Which do you Prefer, SNES or Indie games?

  • Indie games are overall better

    Votes: 532 47.6%
  • SNES games are overall better

    Votes: 398 35.6%
  • I am not sure

    Votes: 187 16.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
You posted like the 3 best looking indies, outside a few, most indies don't look good visually and not anywhere close to Snes level sprite art. More like Atari 2600 era fat pixels mixed with modern looking effects and particles.
This isn't true at all. SNES games look very basic compared to most of the acclaimed indie games.


Oct 27, 2017
If I'd compare them side to side today, then yes, I think several indie games are better than most stuff from the early 90's.

But if you take into context how fresh and revolutionary they were, then the SNES games made a much bigger impact and were a much bigger deal. It's crazy how little has actually happened in 25 years.


Oct 25, 2017
Indie - Everything else

An argument could be made for a few notable titles such as SMW/YI/Zelda, but by and large indie games have surpassed 99% of SNES games.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree as a whole the best Indie games are better than most of the SNES library. But almost all of these Indie games we love were directly influenced by games from the SNES library/era.

You can't have one without another. They both have their place. I love them both!


Self-requested ban
May 16, 2019
Easily, provided you're willing to put in the time to find the indies that appeal to you. Many of the indies that I play, the majority of this forum have likely never played or heard of.

But then again, "SNES games" isn't a super high bar. I would put "Genesis games" and to a lesser degree "TG-16 games" above most to all of the SNES library.

Deleted member 56773

User requested account closure
May 16, 2019
I think it's time all game fans accept that games are better than ever. There are far more games being made, far more diverse types of games, more game developers with diversity of skills, backgrounds, ideas, etc. Games 20 years ago aren't even comparable to the level of depth, creativity, and imagination we have today. There's nothing wrong with that, it's a natural part of healthy growth in art, every new idea adds to the whole. This is particularly prevalent with games considering how much they rely on technology.

There are absolutely games from early gens that are still some of the best games of all time but that all time list of games is getting longer and longer the more games we get in the present and that trend will only continue in the future.

Games back in the day were often made by a handful of people, like indie games today, and they were SEVERELY limited in scope by technology, knowledge of game design, experience, etc. We have the technology now that allows the same amount of people who made super marios bros to make games those developers literally could not have imagined possible. Nostalgia is a great thing, but memory is faulty and I honestly believe anyone who thinks games overall were better back then, specifically compared to indie games which very often match the same dev team size, are simply being tricked by their fond memories of the past. We're living in an incredible time I wouldn't have thought possible even ten years ago and it's only going to get better (barring, you know, climate apocalypse or world war 3)


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the genre. Love tons of indies, and some are my favorite games ever (Mark of the Ninja, Ori, Shovel Knight), but there's nothing out there that compares to the JRPG output of SNES. Nothing that I'd say is as good as MMX or Super Contra (for those genres). There are a few great Zelda-like games, but nothing as good as Zelda LttP, imo.

So, yeah, really just depends on what you're looking for. I definitely wouldn't agree with "overall," but might agree depending on the genres you're interested in.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends what counts as an indie. Games like The Witness and Journey obviously are nothing like SNES games, so if you include those it's not fair.
Poised Turtoise
Aug 29, 2018
A lot ofpeople
Indie - Everything else

An argument could be made for a few notable titles such as SMW/YI/Zelda, but by and large indie games have surpassed 99% of SNES games.
IT is weird that no indie has even come close to the JRPGs of the time. Hopefully CrossCode is good, have heard some solid things. I'm inclined to agree though, especially the last two years for me indies have been crushing it


Oct 25, 2017
More like Atari 2600 era fat pixels mixed with modern looking effects and particles.



Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I love me some indie games, but I'd never trade "all indies" for "all snes".

I'm sure there's a lot of nostalgia baked into the argument, but:

There's no Zelda-like indie that surpasses Link to the Past
There's no Mario-like indie that surpasses Mario World
There's no Earthbound-like indie that surpasses Earthbound
There's no Donkey Kong-like indie that surpasses Diddy's Kong Quest
There's no Metroidvania indie that surpasses Super Metroid

and so on and so forth.

Yes there are a ton of SNES games that are bad in terms of the good/bad ratio, but that ratio is WAY worse when it comes to indie games lol.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Indie - Everything else

An argument could be made for a few notable titles such as SMW/YI/Zelda, but by and large indie games have surpassed 99% of SNES games.
This is exactly what I was going to say. Indies have ultimately been unable to penetrate the magic of SNES RPGs, but anything action or platform based has definitely had the crown taken.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot ofpeople

IT is weird that no indie has even come close to the JRPGs of the time. Hopefully CrossCode is good, have heard some solid things. I'm inclined to agree though, especially the last two years for me indies have been crushing it
CrossCode to me is like 1 tier below the likes of FF6 and Chrono Trigger...which is honestly amazing given FF6 and CT are literally God Tier.

