How much will be Palworld's LTD

  • Less than 5 million

    Votes: 27 1.7%
  • 5 million - 10 million

    Votes: 313 20.0%
  • 10 million - 15 million

    Votes: 427 27.2%
  • 15 million - 20 million

    Votes: 246 15.7%
  • 20 million - 25 million

    Votes: 136 8.7%
  • More than 25 million

    Votes: 418 26.7%

  • Total voters


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
But those games didn't capture the audience this game is. Because the gameplay mechanics in those game were not as enjoyable.

If pokemon released on steam do you think it would be at 2 million concurrent players right now?
Easily. I honestly think it'd threaten PUBG with highest concurrent.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Are we really doing the "well if Pokémon was on Steam, it have just as many players" level of cope? This is not a good look.

Its an interesting thought for sure.

I honestly don't think so. It would really depend on how good the game is and the mechanics within it. PC folk go apeshit for indie survival games with building and crafting etc.

The biggest franchises around haven't sniffed anything close to 2 million CCU on Steam. The top 5 most played games on Steam are either F2P or indie titles that are sub $30.

GTA5 is second best selling game of all time and has only had a total of 360k CCU on Steam.

It would be pretty big tho. I just dont know how much goodwill Nintendo has with PC gamers, though that may not matter. Just Pokemon being on PC would be big.
Yeah, I think that take is kind of insane. This is the second game to hit that number and we're already having people say Pokemon would've replicated that level of success. Turn based RPGs haven't been hitting these highs afaik it are these multiplayer games like BRs, MOBAs, FPS, and Survivals.
It's a knee jerk post / reaction with next to no thought put into it only said to defend X from the praise the new hotness is getting. That's all.

Palworld is a new thing getting attention that's getting more attention from controversies, to curiosity to people playing what their friends are playing.

Pokemon is a nearly 30 year old franchise that people have experienced and already know their feelings on.


Nov 6, 2017
Are we really doing the "well if Pokémon was on Steam, it have just as many players" level of cope? This is not a good look.

It's a knee jerk post / reaction with next to no thought put into it only said to defend X from the praise the new hotness is getting. That's all.

Palworld is a new thing getting attention that's getting more attention from controversies, to curiosity to people playing what their friends are playing.

Pokemon is a nearly 30 year old franchise that people have experienced and already know their feelings on.

a brand new Pokemon game with an even wider audience would sell gangbusters. If it were a game that "people have already experienced and already know their feelings on" it wouldn't sell over 20 million copies on the Switch alone.

Also, fine form claiming it's to undermine talk of PalWorld's success when a PalWorld player posed the question in the first place.


Nov 22, 2018
You're certainly welcome to think that, friend, just as I'm allowed to think it's shitty
Depresso is my spirit animal



Jan 20, 2022
Easily. I honestly think it'd threaten PUBG with highest concurrent.
You should really take a look into what kind of games reach even 1 mil on Steam. And how big franchises that are mostly single player fare there. This isnt a dig against Pokemon btw, Ive been a fan since playing Blue. But Steam demographic doesnt over lap at all with Switch/Nintendo.


Feb 4, 2020
Haven't really paid much attention to this game or the stuff around it. Have Nintendo let slip the legal dogs of war yet?

I don't know the legal intricacies around the game and it's similarity to Pokemon, but if there's a series I'm happy for people to rip off it's Pokemon because Pokemon itself has been a pretty cynical moneymaker for a long time. Let 'er rip.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
a brand new Pokemon game with an even wider audience would sell gangbusters. If it were a game that "people have already experienced and already know their feelings on" it wouldn't sell over 20 million copies on the Switch alone.

Also, fine form claiming it's to undermine talk of PalWorld's success
when a PalWorld player posed the question in the first place.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
nvm, not worth it

These Palworld threads fucking suck, man. People are doing a great job of sucking any potential decent, legitimate discussion or fun out of them. Some of y'all need to lighten the fuck up and stop finding things to get mad at just for the sake of getting mad at them.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
You should really take a look into what kind of games reach even 1 mil on Steam. And how big franchises that are mostly single player fare there. This isnt a dig against Pokemon btw, Ive been a fan since playing Blue. But Steam demographic doesnt over lap at all with Switch/Nintendo.
Certainly true for most of the top 20 no doubt, but I would take a beat that most the people that heavily play on pc, also played Pokemon growing up. Playing a Pokemon game that doesn't run like ass would see insanely well. I do think it would easily pass it, but you are right about the types of games that get that high concurrent. Sad things is we will never know because Nintendo/TPC/GameFreak would never do it.


