 3, 2018
Is it? The OG was not. Nothing wrong with making it up as you go along. Just has to be good. That's it.
First they lucked out with Vader being lukes father and even luke and leia being related is a (incestious) stretch and second it is supposed to be a planned trilogy nobody expecting three scripts written but not have a general story planned out is inexcusable.


Oct 25, 2017
Ironic. ROS does to TLJ as what TLJ did to TFA.



▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
I honestly think the hyperbole on both sides will not be as present once reviews drop, and the overwhelming consensus will be: "Meh. It's fine."


Nov 6, 2017
First off, that's not what Joker's about. Second off, it was a joke. Lastly, thanks for making my joke feel all too real so in turn kind of making it more funny but kind of making it more sad.

Many people who are mentally ill, including myself, have explained why they think Joker's portrayal of mental illness is dangerous for them. Please don't talk like those voices don't matter.


Oct 27, 2017
It was his choice to cap off 9 movies with this movie though. I don't think anyone expected this movie to be that after TLJ.

It is insane to me that he thought the best way to finish the trilogy would not be to focus in on the things that really worked about the sequels, but to...expand the plot outward to attempt to capstone the entire saga?

Scope creep, the movie.
Oct 27, 2017
It sounds strange yeah, but I get it. Despite how bad the prequels are they have a "so bad that it's good" quality to them. They are cheesy, over the top, and dumb and sometimes that's a fun kind of movie to watch.

The sequels don't really have that though so if you don't like them then you don't like them. At least with the prequels you get a bit of a laugh out of the experience.

I feel like this only applies to Revenge, the first two are just plain bad and frankly kinda boring lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Force Awakens had essentially no new ideas, and while I didn't especially like Last Jedi, at least it took risks.

This sounds like the same kind of desperate, please-like-this pandering that we saw from Lucas with Attack of the Clones.


Oct 27, 2017
Many people who are mentally ill, including myself, have explained why they think Joker's portrayal of mental illness is dangerous for them. Please don't talk like those voices don't matter.

Are you suggesting all mentally ill people don't keep serial killer notebooks full of nonsensical jokes and headless women cut out of porn magazines?


Oct 27, 2017
As others have said, while the plot sounds batshit insane, the overall reception of the film from most people - myself included - will probably range from 'meh' to 'it was okay, nice fun time'.
But didn't RJ throw out a lot of the planning that was done for post-TFA story content? So like...who really is retconning who now, HMMM?
If the TRoS leaks are true, RJ threw out JJ's outline in favour of Lucas' notes for a reason.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, agreed on the mess. I just don't think TLJ is why it's a mess - every major plot point that Rian picked up (beyond rebels on the run) was set in motion by JJ.

He created a blank canvas for Rian, and RJ absolutely ran with it. JJ retconning TLJ is what happens when JJ's worst impulses take over, not the natural result of picking up TLJ's story. You live in the legacy you create.

JJ should know better, man.
I'm pretty sure JJ set rebels being on the run in motion as well. There was a scene in TFA where Hux tells Snokes that they have the rebel fleet tracked and they have nowhere to run.

99% of this trilogies problems is JJ being an idiot and having the first SW movie end on a direct cliffhanger. Meaning RJ couldn't do the traditional timeskip where characters develop over years off screen. It was silly to end TFA on Luke.


Oct 27, 2017
Praise and criticism of the films should by and large be at the door of Lucasfilm. However, I'm going to do something I rarely do and I'm going to actually blame Disney for something.

I've always said that making Lucasfilm produce these movies every 2 years was a HUGE mistake. They got by with TFA and TLJ, but it's caught up with them now. The production schedule on these things is always insanely rushed. Why not give the films a 3-year gap? That's what both the PT and OT had. In a blink of the eye, it's like the ST is over.


Oct 27, 2017
99% of this trilogies problems is JJ being an idiot and having the first SW movie end on a direct cliffhanger. Meaning RJ couldn't do the traditional timeskip where characters develop over years off screen. It was silly to end TFA on Luke.

That helicopter shot was also such a wet fart of an ending.


Oct 26, 2017
Think we're just entering a phase where Star Wars will just be "another franchise". Some good, some bad, nothing to take that seriously.

It's no longer the defining cultural tentpole type of thing, and really hasn't been that for a long time, aside from TFA being able to temporarily tap into OT nostalgia.

The fact that this thread is 35+ pages is indicative that it's not nearly at that point yet in my opinion. Maybe it's no longer a cultural tentpole, but "another franchise", like the mummy (lol), wouldn't drive this sort of response.
Oct 26, 2017
Praise and criticism of the films should by and large be at the door of Lucasfilm. However, I'm going to do something I rarely do and I'm going to actually blame Disney for something.

I've always said that making Lucasfilm produce these movies every 2 years was a HUGE mistake. They got by with TFA and TLJ, but it's caught up with them now. The production schedule on these things is always insanely rushed. Why not give the films a 3-year gap? That's what both the PT and OT had. In a blink of the eye, it's like the ST is over.

Episode 9 should have been delayed after Colin was fired.

Him being hired in the first place was a huge mistake but they should have delayed the movie after his firing.

And Disney shouldn't have had to see The Book of Henry to see he had no talent...


Oct 25, 2017
They also never bring up the fact that Han is a coward too off doing his same old bullshit that was before the sequel trilogy.
Han was like that guy who gets married and has a kid or two on an impulse, but soon realizes he's completely unsuited for domestic life and ends up divorcing and sharing a run-down place with his best bud, which the kids dread going to that one weekend a month. I've met enough of those guys.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 22, 2019
I have a feeling when all is said and done, the RT will come in around 75-85.


Nov 13, 2017
Han was like that guy who gets married and has a kid or two on an impulse, but soon realizes he's completely unsuited for domestic life and ends up divorcing and sharing a run-down place with his best bud, which the kids dread going to that one weekend a month. I've met enough of those guys.

That is pretty close to canon post ROTJ.


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that this thread is 35+ pages is indicative that it's not nearly at that point yet in my opinion. Maybe it's no longer a cultural tentpole, but "another franchise", like the mummy (lol), wouldn't drive this sort of response.

It's on its way there though, TFA created a false sense of rebirth for the IP that's been declining hard for a long time on the back of nostalgia.


Oct 25, 2017
Many people who are mentally ill, including myself, have explained why they think Joker's portrayal of mental illness is dangerous for them. Please don't talk like those voices don't matter.

Definitely not. Mental illness has surrounded me my entire life, so yeah.

Whatever, let's not derail this shit show further yeah?