How much will be Palworld's LTD

  • Less than 5 million

    Votes: 27 1.7%
  • 5 million - 10 million

    Votes: 313 20.0%
  • 10 million - 15 million

    Votes: 427 27.2%
  • 15 million - 20 million

    Votes: 246 15.7%
  • 20 million - 25 million

    Votes: 136 8.7%
  • More than 25 million

    Votes: 418 26.7%

  • Total voters


Apr 25, 2021
It is good with the potential to become really good.

Honestly, seeing that PCgamer article about the potential leaks of their roadmap have me disappointed because, other than fixing base building, which it sorely needs, it's just adding in the basic survival game shit, when what they really need to be doing is hiring up on writers, animators and voice actors to give that thing an actual story. That world is MASSIVE and it's EMPTY.

Sounds about on par with their other releases based on testimony from those who have experience with their past games. What you're getting now is likely a preview of the long form experience expectation down the road.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Last I read Genshin Impact was being worked on by 700 people. There is upscaling, and then there is upscaling.

As long as this avoids what Valheim did and release updates too slowly it should be great long term, just being Genshin is extremely ambitious.


Oct 25, 2017
Their social account? Must have jumped the gun.
Yeah probably, this was the tweet


Deleted member 12823

User requested account closure
Nov 22, 2022
Sounds about on par with their other releases based on testimony from those who have experience with their past games. What you're getting now is likely a preview of the long form experience expectation down the road.
Yeah... and people that play these games want to create their own story in online. Not to say that story content couldn't be good but it's clear to see why they're prioritizing stuff like pvp, raids, etc


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
Palworld has aped from so many games and consolidated them all to a single game that miraculously works despite its scale and that of the team; I say Genshin should be the next 'inspiration'. Might as well go big or go home LOL. Long as bigger companies partner up with 'em and help lay the groundwork for it. ;p

Speaking of...

isn't mihoyo still self-owned? roblox corp is, too. they might be able to scale up rapidly by themselves. i'm sure a lot of tech companies will make offers though, also the saudi gaming fund.

Actually forgot about Mihoyo's case but you may be right. It is indeed possible but it will certainly be tough to do by themselves if they want to keep the game's quality high with large expansion and content updates, on their own they'll probably be able to churn out a consistent road map but to utilize the full potential here may be more of a slow process... which isn't bad, long as they can pull it off quality-over-quantity wise!

At the end of the day it doesn't need to be the next Fortnite to be successful, the next Ark/Valheim is just as great an accomplishment for a relatively small studio after all. And if Pocketpair just wants to focus on survival gameplay with creature collecting then that'll do them fine too I guess, the most important thing is consistent long-term support.

(But at least some voiced characters + some MOAR LORE would be VERY welcome.)


Oct 25, 2017
Well this is a massive amount of money for them and such a small team. If they are smart they should hire a lot more people and double down on this game with polish and more content/mechanics.


May 16, 2020
I'm not going to build not one but TWO PCs to run this well though, that just seems silly! Surely, they will simply patch the XBOX version.
Yeah, just played the game tonight for the first time. Running perfectly on my Series X after a few hours of play. My only complaint is the audio sounds like a tin can - which I'm sure will be fixed soon.

Also, I have to say... Man, this game is pretty cool


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck, 7 millions in 5 days.

It's selling better than a Sony AAA exclusive, this is insane. It very likely already about to outdo Spider-Man 2 entire current lifetime sales, Sony's 'fastest-selling' first-party game ever (who took 11 days to cross the 5m mark).

Sony execs really need to drive the truck of money personally from some Japanese bank straight unto these guys houses.

As crazy as it is - no marketing budget or prior lengthy event showcases - it might indeed hit 10m sales with its first week


Oct 25, 2017
It is good with the potential to become really good.

