
Oct 25, 2017
Ross' Game Dungeon plays The Black Mirror!

This is great for me since I can't get into the first game XP


Oct 27, 2017
It's been a while. I did back Knights&Bikes, but I don't think it really qualifies for this genre.

My previous experiences have been mixed:

Broken Age - Very happy with that, best of the bunch, and favorite in the genre.
Thimbleweed Park - Did not care for the ending and resolution to the story, and I think the number of selectable characters worked against it. Otherwise it was pretty good.
Broken Age 5 - It was fine, but didn't really move the series forward at all, in terms of story or gameplay.
Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect - Haven't actually tried it yet.
Moebius - Played it for five minutes, and then quit it. Couldn't take the dialogues.
Dreamfall: Chapters - Didn't back it, but bought it soon afterwards on GOG. Played the first chapter, but didn't really enjoy it.

Well I still haven't tried Broken Sword 5, but I've played through all the others and I would say that Tesla Effect is the best of them and my favorite Tex Murphy game. The new characters are great, the FMV looks good and the different endings are cool. Think of it this way, of all the adventure game kickstarters we've gotten so far, how many have led to subsequent games? From legacy creators it's only Tesla Effect. Also, they didn't even go to kickstarter for The Poisoned Pawn. So yeah if you enjoy Tex Murphy humor at all you're in for a treat.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe this is a controversial opinion, but man I really don't like Machinarium. Stopped playing it actually, according to a playthrough about halfway through. The controls are bad enough, but throwing timing based puzzles at me that are only challenging because your controls are utter toss. Fuck that noise. I don't get why someone thinks he has to redesign the wheel. I first liked the idea of the robot having three stances, but honestly, that just gets tiring really quickly. 1) You see thing above the robot 2) Switch to tall stance 3) Wait for him to waddle to the goal 4) confirm the action 5) reset him to his original stance. And furthermore, quite a few times it plain refused to do something I intended, because I clicked a few pixels off (went to ingame walkthrough a few times, just to be told to do what I had already tried)
I love the art design, but it feels really amateurish as an actual game to me. Guess Amanita Design should print some of the screenshots and put them in an art gallery, would seem more fruitful.


Oct 25, 2017

Another unknow Capcom game:

Fushigi Deka
Released in 2000
Directed by Kazuhiro Aoyama ( RE 3 director)
Lead artist Hiroshi Shibata ( RE 4 lead gameplay designer)
Music by Shusaku Uchiyama ( RE 2 & 4)
and produced by MIKAMI!




Oct 28, 2017

Speaking of Capcom adventure games, I beat a relatively unknown PS2 they published that was developed by the now defunct Cing (Another Code R, Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk) called Glass Rose. It was a murder mystery that was extremely slow paced set in the early 1920s and it starred a fully Japanese cast (main guy was modelled after a drummer in a Japanese band).



Oct 25, 2017
How good is actually Silence? I heard many enthusiastic opinions when it came out and less enthusiastic ones more recently. It's on sale right now so I was wondering if I should pick it up or wait for a better deal.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of Capcom adventure games, I beat a relatively unknown PS2 they published that was developed by the now defunct Cing (Another Code R, Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk) called Glass Rose. It was a murder mystery that was extremely slow paced set in the early 1920s and it starred a fully Japanese cast (main guy was modelled after a drummer in a Japanese band).


Was Shinkiro even trying with this art? It's like he had a stock artwork, shaded it, photoshopped hair on it and called that guy's figure a day.

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
I love the art design, but it feels really amateurish as an actual game to me. Guess Amanita Design should print some of the screenshots and put them in an art gallery, would seem more fruitful.
Have you played their more recent games? Machinarium is 9 years old and the slow movement and infuriating at moments timing (something with a pole?)aren't present in Samorost 3 and Botanicula. Not that there aren't puzzles that involve some sort of timing or rhythm but there's none of the jank present.


Oct 25, 2017
Have you played their more recent games? Machinarium is 9 years old and the slow movement and infuriating at moments timing (something with a pole?)aren't present in Samorost 3 and Botanicula. Not that there aren't puzzles that involve some sort of timing or rhythm but there's none of the jank present.
Maybe I'll give Machinarium another try with a visual walkthrough. Makes sense that their first commercial game still had some jank in it. The actual world looked really fascinating too. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll keep an eye out for the Samorost games and Botanicula, then.


Oct 28, 2017
One of my favorite adventure games.
I also love all the hidden object games on PS4 btw. Just a great experience.

Reaaally looking forward to the reimagined game on PS4/XB1/PC from King Art games (The Devs behind Book of Unwritten Tales games).

Was Shinkiro even trying with this art? It's like he had a stock artwork, shaded it, photoshopped hair on it and called that guy's figure a day.

