
Oct 27, 2017
This is such an own goal.

Kavanaugh: withdraw now, and 45 will appoint another conservative from a list, and it will be someone who isn't an accused rapist.

How do you fuck this up so badly?

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
How the hell can the GOP kick the can to an outside counsel. What an absolute joke of a party, that likes to hide behind "family value" bs.


Oct 27, 2017
This is such an own goal.

Kavanaugh: withdraw now, and 45 will appoint another conservative from a list, and it will be someone who isn't an accused rapist.

How do you fuck this up so badly?

I think it's probably because for the USA this has now morphed from just a position for the SCOTUS to another referendum on white male privilege. If they let this one sink, they "give up more territory" to the Libtards and Feminists.

It's basically a desperate attempt at powerful males to get in one last, "Know your place, defer to your betters," and hope that it sticks so that people won't keep causing trouble. If they can get this through, and reaffirm the traditional male power structure of "I can do whatever I want to you and get rewarded for it, so shut your damn mouth, and let me do whatever I want to you," then a lot of people will be demoralized, and, so they hope, not "get uppity about this" again for a while.
Oct 30, 2017
I still don't understand what Ford's lawyers were thinking when they first said the Senators were not qualified to question her and then turned around and said they actually do want Senators to do it. Just a baffling misstep.


Nov 15, 2017
At least this guy actually brings up the real reason why the GOP doesn't seem too interested in hearing these victims speak:

Back then, as someone not from the US, republicans for me were always just conservative to very strong conservative people. Nowadays almost everyone of them seems like a lunatic, comic book evil, a conspiracy nut or nazi racist.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is such an own goal.

Kavanaugh: withdraw now, and 45 will appoint another conservative from a list, and it will be someone who isn't an accused rapist.

How do you fuck this up so badly?
Only Kavanaugh himself and the President can withdraw the nominee.

Why would Kavanaugh withdraw himself? What incentive does he have? If he withdraws, he can't get a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. If he doesn't withdraw, he still has a chance of getting a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. There's no downside to hanging in there.

The President is the one where there's pros and cons.


Oct 25, 2017
Only Kavanaugh himself and the President can withdraw the nominee.

Why would Kavanaugh withdraw himself? What incentive does he have? If he withdraws, he can't get a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. If he doesn't withdraw, he still has a chance of getting a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. There's no downside to hanging in there.

The President is the one where there's pros and cons.
I dunno, I think I would personally rather be a federal judge who hasn't been publicly outted as a sexual predator than a supreme Court Justice who has.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Only Kavanaugh himself and the President can withdraw the nominee.

Why would Kavanaugh withdraw himself? What incentive does he have? If he withdraws, he can't get a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. If he doesn't withdraw, he still has a chance of getting a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. There's no downside to hanging in there.

The President is the one where there's pros and cons.

And he gets to screw over the people who turn their back on him if he refuses to withdraw and forces them to pull the nomination.

I dunno, I think I would personally rather be a federal judge who hasn't been publicly outted as a sexual predator than a supreme Court Justice who has.

That's probably because you aren't a sexual predator who doesn't give a fuck.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I dunno, I think I would personally rather be a federal judge who hasn't been publicly outted as a sexual predator than a supreme Court Justice who has.
The only downside Kavanaugh faces is if 1) he fails to get appointed to the Supreme Court, 2) power shifts in the Senate, 3) the House/Senate Judiciary Committees run by Democrats opens full-blown investigations into his conduct, and 4) impeachment (without removal) and/or criminal charges result, which 5) cause him to resign from his DC Circuit Court of Appeals position. It's a lot of steps, though it's not far-fetched.

There's also the world where he gets appointed and 2 through 5 happen anyway, but with him on the Supreme Court, but I sincerely doubt he'd step down in that scenario, on the timeless principle of "make me".

Even if he withdraws the nomination and it appears voluntary, I'd assume he was instructed to do so by Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
Only Kavanaugh himself and the President can withdraw the nominee.

Why would Kavanaugh withdraw himself? What incentive does he have? If he withdraws, he can't get a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. If he doesn't withdraw, he still has a chance of getting a lifetime spot on the Supreme Court. There's no downside to hanging in there.

The President is the one where there's pros and cons.

He would withdraw himself because, ultimately, it will best for the party he wants to represent.

If he withdraws now, there will be time for 45 to nominate another candidate, and have that candidate confirmed, before the midterms.

If he stays on, and the process drags out with the possibility of damaging hearings, he's going to hurt his own party in the midterms. This is assuming he's actually confirmed. If he somehow doesn't get the votes, he still hurts his own party in the midterms and the GOP has to start the process over, with much less time on the clock.


