
Oct 27, 2017
It's doing well. SoT looks good actually. But to say it's one of the most successful studios is hyperbole.

Next to Mojang, it does sound a bit much.

We know how much MS paid for Rare, Mojang and Zenimax, but how about the other acquisitions like Compulsion, inXiles, etc? It's apublich company so surely that info much be accessible somehow?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Ops so no one can say they don't like sot? Lol

Rare with Ms I miss Conker and PDZ.

I don't think what was on the poster's mind. I saw some reply on the first page questioning how can Rare be successful if their recent games weren't up to that poster's liking, which doesn't make any sense. I think that was EBomb's point.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Weirdly, I think Rare could probably succeed in today's Activision. At least as much as a studio like Vicarious Visions. I doubt they'd get to do new IP like Sea of Thieves or Everwild, but they'd probably be doing Banjo and Conker remasters and/or new games in those series, just as Vicarious found success with Tony Hawk and Crash remasters.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see how you go from industry leading titles such as the DKC series, Killer Instinct and then an INSANE amount of output in the 64 era (Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Banjo, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps, etc.) to the paltry offerings we've gotten up until Sea of Thieves and call it one of the most successful studios.

Emphatically disagree with the OP's title. What happened to Rare was damn near a tragedy for one of my favorite studios. Just recently have they been turning it around but that original talent and leadership is long gone.


Feb 4, 2020
They are start to turn the ship around (sorry for the pun) but they went from a top 5 developer to a Kinect developer and are trying to dig themselves out of the whole. I wouldn't really call that a success, also I bet personnel wise this probably a completely different company. you would expect after 20+ years?

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nuts and Bolts was fucking brilliant. In my eyes the only dud they ever made was perfect dark zero. Everything else they made I can feel the heart and personality in.


Dec 12, 2017
Sea of thieves looks terrible but Ever Wild looks nice.

I doubt they'll ever be as notable as they were doing the N64 era.


Oct 25, 2017
What would be the equivalent be for nintendo not buying rare, something like insomniac after spiderman and nintendo or microsoft buys them instead of sony?

I'm glad activision didn't get them, they probably would be a cod assist studio.


Nov 8, 2017
Sea of Thieves is a big success for Microsoft, but Rare was industry defining in the N64 days. We'll see what happens.

I've played a few Xbox-era Rare games and I've liked none of them. Kameo felt pretty gimmicky with how powers work and the combat wasn't very good. Nuts and Bolts is a game that becomes a bunch of boring vehicle-based fetch quests if you don't have the creativity needed to screw around with the building system and really get into it (and I don't). Kinect Sports wasn't even a good Wii Sports clone, it lacks the simple-but-brilliant game design ethos and nothing is as much of a homerun as bowling.


May 7, 2018
They really really need to do something with Conker and Banjo IPs, if Rare is not going to use it give it to another studio.


Oct 27, 2017
Some of yall love to try to change history around here.
Seriously! For the longest time on GAF and elsewhere we all pointed to the Rare acquisition as proof that MS has mishandled this stuff (and interviews after the fact showed how Rare wanted Banjo 3 and MS execs weren't having it and forced some weird ass Nuts and Bolts crap instead). Also look at Lionhead Studios as well.


Oct 29, 2017
I still miss the experiences that Rare used to make back in the N64, and for me, their close to 20 years was rather mediocre until Sea of Thieves. That's when they started doing better. SoT is an impressive looking game, with some fun mechanics but zero appeal to me. Still, lot's of people seem to love it and I am happy for them, so I appreciate the game even if it's not for me. Everwild though....mmmm, that shit looks sexy! Can't wait to see more of that game. It looks just so inviting and interesting. Hopefully it has some RPG elements, and that will hook me up forever.


Oct 25, 2017
If you had told me back in 2002 that by the end of 2020, we still wouldn't have a proper Banjo sequel, I wouldn't have believed you. I miss the company that did games like Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark. They haven't felt like Rare since before Kinect Sports :(
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Oct 29, 2017
Wow. That las part of the title.
Also, yeah this. I don't think SoT success is enough to justify those 16-20 years of meh games output, and are they that successful?? I wouldn't count them in the top 5 of MS successful studios (pre-acquisition of zenimax. With Zenimax in, it's not even on my top 10), if you ask me. But that is just my personal opinion.
FarSight XR-20
Jan 4, 2018
God, Don Mattrick really tried his hardest to kill that studio with avatars and Kinect. While they might have been money makers (aside from Rivals) it really is a miracle that they've stuck around and really turned it around.

