
Oct 25, 2017
These fuck nuts are the first to get the government involved when people say mean things to them (see Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin libel cases), but some how Carlos is at fault for asking YouTube (a private fucking company) to review a homophobic targeted video?

Okay, so then you think, maybe these dudes are consistent, maybe they think private companies should be treated like the government and serve the public no matter what. SPOILER, they don't. They think bakers should not be "forced" to bake cakes for gay people!!

So now you're left with this really weird argument, that businesses can choose who they serve, but some platforms like YouTube can't, because they have too much power. But I've never ONCE seen these people make the argument that YouTube should be a public utility or that YouTube should host porn / ISIS recruitment videos.

They don't care about their inconsistencies. The point is they think they should get away with everything while people they don't like should suffer.
The cruelty is the point, etc


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
So, thinking about making a topic with the Leonard French "response" to this... Would that fit more on the etc side, or gaming?

I ask because he is known on the gaming side, and want people to know.


Oct 27, 2017

Holy shit, an actual fucking response. I'm not going to applaud them, but I am going to say "If you spent several days investigating this issue, how come this is not your first response?"


They should be honest. They aren't going to apply their tos to the alt-right. But leftists/minorities who get false flagged are fair game.
Also this.
Oct 25, 2017
you know, on one hand i gotta take a pause at YouTube being cautious about judging videos on individual words alone because of the dumbass "TERF IS A SLUR" brigade that has gotten many prominent trans twitter accounts banned for accurately describing their oppressors

HOWEVER, i also expect that YouTube actually means that they will protect big streamer accounts who have Heated Gaming Moments wherein they spew racial slurs, while they still leave marginalized creators out to dry amid right wing flagging sprees

and of course, it is BLATANTLY clear that crowder intends to harass, so i really don't trust YouTube on drawing that boundary either


Oct 25, 2017
you know, on one hand i gotta take a pause at YouTube being cautious about judging videos on individual words alone because of the dumbass "TERF IS A SLUR" brigade that has gotten many prominent trans twitter accounts banned for accurately describing their oppressors

HOWEVER, i also expect that YouTube actually means that they will protect big streamer accounts who have Heated Gaming Moments wherein they spew racial slurs, while they still leave marginalized creators out to dry amid right wing flagging sprees

and of course, it is BLATANTLY clear that crowder intends to harass, so i really don't trust YouTube on drawing that boundary either
Yup. I mean if Crowder wanted to debate the legitimacy of Vox and its reporting that's fine. The fact he always has to bring up the gay latino over and over makes it very clear there is targeting.


Oct 25, 2017
When you are a platform for Nazis and their overt recruitment and radicalization pipeline, that is all you are.

They go out of their way to platform Nazis because that is what amoral techno libertarians inevitably become as we have been watching happen before our very eyes.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm blown away that people are using this whole "MUH FREE SPEECH" when it comes to racist YouTubers. Fuck these idiots.

I feel like those types don't understand the reason why "free speech" was created. You got your bigots who are simply hiding behind it then the ones who claim to be "non-bigots" but support/condone hate speech using "free speech" as the single determining factor.

It's unfortunate.


Oct 26, 2017
East Midlands, England, UK

Google: AlL LaNgUaGe iS iMpOrTaNt!

Jesus H. Christ, get fucked.

I mean, the way that policy is written, that intention of it makes sense to me.

It suggests that simply saying slurs or offensive words isn't an automatic policy violation. It depends on context. Which protects the nuances of someone trying to having a genuine good faith discussion about issues and, for example, giving a list of offensive terms before going on to explain why they are hurtful. I'm thinking like ContraPoints covering transphobia, for instance. And it covers people of colour saying the n word, which has a unique social context.

What I DON'T get is how Crowder can say the things he's said with clear malintent while wearing a t-shirt with a slur on it and YouTube thinks that DOESN'T count as violating that very same policy. It's fucking obvious that he's not using these terms in a reasonable or well intentioned manner.

