
Oct 25, 2017
Sheev is waaaaaaaaaaay stronger than Snoke. His power is maximum
Sheev summoned the most impressive armada ever out of his back pocket or something and it did fuckall.

Snoke got shit done, the minute Sheev poked his head out of the ground he got squashed. Being 'all the Sith' is less impressive than it sounds, apparently.

Golden bath robe boy >>>>>> Failure of a father who couln't even keep his son in the family business.


Oct 25, 2017
It was Sheev's will that got that shit done
'Sheev's will' is a load of nonsense that means less than nothing.

Best boy Snoke was clearly his own person with his own will, see his entire character and actions in TLJ, and to argue otherwise is to paint Sheev as even more ineffective than he already is portrayed as.

Or, you know, TROS was made by idiots.


TROS Sheev wishes he had half the personality that this dude had. And so do I.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
'Sheev's will' is a load of nonsense that means less than nothing.

Best boy Snoke was clearly his own person with his own will, see his entire character and actions in TLJ, and to argue otherwise is to paint Sheev as even more ineffective than he already is portrayed as.

Or, you know, TROS was made by idiots.


TROS Sheev wishes he had half the personality that this dude had. And so do I.

I never thought I'd see a Snoke fan.

You do you I guess.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I remember when Andy Serkis was talking about how Snoke was a darker character than Sheev, thought he was a couple hundred years old, felt he had a lot of backstory left to tell.

Turns out Sheev made him in jars, old and decrepit ready to go from the start.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Snoke was fine in TLJ and he was perfectly killed off. Sheev was garbage in TROS. He was brought back but with zero personality.

Visually it's the coolest the character has ever looked and sounded on screen. Compiled with the creepy sith cult chanting and the performance, it reminded me of Mola Ram in Temple of Doom.


Oct 27, 2017
Visually it's the coolest the character has ever looked and sounded on screen. Compiled with the creepy sith cult chanting and the performance, it reminded me of Mola Ram in Temple of Doom.

1) I couldn't see shit.

2) He sounded tired and done, not at all the performance I expected from such a great actor. But hey, he can only work with what he's given and what he was given was crap.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I like golden bathrobe and slippers Snoke better than TROS Sheev, highlight was him shitting on Kylo's mask and making him cry.

Sheev having a giant hype stadium of creeps is the one thing I really liked. I ain't giving JJ points for that prequelmeme he used to try and cover up his own bullshit, I won't be manipulated.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
1) I couldn't see shit.

2) He sounded tired and done, not at all the performance I expected from such a great actor. But hey, he can only work with what he's given and what he was given was crap.

It's the little stuff you gotta pay attention too.

His face changing from a smile to grimace once he sees Kylo cracks me up.

Or his smirk before he lights up the resistance fleet

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
I don't watch Palpatine for "the little stuff." He's fucking Palpatine. If the ham isn't at 11 then you've written him wrong. All that nonsense is not match for:

"Young fool...only now at the end do you understand."


"I am the Senate."

I would have liked more ham too!

But TROS Sheev was the most scariest he's ever been, and I guess that's what JJ was going for. And we did get a few classic Sheev tomfoolery here and there when he rejuvenates.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not one to give it to the prequels for any reason, but I think I can make an exception here because however bad the prequels were, Palpatine in them was an actual character who was enacting a plan that was original, atleast, in the context of Star Wars movies and thus Ian McDiarmid was able to emblue life, glorious, hammy life, into his role as Palpatine. It's a joke compared to the authentically sinister Emperor of the OT, but it is something.

But in TRoS, because everything in this goddamn movie has to be a recreation, he's just doing the Return of the Jedi scene again in slightly different circumstances after having been hurriedly and awkwardly shoved into the story again. So his biggest lines are just repeats of lines he said before.

The actor known for giving the most unique, bombastic performance in the triligy distinctly known for bland, flat acting can't give a single memorable scene or dialogue in Rise of Skywalker.


Oct 27, 2017
I would have liked more ham too!

But TROS Sheev was the most scariest he's ever been, and I guess that's what JJ was going for. And we did get a few classic Sheev tomfoolery here and there when he rejuvenates.

I didn't find him scary at all just mind boggling. Everytime he was onscreen I was scratching my head as to why he existed and why his plan kept changing.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
I would have liked more ham too!

But TROS Sheev was the most scariest he's ever been, and I guess that's what JJ was going for. And we did get a few classic Sheev tomfoolery here and there when he rejuvenates.