One of his weaker covers. The game itself was very, very odd and unbelievably slow paced. How I managed to beat it I have no idea, especially as it was quite long for an adventure game.

Stupid question
Is Puzzle Agent PnC or mainly puzzle genre?

A bit of both, a subpar game overall that is mainly saved by it's very unique Fargo-like setting.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I suppose I agree that Machinarium's movement speed is way too slow. Doesn't bother me too much considering that the game very rarely asks the player to more more than two screens away.

I adore Machinarium, by the way. The puzzles are fun, it looks incredible and it has one of the best soundtracks around.

edit: In other news, I just started The Journey Down Chapter 3. These games have some issues but they're so damned cheerful that I can't help but enjoy them.
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Oct 27, 2017
Just bought Pillars of the Earth. I was going to wait until book 2 was out to see if this is not another Kings Quest, in which the first episode was stellar and long but quality dropped lower with each episode. But it's on sale on both Steam (20€, only this weekend in the Daedalic sale) and PSN (30€ for non PS+ like me and only 20€ with PS+) and i really wanted to try this out. I'm looking forward to playing the game. Reviews and player impressions seem all rather positive.

Anyone played The inner world 2 yet? Seems like yet another adventure game that released unnoticed and with poor sales.


Oct 25, 2017
A bit of both, a subpar game overall that is mainly saved by it's very unique Fargo-like setting.
Subpar? I'd say PA 1 and 2 may be weak in the animation department, although I wonder if it is intended to animate like that.
The games have a nice story that is reminscent of Twin Peaks and X-Files, and the puzzles are quite nice.
Oct 25, 2017
Reaaally looking forward to the reimagined game on PS4/XB1/PC from King Art games (The Devs behind Book of Unwritten Tales games).

I'm not to be honest. It's not point & click anymore. The atmosphere could be amazing but everything else...I don't know. A "more modern approach" was their goal...pretty sad :/


Oct 27, 2017
Looks like we won't be getting a new Point & Click Adventure from KingArt (The Book of Unwritten Tales) in the foreseeable future. The kickstarter campaign for Shakes & Fidget - The Adventure was cancelled halfway through.


Hello dear backers,

we will end the Kickstarter campaign now.

You might have noticed that things got slow on this campaign over the last days. As it was already mentioned in the comments we tried to find solutions to this. In the end we couldn't keep up the momentum of the first week.

It is disappointing to us that, even with the support of our backers, there wasn't enough interest for this game. Without this interest, it is way too risky to start development.

We think that the art, the story and the humor by the KING Art Team would have been a great mix for an awesome story based game with Shakes & Fidget.

We thank you, our supporters, who believed this as well.



Oct 30, 2017
Can someone recommend games with fall/winter atmosphere? Besides Broken Sword and Syberia. Though I'm not yet played BS 5 & Syb 3 so maybe these?


Oct 26, 2017
I've never heard of this Fable game before. When is from and is it any good?

Also, I think The Whispered World has a pretty nice fall feeling. If Daedalic knows how to do one thing right it is draw beautiful backgrounds.
From 1996, very uncommon game. It was not bad (especially pixel-art graphics), as i remember (except ending, which were even changed in NA release for more happier version, i don't saw it though)
Oct 25, 2017
it's hard for me to form a coherent argument as to why this is, but Machinarium is just one of those fundamental "this is why I believe in games" games for me. I replay roughly every year (not clockwork, but every now and then I'm like "oh yeah Machinarium" and play it again). The tone just speaks to me man. I mean, I don't even disagree with some of the complaints about the slow movement and clicky oddities.

The way the game expands from one screen, to two, to a whole city and so on is just so clever. The way the story is revealed kind of out of order is, well, lovely.


Oct 25, 2017
The way the game expands from one screen, to two, to a whole city and so on is just so clever. The way the story is revealed kind of out of order is, well, lovely.

The game is beautiful and great about its presentation, I agree. I just think it could have been all that while being more comfortable to play.
So is Syberia 3 really that bad?
Yes. Try to imagine how bad it could possibly be. It's worse than that.
I loved 1 and 2 - I know from reading some general comments that 3 won't be as good, but I really want to see the story through to conclusion.
I have bad news for you on that front.
You are not getting it. Really, just accept that she dies at the end of Syberia 2 or somehow stays in the island of Syberia or whatever. That's more conclusion that this game is ever willing to give you


Oct 28, 2017
So is Syberia 3 really that bad?

I loved 1 and 2 - I know from reading some general comments that 3 won't be as good, but I really want to see the story through to conclusion.

Yes, it really is. Just look at the reviews. My advice is to avoid it as playing S3 will only tarnish your memories and experiences with S1 and S2.

