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Jan 22, 2018
Jesus, that's surprising and honestly pretty concerning at the abruptness of the announcement. Hopefully everything is all good at Sony and this isn't some dumb overhead corporate Sony move.
Jan 2, 2018
Something is definitely off about this announcement IMO. the choosing of the words there..I don't think it's a Reggie situation where he retired on his own terms.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Internal power struggles occurring just prior to a new generation of consoles is cause for some concern.

I wish we could get some specifics though. Is it Jim Ryan throwing his weight around and fucking people up or is it someone else. Maybe it's that dude with the name that sounds like it's straight out of a Harry Potter book.


alt account
Mar 25, 2019
Not to piss on anyone's grave but i never really liked him. He took over and immediately turned e3 into a trailer direct. Coming from amazing 2015 and 2016 e3s, i expected them to continue that fornula but from what i heard he didn't like going up on the stage. That's understandable but i didn't like the conferences under him.

Killing the e3 conference this year was even worse. Just do a small conference. Show something. You can't just not show up to the party just because you are in the lead.
Yeah I said this too. Gtfo with your state of plays it's such a bad move they did


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island

someone plop some Thanos dust on this


Nov 13, 2017
Orlando, Florida
PlayStation is the most profitable it's ever been thanks to the combined capable hands of him, Shu, House and Hirai.

Will be intriguing as heck to see the trajectory PlayStation is going to take on the next 10 years.


Senior Analyst at Niko Partners
Oct 24, 2017
I have a feeling we'll see some articles soon that explore why this happened and what's been going on at Sony recently.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with others in that this is a weirdly toned announcement, somethings going down.

Will be interesting to see who comes out of this.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Is this what Shu was celebrating on Twitter earlier?


Seriously though, all the best to Shawn. He's overseen the most commercially and critically successful few years of their first party's history. Good on him.


Oct 26, 2017
Not to piss on anyone's grave but i never really liked him. He took over and immediately turned e3 into a trailer direct. Coming from amazing 2015 and 2016 e3s, i expected them to continue that fornula but from what i heard he didn't like going up on the stage. That's understandable but i didn't like the conferences under him.

Killing the e3 conference this year was even worse. Just do a small conference. Show something. You can't just not show up to the party just because you are in the lead.

Yeah its kind of amazing how many folks have hated the direction Sony has gone with messaging the last few years but are upset he left.

I'm not a fan of some of their business decisions lately, I'm just not sure which side he was on. Guess we'll find out.


Oct 25, 2017
Feels like it should have been a blog post where he thanks the fans and colleagues at PlayStation for the amazing years if everything was OK. A tweet not written by himself? Really? That's just a poor way of handling it regardless of what has happened. He has been a PlayStation front figure and deserves a proper send off.
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Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit

Somebody stop Druckmann! Please!

Seriously though, he was a great guy. Best of luck to him!


Oct 29, 2017
Damn. He had BIIIG shoes to fill after succeeding Jack Tretton, and I think he did pretty good. Must have been pretty overwhelming for him, and I don't blame him for stepping down relatively shortly. PlayStation needs to build a personal around their new faces asap, the old guard is thinning fast :/
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
My theory for this abrupt departure was probably some internal politics between Jim Ryan and Shawn Layden, or something to do with Sony Corporate in general wanting Layden to do something else. I mean, Layden did wonders for this generation and just fucking look at the lineup for the next year for the PS4. It's absolutely insane. So he's definitely going to be missed, but I do think this came as a shock for pretty much everyone in PlayStation.


Oct 25, 2017
Something had to have happened that made him leave. Like...this seems to be more of a firing than anything but I'll have to reserve judgment until there's more info.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
Good luck to him, don't think he did any memorable work. Not as shook as I was when I heard about jack tretton leaving.
Oct 25, 2017
Silicon Valley
Dang, leaving while on top, eh? Wonder if he got a better deal somewhere else, or is just satisfied with his work after all these years and wants to slow things down?

Wishing him the best, regardless.

Suuuper weird timing. Something is up at Sony HQ
Seems to happen at the end of most gens, or before the launch of new ones at other companies (wherein a notable lead or exec leaves or appears at another company), like Google's Stadia having Dr Richard Marks come onboard after he was with Sony's R&D for so many years, and Phil Harrison stepping in as their presenter / frontman for elaborating on the new platform.
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