TROS Sheev was about as scary as Gargamel from Smurfs.

I take that back, Gargamel was scarier. He wanted to EAT those little blue communists. I still have NO FUCKING CLUE what Sheev's plan was besides "kill Rebels."

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I still have NO FUCKING CLUE what Sheev's plan was besides "kill Rebels."

*takes deep breath*

Sheev is in a clone body that's burning out on him so he needs to body switch to keep himself alive so he has Smuke train Kylo Ren with the purpose of Ren one day killing Snape thus completing his training and then Ren meets Sheev but Sheev doesn't perform the ritual right then and there for unknown reasons and instead tries to bribe him with candy and sends him to kill Rey who he knows is his granddaughter but doesn't really care but tells Ren anyway for unknown reasons cause it really shouldn't matter if all he wants is for Ren to kill Rey but then Leia gives Ren a timeout and makes him realize murdering his poppa might have been a bad thing to do so to make amends he wants to find Rey for a makeout session and kills some incel metalheads along the away but Sheev interferes before he can smooch Rey and he's angry cause he didn't foresee Ren betraying him even though he pretty much had him trained as a Sith and betraying each other is the Sith's M.O so he then gives Ren and Rey THE BIG SUCK which makes better AKA turns him back into hamburger face and realizes they are god force twins even though Snoopy should have known that so who knows that's going on there and then he yeets Ren and splooges all over the fleet and then tries to give Rey the ol Sheev reacharound but forgot she had two lightsabers and blows up.

Ren and Rey then have thunderous, disgusting, biblical sex which drains Ren so hard he dies.

That's his plan.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait...Palpatine actually is using a clone body in TROS?

That explanation doesn't really work for me because what's the difference then between Palpatine being killed in ROTJ and in TROS?

The spirits of the Sith hanging on to and keeping a literal corpse alive works so much better.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not one to give it to the prequels for any reason, but I think I can make an exception here because however bad the prequels were, Palpatine in them was an actual character who was enacting a plan that was original, atleast, in the context of Star Wars movies and thus Ian McDiarmid was able to emblue life, glorious, hammy life, into his role as Palpatine. It's a joke compared to the authentically sinister Emperor of the OT, but it is something.

But in TRoS, because everything in this goddamn movie has to be a recreation, he's just doing the Return of the Jedi scene again in slightly different circumstances after having been hurriedly and awkwardly shoved into the story again. So his biggest lines are just repeats of lines he said before.

The actor known for giving the most unique, bombastic performance in the triligy distinctly known for bland, flat acting can't give a single memorable scene or dialogue in Rise of Skywalker.

the OT inception of him was a seemingly deteriorating old man who could occasionally schlep around and electrocute people. goes along with the continuity (if you ignore logistics of his TRoS corporeal form)


Oct 27, 2017
Wait...Palpatine actually is using a clone body in TROS?

That explanation doesn't really work for me because what's the difference then between Palpatine being killed in ROTJ and in TROS?

The spirits of the Sith hanging on to and keeping a literal corpse alive works so much better.

even a universe fantastical as star wars i dunno how you could posit his actual body surviving RotJ. though if they ran with that cool whatever i guess

i think the implication is Rey nipped sith evil at the bud because reasons. whereas in RotJ he just fell down a shaft

anyway i thought the whole thing was more or less self explanatory... oh surprise a sith planet with sith tech and a global population full of followers. and palps turns out to be the sith of all siths, or something. so a palps clone of kind of writes itself in there.


Oct 27, 2017
anyway i thought the whole thing was more or less self explanatory... oh surprise a sith planet with sith tech and a global population full of followers. and palps turns out to be the sith of all siths, or something. so a palps clone of kind of writes itself in there.
Someone should have used one of those new destroyers to nuke Exogol from orbit


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I find it amusing that the novel tried it's best to show how Rey decided to kiss Ren, watch him dies in her eyes, then walk away like it was nothing as if that is a completely normal reaction to seeing someone you care/like/love/hoped was redeemed die like that.

More importantly, has anyone seen any Rose scenes in the novelization?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I never thought I'd see a Snoke fan.

You do you I guess.
It is not so much that Snoke is particularly great(although upon rewatch he is a surprisingly well done character in TLJ) but rather Palpatine has been completely ruined and defanged across the entire saga. Veelk said it better than I would've, the Emperor in Jedi had menace, the prequel's Palpatine was lacking in that department but at least McDiarmid was having fun with the role, and in Skywalker all we have is Sheev, a lifeless copy of the original that has none of the virtues that the character had in any of his previous incarnations.

