
Oct 26, 2017
Honestly, I think they feel they (desperately) need to blunt Ukrainian counter towards Kherson, and they're willing to throw away PMR to get that done, at least until they run the "referendum" and proclaim KhNR. Because obviously that would make their presence in the "Taurida Guberniya" 100% legitimate.

"Corridor to Crimea for May 9th" is the bare minimum they are aiming for.
As we discussed earlier, just don't see what it could do. A minimal force could hold them at bay for two reasons A.) They have to leave some forces at the ammo dump or they must blow it and B.) Ukraine would have air superiority in this region with the Moskva gone and would most likely just maul any convoys.

That said they could go into Moldova itself since they are not fully prepared and just cause chaos for the West (or that is what they imagine).
May 26, 2018
Ukraine is also near Poland.
NATO/EU would do the same for Moldova as for Ukraine.
Of course it will be an escalation, but i don't believe NATO will send troops.

I would imagine there'd be NATO on borders just in case fighting spills out, but they're not going to be baited here. I mean Russia's already tried that shit and all anyone's done is send weapons.


Mar 14, 2019
So what is the escalation if Russia starts war in Moldova? Will this trigger NATO response? Moldova isn't in NATO but near Romania
If PMR/Russian troops cross into Moldova territory, even more sanctions and probably more pressure on China to distance from a warmongerer.

Romania might try to get involved, but w/o NATO sanction, imho- maybe as "volunteers" in the Moldavian Army, who'll go on vacation with their weapons, ammunition and tanks- ala Russian "volunteers" in Donbas circa 2014-2015

If they merely attack UA territory from Transnistria territory- towards Odessa, or towards Vynnytsya-, then nothing will change (maybe more weapons to UAF, quicker). Ideally, Sandu will give UAF permission to attack targets inside PMR- then the question might be resolved in a few months.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Unsure if this has already been posted (and maybe it merits its own thread):

Russian Spies Hilariously Screw Up Putin’s ‘Assassination Plot’ Claim

An alleged Russian hoax gone embarrassingly wrong indicates that Putin’s agents have trouble following even the most basic instructions.

Wait a minute, they literally wrote "Signature unclear"?



Oct 26, 2017
Can Moldova defends itself as good as Ukraine?
Since Russia can not reinforce, most likely yes to defending themselves (as well as Ukraine isnt really a comparative here).

You are looking at 1500 Russian soldiers and a couple 1000 local "security" forces. Enough to cause chaos and damage, but most likely will be wiped out within a week.

Moldova has an equivalent size active army and supposedly several 10s of thousands in reserve (who are probably being notified). Romania would also likely assist heavily at that point. Moldova also has a small air force (of helicopters) while the other side has no air power.

Edit: Also, this would allow Ukraine to purchase the 6 MIG-29s in storage most likely.


Oct 27, 2017
Could Romania react by sending in peacekeeping forces into Moldova? I've heard that as a possibility before.


Mar 14, 2019
Wait a minute, they literally wrote "Signature unclear"?

They sure did.

Also, imitation Ukrainian passports.

In Russia.

owned by "Russian Nazis". Not "Russian-born Ukrainian Nazis". Nope, good ol; homegrown Russian Nazis- presumably hardcore imperialists who hate "the gays, Muslims, and Chechens"

Whose target (s) were, apparently, the Russian TV Goebbelses

You just can't make this shit up.


Oct 28, 2017
All due respect to Moldova, but they haven't been at war for 8 years, and PMR conflict was properly frozen for almost 20 years, so... doubt.

Can definitely hope for the best, though.
You have any insight into whether ukrainian forces that are probably being stationed near the area would join the fight to eliminate the threat?
Feb 19, 2018
Can Moldova defends itself as good as Ukraine?
Nope. Moldova is the poorest country in Europe (afair) and has a tiny army (5-7k active personnel).

It's the reason I don't see Moldova trying to retake Transnistria even if they are offered the chance on a silver platter (at least not without Ukrainian forces doing most of the work). That said, Russia has only 5-7k troops to work with in Transnistria itself, at best (only ~1.5k Russian troops if Transnistria's 'military' refuses to participate).
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Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Jesus Christ, from that Daily Beast article:

But the groundwork for Monday's accusations seems to have been laid out days prior: two days before the arrests, Solovyov claimed that during his morning jog, he was accosted by unknown harassers.

"I was jogging down the embankment today, as two fat bastards have driven past me on their bicycles, yelling 'Glory to Ukraine,'" he said during his show Solovyov Live. "They were too scared to stop and get punched by me right into their greasy faces. We'll trace and find them, no question, because it's all on video... We need to catch all the scumbags over here."

Big Scrappy Doo Energy from this snowflake.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, all of you are so down on Moldova... If Russia's main forces could get there I 100% agree, but they aren't going to get close so they don't need to defend themselves "like Ukraine."

No way 1500 Russians are going to take over Moldova, especially since some have to guard the ammo dump (or destroy it in a huge multi-kiloton blast...). Also Ukraine would probably assist for multiple reasons plus Romania would get involved in some fashion. It would be suicide for the forces currently stationed there.

