
Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Former classmates have now accused Kav of lying about drinking and fucking in HS/College:

Again, why would you lie about something so easily nuked?

He'd be in such a better place if he would admit to something. "Yeah, I was a drunken little womanizing shit, but I didn't rape anyone, and I'm sorry to anyone my juvenile antics hurt" would get him so much farther. If he wasn't going for this sweet pure angel routine, who never even heard about sex or drugs and who only cared about grades, football, and church, he could at least say that he was a virgin who lied to his friends about it to try to fit in, but instead he's stuck defending the insane position that he wasn't even aware anything like that was going on.


Oct 27, 2017
Former classmates have now accused Kav of lying about drinking and fucking in HS/College:

Again, why would you lie about something so easily nuked?

I'm trying to imagine what you have to say about having sex to make it so memorable 30 years later. Lol.

He can claim he was just bragging to sound cool, but even so, the whole defense is nuts.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be shocked if we didn't all know somebody we like and might vouch for but actually did something shady in their past we never knew about.
Yeah, I can relate with that part. I had friends in college who spent years being drunk and partying but whom I wouldn't intuitively suspect of being sexual predators.
On the other hand, if I've learned one thing, it's that a lot of abusive assholes don't necessarily signal it to the world, so I'd be willing to listen to people coming forward.
I assume that's part of what we're seeing here, the other part being people don't want to ruin their own reputation by standing up for a dude who might sink very publicly in the next few days.


Oct 25, 2017
People believe what they want to believe. If he told her he was a virgin until he met her and that she was his first, she chose to believe that despite (no doubt) AMPLE evidence to the contrary.
That's my point. Pretty dumb thing to lie about, dumber to believe it, given the surrounding evidence in plain sight (ie his freaking yearbook).


Nov 3, 2017
To a lot of these guys they're still a "virgin" until they have vaginal sex, so oral (and anything else) doesn't count.


Oct 25, 2017
Willing to lie in front of congress and America in order to keep up the facade your wife was your first, while sexual assault accusations are being made no less. Let's elect this man to the highest office! Or you know, he could just have a little honestly with his wife. If he can't even do that how can we expect him to be honest in his rulings?
Oct 25, 2017
That's my point. Pretty dumb thing to lie about, dumber to believe it, given the surrounding evidence in plain sight (ie his freaking yearbook).

I mean he probably told her that when he met her. It's probably something he told a lot of people throughout his professional career. Yes it's stupid to lie about, but he probably didn't think ANY of this was going to happen either.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump's full rant on Kavanaugh...




Alt Account
Jul 15, 2018
It exists because the further you get from an incident the harder it is to rely on eyewitness testimony. Memories get clouded and distorted, etc.

In an age where there is more and more hard evidence being kept such as DNA and video, it may not apply anymore.

Yea, probably should only apply statute of limitations on cases that ONLY rely on eye witness testimony

Just that CD. That was the only thing he never showed.

He showed the CD! (Just not the contents :P)

Huh? If democrats pack the court when they have control, the republicans will just do it too when they get control. It'll go like that every time the other party takes over. Why wouldn't it? What do they have to lose? If no one gives a shit about our institutions all bets are off.

You can't pack the court forever. You eventually will run out of chair space

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
Where's that 'he was drunk don't ruin his life, she was drunk don't ruin his life' screencap?


Oct 30, 2017
Sorry, the moment the GOP stole a supreme Court seat with Garland the gloves came off. John McCain said he would ensure no Hillary nominee was ever seated if she won.

The ''rules' are already out the door. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, not letting Obama put anyone on the appellate court *and* the supreme Court.

Fuck em. We're fighting for the rights of women, immigrants, minorities and the LGBTQ community. These are higher priorities than being the sucker party that tries to keep decorum.

And what happened when the GOP regains power and packs it some more?
I'm in favor of judicial term limits. It should be a policy priority of the Democratic party going forward. Men like Kavanaugh don't deserve a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

This actually has support so yeah, much better.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean he probably told her that when he met her. It's probably something he told a lot of people throughout his professional career. Yes it's stupid to lie about, but he probably didn't think ANY of this was going to happen either.
Right, and it's an absurd thing to lie about when everybody surrounding you knows it isn't true (and it's written down in plain sight, just in case it wasn't clear). You hardly need evidence when you consider the context of being blackout drunk and going to parties, and "what happens here stays here" being uttered in a public speech.


Oct 30, 2017
At least this guy actually brings up the real reason why the GOP doesn't seem too interested in hearing these victims speak:



Oct 27, 2017
If this is all just a big con by Dems, then why didn't they try the same thing with Gorsuch?


Oct 25, 2017
So I don't know if this was posted here.

The Twitter source isn't any legit journalist or anything but if you hit the FARA link....

But the PR firm behind it and Swift Boating registered as a foreign agent for...

You guessed it Yanukovich, Manafort's boss in the Ukraine.

Funny how this shit keeps coming up.

More shit for Mueller to ask Manafort.
Last edited:
Oct 30, 2017
So I don't know if this was posted here.

The Twitter source isn't any legit journalist or anything but if you hit the FARA link....

But the PR firm behind it and Swift Boating registered as a foreign agent for...

You guessed it Yanukovich, Manafort's boss in the Ukraine.

Funny how this shit keeps coming up.

It comes up because the lobbying industry in Washington has tentacles everywhere. It's also why Tony Podesta's firm got swept up in all of this. It's a pretty small town when it comes to stuff like this so don't be surprised to see all kinds of connections.


Oct 30, 2017
The playbook is so predictable.

Deny until evidence comes out, then minimize, then claim it's all ultimately irrelevant.

It's been textbook "Narcissist's Prayer" for a long time...

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did...
You deserved it.

We've almost covered all these bases. "He didn't do it." "Okay, maybe he did. But it probably wasn't anything serious." "Okay, those are some serious allegations and there's others coming forward." "Even if he did it, it was decades ago, so does it matter now?" "C'mon, she was drunk!" "It's the democrat's fault!"

I'm waiting for "she was asking for it."