Sheev in Skywalker is about as interesting as Snoke's hologram was in The Force Awakens, and just as insubstantial.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
If he was a clone why would he make his clone body so decrepit


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I mean Kylo Ren was Ben

I mean, it's stupid as fuck, and Reylo makes me throw up a little in my mouth every time I think about it, but to be fair, Star Wars was always a little ass backwards when it came to how easily it seems to forgive the atrocities of its "redeemed" heroes.

I mean, Obi-Wan had to asspull a certain point of view to reconcile lying to Luke about what happened to his Vader. His whole, "Vader ceased to be Anakin Skywalker" is a load of horseshit, but we're supposed to go with it, because if we didn't, Luke's whole arc in RotJ would fall apart. We all know he's still the same fucking dude!

Ben Solo and Kylo Ren are one in the same, just like Anakin/Vader. Star Wars has always been poor about holding its characters accountable for their actions. Which is why, for me, it was nice to RJ attempt a little bit of that with Poe in TLJ, even if he didn't go all the way with Poe receiving a true punishment for his actions, it was better than what we usually get from this series, which is Jack shit.

Rey is operating on Star Wars logic, so Ben ditching the Kylo Ren outfit and helping to defeat Palpatine was good enough for her. It's stupid as fuck, but it's not exactly unprecedented in this universe. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Oct 25, 2017

This podcast discusses TROS novel spoilers (host has a copy of the book)

Posted in r/StarWarsLeaks by u/Riri19911 • 160 points and 379 comments
Riri19911 said:
I'll try and update as I listen: - So after Palpatine realises that Ben and Rey are the dyad, he reminisces about the time when he wanted to create a Dyad between himself and Anakin. Darth Plagueis also wanted a Dyad between himself and Palpatine. This is because the power of the Dyad is just so powerful, more so than any Rule of 2 concept. Except Palpatine and Plagueis obviously failed. Ben and Rey's Dyad is referred to "their power".
  • Leia doesn't want to make same mistake with Rey as she did with Ben, so wont send her away.
  • Kylo says he wants to rule side by side with Rey when Palps orders him to kill her. Kylo had no intention of killing her. Kylo reconstructs his helmet because it's a KOR tradition or something to wear the helmet. Kylo has to scavenges the pieces.
  • Kylo interrogates Chewie when he's taken captive. Kylo goes into Chewie's mind and Chewie is throwing memories at him. Han and Chewie when they're young, Han and Leia cuddling baby Ben, target practice with blaster, Ben used to call him "Uncle Chewie".
  • Lando has a missing daughter. Lando finds a holo disc in a secret compartment on the Falcon, the holo is of Chewie holding baby Ben. Baby Ben is giggling and pulling on his fur.
  • Rose and Rey scene. They're clearly very good friends. They hug.
  • The reason why Leia's health is deteriorating so quickly is because when she got blown out of space in TLJ there was damage done to her body.
  • Luke is speaking to Leia all throughout the book telling Leia it's "time[to go]" she resists the whole book. She thinks about Luke's last effort to save the resistance in Crait was his ultimate act of hope and sacrifice for Ben. Leia wants to talk to Ben one more time. Leia says something like "I'm Leia Organa Skywalker Solo" - she wants Rey to take up her Skywalker legacy, Ben to take up the Solo legacy, Poe to take up Organa legacy and with all her power she puts in her hope that this one last time will bring Ben back, and it does.
  • Rey is already building her own lightsaber.
  • There is so much Reylo in the book, when you get to the kiss, "gratitude" is used becus he just brought her back to life, but there is so much How they feel about each other, what they think about each other, feels like a straight up YA novel.
  • ‪Finn and Rey referred to as friends lots of times. Force sensitive Finn still not outright but heavily implied. Rey mindtricks Finn in Pasaana. Rey knows Kylo is coming and Finn doesn't want Rey to go, so Rey has to mindtrick him. ‬
  • Finn worried about Rey a lot. Says "They started their friendship saving each other". Rey says something like "Finn would have been a great Jedi" ( host paraphrasing)
  • As part of his contingency, Palpatine prepared a clone before being yeeted down the shaft as he sensed the flicker of light within Vader. Before his body hit the ground he had learned to project his essence into one of the Clones. This was an imperfect clone. Palpatines son (Rey's father) is also a clone. The son is one of the clone projects of Palpatine, because they kept trying to make a body for Palps to contain his power. The son is a perfect bodied clone. Palpatine hated the son for being a failure as he had no Force abilities. Palpatine wanted Rey because she was... naturally conceived?
  • There is also somthn about Plageuis trying to create a clone and failing or something. Lol Clone obsessed!
  • in the book, they explain a lot more about force-healing; rey learns it from healing luke's kyber crystal; also, it is said that she would've given her whole self just to bring back kylo after she stabbed him. ben's thought process during that moment: it all clicks for him there, he understands that his mom, his dad and his uncle sacrificed themselves to help him and that rey would've done the same if she had to, and that's when he turns (or starts to seek redemption).
  • Lando says the First Order specifically targeted the heroes of the rebellion & stole their children. His daughter was taken and as far as he was aware she was a stormtrooper (hinted it could be Jannah but not confirmed).Lando says they also corrupted Han and Leia's son as well.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I mean, it's stupid as fuck, and Reylo makes me throw up a little in my mouth every time I think about it, but to be fair, Star Wars was always a little ass backwards when it came to how easily it seems to forgive the atrocities of its "redeemed" heroes.

