
Oct 25, 2017
Are Manchin and Sinema pro choice?

Have they made any comment on Roe v Wade?
I doubt they comment until it's actually overturned. If anything, Manchin will say some bullshit about believing Republicans will honor the precedent of the law and won't overturn it, Sinema probably didn't even keep up to date on this. She's probably planning her wine tasting tour in Europe for the weekend as we speak.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017

EDIT: Good job excelsiorlef . I was about to say that.

Also, I can't believe someone had the gall to say the Democratic Party has been "bad since the 60s" without acknowledging the law in the 60s that completely changed US politics as we know it. Please tell me that was sarcasm.

To me, there are a bunch of left and center leaning people too prideful to admit they fucked up in 2016 and/or 2010, and it's a big reason why we are in this situation today.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Yeah man, wonder what happened in the 60s...

In the 60s Democrats found courage and stood up to fight for the civil rights of all Americans. They sent in federal troops to regressive states on several occasions to enforce those rights. It forever changed the political map of this country, and unless they find that courage again all of that progress could be lost.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah I literally went on a Google search and saw this article on why Breyer is not likely to retire. Supreme Court justices retiring at an opportune time for the political party that appointed them would be politically motivated when judges should be objective. Also, because they're "objective" and have life time appointments, they have nothing to gain from it so to speak.


Why Justice Breyer May Resist Calls for His Retirement (Published 2021)

In a recent speech on “the peril of politics,” Justice Stephen G. Breyer said judges must renounce loyalty to “the political party that helped to secure their appointment.”

Ain't that some shit.
Why do I know that when it comes time, all the conservative justices will have no problem completely dropping this objectivity.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
In the 60s Democrats found courage and stood up to fight for the civil rights of all Americans. They sent in federal troops to regressive states on several occasions to enforce those rights. It forever changed the political map of this country, and unless they find that courage again all of that progress could be lost.
they were punished by declining votes in majority white and rural areas.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Democrats haven't won the white vote in over half a century btw

Just you know to make that clear.

And to shine a light on you know the actual problem

And no the actual problem isn't that the Democrats don't try hard enough to win that voting demographic... in case someone wants to give me a weird reply


Oct 27, 2017
I doubt they comment until it's actually overturned. If anything, Manchin will say some bullshit about believing Republicans will honor the precedent of the law and won't overturn it, Sinema probably didn't even keep up to date on this. She's probably planning her wine tasting tour in Europe for the weekend as we speak.

If Manchin tries to say that shit I'd love for someone to actually respond instantly and ask how he can say that when some GOP ran states have laws in place that kick in the moment Roe vs Wade is overturned to take rights away from women......you can't say they'll honour the precedent when they've already had laws on the books that drop it the moment they've been told by the SCOTUS they can do so......of course I expect that won't happen because America loves to show its ass on a worldwide stage repeatedly and publicly with stupid decisions.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Just saw this on Twitter. Gave me a much needed laugh in the middle of all this depression.



Oct 25, 2017
If Manchin tries to say that shit I'd love for someone to actually respond instantly and ask how he can say that when some GOP ran states have laws in place that kick in the moment Roe vs Wade is overturned to take rights away from women......you can't say they'll honour the precedent when they've already had laws on the books that drop it the moment they've been told by the SCOTUS they can do so......of course I expect that won't happen because America loves to show its ass on a worldwide stage repeatedly and publicly with stupid decisions.
You're right, but it's not like the media is going to actually call out their blatant bullshit.


Nov 14, 2017
Nah. It's true that the deck will become stacked even more in their favor, but the pendulum won't die. Republican's can't govern well enough to avoid it. The impacts to the country will be too significant to eventually not hand the other side the full deck. It's just a matter of when, rather than if.

For states like Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona, and yes, even Pennsylvania & Michigan, it's already too late. Without federal supremacy laws, the GOP is insulating their legislative advantages from democratic oversight. Dems can't pass laws in these states unless they win 60/40 or better.

