
Oct 25, 2017
The voice acting is weird yeah.

but the game is really unique in that it's pretty cohesive in it's setting and has the best world building of any 3D Mario. It stands out positively for me because of that. It'll always be an odd duck but charming and unique.

It's too unpolished from a gameplay perspective though, definitely. Especially by Nintendo standards


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Not at all. I think it's been "in" to hate on Sunshine for a while now. It has it's flaws just like any other game and many of those have been pointed out already. Some are a bigger deal to some than me.

We're talking about a game that was well reviewed by the vast majority of people. It's unique and does some things incredibly well. If an update of Sunshine comes out I'll play it again for sure.

It just happens to be sandwiched between one of the most important games of all time in Mario 64 and the beloved Galaxy pair.

Deleted member 283

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Oct 25, 2017
I just played it. Dude the game is great but have some issues. It lack the freedom of sm64 because you have to finish 7 levels on every ....whatyoucallit.. level(?) U know what I mean?

There are some difficulty spikes when you aren't wereing flud (the sevent level) and I personally think that the fysics on those levels are a bit off.

Then it's tidious to 100% just finish the story.

But beside those issues the game is great. I actually love it and consider it to be one of the best Mario games (well you know, they're all great).

The cutscenes and story is fucking hilarious. What's wrong with you guys? I think peach was humping Browser? How is that not funny?
Beyond the cutscenes being unskippable, that is something I would give it yeah.

"Now, now boys don't touch that stuff!"
"It's moving!"

I actually do legitimately enjoy how cheesy it is. I don't know what it is about it, but I love it. Don't care if people say it's bad, maybe it is, but I like it the same either way. The only shame is that they can't be skipped, and so they do get old due to that, otherwise I would have zero problem with them.

Plus, the game introduced Bowser Jr. Who I have zero problem with and infinitely prefer to say the Koopalings personally. Because love him or hate him, feel however you want about him, at least there's only one Junior compared to seven Koopalings so he takes up a lot less space in a game than they do, so to speak. If I had to pick one or the other to have for the rest of time, I'd pick Jr, easily. Especially since as far as Jr has developed in a gimmick in later games, his gimmick appears to be "mechs" which naturally offers much more potential diversity than the gimmicks of the other Koopalings, especially in stuff like say the Galaxies and yes, Sunshine itself as well, so easy choice there for me personally.

...Just a shame that in practice he's just a +1 to the Koopalings instead, but theoretically speaking, I mean.

Plus, in like the Parental Controls videos Nintendo has put out for those features on various platforms, the stuff between Bowser and Jr is super adorable and we wouldn't have that if Jr didn't exist and we wouldn't have that without Sunshine.

So I can definitely give it that much, easily, and certainly appreciate it for that, but I suppose that might be getting kind of off-track and away from Sunshine itself, so I'll leave it there.


Oct 27, 2017
I jumped to 56:00 randomly and the game has high res mirrors.

I know it's the cool thing to hate on Sunshine...but you really can't call the game ugly imo. It looked fantastic for the time and it still looks good almost 20 years later.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I replayed it not too long ago, and was really surprised at how I even managed to get through it as a kid. There are so many sections of the game that are absolutely brutal. It's easily the hardest of the 3D Mario games.


Oct 28, 2017
It's the worst 3D Mario game by a large margin. There's just so many low points:

-Scrapping 70 star progression to get to the final boss and instead requiring specific Shines.

-Making Yoshi awful.

-The giant stingray mission

-The red coins on the sand bird.

-Awful final boss fight.

-Bad chase sequences.

-That goddamn pachinko machine(which admittedly led to one of the greatest Game Grumps meltdowns ever).

That said, the Flood-less segments were really well done at least.


Oct 31, 2017
I enjoyed Sunshine a lot. In fact, I thought it was great.

Much better than the trivial experience of Odyssey.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I don't play old systems so it's been nearly 20 years since I've played it, but I loved it at the time. The struggle with the camera was real, but I thought the gameplay was excellent and I loved the look of it.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
You're not wrong, OP. It's a buggy, rushed game with a lot of problems, it caused me to have little desire for another 3D Mario game until Galaxy released. And it was bad enough that it missed the Gamecube launch, then a year later Sunshine finally releases and it's so incredibly unpolished and underwhelming. What on earth was going on with the development of this game? I enjoyed some of it and would buy a remaster but there are so many issues that would have to be fixed.

