
Oct 25, 2017
So basically after going through this, this is basically a barely disguised don't criticize my precious precious industry thread, because any one who says anything that's not endless praise is a bad bad bad bad person attacking gamingdom, and we need to dogpile them with nebulous and non existent ideals of what okay criticism that we would allow should be, until somebody does that, and we dogpile on that with new inscrutable terms because nobodybattacks gamingdom and gets away with it.

This is the type of insightful commentary I look forward to when clicking on a thread


Oct 27, 2017
I remember there being a lot of incredulous reactions when devs revealed some of their behind the scenes secrets. People affronted when they found out that multiplayer gives newbies or strugglers a little leg up here and there to drive engagement.

Nobody is saying that this is a "don't criticise devs at all" plea, just that the existing environment can in no way be even vaguely considered constructive criticism.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
Agreed with OP. The hate some people work themselves up into is silly. Like you can see in this thread, like people hating devs for... being fine with 30 fps. It's downright ridiculous what fantasies people trap themselves in to hate something.

Sadly more common these days. Female character in a game? A hundred angry gamers will screech about eeeevil feminists till kingdom come. Marketing department puts lootboxes in? Death threats against a developer that didn't even want that shit. Someone suggests that a "story only" mode would be a good thing to have in a game that is story focused anyway? Death threats won't stop after months.
Gamers can be completely insane about this. It's neither healthy, nor sensible, nor reasonable in any way. There's a perfectly fine line between disagreeing with business decisions (or even thinking those decisions to be really bad) and hating them actively as people.

It's also usually completely misguided. Take the lootboxes. Gamers usually freak out over some random dev and single them out as the one that did it all, but nine times out of ten, they just executed what management mandated.
Developers make easy shields these days, and stupid gamers sure swallow the bait. Keeps companies happy, since the gamers keep attacking windmills.

Devs are rarely ever the problem. They don't make the decisions. It'd be much smarter to criticize those that do, and the underlying systems that lead to that. Doesn't matter if the problem is lootboxes, your favorite franchise dying, or your favorite franchise being turned into a garbage bin shooter instead of a real game (cough shadowrunxcomlegacyofkainetc).

Eric Baker

Nov 6, 2017
Wichita, KS
"Seething hate [...] is something that the gaming community needs to work on"

I think you could reduce the statement even further.

Gamers just need to fucking cool it in general. Don't get so worked up about things. Let the hate go.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
You know there's a problem with toxicity in gaming circles when in a place as chill as ResetEra you still get people offended at the suggestion that they not spew outright hate.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017

This is the type of insightful commentary I look forward to when clicking on a thread

He's just that perceptive. :)

You know there's a problem with toxicity in gaming circles when in a place as chill as ResetEra you still get people offended at the suggestion that they not spew outright hate.

Pretty much. I don't see the point of shitting on devs. Isn't shitting on games enough?


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
"Seething hate [...] is something that the gaming community needs to work on"

I think you could reduce the statement even further.

Gamers just need to fucking cool it in general. Don't get so worked up about things. Let the hate go.
Yep. Definitely the collective 'angriest' of any entertainment medium I follow. No one does pitchforks and torches better than 'gamers'.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree, I'm still flabbergasted at some of the comments I see regarding Peter Molyneux.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the hate and constant negativity gets really tiring. I rarely read threads past ops sometimes now


Self-requested ban
Oct 31, 2017
I mean, look at the Star FoX GP thread. People are already condemning the game, and developer (Retro), for something that may not exist. This happened with Mario 3D World, Mario+Rabbids, anything Destiny 2 related post launch.

These are just random examples off the top of my head, though. Does that mean everyone is in on the hate? No. But for these threads to hit 70, 80, 90+ pages in short order is saying something. 9 times out of 10, the overreactions end up being just that, overreactions. Games are released, crow has been fed, and people move the next game. You would think after the first 100 times of being wrong about initial disappointment, the wait a see approach would be best. Nope, pitchfork will always be at the ready.

Deleted member 6233

Oct 25, 2017
He's not smug at all. He's pointing at something that's actually a very big problem in the culture around this industry. People feel entitled, and when they don't get precisely the thing their selfish desires crave, they turn into assholes who will very easily say horrible things about people who are doing their best to create something worthwhile.

It's pathetic, and OP is helping by calling it out, and starting a conversation about it. People who already have come in here to say inane things like "you won't stop me hating" are just proving his point. You are just proving his point. what are you trying to achieve? Honestly? Belittling people who want to make a change is just enabling the status quo.