And even if Dems pass local and federal laws, they now face a hostile court for the next 20 years at least. Gaming the system doesn't work.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly this thread is so embarrassing that I have to believe a portion (potentially a significant portion) doesn't really care about abortion just that it can be used to justify their political nihilism and antipathy for the Democrats

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Honestly this thread is so embarrassing that I have to believe a portion (potentially a significant portion) doesn't really care about abortion just that it can be used to justify their political nihilism and antipathy for the Democrats
Basically. Just people using this low to get their high and others using it as a really inappropriate political "I told you so!"


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Everywhere and nowhere

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
I think SCOTUS handing power over to individual states, diminishes SCOTUS' power. And I think it's by design.

I don't think they grasp that because of how politicized everything is. Sotomayor definitely sees it, based on her comments yesterday.

The conservatives seem quite willing to eliminate Federal Laws.

I hope they realize Federal benefits will follow right behind that. Blue States won't be willing to give taxes to Red States, and most taxes come from Blue States.

Start taking away Social Security, Medicare and FEMA from Red States and see how that works out for them.

This only works assuming Democrats retain the Federal government.

A Republican President would take by force if necessary. We've already seen that happen with Trump. They have no qualms about stealing from blue states and giving to red states.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone who was paying the fuck attention told you 2016 was an existential election

But people got super precious, and the media abandoned what little propriety they had left and went all in on fucking emails.

So here we are, but please do justify your future political antipathy by screaming fuck the Democrats or whatever to make yourself feel high horsey in the quicksand pits


Oct 27, 2017
Special shout out to:
  1. The Dems who couldn't figure out how to motivate people to vote for Hillary despite the other candidate being a demonstrable, flaming racist, sociopath, misogynist, and habitual liar.
  2. Hillary for running a mediocre campaign that failed to turn out the vote in her favor and under-estimating Trump
  3. Comey for his *very important* Benghazi investigation in the final hours of the campaign season
  4. The voters for not showing up to destroy Trump, who had already demonstrated what kind of leader he would be should he win office
  5. The media for leading people to believe that Trump was a clown with no chance of winning so don't worry about him
  6. Facebook because FUCK Facebook and its platform of hate and misinformation tolerance
  7. RBG for being too fucking arrogant to retire @ 80 when Obama was there and a successor half her age with her same views could have been put in the position to save at least one seat from R invasion for the next 2-3 decades at least.

Enough people have quoted this but I'm gonna do it again because it can't be overstated how much of a failure it is of the democratic party that we're at the cusp of row being overturned.
Feb 9, 2018
Lifetime appointments for federal court judges was a mistake. Judges should have limited and staggered terms, where one is nominated to the Court every other year, the newest one replacing the longest-served one. The Senate should be given a time limit to confirm a nominee, and failure to confirm any nominee after a certain time should result in the decision being sent to the House, and they can't confirm any one of the nominees, then the President would simply get their preferred pick. Vacancies should be filled by a lottery system where a random judge from an inferior court fills the empty spot. And that's the least we could do, because honestly at this point our entire Presidential/federal system of government is utterly broken and needs to be replaced.

Special shout out to:
  1. The Dems who couldn't figure out how to motivate people to vote for Hillary despite the other candidate being a demonstrable, flaming racist, sociopath, misogynist, and habitual liar.
  2. Hillary for running a mediocre campaign that failed to turn out the vote in her favor and under-estimating Trump
  3. Comey for his *very important* Benghazi investigation in the final hours of the campaign season
  4. The voters for not showing up to destroy Trump, who had already demonstrated what kind of leader he would be should he win office
  5. The media for leading people to believe that Trump was a clown with no chance of winning so don't worry about him
  6. Facebook because FUCK Facebook and its platform of hate and misinformation tolerance
  7. RBG for being too fucking arrogant to retire @ 80 when Obama was there and a successor half her age with her same views could have been put in the position to save at least one seat from R invasion for the next 2-3 decades at least.
Don't forget the evil turtle himself, Mitch McConnell, for the Merrick Garland debacle (though if Garland did get on the bench, we'd still have a 5-4 conservative majority). With him as Senate GOP leader, they've basically made it to where no Democrat will ever get a SCotUS nomination confirmed as long as the Republicans control the Senate. Some of them indicated that even if Hillary won, they would have denied any of her nominations if they retained control of the Senate, effectively leaving Scalia's seat empty. Meanwhile, they made it clear that the supposed "principle" of not confirming judges in an election year was a load of horseshit since they fast-tracked Barrett after RBG died.