Also, ITT people saying not even Odyssey is on par level and design wise with Sunshine, to each their own but the nostalgia for this game is a powerful drug.

4 Get!

Alt Account
Apr 8, 2019
The cutscenes are dumb and the game, like Windwaker, is rushed and unfinished. However, also like Windwaker, it's a gem in the rough. It's very much one of the weaker 3D Mario titles due to the state it released in (in a complete and polished state it would probably be number 1, real talk), but it's still a real good game. Gameplay also isn't boring, imo.

I'd compare it more to Skyward Sword than Windwaker(because SS had lower lows than WW ever had, same with Sunshine compared to other Marios) but I see why you immediately went to that game for the comparison.

Deleted member 2474

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I'd compare it more to Skyward Sword than Windwaker(because SS had lower lows than WW ever had, same with Sunshine compared to other Marios) but I see why you immediately went to that game for the comparison.
Incidentally, Skyward Sword is also a garbage pile that would be regarded as a 7/10 at best if not for the Zelda branding.

Thank God for Breath of the Wild.
Oct 27, 2017
It's the worst Mario game I have ever played outside of the spinoff shit. I got that and Luigi's Mansion when I got my gamecube all those years ago. Hated Sunshine, hated the water mechanics, hated the level design and mission structure. Luigi's Mansion was great though.

4 Get!

Alt Account
Apr 8, 2019
Incidentally, Skyward Sword is also a garbage pile that would be regarded as a 7/10 at best if not for the Zelda branding.

Thank God for Breath of the Wild.

I would have rated it worse than that due to the game's pacing alone(unless you're using the IGN rating system of everything below 7 being equal to zero). People claim Spirit Tracks is the worst Zelda but sometimes I think back to Skyward Sword and all of its bullshit, and it's a close call for me.


Nov 13, 2017
The hate is crazy. I love this game, the vibe, everything about it. The music is fucking amazing too. Yea, maybe there are some half-baked levels, but other than that, I love it.

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Matthewmatosis gives a fairer shake at it.

The platforming is as good as ever, but definitely has rough spots, especially the less forgiving camera.

Deleted member 32005

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
if by bad you mean great then yes! I actually 100%'d this back in the day.... except that pachinko level. I never could beat it.


Oct 27, 2017
Other than the incredibly terrible camera and the tedious blue coins the game is actually pretty good. It'd have been even better if they'd have been able to hit the 60fps target they were aiming for.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it for all its flaws. I'm just mad I had to pay $30 for it as a Players Choice because Nintendo thought their best sellers were worth $10 more than what Sony and Microsoft did. But I enjoyed it.

I still hope it gets a remaster that fixes the biggest flaws. I hope that HD 3D Mario remaster rumor ends up being true. Especially if it means I can eventually have every mainstream Mario on my Switch at some point.

madame x

May 15, 2020

i thought this was considered the best 3d mario to ever exist. imo, the best platformer of all time.


Oct 26, 2017
There are clearly things that don't work in it. Most levels aren't memorable or replayable for instance, and feel like they should be in a game that isn't a Mario.

... and yet, I'd like nintendo to experiment with the next Mario like they did with this one. It's basically a different, unexpected direction. Not perfect, but interesting nontheless.


Oct 28, 2017
Ghost Planet Spaceship
I admit, the nostalgia is a big factor in my love for this game.

But it did have some ridiculous difficulty spikes. The watermelon. Poison river red coins. Pachinko. But even those won't stop me from playing the upcoming remaster. The atmosphere is just impeccable. Love it to pieces. And soon I'll be able to enjoy it in HD and on the go.


May 9, 2019

i thought this was considered the best 3d mario to ever exist. imo, the best platformer of all time.
That's certainly not the popular opinion on the game. It seems you either love it or hate it though. I personally love Sunshine (probably my second favorite after 64).

Galaxy 1 and 2 just control kinda off to me (though the level design is impeccable), and I honestly hated Odyssey with a burning passion, outside of the excellent feeling of controlling mario in that game. Fucking put Odyssey game feel into Galaxy and that's my winner haha.
Feb 20, 2019
People who believe in Hell think its ruler is Satan. I actually saw on a youtube gameplay of Mario Sunshine who ruled Hell and it's the fucking shadow stingray you need to fight in order to bring the hotel back


One Winged Slayer
Mar 7, 2018
It's the best 3D Mario because it's the only one that provides an actual challenge from start to finish. Every other 3D Mario is way too easy for the most time.