If you don't like a game, fine. Go play something else. If you are upset some developer didn't make what you wanted, or changed what you like. Tough. Get over it. If you have actual concerns, feel free to bring them up, but attacking the people who make things will not help.

Excellent frickin post! Well thought out end articulated! The problem the OP brings up is a very valid, extremely serious concern. I see emotions run super high across all different media and of course every part of media will have those who are super passionate and dedicated. However, what's bothering me lately regarding the gaming community is it sure seems like the problem the OP brings up is running especially rampant and is particularly bad in gamimg right now. I've asked myself for a while what exact moment or incident triggered all of...this vitriol, hate and pure anger? I know the Internet gives people a voice and some of these folks shouldn't have a megaphone platform but there still had to be an exact trigger point for all this. I'd be very curious to know what point it was at.

This is insane to me....these folks get so riled up, and so fuming pissed angry when they don't get exactly what they wanted that they'll attack these people just trying to make entertainment-people they don't even personally know and will likely never meet! You'd swear they'd done somethimg personal to them like rob them or hurt their families. It's ridiculous. Then, when they still don't get their way the death threats start flying. That's the point where the developers/studios shouldn't turn the other way anymore. At that point, they need to refer every one of the death threat emails and voicemails if those are happening too to the local law enforcement agencies where the people sending them live. They shouldn't be getting away with that iwith out consequence. Maybe when some of these punks get the cops at their doors they'll get how asinine and stupid this is. They need to learn, absolutely need to learn there's consequences for their actions and that they can't always get what they want.

I believe each developer/studio should be able to make the games THEY want. Folks really need to start handling this like sane, rational people. The rational choice would be if they're that unhappy with the project choice, aspects of the projects then voice that constructively and maturely. Then if you don't want to buy it, it's really that simple just don't buy it. All of these personal attacks, hate and death threats aren't necessary or funny. It really is as simple as just don't buy the products you don't like or don't want. Isn't that way easier than spend all this energy on anger?

Finally, I feel truly sorry for Ready at Dawn. They should never ever have had to go through what they did. They shoulda turned every one of those fools over to the FBI. They made a fantastic game but that wasn't exactly what the assclowns wanted so they handled it in a completely embarrassing, humiliating and dishonorable way.

There's gotta be an answer for this but I'm seriously concerned it's gonna take a real tragedy to wake some of these fools up and unfortunately not all of them will snap out of this. I'm concerned one of these days a super hardcore passionate gamer is gonna go way off the deep end, spaz out and go gun down a studio or developer. I'm shocked it hasn't happened yet. But, it's a matter of time sadly. When that day comes the community will finally understand how petty and asinine this all is but it will come at a very high price. All of it over video games.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not even play something else if you don't like a game. It's seriously just, don't hurl personal attacks at developers directly. That doesn't preclude criticizing a game, or even straight up hating a game (my friends can attest to my intense dislike of Fallout 3 for example). It's just making a distinction between the game and the developers, where one may be something you can't stand and makes you feel like you wasted your money, but the other is a bunch of people 99% of the time trying their absolute best to make something people will enjoy and feel good about spending their money and time on.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
Passion is a two-sided coin. The same zeal that makes people hush over certain games and creators also makes them lash out at other games and creators (or even the same ones). The problem comes when people mistake their zeal for permission or acceptability.

The trick is to focus on the positives and stick to what you enjoy. Or as the old saw goes, "if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all."
Oct 30, 2017
This is not limited to the games industry - and it's a common rhetorical technique online - being rude or toxic about subjectives can be "justified" by finding more seemingly objective lines of attack. So, "Lazy devs" morphs into "deceptive" or something more seemingly reasonable and actionable.

And sometimes there's objective stuff to be mad about like us launching a buggy game, so you have to sift through the noise to find the signal. But if you have a legitimate beef, wrapping it in toxicity is the least effective method of having your complaint heard. You don't have to "slurp" to simple describe and issue and why you're unhappy about it.

On the other end of that spectrum, you don't have to send death threats or run DDOS scripts either.

Also Twitter is (often) functionally a really bad place to engage in constructive and detailed conversations as a direct result of the product's limitations and rhetorical flow. It's more useful for alerts, announcements and drive by hot takes.

Yeah I don't disagree. Were you responding to something directly in my post or piggy backing off of it for further discussion. I don't mind either way, just wanted to understand.