Oct 25, 2017
I think between 10-15 million, with sales dropping off a cliff after a point as Pocket Pair is slow with their updates and doesn't deliver on a lot of their promises, based on how they've basically abandoned a lot of their other EA titles.
Those weren't printing money. They are not gonna vivisect the goose laying golden eggs, come on.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Don't ever EVER tell me IP doesn't color people's judgement on this site. Watch people fight tooth and nail to defend a broken game that was never fixed one week and then gleefully act like something else that runs even better is worse.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
Don't ever EVER tell me IP doesn't color people's judgement on this site. Watch people fight tooth and nail to defend a broken game that was never fixed one week and then gleefully act like something else that runs even better is worse.
The only thing I will tell you is that your message posted twice

Edit: site must have glitched . fixed now lol


Jan 20, 2022
Certainly true for most of the top 20 no doubt, but I would take a beat that most the people that heavily play on pc, also played Pokemon growing up. Playing a Pokemon game that doesn't run like ass would see insanely well. I do think it would easily pass it, but you are right about the types of games that get that high concurrent. Sad things is we will never know because Nintendo/TPC/GameFreak would never do it.
I mean you adress one of the biggest issues right there. It WOULD run like ass. GameFreak has trouble getting it performing well for one Single platform, and for PC gamers who all run various rigs that can be a major issue in devoting playing time. Never mind the other reasons that also see triple A singleplayer games mostly staying in 6 digits regions.
Would it sell well?
Yes of course (if Nintendo dropped the price a bit)
Would it EASILY get near PUBG in terms of concurrent users?
Yeah sorry but no.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like some posters in here are naive to the size of Pokemon and how much news and buzz a PC release would generate. Pokemon outgrew the console games as an IP over a decade ago.

Feels like PoGO release redux.


Nov 6, 2017
Those weren't printing money. They are not gonna vivisect the goose laying golden eggs, come on.

It's not a matter of vivisecting it on purpose. It's a combination of factors:

1) Pocket Pair has admitted that they are extremely inexperienced with developing the game this way and only pulled it off with the help of a couple of "miracle workers", telling me development will be slow and therefore kneecapping interest
2) They have shown themselves to be very poor stewards of their other games, flaming out and leaving them in EA and having to rush out a new product to keep money coming in

They're basically not prepared for this shit and even if they have a financial head start thanks to this game's run away success, I'm not convinced that Pocket Pair has the experience or the ability to keep the ship afloat


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
Certainly true for most of the top 20 no doubt, but I would take a beat that most the people that heavily play on pc, also played Pokemon growing up. Playing a Pokemon game that doesn't run like ass would see insanely well. I do think it would easily pass it, but you are right about the types of games that get that high concurrent. Sad things is we will never know because Nintendo/TPC/GameFreak would never do it.
It doesn't have to be that way, I think people would be welcome to a pokemon title trying to get as high of a concurrent playerbase.

If Palworld comes out on PlayStation I think it's a wrap for my prediction of 10-15 million. Game is easily breaking 20, especially at that price.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
They are gonna have a real Raichu problem in their hands with Depresso if they ever get around to evolutions. Having to come up with a direct "upgrade" to the face of your IP.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
nvm, not worth it

These Palworld threads fucking suck, man. People are doing a great job of sucking any potential decent, legitimate discussion or fun out of them. Some of y'all need to lighten the fuck up and stop finding things to get mad at just for the sake of getting mad at them.

It has turned to the Person Eating Crackers thing. No matter what it does, people will find a reason to get mad. Hell, remember that Twitter guy who said the mesh of two models were the same? Well turned out that was a lie. People who want to hate, will hate.


Oct 28, 2017
nvm, not worth it

These Palworld threads fucking suck, man. People are doing a great job of sucking any potential decent, legitimate discussion or fun out of them. Some of y'all need to lighten the fuck up and stop finding things to get mad at just for the sake of getting mad at them.

How dare you enjoy something.

How dare you attempt to take away my identity of making everything miserable.


Jan 20, 2022
I feel like some posters in here are naive to the size of Pokemon and how much news and buzz a PC release would generate. Pokemon outgrew the console games as an IP over a decade ago.

Feels like PoGO release redux.
As someone who plays Go, its a free game on mobile. Not at all comparable to what the topic was, how much a single player 60 bucks game would do on Steam in terms of reaching concurrent player counts.
Oct 28, 2017
It's not a direct competitor but I'm sure the Pokémon Company are musing the idea of developing a Pokémon survival game on more powerful hardware than the Switch.