So Google can't even apply it's own fucking policy correctly and it's fucking bullshit.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah was trashola.

Though if boogie tweet posts got deleted this might too since I guess it's a similar level of relevancy lol

This Joe Rogan guy has no fucking idea what Guevara did, nor has any fucking backbone at all. "The shirt says figs" get outta here

Pyramid Head

Oct 27, 2017
Joe Rogan is a Stipid, mironic Ficking Cint.

Honestly, he needs to drop the facade and just come out as the right leaning swinging dick numbskull he is. He's so fucking ill equipped to engage in an 'honest' debate with someone like Pakman.

It's painful to watch him try.


Oct 25, 2017
I like to flip through the AM radio stations while I'm driving around for work to hear what the enemy is thinking. Glen Beck was using this Stephen Crowder stuff to sell apocalypse buckets. Literally was like, "I don't know what Stephen would be doing if he didn't have the support of the Blaze. This stuff really gets you worried huh? It feels like there will be an emergency of some kind soon so go to my website and get your Patriot pack to be prepared and protect your family!" Ughhh
Oct 26, 2017
Pakman was the perfect guest on Rogan yesterday. The timing was impeccable.

He did okay, but he still let Joe get away with way to much unchallenged on basic shit like ANTIFA being a hyper violent murderous movements and UK/Canadian healthcare being terrible to that of the US when both systems have better outcomes whilst the governments spend less on it. There's also Joe going off on how the left is too aggressor and mocking (pointing to Sam Seeder joking about Dave because Dave's a fucking idiot) whilst activley defending Crowder for targeted harassment over sex and gender. Then he doesn't even get into how conservative 'pundits' target minorities to push white male superiority by bringing up debunk political books (e.g. Crowder referencing the Bell Curve to 'prove' blacks are stupider than white) or outright misrepresenting studies (e.g. Ben taking a number out of context to say a study into trans suicide has nothing to do with social acceptance/targeted harassment when that's the entire conclusion of the study's finding)

Heck, he couldn't even nail Joe on the college campus' are irrational SJW hellholes bit by pointing out leftists are the only ones getting censored/losing their jobs and would have come across as agreeing with Joe to his audience. Some parts were good, but I feel he let a lot slip and that Joe didn't understand or wasn't won over by any of it.


Oct 25, 2017
He did okay, but he still let Joe get away with way to much unchallenged on basic shit like ANTIFA being a hyper violent murderous movements and UK/Canadian healthcare being terrible to that of the US when both systems have better outcomes whilst the governments spend less on it. There's also Joe going off on how the left is too aggressor and mocking (pointing to Sam Seeder joking about Dave because Dave's a fucking idiot) whilst activley defending Crowder for targeted harassment over sex and gender. Then he doesn't even get into how conservative 'pundits' target minorities to push white male superiority by bringing up debunk political books (e.g. Crowder referencing the Bell Curve to 'prove' blacks are stupider than white) or outright misrepresenting studies (e.g. Ben taking a number out of context to say a study into trans suicide has nothing to do with social acceptance/targeted harassment when that's the entire conclusion of the study's finding)

Heck, he couldn't even nail Joe on the college campus' are irrational SJW hellholes bit by pointing out leftists are the only ones getting censored/losing their jobs and would have come across as agreeing with Joe to his audience. Some parts were good, but I feel he let a lot slip and that Joe didn't understand or wasn't won over by any of it.
Sure, he could've done better on some things, but my point was more that if it had been literally anyone else on yesterday, it would've been 3 hours of nothing but 'the left and censorship!' with absolutely no dissenting opinion whatsoever.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
My favorite thing about Joe Rogan whining about Sam Seder's crowd telling Dave Rubin to go on his show(knowing full well that he won't because he's a chump that is only interested in comfortable interviews) is that Rogan has to basically admit that Rubin's an idiot.