Oct 25, 2017
Great job, you cracked the code
could you provide some examples of the criticism you think is suppressed

it seems extremely clear to me: relentlessly and even ruthlessly criticizing a game is fine, but divining things like employee merit and work ethic out of one's asshole is dumb and should be clowned on. the latter is rarely insightful and almost always the result of posturing, in my experience.
Your response says nothing accurate about the OP but speaks volumes as to your own character

This is the type of insightful commentary I look forward to when clicking on a thread
this is the guy who was so angry about AAA development that he got banned for it
and then came back after his ban to keep going

This is not limited to the games industry - and it's a common rhetorical technique online - being rude or toxic about subjectives can be "justified" by finding more seemingly objective lines of attack. So, "Lazy devs" morphs into "deceptive" or something more seemingly reasonable and actionable.
It's very bothersome that defending the difficulty of Souls games or the input system of fighting games as a feature of game design gets handwaved away as being "archaic" or "elitist" or "ableist" for insufficiently catering to hypothetical disabled players.

As much as people like to toot their own horns about a clean start and better community, Era's threads about topics like those sound exactly like they sounded on the old forum, and these are topics that someone decides to make a thread about every couple of months. Nothing's changed.


Oct 26, 2017
I've only seen this towards Molyneux, and more along the line of Fable being lies.

But in general, it's better to separate the developer from their work because you really don't know the person in any capacity to be saying shit about them.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
this is the guy who was so angry about AAA development that he got banned for it
and then came back after his ban to keep going

It's very bothersome that defending the difficulty of Souls games or the input system of fighting games as a feature of game design gets handwaved away as being "archaic" or "elitist" or "ableist" for insufficiently catering to hypothetical disabled players.

As much as people like to toot their own horns about a clean start and better community, Era's threads about topics like those sound exactly like they sounded on the old forum, and these are topics that someone decides to make a thread about every couple of months. Nothing's changed.
Except you're ignoring how people in those Dark Souls threads are absolutely toxic and elitist. People don't like hearing the word elitist because it's actually true in a lot of cases regarding people being gatekeepers to how a game should be instead of having options for those who need them.

Deleted member 27469

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Perhaps the issue is rooted in the psychology of "payback/revenge" that is a fairly persistent aspect of American and other cultures, especially disseminated by media, and either explicitly or implicitly taught from even the most formative years. Consequently, an individual learns that a particular (responsive) action is appropriate when the individual is (or feels) hurt.

A natural side-effect as an individual ages, yet doesn't fully grasp this ingrained causality (and perhaps lacks introspective capability), is, in a sense, diminished barriers and hence universal applicability. In short, anytime an individual feels threatened in any sense, the individual reacts - perhaps unreasonably - yet has already either consciously or subconsciously justified their response.


Oct 28, 2017
Except you're ignoring how people in those Dark Souls threads are absolutely toxic and elitist. People don't like hearing the word elitist because it's actually true in a lot of cases regarding people being gatekeepers to how a game should be instead of having options for those who need them.
There are valid arguments against this though. You can't just type the word "toxic" and think all points opposite to yours are dismissed.
Oct 30, 2017
Continuing conversation.

Cool, typically the only time I ever get a response on this forum is when I've pissed someone off and they respond in anger. I was looking at what you said trying to figure out how I had pissed you off. Thought there was a misunderstanding for a sec since I agreed with your post. lmao, anyways I appreciate the constructive reply.

Also Twitter is (often) functionally a really bad place to engage in constructive and detailed conversations as a direct result of the product's limitations and rhetorical flow. It's more useful for alerts, announcements and drive by hot takes.

I think this Is almost somewhat true here on era. I find constructive conversations very difficult for most ppl, whether that be about a game or between each other. Part of the reason for that, is you either write an essay articulating yourself well and run the risk of no one reading it because it's to long, or you attempt a post with limited words and it gets taken the wrong way. Forums along with every other social media type can't mimick the flow of a face to face conversation, and so much gets lost without it. And with so much getting lost plus anonymity being a factor, it contributes to the irrational aspects of ppl having a discussion over social media.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
The gaming community needs to work on negativity in general. There is far, far too much of it. Live life, love life!

Deleted member 42221

User requested account closure
Apr 16, 2018
The only developers I hate are people I hate for their personal values and behaviours - such as Doug Tennapel's transphobia.

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
This is right next to fanboy wars imo toxic shit in the gaming community whether it be on here, twitter, gaf,twitch chat, youtube etc is all pretty damn disgusting.

