
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This game is going to be one of those games where everyone is pleasantly surprised and love it now that their expectations are in the trash.

I can already feel it happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, at least it sounds like something fresh, and ambitious, and not a completely phoned in version of Generations like Forces was. I'm still totally down with the boost gameplay style, so long as those levels are interesting and aren't just hallways. If we could get a game with levels as good as Sky Sanctuary and Seaside Hill from Generations, I'll be fully in. Maybe the big overworld can have Adventure-sequel physics and traversal?

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I believe this leak is true, but I also think it means very little for the final product ultimately as it's a build 2 years before release being tested.

It'll be interesting to see how the final project differs.


Sep 9, 2020
Sonic Team needs to be disbanded and the people working for it dispersed into new teams. They just can't seem to get Sonic right anymore and it is well past time to have them give up. The Sonic Mania team made a great game and Sega should have hired them on as a 2D Sonic team and get a new team to work on 3D Sonic.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
"Okay, so where can we take the forces gameplay loop that still resets everything about the series in general?"
"Make it open world with a nights like loop system and massive traversal"

I don't know if this is legit or not, but it sounds like something Sega would do.
Oct 25, 2017
...well... at least it should stop ppl saying that a sonic open world full scale was feasible in a fun way?
How is this a fair thing to say in the slightest when the playtest these leaks are referring to were from a build a year and half away from release, at least.

A year and a half before release, all of your favorite games were unfun trashfires before they fine-tuned, polished and balanced them. Yes, even that one.


Oct 28, 2017
I really wish they'd give the Sonic X-Treme style gameplay/level design another shot, polish it up and make it work on modern hardware.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
...well... at least it should stop ppl saying that a sonic open world full scale was feasible in a fun way?

Seriously, sonic team should just go do tempo the badass elephant sequels at this rate, they clearly have had no clue what to do with sonic for quite a long while.

I mean...

It's not the concept. It's NEVER the concept.

It's the execution.
Oct 25, 2017
Sonic Team needs to be disbanded and the people working for it dispersed into new teams. They just can't seem to get Sonic right anymore and it is well past time to have them give up. The Sonic Mania team made a great game and Sega should have hired them on as a 2D Sonic team and get a new team to work on 3D Sonic.
There is no "Sonic Team" anymore, they rotate their staff from project to project. Forces was heavily, heavily outsourced with a lot of key staff missing since they were on other games.


Oct 25, 2017
Leeds, UK
Iizuka just can't let the ghost of NiGHTS go after murdering him back on the Wii, huh.

Looking forward to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk coming out and getting to aggressively point to that instead of more Sonic Team mediocrity.
Oct 31, 2017
How is this a fair thing to say in the slightest when the playtest these leaks are referring to were from a build a year and half away from release, at least.

A year and a half before release, all of your favorite games were unfun trashfires before they fine-tuned, polished and balanced them. Yes, even that one.
Yeah like the tone in the OP posts are so unnecessary lol


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Are you meaning to say this video is an example of good execution? Because that would not work for your average player lol

I'm saying there are countless examples of sonic games play in an open world environment that works as well as any other game, much in the same way that there are a lot of fan projects with great ideas like Sonic Robo Blast 2 that could be iterated on with a decent budget and dev team.

It's not the concept that's the problem. It's the execution paired with the fact that, for some reason, the powers that be at sega and sonic team think they have to completely re-invent sonic every single time out instead of identifying what works and building upon that.

"Open World Sonic" isn't the point of failure. Sonic Team is the point of failure.


Feb 15, 2018
Open world central hub leading to more on rail "levels" like OP seems to suggest would actually work pretty well.

EDIT: Robo Blast 2 is not really open world


Nov 8, 2017
I mean this isn't the first time Sonic has RPG elements. Unleashed handled it pretty well (IMO), and then there's stuff like Secret Rings which handled it atrociously

And as for the open world: from what I remember, the most praised Sonic fan games have been these huge open worlds. So I'm not surprised.

I don't think it's a good idea but it just sounds like a very big hub, and Sega's answer of inflating game time. It makes sense, honestly. Hopefully the gameplay outside of the stages aren't total trash, though.

The thing is there are a lot of issues fans have with Sonic games and "length" isn't usually one of them except for Forces, which is bizarrely short even for a platformer. I'd rather them focus on everything else.

Also, most of the praised fangames are either 2D games or Robo Blast 2 which isn't open world. There's like one open fangame I've seen and idk why people like it because it doesn't capture Sonic at all.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean...

It's not the concept. It's NEVER the concept.

It's the execution.

Litterally made that post thinking of ppl i know that were saying sonic utopia could just simply be made bigger and adding a story to fill a full AAA release and how easy it would be.
How is this a fair thing to say in the slightest when the playtest these leaks are referring to were from a build a year and half away from release, at least.

A year and a half before release, all of your favorite games were unfun trashfires before they fine-tuned, polished and balanced them. Yes, even that one.
I made a post on a possible leak i have seen nothing from, of course its not fair and i'm letting my bias control my opinipn. Maybe the full game will be great, but honestly recent 3d sonic games has left me paranoid about when they try to reinvent the gameplay.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Sonic x BoTW does sound weird. Hopefully it's something with substance instead of Sonic Team just seeing a popular formula and copying it
Oct 31, 2017
The thing is there are a lot of issues fans have with Sonic games and "length" isn't usually one of them except for Forces, which is bizarrely short even for a platformer. I'd rather them focus on everything else.