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Modern indie games are great and a lot better. Not only visually. I feel like the balancing is so much better these days compared to the SNES era. Also current indie games often have way better mechanics, variation and game design.
Poised Turtoise
Aug 29, 2018
Apples to oranges. "Indie games" could mean anything.

oh indies means independent developer
I said I'm not sure. Kinda comparing apples to oranges.

"SNES games" is a very broad spectrum of games, hundreds of them, some of which are really high quality games that have stood ~25 years of comparisons. "Indie Games," the ones in the OP, are like... a handful of games over the last few years which are all excellent by today's standards.

I think when people mention SNES or Genesis (or whatever generation they comprise) as like "Greatest generation of games ever," they're not only thinking of Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Sonic 2, Earthbound, etc., but there's also a tremendous variety of other games that are easy to skip over because there have been sequels or the genre is less common today ... NHL 95, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, NBA Jam, Ken Griffey Jr, etc, and hundreds more games that have largely all been forgotten... Games you'd rent for a weekend or buy used from Funcoland that were odd (Cool Spot is a good example, a game that nobody who wasn't alive in the 90s would even really have heard of unless you're really into discovering classic games ... It was a 7-up licensed videogame that was also great). There was a ton of variety from that generation, and while you could probably pick "the best indie games of the last 5 years" and compare them to games from any generation -- especially this SNES/Genesis generation because so many indie games are now sort of throwbacks to concepts introduced then -- it's tough to compare when you broaden it out to the huge variety of games.

I think games like Hollow Knight, Celeste, Guac, and so on, can all stand up against any of the classics from the SNES era... but a lot of these games stand on the shoulders of games from that era. The recent 'MetroidVania' explosion of the last ~5 years (or w/e) would not exist without concepts introduced by original games in the 16-bit or 32-bit era. Like, you could try to pick the best modern indie platformer ... say ... Celeste, or something, and then compare it to the top platform games from the 16-bit era, maybe Super Mario World or Rocket Knight Adventures (or whatever your faves are), and Celeste does things that no game from that era does... Tight platforming, terrific art, great controls (things all those games had), but also a really compelling grown up storyline interspersed into the game (something that almost no platforming game did in the 90s). So, sure, maybe Celeste is better, but it's a hard comparison because Celeste wouldn't be Celeste without those 1990s games setting the template for how to make great platforming games.

One thing that the modern indies have now is that just about every game has a well developed or at least present story. THat's something that most action platformers really didn't have in the 16-bit era. In the 16-bit era, almost every action platformer was "You are a hero who has to save victims from an evil bad guy." Full stop. The storylines were similar to VVVVV or Super Meat Boy, which is to say, they really didn't exist. Your motivation for wanting to be Sonic the Hedgehog was "You are a RADICAL HEDGEHOG who has to defeat an EVIL SCIENTIST and save ANIMAL FRIENDS." Imagine trying to sell a 1990s audience on Celeste, "You are a socially unsure, anxiety-rattled spelunker who has to climb a mountain." But, Celeste has such a terrific, well written story and with Sonic there is no story other than the premise, but it's just something that action platformer games didn't do 25 years ago.
For sure context of time is important, but even without that context I think there are enough fantastic games on the SNES to compare to the indies released the last few console gens. Indies have built upon and improved some things but other things like JRPGs they have not nailed at all, and some of those games hold up completely. depending on preference I don't think it is a clear blow out? Maybe an uphill battle for SNES games, I'm certainly in the indie camp if I had to say which games I've enjoyed more overall at this point that's even with the nostalgia


Oct 25, 2017
The classics from the SNES may have aged better than games from any other generation.

The SNES came out almost 30 years ago and they still work perfectly in 2019. Well enough that Nintendo could slap 20 of them in a box and charge $60 for it.

Before we give the crown up lets see how well the best indie games fare over the next 10 years.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
For sure context of time is important, but even without that context I think there are enough fantastic games on the SNES to compare to the indies released the last few console gens. Indies have built upon and improved some things but other things like JRPGs they have not nailed at all, and some of those games hold up completely. depending on preference I don't think it is a clear blow out?

Oh yeah I voted 'I'm not sure.' There's also genres of games that don't exist in the indie scene that were HUGE on SNES/Genesis. I think there's only 1 "traditional" indie sports game in the last 5 years worth mentioning, Super Mega Baseball. You have some other non-traditional sports games like OlliOlli or even something like Rocket League, but the sports genre was huuuugggeeee on SNES/Gensis, some of the top selling games every year and many of them were excellent that stood the test of time. I think sports sims are like "my JRPGs" in that it's a genre that I was so into as a kid and the genre has been killed in the last 10ish years.


