
Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised no rebel ever thought "why don't we strap hyperspace engines to giant rocks and shoot them at big imperial fleets" considering the magnitude of the damage it caused

I would not be shocked if they do this in the comics now but find some way to make it problematic enough that it can't be commonly done. That or they'll just have the Empire start using Interdictors in every fleet to keep it from working.


Oct 27, 2017
I've said this before but this whole "balance" idea is quack.

It's basically "both sides" argument, lol. Like if there is a good guy born with strong Force powers, then the Force just feel the need to create an evil, massacre-loving bad dark side guy just to bring "balance" to it? Such bollocks, hahah.

Yeah... I mean unless they go full on Grey, except it's conveniently just basically Jedi without harsh repression of negative traits creating violent counter reactions... I mean I guess it's what they've been building towards in Rebels but we will see. There's also that vague 'something' 'beyond the outer rim' that sideous thought is the source of the Darkside or whatnot. I guess we'll see. I hope that they don't 'fix' the force or something so silly as that.

After Yoda popped up I was honestly thinking Ewan might appear

They're saving him for IX, gotta build to that Obi Wan Film (and he recorded some new dialog that was used in TFA FYI)


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I know, have the surviving Partisans strap hyperspace engines to asteroids and crash them into an Imperial city planet like Vardos or Hosnian Prime. Then it will be a tactic associated with terrorism and Mon Mothma will shy away from it.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Considering the tactic one hit killed like 5 ships I think it's fair to point out that this tactic would have been helpful in the past.

Why shoot a torpedo down a 5 meter hole when you can ram a capital ship through the Death Star's core at light speed


Oct 26, 2017
I'm surprised no rebel ever thought "why don't we strap hyperspace engines to giant rocks and shoot them at big imperial fleets" considering the magnitude of the damage it caused.

I'm obviously being nitpicky but it was one of those moments where the rule of cool crossed paths with "wait a minute..." logic a little too much
Nobody thought it through beyond "this would be a cool shot". Only marginally less ridiculous than the destruction of the Hosnian system being visible in real time all across the galaxy in TFA. It is what it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Tampa, FL
I don't get the mentality of actively trying to pick apart the logic of what you're watching. That's some cinemasins nonsense. Sure, if something is so egregious that it stands out, taking you out of the movie, then that's a problem. But, that's pretty clearly not what's happening here.


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of a waste of hyperspace engines, innit.

Like, wouldn't you rather use those for traveling?

There's a reason most people don't use vehicles as weaponry. Because they're better used as vehicles.

It's the same reason you don't crash a car into a traffic jam to clear it out.

We don't shoot cars at people, we use missiles and I mean that 1 rebel ship was cost effective x100000 times over.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised no rebel ever thought "why don't we strap hyperspace engines to giant rocks and shoot them at big imperial fleets" considering the magnitude of the damage it caused.

I'm obviously being nitpicky but it was one of those moments where the rule of cool crossed paths with "wait a minute..." logic a little too much
It actually made sense in that instance though and it's not as much of a plot hole as the Death Star going to Yavin 4.


Oct 27, 2017
All the Empire needed to do was destroy the rebel base on the moon. They could have sent a Star Destroyer to do that, or anything.

They didn't need to send the Death Star to do that especially when they knew that the Rebels had just acquired the Death Star plans. They knew the Alliance's goal was to destroy the Death Star and they brought the Death Star to them.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
All the Empire needed to do was destroy the rebel base on the moon. They could have sent a Star Destroyer to do that, or anything.

They didn't need to send the Death Star when the Rebels had just acquired the Death Star plans.
They sent the Death Star because the Empire was hilariously overconfident


Oct 25, 2017
All the Empire needed to do was destroy the rebel base on the planet. They could have sent a Star Destroyer to do that, or anything.

They didn't need to send the Death Star when the Rebels had just acquired the Death Star plans.