Also, most of the praised fangames are either 2D games or Robo Blast 2 which isn't open world. There's like one open fangame I've seen and idk why people like it because it doesn't capture Sonic at all.
I mean, the unfortunate thing is that Sega does care about length.

they probably didn't care to inflate Forces' length because it was sold at $40.

This will probably be a fully priced title.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The thing is there are a lot of issues fans have with Sonic games and "length" isn't usually one of them except for Forces, which is bizarrely short even for a platformer.
Sonic Forces and Generations' average completion time is not that different.

The issue of length has been endemic to this series a lot since the 3D boost formula took hold. People definitely have taken issue with Generations' length in the past. Granted, some of the best Sonic games aren't necessarily known for their length, but the issue with the 3D boost games really comes down to how they get encumbered by the amount of resources they need. Forces if anything was sort of the natural conclusion to this.


Nov 12, 2017
I believe this leak is true, but I also think it means very little for the final product ultimately as it's a build 2 years before release being tested.

It'll be interesting to see how the final project differs.
Hopefully it differs in the "Unleashed style levels" part because after four fucking games with that formula not counting Rush it truly is time to let it go. I could use slower but still fast, momentum-based Sonic Adventure style gameplay.


Nov 8, 2017
Sonic Forces and Generations' average completion time is not that different.

The issue of length has been endemic to this series a lot since the 3D boost formula took hold. People definitely have taken issue with Generations' length in the past. Granted, some of the best Sonic games aren't necessarily known for their length, but the issue with the 3D boost games really comes down to how they get encumbered by the amount of resources they need.

Generations had the missions you could do to pad out the game's length. Also I guess the issue with Forces isn't even the length of the game itself, but the stages. There are more of them than usual but some of them are like two minutes, which makes the game feel awkwardly paced.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
I genuinely hate how they do these cinematic teasers and by the time they actually show footage, it's a wet fart on all accounts.

Rocky Road

Jun 1, 2018
SEGA, hire this man!


Oh wait, you were this man.

Suzuki Yu

Oct 25, 2017
this sounds amazing!
this is exactly what Sonic Team and SEGA need to do... push for ambition and take your time with it.
i am sick of playing safe... fuck that.

if there is one game nowadays that developers should look at when thinking about open world design it's going to be BotW without a single doubt.
this is going to be the 2nd time around where SEGA is taking inspirations from BotW with PSO2:NGS being the first and that one looks and plays absolutely gorgeous.

all of this talk about sonic team's capabilities is missing the point that they are not anymore the team we once knew since they are meagered with Valkyria Chronicles team + lots of new hire. (i am sure some of the arcade staff joined them too because of all the internal shuffling that is happening right now)

the tester's opinion on a build this old doesn't mean shit for the final build of the game.
hope they will nail the concept and have a great foundation for future games.


Oct 30, 2019
Are you meaning to say this video is an example of good execution? Because that would not work for your average player lol. There's a reason modern sonic has been more on-rails, love it or hate it.

Sonic fans don't even know what they want. Every sonic game seems to be as hated and Loved at the same time as the previous game, every once in a while you might get one that gets a bit more praise than criticism like Generations or Mania, then it's back to the same old

Even the fan games tend to be equal on the love/hate scale like Sonic Omens


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
me: four to five years of dev time should be enough to test some ideas and go with something that works.

sonic team:


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Open world central hub leading to more on rail "levels" like OP seems to suggest would actually work pretty well.

EDIT: Robo Blast 2 is not really open world
Yeah super funny to see everyone shitting on the idea because that's basically the direction I've always wanted the 3D series to go in. The amount of resources it takes to create the huge Sonic levels is staggering, and they're not going to put those resources towards a 3-hour budget-priced game. That's where you get stuff like Forces.

If people want Sonic to be AAA again (and judging by some comments I've seen in other threads about this, there are quite a few who do!), there's always going to be some degree of padding - it just has to also be fun. That's always been the issue. Sonic running around in a slower-paced, open world environment can gel with what we've come to traditionally expect from 3D Sonic games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Uhhh I'm not going to take this seriously when somebody says lol I playtested this shite last year. This is bunk for sure.
Oct 28, 2017
I don't want an open world hub to gate you to linear stages. I want proper open design. The open playgrounds ARE the stages. That's what I want. Give Sonic the equivalent of Stars/Shines/Moons to collect as the main goal/progression. You can do that in a number of ways. Have various challenges in a stage, reward exploration, reward effective use of the traversal/momentum mechanics to reach different places.

It can work and it can be amazing with the right execution. An open playground is the perfect fit for Sonic. But don't just make the open world part a hub to connect you to linear levels. That's pointless.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Hoping for the best for the big Sonic fans. I'm not one, but time for a hit!


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I mean...

It's not the concept. It's NEVER the concept.

It's the execution.

To be honest I could see the idea from the leak being better than this demo just by virtue of there not being a traditional "goal".

I love running around in Utopia but there's a single point of interest, everything else is fluff. Sonic Team seems to be making something where exploration is the point, with the BotW shrine analog being more traditional platforming challenges. That's pretty ingenious as a concept.

I just hope it feels as good to run around as this demo. Dense forests aren't a good sign for that tho.
Oct 31, 2017
Uhhh I'm not going to take this seriously when somebody says lol I playtested this shite last year. This is bunk for sure.
What makes it believable is that they already claimed back in January that it's called Sonic Rangers, and the name "Sonic Rangers" was found in the metadata for the teaser.

But yeah I find it odd that a playtester would be so mean about a game when it's far off lol like wouldn't you know already that it's gonna be shit?