Honestly, seeing that PCgamer article about the potential leaks of their roadmap have me disappointed because, other than fixing base building, which it sorely needs, it's just adding in the basic survival game shit, when what they really need to be doing is hiring up on writers, animators and voice actors to give that thing an actual story. That world is MASSIVE and it's EMPTY.

but there's only a handful of people working on it

the same handful of people that worked on it before it got big

it's been 4 days since launch - how can they plan around something that quickly? as much as you want them to expand the game ASAP, you have to remember at the moment they are still small and their plans will still revolve around them being small and the project perhaps being successful enough that they can keep the lights on


Oct 25, 2017
wait 7 million in 5 days now? Holy moly, how does that compare to Arceus
As per IGN, looks like Arceus is a goner at this point:

"Nintendo has announced that Pokémon Legends: Arceus has sold 6.5 million copies in its first week of release – meaning the somewhat experimental new title is selling faster than the recent mainline Pokémon games."

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Is Selling Faster than Mainline Switch Pokémon Games - IGN

Nintendo has announced that Pokémon Legends: Arceus has sold 6.5 million copies in its first week of release – meaning the somewhat experimental new title is selling faster than the recent mainline Pokémon games.


Jan 6, 2018
User banned (permanent): Troll account
A game that's been out for 5 days already has fanboys butthurt about any criticism. Palkemon has truly made it to the big leagues.


Oct 26, 2017
They need to get more tech people in there to shore up the game peformance, improve the visuals (even though they are not bad) and just keep pounding away on fixing bugs and making what they have better. They have a hit on their hand, spending time adding new stuff right now is not important..what is important is fixing/improving what they have and once that is done then adding some new stuff and other things.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
They need to get more tech people in there to shore up the game peformance, improve the visuals (even though they are not bad) and just keep pounding away on fixing bugs and making what they have better. They have a hit on their hand, spending time adding new stuff right now is not important..what is important is fixing/improving what they have and once that is done then adding some new stuff and other things.

Yeah true true. The fundamentals come first after all. It is tempting to picture where it can conceptually go in the next 5 years, though. Full-blown Pokemon-style characters/NPCs and bosses may be a thing. Just not 'til much further down the road.

Deleted member 12823

User requested account closure
Nov 22, 2022
As per IGN, looks like Arceus is a goner at this point:

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Is Selling Faster than Mainline Switch Pokémon Games - IGN

Nintendo has announced that Pokémon Legends: Arceus has sold 6.5 million copies in its first week of release – meaning the somewhat experimental new title is selling faster than the recent mainline Pokémon games.
Now I'd be surprised if this doesn't sell more than S/V LTD. Adding the online components in their roadmap will help a lot


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
So is this game supposed to be a better Pokemon or not? If it plays nothing like Pokemon then any comparisons should be irrelevant.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah true true. The fundamentals come first after all. It is tempting to picture where it can conceptually go in the next 5 years, though. Full-blown Pokemon-style characters and bosses may be a thing. Just not 'til much further down the road.
Yeah, they need to be thinking of "whats next" for the game at some point... But for now, it is the basics that need to polished up, bugs fixed and stuff like that. Knowing they are a small team, with the success they could bring on more people and help get things improved up while a few can be dreaming up new features/pals and perhaps even newer gameplay elements. The game is so new that just getting the basics down is what is important.


May 23, 2018

I think a lot of the article comes across as sour grapes but I do think this part has some merit:

"Play Palworld and you won't feel like you're playing something made with thought, or craft, or an earnest team's best intentions. You won't feel admiration or wonder. You won't feel any real sense of achievement. You won't feel like any artist has been involved, or that anything meaningful might come to mind."

I think the world leaves a lot to be desired and the plagiarism aspects are valid. I just hope the team takes the feedback and success to heart and keeps improving to have a clear vision for the future of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
Yeah, they need to be thinking of "whats next" for the game at some point... But for now, it is the basics that need to polished up, bugs fixed and stuff like that. Knowing they are a small team, with the success they could bring on more people and help get things improved up while a few can be dreaming up new features/pals and perhaps even newer gameplay elements. The game is so new that just getting the basics down is what is important.

Now that you mention it that was actually part of what I was initially worried about, that they will bite more than they can chew with this. They have a good thing going here and maybe it is better to be safer than sorry and take their time to get things right and take it slow. Rushing out updates will do no good if it breaks more than it fixes either.

"Play Palworld and you won't feel like you're playing something made with thought, or craft, or an earnest team's best intentions. You won't feel admiration or wonder. You won't feel any real sense of achievement. You won't feel like any artist has been involved, or that anything meaningful might come to mind."