Yavin 4 probably had shields to withstand orbital bombardment and Tarkin was riding high off the destruction of Alderaan.


Oct 27, 2017
Tarkin was showing out.
Tarkin didn't sound overly confidant when he said, "You're taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work."

The real world explanation being, the Death Star going to Yavin was actually added in the editing room, after filming was complete, and it wasn't very well thought out.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not a tactic it's a last ditch surprise maneuver. Your "tactic" suggests building an entire giant ship for the sole purpose of sacrifcing it to cut a ship in half.

It bought the resistance like a single hour of time.

It didn't even destroy the whole ship.

I don't get the impulse in seeing something that decently set-up and executed and immediately thinking "aww, bullshit, why don't they just do this awesome thing all the time."

You wouldn't be building a whole habitable ship though, you'd be wrecking everything cost effectively with just rocks or explosives strapped to a hyperdrive.

It's the same reason why people kind of raise eyebrows whenever StarTrek transports bombs into enemy ships. It's just not a good thing to show because it breaks the 'rules'.

Instead of disabling the tracking You could have had them disable the supremacy shields or the main reactor. Instead of the hyperspace you have good old fashioned sub light RAMMING SPEED on a point that you hammer relentlessly on your way in. That accomplishes the same thing without invalidating in universe acceptance of what is possible.
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Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Tarkin didn't sound overly confidant when he said, "You're taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work."

The real world explanation being, the Death Star going to Yavin was actually added in the editing room, after filming was complete.
"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?"


Oct 26, 2017
Kind of a waste of hyperspace engines, innit.

Like, wouldn't you rather use those for traveling?

There's a reason most people don't use vehicles as weaponry. Because they're better used as vehicles.

It's the same reason you don't crash a car into a traffic jam to clear it out.

I mean, any missile is basically an engine. Any weapon tech could be "better used" for something else.

I don't get the mentality of actively trying to pick apart the logic of what you're watching. That's some cinemasins nonsense. Sure, if something is so egregious that it stands out, taking you out of the movie, then that's a problem. But, that's pretty clearly not what's happening here.

The destruction of the Hosnian system visible in real time from Takodana was jarring and actually did take me out of the movie for a minute. The hyperspace ram wasn't as bad but definitely creates questions with regard to how hyperspace works. Definitely goes against Legends stuff, but not sure exactly what aspects of that made it to the new canon.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
The hyperdrive thing in TLJ bugs me in a similar way that transwarp teleportation bugged me in Star Trek 2009. In both cases it was something used for a cool scene/moment that accidentally introduced an in-universe game changer. In Trek, they accidentally made conventional starship travel irrelevant. In TLJ they accidentally invent a new highly effective form of weaponry
Oct 25, 2017
They probably should've had the hyperspace ram do less damage than it did. It clearly did massive damage to that fleet when all it should've done was take out the main salvo weapon. But that wouldn't have looked as cool, and it also wouldn't have interrupted the throne fight, so they went with the fuck my shit up option. I don't think it's a big deal. The Star Wars universe is not forever changes.


Oct 27, 2017
The hyperdrive thing in TLJ bugs me in a similar way that transwarp teleportation bugged me in Star Trek 2009. In both cases it was something used for a cool scene/moment that accidentally introduced an in-universe game changer.
Also like Khan blood.

The hyperdrive in TLJ bugs me way less than that, though, if it bugs me at all. The thing about the trans warp beaming was there were no negatives.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get the mentality of actively trying to pick apart the logic of what you're watching. That's some cinemasins nonsense. Sure, if something is so egregious that it stands out, taking you out of the movie, then that's a problem. But, that's pretty clearly not what's happening here.


Why people need to get so wound up about trying to quantify the reality of what is a popcorn sci-fi movie is beyond me.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Also like Khan blood.

