
Aug 1, 2019
I feel like people who are questioning the intent of this thread missed the staff post in the last thread that encouraged someone to make this thread:
Hm, okay. I'll retract what I've said before, timing still bothers me, but OP has given enough reason to not take his intentions as bad faith.


Chicken Chaser
May 3, 2018
Because she has 718k Twitter followers and has a fairly sizeable following within the FGC. Are you saying that this sort of thing shouldn't be talked about? Or is right now just the wrong time for it?

What is materially different today than a week ago? Wasn't she just as popular a week ago? Why didn't we talk about her then?

The fact is that she has levied credible sexual harassment allegations against the creator of a game many people like. When stuff like this happens, the character assassination begins. How am I supposed to read this as anything other than character assassination meant to invalidate her claims? Especially when she's not unique in any way compared to larger cosplay culture except those pesky allegations.

edit: we can tackle things in order. Is what she's doing wrong? Yes I would say so, but we can't let that get in the way of the systemic issue that's currently weighing her down in the form of character assassination. It happens all the time.


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't see what she does as yellowface.

A key aspect of blackface, or any "-face", is doing something in a way that is demeaning/dehumanizing or was used in the past in such a way, and is meant to look like a person "without" makeup on. Here she is not doing any "asian" features in a demeaning or dehumanizing way. She is lightening her skin and doing her makeup in a way that many asian women do but again that is a makeup regimen. She isn't doing a Mr. Yunioshi routine by any means.

We can get into a whole discussion on the use of makeup to simulate other skin types and colors (whitening/lightening, making eyes look bigger, etc. is a thing pretty much EVERYWHERE), and we can even get into a discussion of where the line of appropriation is. I mean is what she's doing here worse than what Ariana Grande does every day? Or any other number of white girls tanning or "blaccenting" or whatever else?

All of that aside, on topic with the OT, I do have to say I'm a bit suspicious of this coming up now, about her specifically, due to the recent controversy. I don't mean the person who posted this thread in particular, just the sudden noise about this. This kind of thing is really not uncommon in anime circles, but she is being singled out suddenly? I'm not defending it, I think it's gross, but that issue with anime is a LOT more far-reaching than one girl on the internet.
this is why you don't understand. Malicious intent is not a prerequisite of blackface. It can be innocuous and equally as inappropriate.


The Wise Ones
Nov 11, 2019
I really don't see what she does as yellowface.

A key aspect of blackface, or any "-face", is doing something in a way that is demeaning/dehumanizing or was used in the past in such a way, and is meant to look like a person "without" makeup on. Here she is not doing any "asian" features in a demeaning or dehumanizing way. She is lightening her skin and doing her makeup in a way that many asian women do but again that is a makeup regimen. She isn't doing a Mr. Yunioshi routine by any means.

We can get into a whole discussion on the use of makeup to simulate other skin types and colors (whitening/lightening, making eyes look bigger, etc. is a thing pretty much EVERYWHERE), and we can even get into a discussion of where the line of appropriation is. I mean is what she's doing here worse than what Ariana Grande does every day? Or any other number of white girls tanning or "blaccenting" or whatever else?
The term you're looking for is "blackfishing" regarding white influencers/models trying to appear black on Insta. That's what I'd compare this to. "Yellowfishing" I guess?


Oct 30, 2017
So a pedo was denouncing a racist harraser... Boy the internet is full of garbage people.
Feb 29, 2020

The Omega Man

Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Is this the final trasformation to people that watch to much anime? Do they end up fancing under-age girls and boys because they are very sexualized in most of the anime shows. So this people just think it is normal?

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
The only way it's ever been explained to me in a way that made sense was, "we're making material for children, so it makes sense that we would make material that children would want to see, and when your demographic is 12-18 year old boys, that includes sexual content", which is bullshit. Even if you want to make material of a "sexual" or more likely, emotional nature you can do so without submitting yourself to immediate pedophilia. There are plenty of good anime shows out there that tackle the concepts of love, sex, desire and everything in between without forcing 15 year olds to strip. When you make shows that only exist to sexualize minors, you're doing so willingly, with motive. It's never an accident or misrepresentation, you know what you're doing.

I remember getting banned for 3 days at the old place because I refused to not point out that Kill a Kill is nothing but underaged kids being objectified for the viewers gaze with very little substance or meaning between connecting messages, because they didn't wanna hear it.

It's this 90% of the time.

Sure! But to make my argument simpler, there is no excuse (in my opinion) for an adult that needs to be told that the sexualization of minors is wrong or bad.

There are a million comparisons I could make about how some people just "need to be educated" as to why their thoughts and actions harm other people but they shouldn't need to be made.

You are completely ignoring the fact that the normalization occurs during childhood for the vast majority of people, and that many of those people were either directly abused using this material or more indirectly abused by their exposure to it at a young age.

