Oct 25, 2017
We're going to find out in like 5 years ( I mean, more then whats already obvious ) that every single social media platform was 90% made up of right wing psychos at the decision making levels


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Colin has to be one of the most cowardly, vile and obnoxious people in the gaming community, right alongside JonTron and his ilk. Fuck the cretin, let's not signal boost this bullshit for the lurkers who come to threads about topics like this to take screencaps our posts and call us snowflakes, you're only showing them another ally in their crusade of shit. I know you're only bringing attention to this for us but the effect that spreading his bile around has isn't worth it.

I really debated whetever post the tweet or not. I hate to give him any attention, but I feel his response was so poor and blatant that needed to be seen. I see lots of people ocassionally asking why he's banned from ERA (tho, obviously, on the gaming side, everyone in Etcetera seems to know very well Collin's bullshit). I will still contact a Mod and see if they deem fit to remove the tweet based on current Era guidelines.

Edit. And it was removed. Good.
Last edited:


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017

Official Staff Communication
We do not provide a platform for Colin Moriarty or his content here.


Oct 27, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'd encourage everyone to download an adblocker and block YouTube. Fuck Google.

These conservative knuckle fucks are the first to be "Don't force bakery to make gay cakes!!". If they were truly consistent they would be advocating for porn to be allowed on YouTube and Facebook. They're not though.


Oct 27, 2017
How not shocking YouTube cares more about money than the safety of the creators being harassed.

Shame on them.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Went through Colin's twitter, no wonder Greg doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. Colin really has shown he's not a good person, and I say that as someone who regularly enjoyed his content "back in the day" and his conflicting view points.

But holy shit the shit he retweets.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
What exactly is the "marketplace of ideas"?

White nationalists talk about creating a white ethno-state using dog whistles and slightly coded language, avoiding the small details of what you do with everyone who isn't white
People who recognize this is just Nazi stuff rebranded say "We shouldn't let Nazi's be giving speeches or organizing"
White nationalists reply that there should be a debate and "you should compete in the market place of ideas", letting people decide what's right and wrong.

End result is what white nationalists want, the legitimization of their hate by presenting it as an equal view as not killing black people

It's a way to get idiot centrists to take in hate speech and normalize it.


Aug 22, 2018
You guys are wild. The idea of the marketplace of ideas goes back ages. The alt-right has tried to co-opt it to protest stuff like deplatforming, but they are easy to ignore/mock.

The "marketplace of ideas" has even been used in SCOTUS decisions.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
You guys are wild. The idea of the marketplace of ideas goes back ages. The alt-right has tried to co-opt it to protest stuff like deplatforming, but they are easy to ignore/mock.

The "marketplace of ideas" has even been used in SCOTUS decisions.

yea... and the topic of conversation is why a bunch of Nazi's are constantly using that phrase to defend their dangerous rhetoric.

Market place of ideas is self explanatory, it's contemporary usage by alt-right/white nationalists is not.


Oct 25, 2017
Went through Colin's twitter, no wonder Greg doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. Colin really has shown he's not a good person, and I say that as someone who regularly enjoyed his content "back in the day" and his conflicting view points.

But holy shit the shit he retweets.

He is an absolute trash bag of a human being, constantly dog whistling but never outright saying the worst shit to keep up the mask.


Aug 22, 2018
yea... and the topic of conversation is why a bunch of Nazi's are constantly using that phrase to defend their dangerous rhetoric.

Market place of ideas is self explanatory, it's contemporary usage by alt-right/white nationalists is not.
Fair enough. As I said, yeah, deplatform those fucks.

Side note: I'm so fucking sick of the alt-right co-opting things/ideas and perverting their meaning.


Oct 27, 2017
They investigated the guy and it turns out he makes good money for them so hey, fuck his victims, right?

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
You guys are wild. The idea of the marketplace of ideas goes back ages. The alt-right has tried to co-opt it to protest stuff like deplatforming, but they are easy to ignore/mock.

The "marketplace of ideas" has even been used in SCOTUS decisions.
Tell that to the minorities that are subject to prejudice, harassment, violence every day of our lives.

It's a garbage excuse used to prop up the status quo of straight white supremacy.


Oct 25, 2017

The most depressing part was the all of it and the ordinariness of the comparisons. And the (somewhat) unironic use of the word leftist to describe someone left of nazis.

Production values were through the roof on this one but I didn't know quite what to make of the rhino imagery. Am I missing a serial thing or was it just horror?

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Jesus Christ that shirt and the following tweets are hollowing out my soul. I will never forget how pathetic and venal Youtube were here.
Oct 26, 2017
Youtube needs to do something about this Steven Coward guy.

The sad thing is there's a long list of people they need to do something about and never will. They'll say they advocate for LBGTQ+ individuals but they've never not host individuals who insist there are two genders or that being gay is a personal preference despite it being hate speech and flying in thing in the face of science, they'll call it a harmless opinion.

It's just as bad when it comes to race, youtubers will constantly reference the Bell Curve despite it being a joke, they'll pull up outdated graphs from the 90s on IQ as proof that whites are smarter than black whilst ignoring the context (hint it was poverty, persecution, and quite possibly most importantly lead poisoning), let alone pointing out modern grafts on IQ completely destroy the Bell Curves paid for conclusions because they prove the IQ gap is still continuing to narrow, let alone that saying IQ's a measure of intelligence is ridiculous in the first place given that wasn't why it was created and now is only used to help to discover learning disabilities, let alone pointing out modern science totally demolishes the archaic idea of race and how it influences genetics. It's more blatant hate speech but it's labelled as an opinion.

Then you have flat out white supremacists who call for white ethnostates whilst grooming teenages to leave their parents like Stefan Molyneux but those are just more harmless opinions.

The fact is Youtube won't ban Crowder not just because he's so successful, but because then they'd need to ban so many more successful people. A huge part of their audience is there for content that clearly breaks the ToS.


Oct 27, 2017
They won't ban it because they would have to actually take a more nuanced position then they currently willing to take. General social conservative would be banned. Then they would have to figure out what to do when people on the right complain (in good faith or not) about criticism of Israel, people of color saying mean things about white people, women shitting on men etc and they most certainly don't want to get into the business of figuring that out. They want to take the most down the middle centrist position possible.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, at this point supporting google and the like directly puts money in the hands of alt-right goons and all the hateful shit that drives people not to eat Chic Fil A. Ditch google, and if you gotta use youtube, block those ads.


Jan 22, 2019
Production values were through the roof on this one but I didn't know quite what to make of the rhino imagery. Am I missing a serial thing or was it just horror?

It's a reference to an old french play simply titled "Rhinoceros." It's a story of a small town and a simple, every-man character at its center, and everyone in town around him begin to transform into rhinoceros, one by one, and he is slowly driven mad as he repeatedly tries and fails to get everyone to realize the gravity of what is happening, until he is completely alone. It's an allegory for events that preceded the rise to power of Nazism in Germany.