The hyperdrive in TLJ bugs me way less than that, though, if it bugs me at all. The thing about the trans warp beaming was there were no negatives.
I concur that it bugs me way less than those two Star Trek examples. I just used them as a basic comparison point


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the mentality of actively trying to pick apart the logic of what you're watching. That's some cinemasins nonsense. Sure, if something is so egregious that it stands out, taking you out of the movie, then that's a problem. But, that's pretty clearly not what's happening here.

I was watching the DT crew discuss this and they said it best. For the worst-ever, best ever Star Wars some people are just being so damn critical of every little thing while others have to say it's the best one yet. It's okay to just say you didn't like it or thought it was aye.

Movie has plenty of problems to critique. The hyperspace scene seems like one of those that is nitpicking to find something wrong. It's the suicide bomb, pull the grenade as the enemy comes close, etc. That form in 100s of movies before... just in Star Wars version.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be the first to admit that a lot of my critiques are nitpicky and mostly irrelevant overall


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure if the entire fleet gets destroyed but a shit ton of star destroyers behind the Supremacy get cut in half, too. Like I good 9 or so.

And it's AMAZING


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I'm like 90% certain that you very clearly see at least two or three other Star Destroyers besides the Supremacy get completely wrecked by that hyperspace suicide attack


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Considering the tactic one hit killed like 5 ships I think it's fair to point out that this tactic would have been helpful in the past.

Why shoot a torpedo down a 5 meter hole when you can ram a capital ship through the Death Star's core at light speed

It took a giant ship just to slow them down a bit.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if that's all it did, the Supremacy is like 3 times bigger than a super star destroyer AND houses like 2 million people.

It took a giant ship just to slow them down a bit.

Even if there was like a single half dead star destroyer left, the resistance was going down no matter what. It's still a massive blow to the FO and impedes the larger war effort that is staged after this film.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Sure, if something is so egregious that it stands out, taking you out of the movie, then that's a problem. But, that's pretty clearly not what's happening here.
That moment absolutely took me out of the movie, though. As soon as it happened, all I could think about was how ridiculous it is that they wouldn't have used this to take out the Death Star. Or how stupid it is to even build a Death Star (or large ships in general) if this can be done.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I don't think it's that obvious. The Supremacy cracks in half but I don't remember all the other Star Destroyers going up. I remember the light from the Raddus being cast on the Supremacy, but I don't remember that light then exploding those other ships.

I've only seen it twice, but my memory had it as the Supremacy cracking in half and that's it.

Basically, people react to a cool thing by wondering why the cool thing doesn't happen all the time, and then regard said cool thing not having happened all the time prior to this as evidence something is wrong.

It's that "competing with the movie instead of experiencing it" shit.

No, no, it's actually quite obvious if you're paying attention, it's in the screen during the scene after all. Other ships besides Snoke's ship got gutted too.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
The force that launched on the planet following the Rebels wasn't exactly big. That could have came from a single Star Destroyer, and they didn't even need a big force since they were literally hunting down like 12 people at that point
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I dunno, you guys also thought Kylo didn't twig to Snoke pulling strings with the visions until Snoke said it out loud.

But maybe I misread what that light meant for the ships trailing the Supremacy. I'm pretty sure it didn't kill all the Star Destroyers because something launched the walkers & TIEs to the planet about an hour later. Pretty sure the Finalizer made it, at least.

I know there's a gif out there somewhere but I can't imagine the cam version of it is gonna show the detail we're hoping for.

Dude, the heck, lol, it's clearly visible on the screen during the scene that other ships got destroyed too, you don't have to be so stubborn about something as clear as this.

You said before that it didn't do anything else to the fleet other than Snoke's ship (which is obviously wrong), not that it destroyed all their ships (which is obviously correct)


Oct 25, 2017
Alright, I looked it up and you can make out at least 6 Star Destroyers right behind the Supremacy going bye bye. But you can also see some on the far right make it out okay.


This gif is shit quality so maybe there's more but at least 6 got Snoke'd.