Yeah, you are right that if a fully developed adult saw this stuff they would immediately know it was wrong, but that's not how the majority of people are exposed to this stuff or how it becomes normalized to them.

The people who abused me were showing me this stuff at 13, 14 years old and telling me it was fine and OK and what they were doing to me was good. And I was supposed to just immediately understand that was wrong? That's extremely ignorant.
Again, there are so many comparisons to be made about the idea that people just "need to be shown why their thoughts are harmful" that it's frankly ridiculous that they would need to be made. Excuses should not be made for an entire group of people.

I am sorry you were groomed as you were, and I am sorry that you were made to feel that the content you consumed was normal.

What is materially different today than a week ago? Wasn't she just as popular a week ago? Why didn't we talk about her then?

The fact is that she has levied credible sexual harassment allegations against the creator of a game many people like. When stuff like this happens, the character assassination begins. How am I supposed to read this as anything other than character assassination meant to invalidate her claims? Especially when she's not unique in any way compared to larger cosplay culture except those pesky allegations.
Because the mods encouraged that a separate thread be made. Because someone saw her come up recently and felt the need to bring it to light. I cannot and will not speak for the intentions of the person that made the thread, but christ almighty. We're at a time when people speaking up is encouraging other people to speak up. Even if it's speaking up against them because you've been exposed to something in the past.

Just because she's not any different doesn't mean she shouldn't be called out. Everyone like this should be called out.

Edit: Just saw your edit. I agree that there is a need to address the systemic reaction that is character assassination, but saying that people shouldn't bring up something shitty just because the timing is poor (especially when it's something actually serious and done recently) is quite the notion.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
this is why you don't understand. Malicious intent is not a prerequisite of blackface. It can be innocuous and equally as inappropriate.
It's not a prerequisite anymore because it was used solely with malicious intent previously and so it's impossible to separate from its prior use. And again even if she is attempting to "look more asian" it doesn't mean the same thing as "yellowface."

The term you're looking for is "blackfishing" regarding white influencers/models trying to appear black on Insta. That's what I'd compare this to. "Yellowfishing" I guess?
Thanks, I'm unfortunately not super up-to-date on the discourse around that. But "yellowfishing," I could definitely agree with that, yeah.


Oct 25, 2017
If you know another person with a huge following who are doing these sick stuffs, go right ahead and share them here. Thousands of them right?
These people use the same tired defenses in every single thread like there isn't already a rebuttal. Why even be on the defensive about either of these people?


Mar 18, 2018
Is not accusing OP of whataboutism in defence of Mike Z (something OP is obviously not doing) itself an attempt to whataboutism this thread?


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
These people use the same tired defenses in every single thread like there isn't already a rebuttal. Why even be on the defensive about either of these people?
I get the mindset. The media has a habit of bringing up small past transgressions to diminish claims people make. That's good to fight back against. What's not good to fight back against is this pedophile stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
ah yes, the ol drawings dont have an age thing. Closet Pedophile excuse #1. Is this a western anime shota?



Oct 25, 2017
yeah Yikes is appropriate for this situation cz the content in the OP really is ..yikes. Some messed up shit


Oct 27, 2017
I feel y'all are really reaching with the "trying to look Asian" comments. She's always looked white to me and still does, she just has make up on. What of it?

As for the shota stuff, yeah, it's pretty gross. Her girlfriend (not sure if they're together still) has the same mindset as her
She clearly is passing an image of japanese girl, from her makeup, to her nickname to the poses she makes in pics. But thers actually nothing wrong about that. Japanese ppl find that cute and not offensive. There was also another white girl that was acused by western ppl of cultural apropriation because she was wearing a traditiunal japanese kimono. So what she decided to do while she was in japan was to wear a traditional kimono, and whent to the streets asking japanese ppl, especially elders, what they tought of foreighner wearing traditional japanese cloths like a kimono. They all said they love the fact that foreigners like they culture and dont see any problem in wearing traditional japanese clothing, as long you wearing them correctly and respecting the culture, they dont see anything wrong with that.

Most of the outrage reaction you see are pretty much white ppl outraged at white ppl.

The fact Bunny Ayumi likes to see lewd underaged anime boys is where the problem is. Is creepy AF.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't really take an internet detective to figure out what level of weeaboo this person is.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Sure! But to make my argument simpler, there is no excuse (in my opinion) for an adult that needs to be told that the sexualization of minors is wrong or bad.

There are a million comparisons I could make about how some people just "need to be educated" as to why their thoughts and actions harm other people but they shouldn't need to be made.

I get that, and if this world were more perfect (or at least less shitty) that would be the case.

But alas, here we are, groomed by the media that we consume often leading us to a place where we don't question awful behavior because we see it all the time. That's society. It's why people don't understand why BLM is so important, it's why we were okay with kids being locked in cages.

