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Deleted member 43220

May 11, 2018
"we're pleased to announce the next PS5 event, but focused only on the Digital Edition.
For the standard edition you need to wait another month."


Unshakable Resolve
Dec 24, 2018
Sony literally said that there will be no PS5 announcement this week, and people still expect something tomorrow. Wow...


Dec 12, 2018
Since MS went first, here are two options I can see now happening

1) PS5 DE - $399/ PS5 - $449
2) PS5 DE - $399/ PS5 - $499
Both 399€ or 429€ is my prediction, I'm probably wrong though. My idea is that the digital edition only exists at launch so that Sony has a cheaper average BOM and can sell the PS5 cheaper.
Sony somehow wants to sell 10 million consoles during a pandemic after all.

Deleted member 62769

Jan 6, 2020
What a crazy morning with the XSS leak and official price


Oct 26, 2017
We must create one

Well then to create one someone needs to apply to one of the job listings we always post here and make connections inside Sony and get back to us in a year or so. Who is up for the task? lol


Oct 25, 2017
I don't expect any news this week regarding price unless Sony was literally just waiting for MS to make the move and they want to announce via Tweet/presser and not event.

Deleted member 75738

User-requested account closure
Jul 22, 2020
Definitely going to be a massive sequel if the first is any indication. And fingers crossed we get a Gravity Rush 3. Man, I can dream. The series deserves at least 1 more entry before bowing out. Two just feels like such a mean tease!

I'd like to see GR3, but with changes, for most of the 1st and 2nd game i found myself dragging through sidequests with no interest at all, only for the final chapters to unleash a barrage of over the top anime style moments and big story drops, but it felt rushed.

If they give Toyama the opportunity to close a trilogy, i would be more invested in it if they gave a deep look and expand the lore, make the sidequest add to it, and keep the cuh-ray-zee through all of the game.
Oct 28, 2019
They said no PS5-related news for the daily 3pm BST PS VR announcements and updates.

Doesn't mean they won't announce anything outside of that.

Ergo itshappening.gif


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Days Gone is interesting for me, because I was initially cool on it, despite enjoying SCE Bend's games in the past. I just wasn't sold on the open world zombie setting. I want to say it was during one of the gameplay demos where I was like, "Okay, this looks pretty cool, I may give it a try after all," then I ended up seeing it for, like, $40 physical copy on Amazon or something, and pulled the trigger. I'm glad I did. There are a few standout things to note about Days Gone in my opinion:

1) It has a pretty slow start. The opening of the game is all about establishing characters, and setting tone. To me, it was no different than Red Dead Redemption's slow as molasses start, but I found myself more intrigued by Day's Gone. On the surface, the narrative is pretty simple and straight forward. That leads me to 2.

2) It's more than just a Son's of Anarchy version of The Last of Us. Deacon is such an unlikable prick at the start of the game, and it's easy to be turned off by his character. Him and Boomer are about what you'd expect from two Biker Gang bros, but over the course of the narrative, there is a clear character arc for Deacon, and even before the credits rolled, he had grown on me significantly. The narrative itself is pretty grand in scope, and covers a lot of territory both character wise, and geographically. I was genuinely into the story once that initial few hours of hand holding were over, and I was able to just explore the world at my own pace. The various paths the story takes were intriguing and compelling, and actually surprised me, which I wasn't expecting from a "generic zombie game."

3) The gameplay is the unsung hero of this game. What I said about The Last of Us meets Sons of Anarchy is actually apt here. Scrounging around for supplies to craft upgrades was definitely reminiscent of TLOU, but in an open world. I really enjoyed that, to be honest. I always felt like I was scraping by in many combat encounters, because resources felt scarce, and whether fighting humans or infected, it felt tense. The gunplay and melee options are also really fun, and add some nice risk/reward and strategy to combat. Later weapons, both melee and ranged, are also incredibly fun and satisfying to use. There was also a nice amount of emergent gameplay when you take into account the wandering hordes of zombies and bandits/factions/wildlife, so the world felt very alive. Taking out hordes of hundreds of zombies is so tense and scary, and I never felt too much like an unstoppable badass, even with a fully kitted out arsenal. I mean, I still felt badass, but not superhero badass lol.

It was also beautiful to traverse. I initially was underwhelmed by the world design, because I thought the location looked too samey to me. After playing Horizon Zero Dawn, I appreciated a world map that had visually distinct areas, to the point where you knew exactly where on the map you were simply because the environment was so artistically different (Ghost of Tsushima is the latest game that does that so remarkably well). I was pleasantly surprised to learn that, yeah, that initial area is massive, leading to the impression that this one locale that looks very similar across its massive landmass, but other areas in the game are very much visually distinct, and easy to get an idea of where on the map you are.

The bike is so much fun to use and drive around, and the controls both on foot and on bike are really smooth and enjoyable. Upgrading your bike with better handling, boost speed, armor, gas tanks, etc, was something I didn't think I'd care that much about, but in a way, your bike is your lifeline, so it became a vitally important aspect of the game, and I found myself liking the process of upgrading my bike and testing out its new functionality.

For me, personally, Days Gone is a sleeper hit. A game that, for most of us, didn't have a lot of high expectations, but managed to surprise me in how enjoyable of an experience it is. I definitely plan on revisiting on PS5 at some point. There were still a few things I didn't finish, but I kind of want to just start a new game, maybe on easy, just to take it all in. I think if you can weather the first 2 or 3 hours of the game, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much fun it is.
Great post btw. Can't wait to see what Bend will do with Days Gone 2.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
Concerning prices, how nuclear apocalypse meltdown this site if MS could go straight and announce $399 for Series X?

Some/most could say it's "IMPOSSIBLE" but hey, I'm sure craziest things could/already happen in this industry.

Deleted member 15973

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Remember when people said the biggest market is on holiday today 🤣
EDIT: Pound is usually 50 cheaper than $ and €


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
finally this place is active like it once was. thanks xbox leakers.


Aug 10, 2020
My bet is 349$ for PS5 Digital and 399$ for PS5. Betting on Jim Ryan statement about fast transition to next-gen.


Apr 14, 2020
Btw. I checked one of the Polish electronics stores (mediamarkt) and typed in Playstation 5. There was a page to register to newsletter for when PS5 is available to pre-order. Under "release date" it was written that it's releasing somewhere around Christmas (which is 25th of December). I hope it's just the lack of info on their side or some error, because if we're getting the console month or more after everybody else I'm gonna be kinda pissed 😠


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
the base unit costing 399$ is basically a lock me thinks


Oct 25, 2017


Sep 1, 2018
I have to admit that I would be disappointed if Sony simply announced the date/price just because Microsoft confirmed theirs (part of it).

Sony has still to show more gameplay, features and so on before announcing the price and date.


Oct 28, 2017
Until Microsoft officially announces the $499 price of the Series X, doubt Sony will announce theirs.

Deleted member 66837

User requested account closure
Apr 24, 2020
825GB you mean. If the DE is 1TB it surely won't be $399.
Ah yeah forgot it was a weird number!
In terms of value if the DE $399 it going to kill the XSS in value in places like Europe.
You looking at a $100 more more a faster SSD that bigger and over 2.5 times the power and a more tech out controller .
Seriously plus the fact there's no drop off in any other specs unlike the XSS, easy no brainer
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