Well MAN it's such the opposite for me. Palworld has restored my faith in fun. It is still unoriginal and nigh-plagiaristic in many ways and far from perfect. But the sense of charm and wonder is one of the things I think it actually nails very well.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2021
"Impression of playing a product designed to be sold" ... so basically like call of duty, pokemon, assassins creed and any other game that does yearly/multiple releases. Its a $26 game with no MTX atm. That entire article is just clickbait IMO.

Eurogamer has gone to shit for quite a long time tbh, the reason they're doing these sort of articles and other clickbait is because the company who owns them is on the ropes a little. It's hilarious to say it's designed to be sold, well yeah and I know they really mean it's more of a meme hehe thing and not an actual fun real game which is not even remotely true.

"Play Palworld and you won't feel like you're playing something made with thought, or craft, or an earnest team's best intentions. You won't feel admiration or wonder. You won't feel any real sense of achievement. You won't feel like any artist has been involved, or that anything meaningful might come to mind."

I'm sorry but who the hell plays games like this, some real bullshit if you ask me lmao. I ain't playing games wondering how original the art work is or how the artists felt while creating the game. The game is a ton of fun, looks great for a EA title made by 15 people and has fantastic gameplay mechanics that I can't put down, I am not thinking about how the artist came across ideas of the world while I am using my pistol to shoot dumb monsters.

Sounds like this person only plays AAA graphical showcase story games.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2017
I think a lot of the article comes across as sour grapes but I do think this part has some merit:

"Play Palworld and you won't feel like you're playing something made with thought, or craft, or an earnest team's best intentions. You won't feel admiration or wonder. You won't feel any real sense of achievement. You won't feel like any artist has been involved, or that anything meaningful might come to mind."

I think the world leaves a lot to be desired and the plagiarism aspects are valid. I just hope the team takes the feedback and success to heart and keeps improving to have a clear vision for the future of the game.

Absolutely not, if there is no thought or craft or intentions then how is able to put together so many systems that works well with each other? Why do the monsters have different animations for expressing themselves? Why is the UI so simple and easy to understand? Why did they come up with a world setting to allow people to customize their survival experiences?

I saw a streamer accidentally set their wooden house on fire by swinging a torch, and then the water type Pals automatically tried to help put out the fire.


Nov 25, 2017
I think a lot of the article comes across as sour grapes but I do think this part has some merit:

"Play Palworld and you won't feel like you're playing something made with thought, or craft, or an earnest team's best intentions. You won't feel admiration or wonder. You won't feel any real sense of achievement. You won't feel like any artist has been involved, or that anything meaningful might come to mind."

I think the world leaves a lot to be desired and the plagiarism aspects are valid. I just hope the team takes the feedback and success to heart and keeps improving to have a clear vision for the future of the game.
yeah, no.


Sep 28, 2021
So is this game supposed to be a better Pokemon or not? If it plays nothing like Pokemon then any comparisons should be irrelevant.

I guess others have given their opinion, but for me this is better pokemon for a few reasons.

1. I've been playing pokemon for since the 90s, and at this point I just want to get in and start playing. I remember I almost put Moon down because the tutorial was vibes of the game didn't feel like it ended till I was midway through second island - so the open tutorial is a absolutely massive improvement to me where I can just get to playing.
2. For me at least, exploration and seeing new mons was one of the most exciting parts of each pokemon game. I still would like having turned based combat as an option as that's where a ton of the depth from pokemon come from, but I'm not opposed to this combat method as well as it's doing its own thing. But for the two earlier mentioned traits of exploration and seeing new mons I think this game out does recent pokemon games as well.
3. The base building and what not is totally different though and I think it works for giving me a reason to catch extra Pals though as I can bring them back to base and have something to do.
4. Pokemon is better when it comes to a carrot on a stick though, wish and hope that Palworld adds an elite 4 type of end game or something as I'd love there to be a final boss culmination after you reach endgame. (maybe there is but I'm trying to stay un spoiled on that part)

So to me outside of turn based combat and story pal world has surpassed nearly every other reason I'd play a newer Pokemon title.