Odd too when it feels like everyone and their mom on Era/Gaf wanted to see CliffyB ruined and Boss Key closed because they dont like what he does on Twitter and now that it actually is we get a thread filled with pages of "damn so sad to hear, hope everyone lands on their feet!"


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
This is actually the first time I'm hearing about those Nintendo developers getting bashed by their fans. I guess there's a merit in not getting involved with such games.

As for Yoshi-P, I've only heard nothing but praise regarding him.
Oct 25, 2017
While I agree with the overall sentiment, something really disturbing and odious in recent times are the ways that these communities are preyed upon or provoked for the express purpose of getting such a reaction.

I must clarify, not by the developer/studio/company itself - but by a third party, an outside force that has some interest in 'siccing' a vitriolic bomb of hate on an organisation (or individual) they just want to see 'get theirs'.

I can say I moderately disagree with the way a game looks/plays/treats the player, an interview with a person of the industry, or a game review - and instantly be lumped in with the toxic brigading that was brought on by someone who thinks 'gee, those fans over-react at the slightest thing, I'll whip up something here to prove it.'

It's foul behaviour and it happens all too often, and what's more you can usually pinpoint the initial comment or action that starts it.

And I very much don't intend to 'name names' because these days it's exceedingly difficult to separate criticism of a person and the one-person organisations that so many gaming-adjacent personalities have become these days.

It's very sports-media like in a way, now that I think about it.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed! Devs are just people, mostly doing their best. We gotta redirect that hatred towards publishers xD


Oct 25, 2017
The amount of hate Sakamoto gets because of the mistake that was Other M is still mind blowing to this day. It makes sense why, for awhile, he decided to do other things like Tomodachi Life and the other weird and cool games. Other M was terrible, no doubt. The Metroid community has become so incredibly toxic with this, and it has extended to Tanabe as well because of Federation Force despite him saying how he wants to work on Prime 4 in interviews and Fedforce even hinting at Prime 4. Do the fans let things go? No. They burn everything in their path, demand the cancellation of games, say that Nintendo should sell off the IP. It's why I don't participate in any Metroid thread anymore and never will.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
The amount of hate Sakamoto gets because of the mistake that was Other M is still mind blowing to this day. It makes sense why, for awhile, he decided to do other things like Tomodachi Life and the other weird and cool games. Other M was terrible, no doubt. The Metroid community has become so incredibly toxic with this, and it has extended to Tanabe as well because of Federation Force despite him saying how he wants to work on Prime 4 in interviews and Fedforce even hinting at Prime 4. Do the fans let things go? No. They burn everything in their path, demand the cancellation of games, say that Nintendo should sell off the IP. It's why I don't participate in any Metroid thread anymore and never will.

I have to agree with this post, strongly so, even though I think Metroid:OtherM is probably the worst game I've ever played, the most disappointing game, and the most sexist game, by far. Really dislike it.

At the same time, this is no need to hate Sakamoto for. At worst, he made a mistake. Mistakes happen.

But the thing is: I don't even agree that *Sakamoto* made a mistake neccessarily. Most people have this need to single out a single dev to blame everything on, blending out that games are team efforts with outside factors influencing major parts of the design. When you have dozens of people working on a game, with multiple other departments being involved in every single decision, you cannot blame a single individual for anything. It's just not how game design works.

Outside of individual devs like Toby fox, barely any dev is individually and singularily responsible for a game. Not even for large parts of a game. Not even if they are the public face for it.

I have seen so often when a marketing department would step in, and cause MAJOR changes nobody in the design team wanted, making the game much more messy than it had to be. Then somebody in production plays it, thinks X, Y and Z are bad, hands the game to a focus group of 12 year old boys, and the game has to be changed in accordance with the responses again. The results of many cooks is often a troublesome result.


Oct 25, 2017
I completely agree, and those posts on Sakamoto are on point as well.

Toxicity is just part of the basic culture of the internet, but even the double standards just between gaming and other media is crazy.

On Polansky:

"Well, you know, the 60's were a different time, and he was dealing with the trauma of losing his wife. And anyway, regardless of what he did, he still makes some amazing films. You just have to be able to separate the art from the artist or you'll never enjoy anything in life."

On Sakamoto:

"That shithead fucked up my favorite franchise so bad that if he so much as whispers the word 'Metroid' again, so help me god. That man should never be able to make another videogame again."