Also, thanks for recognizing left-leaning voters as part of the problem. Had all the ones that stayed home or voted third-party instead voted for Hillary, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It was like we forgot the key lesson of the 2000 election: Bush v. Gore was only the proximate cause of Bush winning, while the ultimate cause was disaffected progressives that decided to vote Nader instead of Gore. Hillary was a shit candidate, but I still voted for her because I care more about defeating Republicans than I do about some stupid litmus test.


Oct 28, 2017
In the 60s Democrats found courage and stood up to fight for the civil rights of all Americans. They sent in federal troops to regressive states on several occasions to enforce those rights. It forever changed the political map of this country, and unless they find that courage again all of that progress could be lost.

From that they lost the south for decades.

They Democrats still fight for civil rights - my rights as a trans person now are far better than they were 10, 20, or 30 years ago. That's no thanks to conservatives.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I have shadow of a hope that if the SCOTUS is corrupt enough to overturn RvW that the backlash is strong enough that it completely trashes the Republicans in the upcoming elections.

But it is not a strong hope.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
I have shadow of a hope that if the SCOTUS is corrupt enough to overturn RvW that the backlash is strong enough that it completely trashes the Republicans in the upcoming elections.

But it is not a strong hope.

Keep that hope alive, and more importantly, support orgs that believe in the same and want to make that happen.

The fighters and dreamers make things happen on the local level. And the Dems need that fire if any pushback can happen.

Feel how you want to now, but get ready to fight for 2022 and 24. That's my plan. Not willing to let shit like this slide.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Rural America is overwhelmingly white.

And they're literally dying out, see the 2020 census for yourself if you doubt that.

The conservative movement isn't as strong as they seem to be and the opposition isn't as weak as its leaders make it seem. The party just needs its figureheads to be willing and able to take it to red states that are fucking over their citizens. They did it in the 60's when the political ramifications were much worse than they are now. What's the excuse for failing to act now?

Play hard ball and be serious about ruining the lives of people like Manchin and Sinema and pass federal laws to protect women's reproductive rights.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I know it's not really an exact science, but the fact this shit is only trending at #22 on Twitter right now is really depressing me.

I feel like even just possibility of this happening should have it at #1 with people in the streets.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
And they're literally dying out, see the 2020 census for yourself if you doubt that.

The conservative movement isn't as strong as they seem to be and the opposition isn't as weak as its leaders make it seem. The party just needs its figureheads to be willing and able to take it to red states that are fucking over their citizens. They did it in the 60's when the political ramifications were much worse than they are now. What's the excuse for failing to act now?

Play hard ball and be serious about ruining the lives of people like Manchin and Sinema and pass federal laws to protect women's reproductive rights.
Uh, the red states booted them out for the President codifying civil rights for non-whites.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly this thread is so embarrassing that I have to believe a portion (potentially a significant portion) doesn't really care about abortion just that it can be used to justify their political nihilism and antipathy for the Democrats

I've seen self-identified leftists on this site argue for nihilism/accelerationism so many times, it's shocking. Their arguments always conveniently ignore the incredible harm that would do to women's rights. It's barely an afterthought.