If Moldova asked for help, I can see that happening. That ammo dump would be incredibly useful for the UAF.
Hopefully it isn't completely wasted away but should be some usable stores of 152 and GRADS rockets I'd imagine.


Oct 28, 2017
Nope. Moldova is the poorest country in Europe (afair) and has a tiny army (5-7k active personnel).

It's the reason I don't see Moldova trying to retake Transnistria even if they are offered the chance on a silver platter (at least not without Ukrainian forces doing most of the work).
Moldova outnumbers russian forces by a margin of 3 or 4 and have probably received western arms. Russian forces are out of supply, have no air cover and can at best rely on missile strikes from the black sea that miss their targets more often than they hit.

Add to that they have to keep atleast half their forces on the ukrainian border to a avoid getting shot in the back.

I don't really see a path of success for russia here unless they take odessa which is unlikely to happen.

There is a reason transnistrian leadership isn't too hot on following the russians on this endeavor.


Oct 27, 2017
Rhetoric is all over the place the last couple days. Lavrov being all apocalyptic, Putin saying he wants a peace deal.


Dec 31, 2018
Well they made their last available move of economic harm.

It is just one pipeline, and therefore right now just another scare tactic.

But it shows that many european countries have to act with high speed.
Espacially Germany.

Actually it isn't pipeline specific, but Poland specific.
It is the pipeline through Poland and LNG for Poland.
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Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
As we discussed earlier, just don't see what it could do. A minimal force could hold them at bay for two reasons A.) They have to leave some forces at the ammo dump or they must blow it and B.) Ukraine would have air superiority in this region with the Moskva gone and would most likely just maul any convoys.

That said they could go into Moldova itself since they are not fully prepared and just cause chaos for the West (or that is what they imagine).

The Transnistrian gambit just feels desperate, a throw-shit-at-the-walls-and-see-what-sticks strategy. The Transnistrians don't have the numbers to meaningfully impact the war in Ukraine (unless like Mentalist is saying they really just need to shake things up for a week or two to make sure the Kherson "referendum" can go through). And regardless of the reason, I don't see how Transnistria could survive entering the war. It's defensible from the Moldovan side because of the Dniester, but it's always required the tacit tolerance of Ukraine. If it enters the war, there's no way that sooner or later a Ukrainian force isn't sent to topple it.

And maybe they stir up shit in Moldova, but the likeliest result of that is… nothing, and everyone just shrugs at some violence in Moldova. And the next likeliest result is a surge of Romanian nationalism leading to Romanian volunteer forces pouring into Moldova and then into Ukraine. NATO somehow fumbling Ukraine because they get overwhelmingly distracted by events in Moldova, like children distracted by shiny keys, feels deeply fantastical.


Oct 29, 2017
There is no acceptable peace deal where Putin wins this with his public at this point. Sounds like they will keep going with catastrophic losses for the foreseeable future in the east.


Mar 14, 2019
There is no acceptable peace deal where Putin wins this with his public at this point. Sounds like they will keep going with catastrophic losses for the foreseeable future in the east.
I'm sticking by my prediction: their offense runs out of steam by the time UAF's KIA report for the Russian force hits 24-25K.

They're at 22.1k as of today, with an average 200 kills/day.

At that point, the counter-offensive will start to gradually ramp up.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm sticking by my prediction: their offense runs out of steam by the time UAF's KIA report for the Russian force hits 24-25K.

They're at 22.1k as of today, with an average 200 kills/day.

At that point, the counter-offensive will start to gradually ramp up.
I feel like if they had actually tried a Kiev siege and didn't retreat this would all be over, mainly from even more ridiculous Russian losses.


Oct 30, 2017
Since the war started we've been speculating about how Western intelligence has been assisting the Ukrainians. Officials are starting to brag about it on background. Specifically the US has been warning Ukraine about incoming attacks so can they move planes and AA out of the way and provided intel that led to a VDV transport getting shot down early. Which, until now, most people doubted actually happened.

U.S. intel helped Ukraine shoot down Russian plane carrying troops

Ukrainian forces have used specific coordinates shared by the U.S. to direct fire on Russian positions and aircraft, current and former officials tell NBC News.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Since the war started we've been speculating about how Western intelligence has been assisting the Ukrainians. Officials are starting to brag about it on background. Specifically the US has been warning Ukraine about incoming attacks so can they move planes and AA out of the way and provided intel that led to a VDV transport getting shot down early. Which, until now, most people doubted actually happened.

U.S. intel helped Ukraine shoot down Russian plane carrying troops

Ukrainian forces have used specific coordinates shared by the U.S. to direct fire on Russian positions and aircraft, current and former officials tell NBC News.
So where the hell did that plane crash then? Because if it had crashed into Ukrainian territory under government control I'm sure we would have gotten a fuck ton of videos of the wreck and salvage operation.