Us gamers, huh.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
The amount of hate Sakamoto gets because of the mistake that was Other M is still mind blowing to this day. It makes sense why, for awhile, he decided to do other things like Tomodachi Life and the other weird and cool games. Other M was terrible, no doubt. The Metroid community has become so incredibly toxic with this, and it has extended to Tanabe as well because of Federation Force despite him saying how he wants to work on Prime 4 in interviews and Fedforce even hinting at Prime 4. Do the fans let things go? No. They burn everything in their path, demand the cancellation of games, say that Nintendo should sell off the IP. It's why I don't participate in any Metroid thread anymore and never will.
This is related to something I've thought about on this topic. The negativity/toxicity I believe is a multi-faceted complex issue, but I think one of the big reasons it's become so prominent is due to years of "accepted dog piling." You can see this in so many different parts of gaming communities, everything from the mentioned "dogpile on the hate of this game," which fuels the constant narrative that games are either the best or worst ever with little in-between, or dogpiling on fan bases/communities ("Sonic fans are weird and the worst", "4chan is terrible", Tumblr is...(don't want to say what is often said in certain faucets)...

There's a massive problem in gaming related to this topic where people are both encouraged by the communities to form a hive-mind and "accepted" way of treating something, group mentality against each other to make the worst of the others and best of where they're at, and this comes to game developers too. Cliffy b. is a great recent example, most people who dogpiled on him probably didn't play his recent games, just it got perpetuated it was 'the cool thing' to shit on him and his games (despite the fact they were fine), and it got a lot of people to dogpile onto that opinion and spread it around.

I believe this is one part of the whole here, and this part is probably multi-faceted as well. Some likely reasons is people are afraid to be singled out for having weird or what others will toss as 'wrong' opinions so they'll follow and take on these 'popular' ideas presented even if they're not directly involved in them, and other part of it would be the love of being outraged that internet and gaming has become so associated with where people actively want to get outraged about things it seems.

There is of course room for negativity, critique, etc., but it's become this constant drowning out whining noise in recent years which frankly has made discussion in a lot of places just not fun to participate in if you're not here to get mad or dogpile on things. There's so much more to all of this, but what I'll say for now as it came to mind.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This weird fixation of Metroid fans wanting sakamoto nowhere near the series despite him being with the series since the beginning and most likely made their favorite game in the series I find just the worse, like they couldnt handle a less than steller entry in their series as if metroid was immune to that


Oct 28, 2017
I think you're overstating the problem OP. And the hatred I see usually seems to be deservedly more directed at publishers than devs.

Having said that, I think developers would prefer a passionate customer base that care enough to complain than indifferent, silent customers.


Oct 25, 2017
entitled children tend to get mad when they don't get what they want. sometimes they almost feel like they are owed something.

people are passionate about these things so I can totally understand disappointment, but the amount of hate and vitriol is sometimes scary as hell. there's no good excuse to ever threaten a developer just trying to make games for people to enjoy
Jan 2, 2018
I agree OP,at the end of the day,there are people there and I don't know,it's gotta be suck knowing that some people almost want you to fail at your job. eventually,we are all in the fun business and it's important to give constructive criticism sometimes,but to HATE? nahh,the world is an ugly place as it is,no need to make it worse. I mostly think of 343i when I write this btw,but obviously there are others.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The amount of hate Sakamoto gets because of the mistake that was Other M is still mind blowing to this day. It makes sense why, for awhile, he decided to do other things like Tomodachi Life and the other weird and cool games. Other M was terrible, no doubt. The Metroid community has become so incredibly toxic with this, and it has extended to Tanabe as well because of Federation Force despite him saying how he wants to work on Prime 4 in interviews and Fedforce even hinting at Prime 4. Do the fans let things go? No. They burn everything in their path, demand the cancellation of games, say that Nintendo should sell off the IP. It's why I don't participate in any Metroid thread anymore and never will.

Agreed. You can dislike a game or everything but when it reaches those levels of toxicity it's just bad. This is unfortunately extremely common in every entertainment media and I saw it every time in the internet.


Nov 2, 2017
I used to hate Kudo for destroying Def Jam FFNYC legacy with Def Jam ICON. When EA fire & shutdown his studio. It was a joyous occasion for me. Anyway, Cliff Bleszinski say as a developer he got adamentium skin so criticism couldn't hurt him. Developer need to stay off game forum & focus on their task. Don't let fan muddle your vision