Honestly, after the whole Kinect/Xbox One launch, I really don't give a fuck about him but I wonder what Don Mattrick thinks of Xbox today. He's disappeared to his huge ass mansion after finishing off Zynga. Xbox has gone on an entirely different path. Mattrick, Steve Balmer, and Terry Myerson really fucked the division over for a long time and they're just now rebounding from that.

Actually, I always thought it was Microsoft who forced them to go Kinect. But it seems it was more complicated thant that:

The internet narrative has always been: Microsoft bought Rare (Banjo-Kazooie, GoldenEye) in 2002, then wrecked it, most recently by way of consigning the company to Kinect development.

But in a lengthy Eurogamer retrospective on the Kinect, a former Rare designer says it was Rare management that chose to go all in on the motion-tracking peripheral. Gavin Price, who left Rare to work as creative lead on Banjo-Kazooie successor Yooka-Laylee, explained, "Phil Spencer taking the mantle of Xbox is one of the best things that could have happened for Rare. Because he's always said to people at Rare [as general manager of Microsoft Studios], 'Do what you want to do and we'll back you,' and he's always stayed true to his word in that regard.

"It was people in Rare's management at the time who said: 'Well, Kinect is a great opportunity for the studio - go all in on it.' So when executives at Microsoft see that the management team are passionate about doing that, they back them. Microsoft to their credit did that, and perhaps the story online isn't quite reflective of the truth."

Microsoft didn't push for Kinect development, Rare chose it

Kinect Sports was the largest Rare team The internet narrative has always been: Microsoft bought Rare (Banjo-Kazooie, GoldenEye) in 2002,...

Seriously! For the longest time on GAF and elsewhere we all pointed to the Rare acquisition as proof that MS has mishandled this stuff (and interviews after the fact showed how Rare wanted Banjo 3 and MS execs weren't having it and forced some weird ass Nuts and Bolts crap instead). Also look at Lionhead Studios as well.

Seems like Nuts & Bolts wasn't MS's decision according to Mayles' recent tweets.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Great write-up, OP!

While I don't really play Rare's games now, seeing that they were able to survive all they've been through is nothing short of remarkable. If they were bought out by Activision, they would've been long dead by now.

And while I know many people lament not getting new games in their favorite series from Rare, replaying the old games on Xbox One is still such a delight!

As I was playing Super Mario 64 on the Super Mario 3D All-Stars Collection this week, all I could think about was how the Banjo-Kazooie games were remastered so much better than this, with proper controls, camera, actual widescreen, and playable in 4K!

I hope that Rare will continue to have a bright future ahead of them as they do now in the present.


Oct 27, 2017
Actually, I always thought it was Microsoft who forced them to go Kinect. But it seems it was more complicated thant that:

Microsoft didn't push for Kinect development, Rare chose it

Kinect Sports was the largest Rare team The internet narrative has always been: Microsoft bought Rare (Banjo-Kazooie, GoldenEye) in 2002,...

Seems like Nuts & Bolts wasn't MS's decision according to Mayles' recent tweets.

Got it, I stand corrected. However, they should have done Banjo 3 lol


Feb 4, 2020
Weirdly, I think Rare could probably succeed in today's Activision. At least as much as a studio like Vicarious Visions. I doubt they'd get to do new IP like Sea of Thieves or Everwild, but they'd probably be doing Banjo and Conker remasters and/or new games in those series, just as Vicarious found success with Tony Hawk and Crash remasters.

Just turning them into a meat grinder for Banjo and Conker remasters/sequels would probably be worse, if you asked anyone who actually works at Rare.

Rare went through some dark times, which seem to have been a combination of poor support from Microsoft at the time, as well as a string of games that simply didn't sell well.