S3 reviews:





Oct 28, 2017
I see that Syberia 1 on the Switch has a Metacritic score of 80


That's good, but I still prefer the original PC version. Why? Because of the following:

- The Switch version has no animation for the mouth movements of characters. Why is this? Is it because of the lips not being synced to multiple languages (understandable) but if so, why did the original PC release have mouth movements given that was also released in multiple languages? It's a glaring omossion in the Switch version

- The graphics have been slightly "enhanced" and this, in my view, has resulted in a poorer look in some instances - it's hard to explain why, you'll need to see both versions to compare

- The original version of the game came along before Widescreen monitors (and TVs) had gained a real foothold, therefore the aspect ratio of the game was 4:3 - the Switch version, from looking at some YouTube videos, appears to be either stretched horizontally or vertically (or a bit of both). I seem to recall reading about a game option to select one or the other but I may be mis-remembering. Even so, from looking at videos neither version looks "right" on the Switch (I say this as an owner of the PC version who has played it on the PC a number of times).

- The dialog box is far too big

- The dialog box pops up and down like a jack-in-the-box - it's supposed to fade in and out (see the PC version), not pop up like something immediately seeking attention and yelling "look at me!". It somehow manages to affect the relaxing ambience of the game when it rapidly pops up and down like this
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Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom


Oct 30, 2017
Is Syberia worth it? I've seen that Syberia 2 is on Switch and I've always been a sucker for point and click things on Nintendo handhelds.


Oct 28, 2017
Is Syberia worth it? I've seen that Syberia 2 is on Switch and I've always been a sucker for point and click things on Nintendo handhelds.

I'd say so, but I havew some reservations about the Switch version as highlighted in my post here:


In short, if you have a PC I'd advise getting the GOG version, but if you really want it on the Switch then go for it. My criticisms aren't about game-breaking matters and are mostly based on my previous playthroughs of the PC version (it's a game that I really love - I first played it on release in 2002). I LIKE Syberia 2 (due out on the Switch on 30th November) but Syberia 1 is a lot better in terms of the story, the excellent atmosphere and even the puzzles.


Oct 28, 2017
Bought it on Steam quite a while ago and chucked it into my 'games to play soon' category.

Guess not...

That's good as perhaps you can get a Steam refund? It's worth a try - some time ago I downloaded a game from Steam, played it for about 30 minutes then forgot about it. After some months passed I remembered it and asked for a refund, which I got. As you haven't even played your S3 download surely you could get a refund?
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Oct 25, 2017
Looks like we won't be getting a new Point & Click Adventure from KingArt (The Book of Unwritten Tales) in the foreseeable future. The kickstarter campaign for Shakes & Fidget - The Adventure was cancelled halfway through.


Wait, not even The Book of Unwritten Tales 3?
They ended the second game with one of the worst cliffhangers ever. FFS.


Oct 25, 2017
Not yet IIRC.

OK my evening shift at work been messing with my game time so I'll try to finish the Dig in coming days.


Oct 25, 2017
Spent about 30 minutes with the door puzzle early in the Dig mainly because I misread one of the shapes; it was a Hexagon all along.


Oct 28, 2017
Subpar? I'd say PA 1 and 2 may be weak in the animation department, although I wonder if it is intended to animate like that.
The games have a nice story that is reminscent of Twin Peaks and X-Files, and the puzzles are quite nice.

I think it was intended to be animated like that, there was something unique about it that way. The story was pretty interesting (and surprisingly scary in parts from what I recall??) but I felt gameplay wise it wasn't as strong as it could have been. I never got to play the second game though, didn't release on the PSN like the first one did for some reason.

I'm not to be honest. It's not point & click anymore. The atmosphere could be amazing but everything else...I don't know. A "more modern approach" was their goal...pretty sad :/

Sometimes I do wish they keep things traditional, but i'm curious as it's a reimagining so hopefully they remember what made the first series great. I'm surprised we're getting a retail release too.

Looks like we won't be getting a new Point & Click Adventure from KingArt (The Book of Unwritten Tales) in the foreseeable future. The kickstarter campaign for Shakes & Fidget - The Adventure was cancelled halfway through.


That's sad to hear. I only played one game by the King Art devs, The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief and I was surprised at how nonsensical it was by the end. It started off so promising with the first episode but then they totally waste it by the third episode. I hope they do a much better job with Black Mirror.

The game is beautiful and great about its presentation, I agree. I just think it could have been all that while being more comfortable to play.

Yes. Try to imagine how bad it could possibly be. It's worse than that.

I have bad news for you on that front.
You are not getting it. Really, just accept that she dies at the end of Syberia 2 or somehow stays in the island of Syberia or whatever. That's more conclusion that this game is ever willing to give you

That's sad to hear. I haven't played the series but I did pick up the collection of 1+2 on the PS3 and now I'm not sure if I want to invest the time into a trilogy that will end up being terrible by the time the credits roll. Surprised to hear how bad it turned out.