Oct 25, 2017
He would withdraw himself because, ultimately, it will best for the party he wants to represent.

If he withdraws now, there will be time for 45 to nominate another candidate, and have that candidate confirmed, before the midterms.

If he stays on, and the process drags out with the possibility of damaging hearings, he's going to hurt his own party in the midterms.

At this point, if they want to push someone through,it probably has to be him. The already forced an abbreviated version of the confirmation process for him, if even they have to admit that it was a mistake it would probably be hard to convince people that they should do it again even faster.

Obviously they have the votes to do it, but the political cost would be significant.


Oct 25, 2017
His newest client may not be real.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
He would withdraw himself because, ultimately, it will best for the party he wants to represent.

If he withdraws now, there will be time for 45 to nominate another candidate, and have that candidate confirmed, before the midterms.

If he stays on, and the process drags out with the possibility of damaging hearings, he's going to hurt his own party in the midterms. This is assuming he's actually confirmed. If he somehow doesn't get the votes, he still hurts his own party in the midterms and the GOP has to start the process over, with much less time on the clock.
Why would he give a fuck about the party's wishes? He's not taking one for the team accepting the nomination, he wants to be a SC Justice.


Nov 11, 2017
I hope it's misdirection along those lines, but I dunno. He does have a tendency to fly close to the sun.

Yeah, you don't know. A Lawyer isn't going to work for a 4chan story. They're going to verify information.

4chan also made up the steel dossier.

Just rumors right now. Some credible people are waiting for confirmation.

That's why I said may. I don't want it to be true either.

lol, so you heard something someone said to someone on the internet. Now you're worried? Because 4chans track history is...what?


Vertigo Gaming Inc.
Oct 25, 2017
Just looked up the 4chan stuff on Twitter, and yeah, that's dumb and not remotely possible.
Oct 25, 2017
Please don't be a mark and listen to 4chan. Wait until actual sources report something than spreading literally the most unsubstantiated of rumors. You're literally contributing to the spread of bullshit.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Oh man, Qanon says Mueller Probe is going to arrest Hillary??? Confirm/Deny???
Oct 27, 2017
Whatever you think of Avenatti, the idea that he wouldn't have met with the client and looked into what her story was is just ridiculous. Come on.


Oct 27, 2017
It is weird he locked his twitter but he would be incredibly fucking stupid if he did all this based on phone calls and having never met with the woman. He's a bit of a tool but he's also a decent lawyer and that would be career suicide if he fell for that.


Oct 27, 2017
It is weird he locked his twitter but he would be incredibly fucking stupid if he did all this based on phone calls and having never met with the woman. He's a bit of a tool but he's also a decent lawyer and that would be career suicide if he fell for that.

He said he locked it because of MAGA bots and the like.


Oct 25, 2017
guys, cochese is cool, relax.

its entirely possible though not likely that Avenatti could be catfished. One would hope he would do independent verification, but you never know.


Oct 30, 2017
Back then, as someone not from the US, republicans for me were always just conservative to very strong conservative people. Nowadays almost everyone of them seems like a lunatic, comic book evil, a conspiracy nut or nazi racist.
I grew up conservative thinking that, you know, it was just a more conservative party. I'm all for the stuff they were pushing (or that I felt were altruistic). Looking out for small businesses, limited government, more states rights, etc.

Now? Well, I've officially left the party. It's clear to me now what their real priorities are. They weaponize religion (only if you're Christian), race (only if you're white), business (only if you're wealthy and donate to them), 2nd amendment (only if the NRA keeps putting money in their pockets), and even conservatism (only if it's pre-Civil Rights era) to validate a platform of intolerance and cruelty.

Trump was never the cause of these problems; he is merely their id manifested for the world to see. A shrieking, insufferable male chauvinist with a blithering hatred of minorities, women, the less fortunate, and the LGBT community who will never apologize for any misbehavior, redirects culpability right back at the people suffering, and who will do everything in his power to ensure no dissenting voices are heard or trusted while championing the amoral inclinations of everyone out there who hates his neighbor and clings to their privilege like a rabid dog bite.

I may have outgrown the GOP, but sadly many of my friends and family back home drank that kool-aid and are in a bubble where expressing a dissenting opinion is met with caustic rebuttal, hostility, and even outright violence. And the more marginalized they become, the more vocal and angry they'll be.
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how many people jumped on sandy hook conspiracy theory bullshit because of posts like that.

"Hey guys! I heard the government faked the whole thing! Just a rumor though! But it might be real omg!"