I mean, Obi-Wan had to asspull a certain point of view to reconcile lying to Luke about what happened to his Vader. His whole, "Vader ceased to be Anakin Skywalker" is a load of horseshit, but we're supposed to go with it, because if we didn't, Luke's whole arc in RotJ would fall apart. We all know he's still the same fucking dude!

Ben Solo and Kylo Ren are one in the same, just like Anakin/Vader. Star Wars has always been poor about holding its characters accountable for their actions. Which is why, for me, it was nice to RJ attempt a little bit of that with Poe in TLJ, even if he didn't go all the way with Poe receiving a true punishment for his actions, it was better than what we usually get from this series, which is Jack shit.

Rey is operating on Star Wars logic, so Ben ditching the Kylo Ren outfit and helping to defeat Palpatine was good enough for her. It's stupid as fuck, but it's not exactly unprecedented in this universe. 🤦🏽‍♂️
The whole thing with Vader and Ani being "different people" is that it ends up being wrong. That's how it ends up working despite being a blatant retcon, Obi and Yoda completely gave up on Anakin and maybe also to emotionally protect themselves they went with the Vader killing Anakin rationalization. Luke doesn't buy that shit and is the only one in the galaxy who still believes in Anakin and knows it's all a fucking act. The payoff is the "return" of Anakin, cause he was never "killed" by Vader in the first place, they're the same damn person.


Oct 25, 2017
We've officially reached the point where I can no longer tell if any of you are serious or not. I assume Veelk is joking...I think.

Leia is obviously not a Jedi Master, she fucking quit her training.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
Anakin tried to talk to Leia too but she told him to fuck off.

I'm almost positive something like that happened in Legends, only Luke could stand ol ghost Ani.


Oct 28, 2017
.. Finally got this one watched, after not being able to catch it in the cinema release period, and miraculously avoiding spoilers for 3 months. Honestly found it quite entertaining, which I guess would reveal that I have few requirements regarding story.

The ending kiss seemed a bit odd, though - I would have loved to hear a packed cinema reacting to this! My immediate guess is that most crowds reacted with a 50/50 mix of: "awww!", and "no, damnit, (expletives)" - and then an identical volley when he drops dead, only with the parties reversed, lol.
Jul 18, 2018
Just got around to watch this film.
Yea, the pacing of this film is so bad. Mixed in with how too over the top everything is, just the size of the destroyers and the fleet Lando brought in...yikes. But i guess that is why i have felt no emotions in this film, there was nothing that made me feel a sense of hopelessness which JJ probably thought the audience would feel that would redeem the shot of all the people to come and fight.

Im sorry, this movie was garbage. I have no intention to watch this film ever again. I'll watch TLJ twice and let that 2nd watching take place of this one


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Wait...Palpatine actually is using a clone body in TROS?

That explanation doesn't really work for me because what's the difference then between Palpatine being killed in ROTJ and in TROS?

The spirits of the Sith hanging on to and keeping a literal corpse alive works so much better.
His corpse wouldn't have survived his fall. The clone thing works only if this was the last clone. He apparently had many, including his "son"