Oct 25, 2017
I've gone back to replay Sunshine repeatedly whereas I don't know if I ever will for the Galaxy or 3D Land/World games, because Mario feels way better to control in Sunshine than he does in any of those other games. The tropical atmosphere really fits the mood of a game I can go back to and mess around for a while. The later games nerfed Mario's abilities so heavily that once I've seen the gimmicks of the levels, the appeal of playing the game has largely been exhausted. It's like removing the run button from 2D Mario.

Imagine being a Super Mario Sunshine speedrunner. It's a fate worse than death.
That would be Pokemon speedrunning, where the RNG hates you so much you have to reset for dozens of minutes just to get a starter Pokemon with good enough genetics to actually begin a run. Though I think nowadays they have good manips for a lot of the games.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
I loved it when it came out.

Good memories.

I didn't read the internet so my ??-year old brain at the time was perfectly happy. In retrospect, sure, there are some down moments, but fuck it, it was great fun.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
The cutscenes are awful, collecting blue coins is a pain, and there are plenty of BS Shines and challenges.

BUT the game itself I've always thought was gorgeous (the water, the heat haze, the goop effects), the music and the whole tropical theme was fantastic, and the controls are great.

IMO there's definitely more good than bad to the game, it's just not a game I'd ever want to play to 100%.
Maybe if the remake adds a Blue Coin tracker so I can find them easier (and track which ones I've collected already).

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being a Super Mario Sunshine speedrunner. It's a fate worse than death.
Nah, in all seriousness, despite my misgivings about Sunshine, as far as speedruns go, it's one of my favorite 3D Mario games to run speedruns of. Really can't explain why exactly, but something about it just fascinates me in ways that speedruns of the other 3D Marios really don't. It's just really cool to me what they're able to pull off with this game, and I dunno, I just really like it as far as that stuff goes even if I can't explain why myself.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
I see from a more critical perspective why Mario Sunshine is probably the "worst" of the 3D Mario games. But from a personal perspective the tone and aesthetic of it's whole tropical island vacation getaway theming is so comfy and fun that I enjoy my time with it more than any of the other 3D Mario games.

Also I think the controls are actually really tight and FLUDD adds an extra layer of unappreciated platforming excellence. It's definitely the most janky/buggy of the 3D Mario games with the most lows though. Regardless, I'd die for that game.


Oct 28, 2017
What ? I mean i WAS disappointed by the lack of variety, the way it padded 120 stars by putting blue coin everywhere and certain shines was quite bad..

... But a bad game ? Lacking personality ? I don't agree at all ! This is a Mario that dared to change the world a little from the usual something we wouldn't see again until.... Mario Odyssey ? It also have a lot of cohesion in its world which made me really invested in it. Heck, even that strange "Whodunit" scenario reminded me of Mario RPG's stuff, it was quite fun !

... Still i think i only dislike 3D Land and Galaxy 2 more than this one.. So yeah, it was still a disappointment somehow...

madame x

May 15, 2020
That's certainly not the popular opinion on the game. It seems you either love it or hate it though. I personally love Sunshine (probably my second favorite after 64).

Galaxy 1 and 2 just control kinda off to me (though the level design is impeccable), and I honestly hated Odyssey with a burning passion, outside of the excellent feeling of controlling mario in that game. Fucking put Odyssey game feel into Galaxy and that's my winner haha.
i thought that odyssey is fantastic but there are some points of the game that just get frustrating for me. interesting how it has its own cult of hatred on this site, but then again i tend to enjoy the more controversial game releases (such as sunshine)

i would rank galaxy last to be honest, though they are good games.


Oct 27, 2017
You're right in how you feel OP. Giving the game a shot a fair number of years ago, it feels like it was made by an entirely different developer than 64. What that game understands about quality of controls and level design is completely absent from Sunshine. Most of the goals given are an exercise in frustration, most of all that damn pachinko level, as well as the blue coins, and like someone else mentioned, the game decides to force you into completing specific goals in order to progress through the game, so it isn't always possible to skip over the parts you don't wanna do. I can only assume that it's as bad a game as it is because of its rushed development, so maybe a remaster that polishes it a lot more could salvage it.