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
There are certainly some great indie games out there, but I feel like most of the ones I've played have suffered from the same problem: they're drawing their inspiration from other video games.

When he designed Harvest Moon, Yasuhiro Wada drew on his experiences of growing up in rural Japan - while Stardew Valley feels like it's based on growing up playing Harvest Moon.
This is where I'm coming from too. Building on what came before can lead to more polished and refined products, but it has an inherent "been there done that" feeling to it. It's hard to compare games that create entirely new genres and styles of gameplay to titles that iterate on existing things.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
I think that overall, or on average, Indies are better but personally there aren't indies that have the highs of, say, Super Metroid. Hotline Miami got close though


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
It's an inherently flawed (and needless) comparison.


Oct 27, 2017
Indie games tend to be more polished versions of old games with not that many ideas of their own and they seem to be standing on the shoulders of giants a bit too much (talking about 2d games mostly and of course there's lots of exeptions) so I'm very much someone who respects originality and origins and for that simple reason I can't call modern indie games better than SNES games.


Nov 2, 2017
Good games are good games no matter when they came out. Some indies are better than SNES games, some SNES games are better than indie games

You can broaden the range beyond the term "indie". Are Modern games overall better than A Link to the Past?

Couldn't have said it better. I consider SNES my favorite console, but there are plenty of indies that occupy my time now. That reminds me, I need to jump on cuphead and celeste.


Oct 26, 2017
My biggest gripe with most indie games is the need to over complicate mechanics. Most of the time the complexity is not needed. Hollow Knight required you to go back to a bench to update the map and having an item equipped at all time in order to even see where you are in the map.
It's one of the reasons I love Shovel Knight. It relies on simple mechanics and it works wonderfully.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of indies are inspired by SNES games, especially a lot of the really good ones. I can probably name more great indies than snes games at this point, but I think SNES hits more highs than indies.

Indies arent a platform though or a publisher or a developer. Its a strange comparison.


Alt Account
Feb 19, 2018
Have yet to see clones that can beat the likes of Super Metroid or Chrono Trigger. And no, I didn't play these games in my childhood.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The average indie game is better than the average SNES game, easily.

That said, no indie game, except maybe Hollow Knight, comes close to A Link to the Past, or Super Mario World, or Super Metroid, or Final Fantasy VI, and so on.


Oct 25, 2017
Top indie games are better, but considering the number of indie titles the average SNES game was better.


Oct 25, 2017
I love me some indie games, but I'd never trade "all indies" for "all snes".

I'm sure there's a lot of nostalgia baked into the argument, but:

There's no Zelda-like indie that surpasses Link to the Past
There's no Mario-like indie that surpasses Mario World
There's no Earthbound-like indie that surpasses Earthbound
There's no Donkey Kong-like indie that surpasses Diddy's Kong Quest
There's no Metroidvania indie that surpasses Super Metroid

and so on and so forth.

Yes there are a ton of SNES games that are bad in terms of the good/bad ratio, but that ratio is WAY worse when it comes to indie games lol.

Super Metroid is far surpassed by Hollow Knight in my eyes.

When you're using DKC as a genre defining title, it's clear you're looking at this with rose-tinted glasses.


Oct 26, 2017
In terms of numbers, indies have been a thing since early 2000s, so of course there are far more great indie titles than there are SNES ones.

But , for me personally I still can't find a traditional, simple platformer that is better than SMW, DKC, or Sonic if you want to bring the Genesis into this comparison. Also, art wise I find most indies lacking the character that made the 16-bit era so good in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
Snes has some amazing games but so do indies. I'm torn but I'm going to say indies.


Oct 25, 2017
indie games easily, even if you limit it to the type of indie games that are specifically referencing SNES stuff.

I love me some indie games, but I'd never trade "all indies" for "all snes".

I'm sure there's a lot of nostalgia baked into the argument, but:

There's no Zelda-like indie that surpasses Link to the Past
There's no Mario-like indie that surpasses Mario World
There's no Earthbound-like indie that surpasses Earthbound
There's no Donkey Kong-like indie that surpasses Diddy's Kong Quest
There's no Metroidvania indie that surpasses Super Metroid

and so on and so forth.

Yes there are a ton of SNES games that are bad in terms of the good/bad ratio, but that ratio is WAY worse when it comes to indie games lol.

The only one of those I'd agree with is Link to the Past.

If you leave out the nostalgia and historical importance, pretty much every genre has a bunch of superior modern indie takes on it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've yet to play a Indie game that I like more than say Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past. Super Metroid or FF3.