However, these days they seem to be the healthiest they've ever been from just about every perspective. The work culture of modern Rare seems really great and positive, and you get a really upbeat vibe from all of their dev update videos and stuff. I recall reading an article about the history of Rare, that said when they were in their "golden years", the studio was very small and insular, and socially were very clique-y. The teams working on different games kinda kept to themselves, and were competitive.

FInancially their games are doing as good as they've ever done. Employee-wise the studio is the biggest it has ever been, with at least three separate teams working on projects, working at that same beautiful studio in Twycross. They aren't the studio they used to be, but no studio would be after 35 years.

The last 5 years or so, Rare seem to be mostly left alone to do what they want. Sea of Thieves had a bit of a weird launch, but is in a very good place now. Everwild looks aesthetically amazing, and while I was bummed it still seems a long way off, I kinda liked that the project head was so open in admitting that they are still prototyping the gameplay, and that Microsoft were giving them the time they need.

And not for nothing, but their Microsoft game output is underrated by people who just wanted them to make the same kind of stuff they made for Nintendo until the end of time. Viva Pinata should be considered a classic. Nuts & Bolts was an innovative game that didn't get the respect it deserved because it wasn't a "proper" B&K sequel. These kinds of games flopping is what probably led to them being assigned Avatar stuff for a few years in the first place.
Oct 25, 2017
i just want viva piñata ports to PC :(

but yeah, they're still an incredible company. Sea of Thieves is brilliant. They released some of their best games under MS so i'll always find it weird people saying that MS ruined the studio
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Oct 28, 2017
Up until SoT, which was released half-baked and took a year+ to get it to a good spot, Rare has been completely underwhelming.

Someone like EA or Activision would have shut down Rare years ago.


Jul 24, 2020
I haven't bought a rare game since 2000 with Perfect Dark for N64. I'm glad there doing well but I haven't jumped into their games lately.
I was a big rare guy too DKC1-3, Golden Eye, tons of NES games.

I was surprised they shut down Lionhead because I had bought Fable 2 and 3 which was way more recent than my Rare purchases.


Oct 28, 2017
at the time it seemed like a crazy deal, but in reality, its a drop in a bucket even with inflation its about half a billion, which Rare has proven itself in one way or another from generation to generation regardless of the gaming community's perception of those games. Immediately diversified the original xbox's lineup that was mostly western rpg and shooters with Conker and Ghoulies, then delivered 2 360 launch titles, Viva Pinata series and Banjo, then when kinect launched they were integral with the kinect sports series.

Fast forward to gamepass and Rare was again at the forefront with launch title. The investment in Rare has more then been worth it for Xbox in my opinion
Aug 23, 2018
Awesome write up. They're actually the very first Xbox first party title to release day 1 on GamePass. And they're currently the 2nd longest tenured studio on XGS. Which is kinda weird


Oct 27, 2017
I loved Battletoads when I was a kid, I can't say I liked any of their games since then, their games are just not for me.


Oct 25, 2017

Great OP, good stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Viva Piñata is the best post-Nintendo Rare game, and the only one for me that's captured that same anarchic spirit.

Great write-up - didn't know it almost went to Activision.
Viva Pinata is sooo underrated. I'm still enjoying the first one and the kids has started playing it too and it has completely won them over leaving Minecraft behind them at the moment. Rare needs to make another one!


Oct 27, 2017
That long stretch where they were a Kinect studio doesn't do this argument many favors.

They had a couple of duds, then some good games with limited success, then... shovelware.


Nov 8, 2017
ill always love rare, goldeneye, blast corps and hell star fox adventures is awesome dammit. never got into any of their xbox games though, but everwild does look promising.


Oct 28, 2017
They are absolutely not one of the most successful studios in the industry these days. During the N64 days absolutely, but now, hell no.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. Great OP.

Glad Activision didn't get them. I have doubts Rare would still exist if they had.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
Yea im not sure, we talk about this acquisition often still.
In the industry, at least in some circles, it's genuinely regarded as such a massive blown opportunity.

Rare could have been the naughty dog of today, if not bigger considering the appeal of their content.
What they could have been for MS.

Deleted member 13015

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The only successful and worthy thing to come out of this deal was Sea of Thieves.

Rare is bland and will never be as creative as their 90s self.