Eventually I came to realize this is a very male-dominated space, and women's bodily autonomy is not a tangible priority or concern for most of the posters who repeat this "burn it all down" self-defeating approach.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Looks like a woman's right to her own body is going to be gone in this country and millions of vulnerable women who are raped, impregnated, or poor/ignorant about their bodies will be forced to carry an unwanted child inside their abdomens (because republicans are sooooooo for the advancement of adoption/foster care quality in the US, RIGHT?????....) because people obsessed with their warped view of a sky wizard think that a clump of cells has more constitutional rights than living, breathing women. I get that many see a clump of cells as having a "soul" (if you're going to even follow this logic, then boy do I bet you hate fertility medicine, or God himself, because they discard invalid "souls" all the time) but that doesn't mean every tax-paying woman should be forced to go through the most deadly, dangerous, EXPENSIVE physical transformation her body can naturally go through for up to 9 months just so you can feel good about protecting a clump of cells MORE than the life and health of an American that already exists. For fuck's sake; smaller, poorer, less-developed countries including Tunisia have more women's rights than this theocratic idiocracy we call the USA. Being a person with a uterus is about to become the most dangerous common liability you can be born with in the USA. Born a woman? Looks like you're not only at risk of rape in your life (look at the statistics of how many women are sexually assaulted in their lifetimes), but you're also at risk of being forced to carry your rapist's next of kin. "God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good, AMEN???"
My thoughts exactly. What a world we live in


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Honestly this thread is so embarrassing that I have to believe a portion (potentially a significant portion) doesn't really care about abortion just that it can be used to justify their political nihilism and antipathy for the Democrats
People don't want to admit fault for ignoring those of us who told them what was at stake in November 2016. So, we have to be the bad people still.


Oct 27, 2017
I know it's not really an exact science, but the fact this shit is only trending at #22 on Twitter right now is really depressing me.

I feel like even just possibility of this happening should have it at #1 with people in the streets.
The majority may be against overturning Roe but that doesn't mean they are passionate enough to hit the streets. Even when it it's struck down a lot of so called progressives will just say, "That's messed up!" and move on with their day.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Uh, the red states booted them out for the President codifying civil rights for non-whites.

So what will change then? The same racist white people will continue to not vote for them?

People respond to decisive action, not the promise of it. If Biden finds the courage to act people all over the country will rally to him. Become LBJ 2.0 and be remembered as one of our greatest leaders or continue to go along to get along and consign many Americans to an increasingly impoverished life.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
The majority may be against overturning Roe but that doesn't mean they are passionate enough to hit the streets. Even when it it's struck down a lot of so called progressives will just say, "That's messed up!" and move on with their day.
Probably, but when there are names and faces who have had their lives lost or irreparably damaged, I believe people will start to actually take notice.

Even if they'll need to be attractive white girls.

Even though it shouldn't have to happen.

This will be an absolute loss. An absolute tragedy. It won't be one we can't recover from, as far away as that might seem, and as awful as it is to know that it's likely going to take tragedy before that recovery can happen.

But I firmly believe that enough people will not turn a blind eye to the dying.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen self-identified leftists on this site argue for nihilism/accelerationism so many times, it's shocking. Their arguments always conveniently ignore the incredible harm that would do to women's rights. It's barely an afterthought.

Eventually I came to realize this is a very male-dominated space, and women's bodily autonomy is not a tangible priority or concern for most of the posters who repeat this "burn it all down" self-defeating approach.

I don't really see it as that different from libertarian thinking which is also male-dominated. Ultimately it requires a shit-load of privilege to think a burn-it-all down, anachronistic, lack of governance society would benefit anyone other than the already privileged.
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone who was paying the fuck attention told you 2016 was an existential election

But people got super precious, and the media abandoned what little propriety they had left and went all in on fucking emails.

So here we are, but please do justify your future political antipathy by screaming fuck the Democrats or whatever to make yourself feel high horsey in the quicksand pits