Oct 26, 2017
Since the war started we've been speculating about how Western intelligence has been assisting the Ukrainians. Officials are starting to brag about it on background. Specifically the US has been warning Ukraine about incoming attacks so can they move planes and AA out of the way and provided intel that led to a VDV transport getting shot down early. Which, until now, most people doubted actually happened.

U.S. intel helped Ukraine shoot down Russian plane carrying troops

Ukrainian forces have used specific coordinates shared by the U.S. to direct fire on Russian positions and aircraft, current and former officials tell NBC News.
Well this is heavily sourced so this does add credibility to at least one plane going down, but as I'm sure many of the OS INT folks will say, "where is the wreckage?" which I somewhat agree with. I didn't 100% discount the story like many have but was surprised the wreckage of a large transport plane was not found by someone and photographed. Where that plane crashed is going to be investigated by someone I'm sure.

EDIT: Ha, right on cue:



Oct 28, 2017
Well this is heavily sourced so this does add credibility to at least one plane going down, but as I'm sure many of the OS INT folks will say, "where is the wreckage?" which I somewhat agree with. I didn't 100% discount the story like many have but was surprised the wreckage of a large transport plane was not found by someone and photographed. Where that plane crashed is going to be investigated by someone I'm sure.
Didn't we see wreckage of one transport? I seem to remember seeing pictures of its engines in some ukrainian field.

Oryx has one An-26 listed so i guess that was it.



Oct 26, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
I can only imagine the US and our peers all have spy satellites that can do real-time video and can share this.


Oct 26, 2017
So where the hell did that plane crash then? Because if it had crashed into Ukrainian territory under government control I'm sure we would have gotten a fuck ton of videos of the wreck and salvage operation.
So my working theory now is it crashed in a large body of water at night. Only explanation I can think of.

One of the most probable assault routes takes it right over the Dnipro, especially if they minimized time over Ukrainian territory and/or loitered in Belarus until they were given the go order. This is assuming they left the air base near Gomel as reported (IIRC).
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Oct 27, 2017
The new grouping by the USA is a good idea
Expands the list of countries providing assistance to outside NATO countries who have already been helping or may soon join by providing a framework for cooperation and corrdination and a meeting place

It also protects Ukraine military and aide assistance from potential Putin useful idiots in NATO countries who may decided to veto NATO decisions. May have been a hedge against Le Pen win and or a Putin instigated Hungarian resistance inside NATO


Oct 30, 2017
So where the hell did that plane crash then? Because if it had crashed into Ukrainian territory under government control I'm sure we would have gotten a fuck ton of videos of the wreck and salvage operation.

Well this is heavily sourced so this does add credibility to at least one plane going down, but as I'm sure many of the OS INT folks will say, "where is the wreckage?" which I somewhat agree with. I didn't 100% discount the story like many have but was surprised the wreckage of a large transport plane was not found by someone and photographed.

I think the easiest explanation is that this was something that the US really didn't want getting a lot of publicity so they asked the Ukrainian government to send in a recovery team that knew not to leak. And the advantages of this kind of intel outweighed the PR value. Same reason no Switchblade videos have leaked yet.
Oct 30, 2017
Well this is heavily sourced so this does add credibility to at least one plane going down, but as I'm sure many of the OS INT folks will say, "where is the wreckage?" which I somewhat agree with. I didn't 100% discount the story like many have but was surprised the wreckage of a large transport plane was not found by someone and photographed. Where that plane crashed is going to be investigated by someone I'm sure.

EDIT: Ha, right on cue:

The opposite could also be asked.

If the il-76s weren't shot down, why haven't we had any further reports of Russia using them?
Oct 25, 2017
So my working theory now is it crashed in a large body of water at night. Only explanation I can think of.

One of the most probable assault routes takes it right over the Dnipro, especially if they minimized time over Ukrainian territory and/or loitered in Belarus until they were given the go order. This is assuming they left the air base near Gomel as reported (IIRC).
Why not over Belarus? If intel was good and Ukrainian AA still intact, why not?


Oct 26, 2017
Why not over Belarus? If intel was good and Ukrainian AA still intact, why not?
Someone in Belarus would've filmed it and the smoke/flames would be noticeable for miles. Not a small plane. There was a lot of OS INT videos coming in from Belarus during this time so it wasn't "locked down".

It is possible, but also unlikely that nothing has been photographed over a month plus.


Oct 26, 2017
I think the easiest explanation is that this was something that the US really didn't want getting a lot of publicity so they asked the Ukrainian government to send in a recovery team that knew not to leak. And the advantages of this kind of intel outweighed the PR value. Same reason no Switchblade videos have leaked yet.
There were early rumors of US officials confirming the shootdown within 24 hours but were never followed up until now, so that is why I would assume many discounted it after awhile. Still, as mentioned above and if the shoot down was actually near Hostomel versus original reports southwest of Kyiv during another supposed air assault, then there is actually a good chance of a water shoot down as the most likely air assault route during this period of hostilities would've been over the large Dnipro reservoir. That allows you to fly lower and is the shortest distance over Ukranian territory (remember at the time, Russia had not seized much territory yet).