Oct 27, 2017
Modern indie games are great and a lot better. Not only visually. I feel like the balancing is so much better these days compared to the SNES era. Also current indie games often have way better mechanics, variation and game design.
Only because they've built upon what came before. It would be absolutely bonkers if games hadn't improved in those areas in the last 25 years. So, relatively speaking I feel like none of this is actually true.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
My biggest gripe with most indie games is the need to over complicate mechanics. Most of the time the complexity is not needed. Hollow Knight required you to go back to a bench to update the map and having an item equipped at all time in order to even see where you are in the map.
It's one of the reasons I love Shovel Knight. It relies on simple mechanics and it works wonderfully.
Hollow Knight feels very style over substance to me. It's a decent enough game - a 7 or 8 out of 10 - but nowhere close to Super Metroid. Like many parts, the map system feels deliberately designed to stoke the fire of a fanatical hardkore who'll proclaim anyone who doesn't like it "doesn't understand it".

Sure, it's not Fez levels of pretentiousness, but it's getting there!


Oct 31, 2017
I'd say the best indies games released in the last 10 years are just as good if not better than many SNES games. So many modern indies are platformers, rougue-likes and metroidvanias though, what we don't get is as many great JRPG's.

The SNES's average quality is definitely a lot higher, as carts were expensive and only major publishers could afford to make games. In contrast, the costs of distributing a game nowadays is significantly lower, meaning there are way more games to choose from, but there are also way more terrible indie games than great ones. Unfortunately this is getting worse and great games are being overlooked as games are so easy to miss.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's weird to be comparing just the SNES against several modern formats. Shouldn't the Genesis, Turbo, Neo Geo, Amiga, X68000, etc. be included if were talking about the 16-bit era? I guess the first post was edited to say "retro games vs indie games" but there is a strange tendency on this site to focus mostly on the SNES for that era.

I voted for "I am not sure" as it's too hard to keep track of what counts as an independent game. A lot of people just use it as a shorthand for modern lower budget 2d game but not all indies are like that, and not all modern 2d games are indies.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I answered that indies are better, but on further reflection, it's a tough question. I realized that I'm only really exposed to good indie games now. There are probably a million that are terrible, but I don't even see most of them. In the SNES days, I bought or rented awful games because they were in stores, looking just as legitimate as anything else. But my contact with an indie game, now, usually only comes after hearing good things about it online and deciding to check it out.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
There are certainly some great indie games out there, but I feel like most of the ones I've played have suffered from the same problem: they're drawing their inspiration from other video games.

When he designed Harvest Moon, Yasuhiro Wada drew on his experiences of growing up in rural Japan - while Stardew Valley feels like it's based on growing up playing Harvest Moon.

Any SNES games I've played recently (sampled a snes classic)... Dated. Very, very dated.

Kind of surprising that so many people ITT are shitting all over Indies in favor of SNES games, either by saying the SNES games are flat out better or that indie games have the gall to TAKE INSPRIATION FROM OTHER GAMES. Come on now.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played every single SNES game or every single indie game, so I can't say I'm able to compare them "overall". I'm rather impressed that so many people in this thread have and can!
I know, I know, representative sampling can draw accurate conclusions without surveying an entire population. But my point is that art doesn't work on averages, yeah?

I look at it like this: if I were to make a top ten, or top hundred, list of the best games I've ever played, I imagine it would contain many times more SNES games than modern indie games. I believe this would still hold true even if I split the list by genre, at least for every genre that is represented on the SNES. The scales only tip even further if you do the reasonable thing and expand the comparison to include all retro games, as the OP later clarified.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think modern indie games are as good

To be fair though, the SNES games probably had more people working on them, but they just feel more 'cohesive'. Its weird when indies use high res but pixel art also.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
I don't think modern indie games are as good

To be fair though, the SNES games probably had more people working on them, but they just feel more 'cohesive'. Its weird when indies use high res but pixel art also.

Not all indies use "PIXEL ART" (I hate this term when its used like this, as an insult)

Amazingly enough, indie games these days might actually have subtitles! INCREDIBLE. Control options! Video Options!

Video gaming has moved on and forward from the SNES days and its to the benefit of us all that it has. Gaming is better than ever.

Much better. Not even close.

It should be more than 47% for "indies are better". Like 75% at least.


Oct 27, 2017
Good games are good games no matter when they came out. Some indies are better than SNES games, some SNES games are better than indie games

You can broaden the range beyond the term "indie". Are Modern games overall better than A Link to the Past?
Considering I didn't care for ALttP when it came out, I would say yes.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
snes games are more important historically. but in 2019 there are more indie games that i want to play (or replay) than snes games, so i voted for indies.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
A lot ofpeople

IT is weird that no indie has even come close to the JRPGs of the time. Hopefully CrossCode is good, have heard some solid things. I'm inclined to agree though, especially the last two years for me indies have been crushing it

I think Cosmic Star Heroine is better than many 16-bit JRPGs of that era.