Oct 29, 2017
Goddamn Rogan is such a pathetic, feckless tool. Reminds me of that recent takedown of Bret Easton Ellis: He's a person who robs all situations of context and consequence so he can pretend he's above it all and smarter than all those people getting "outraged"


Oct 28, 2017
I like Pakman but he was pretty hesitant to challenge Joe that much on anything. Maybe nervousness combined with not wanting to seem combative on his first appearance in case he wanted to return. Should have shat on Rubin and Shapiro more.


Oct 25, 2017
I like to flip through the AM radio stations while I'm driving around for work to hear what the enemy is thinking. Glen Beck was using this Stephen Crowder stuff to sell apocalypse buckets. Literally was like, "I don't know what Stephen would be doing if he didn't have the support of the Blaze. This stuff really gets you worried huh? It feels like there will be an emergency of some kind soon so go to my website and get your Patriot pack to be prepared and protect your family!" Ughhh

I follow Beck for the lulz. He has declared that yesterday was "one of the most pivotal days in the history of our nation."

Pyramid Head

Oct 27, 2017
I like Pakman but he was pretty hesitant to challenge Joe that much on anything. Maybe nervousness combined with not wanting to seem combative on his first appearance in case he wanted to return. Should have shat on Rubin and Shapiro more.
Yeah, that was disappointing. Rogan was providing so much to be smashed across the face with.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Can we PLEASE stop posting this gif, regardless of context? I'm serious. Can we get a sitewide ban on it? Please? Stop showing his face. Stop giving him the time of day.

A reminder to NOT provide Boogie a platform here. This includes sharing tweets, gifs, videos, comments and more.
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Oct 27, 2017
My favorite thing about Joe Rogan whining about Sam Seder's crowd telling Dave Rubin to go on his show(knowing full well that he won't because he's a chump that is only interested in comfortable interviews) is that Rogan has to basically admit that Rubin's an idiot.

Joe gives these guys such a charibatble reading it's almost impressive in his stupidity.

It says FIGS!!!


Oct 25, 2017
I'd love to know what some of these totally innocent channels that didn't do anything wrong and are suddenly and unfairly being demonetized or taken down are... because I have yet to see a single one.
I've seen some lefty that got videos demonitized because of either false flag or covering controversial topics or not being nice

Well before any of this shit
Oct 27, 2017
Joe gives these guys such a charibatble reading it's almost impressive in his stupidity.

It says FIGS!!!
Not a Rogan fan at all but doesn't he acknowledge it doesn't actually mean figs at like 4:54? He says, "figs wink wink nudge nudge" and then agrees with the other dude that it isn't figs. I mean he's acknowledging/explaining the literal interpretation and the between the lines interpretation, which is what the shirt is. Though tbh I'm confused by this whole fig thing since I thought it was just an asterisk or some shit, not that any of it matters.
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Oct 27, 2017
I think Pakman did great. Joe bounces from topic to topic so fast I'm not sure how realistic it is to expect prolonged, thoughtful debate. The silver lining regardless, is that the IQ of the Joe Rogan audience likely increased a smudge.


Alt account
May 8, 2019
I like David Pakman a lot, sometimes I feel he has too much respect for the people he's talking with that he doesn't want to go into them though he knows he could. It's kind of admirable but also... not. I dunno, it's a weird area where it shows his moral character but isn't using his intellectual responsibility well.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Joe looked like such a fucking moron going up against Packman (he always looks like a fucking idiot, so no shocker there).


Oct 25, 2017
I like David Pakman a lot, sometimes I feel he has too much respect for the people he's talking with that he doesn't want to go into them though he knows he could. It's kind of admirable but also... not. I dunno, it's a weird area where it shows his moral character but isn't using his intellectual responsibility well.
I dunno. I see what you're saying but maybe he's playing the long game. If he went all in and called Rogan a dumbass, he might not get an invite back. He maybe sees repeated visits as more valuable in the long run, getting more opportunities to chip away at him and hix listeners.