I ABSOLUTELY 100% empathize with anyone who says, "I do not have the energy to educate these racist/sexist/other idiots who threaten me and mine with their warped way of thinking", I know personally how excusing that can be. But at the same time, I'm glad that when I needed it, someone was there to grab me by the arm and take me aside and ask, "you know what you're saying or what their doing is fucked up right?"

Deleted member 2328

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 Months): Dismissing concerns around sexualised imagery of minors
It's fucked up, but on the other hand we're still talking about cartoons here. Unless someone was actively hurt/targeted by her she can be trash as much as she likes imho.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not sure why anime seems to be exempt from getting called out on its pedo problem. Some very weirdly defensive takes ITT. No adult should need to be told why sexualixing kids is bad and disgusting. This "bunny ayu" person is twenty six years old. The thought of this grown ass woman just "not knowing any better because she grew up watching anime" is absolutely hilarious.


Oct 25, 2017
These people use the same tired defenses in every single thread like there isn't already a rebuttal. Why even be on the defensive about either of these people?

We're currently living in such a fine time now where they have to question their own morality of human decency. It won't be going away anytime soon.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
She clearly is passing an image of japanese girl, from her makeup, to her nickname to the poses she makes in pics. But thers actually nothing wrong about that. Japanese ppl find that cute and not offensive. There was also another white girl that was acused by western ppl of cultural apropriation because she was wearing a traditiunal japanese kimono. So what she decided to do while she was in japan was to wear a traditional kimono, and whent to the streets asking japanese ppl, especially elders, what they tought of foreighner wearing traditional japanese cloths like a kimono. They all said they love the fact that foreigners like they culture and dont see any problem in wearing traditional japanese clothing, as long you wearing them correctly and respecting the culture, they dont see anything wrong with that.

Most of the outrage reaction you see are pretty much white ppl outraged at white ppl.

The fact Bunny Ayumi likes to see lewd underaged anime boys is where the problem is. Is creepy AF.

Ah, the age-old 'the Japanese don't have a problem with it therefore it's fine' argument. Doesn't change the fact that from a sociological (hell from any) perspective its incredibly racist. People on here don't let blackface slide, so why on earth defend yellowface? Besides, one does not speak for all.


Jun 24, 2020
It's not even like I'm going "She's a pedohpile, Mike Z is vindicated!" I don't give a single fuck about Mike Z.

She's been getting called out in this shit numerous of times since October because she doubles, triples, quadruples down on it all the damn time. And as somebody active in that community I felt it was fine thing to discuss.

Her accusation of Mike Z is valid. Mike Z is a disgusting sex pest that needs to be put to task.

She is also a pedophile adjacent creep with a slew of other things to not fuck with her for like. Like cosplaying as a grown woman that goes around sexually assaulting little boys.

These two things can be true lol.

Like we legit have people in here talking about having to be taught that sexualizing children is not okay. Like she's 26 years old, and y'all in here going "she probably doesn't know any better because she grew up liking anime" ? I grew up liking anime and even I don't rock with this shit.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Is this the final trasformation to people that watch to much anime? Do they end up fancing under-age girls and boys because they are very sexualized in most of the anime shows. So this people just think it is normal?
Like the jokes and stuff? Naw, if you deal with a lot of people who like anime but don't think about the themes behind said anime, you get a lot of people making off color jokes because "lol so funny". I've made a "life and hometown" joke or two in my day, I'll admit it. I also absolutely rally against the source that said jokes stem from.

And let's make this clear, the tweets in the OP, those are jokes. They are jokes of a "where's the cheese cake for the ladies!?!?" nature. Are they gross because she's basically asking, "where are the sexualized children for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?????" yes. Absolutely. But I totally understand saying that joke and raising your hand for a high five and not getting it while you look around the room awkwardly knowing you just said something stupid, and I also get saying the joke, raising your hand for a high five and having 20 other people in that same room scramble to excitedly give you that high five thinking that joke was absolutely fucking hilarious, because those jokes have been normalized.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not a prerequisite anymore because it was used solely with malicious intent previously and so it's impossible to separate from its prior use. And again even if she is attempting to "look more asian" it doesn't mean the same thing as "yellowface."

Thanks, I'm unfortunately not super up-to-date on the discourse around that. But "yellowfishing," I could definitely agree with that, yeah.
I don't think the discussion should devolve into semantics or the nuances of racial insensitivity.

The fact of the matter is that she's white trying to look like an Asian, for the benefit of herself. It's the epitome of white privilege and as par for the course on this site the conversation about what is and isn't okay in racial relations have diverted into stifling the purpose behind the conversation which is to point out doing anything racially insensitive should be met with disapproval. She's white, she doesn't need to modify her facial features appearance like another race to cosplay. It's as simple as that. Even in the past I've given more intricate cosplays a pass, but this is wrong, because it's completely ignorant to other cultures and their experiences. It's not praise it's a caricature, always.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
She clearly is passing an image of japanese girl, from her makeup, to her nickname to the poses she makes in pics. But thers actually nothing wrong about that. Japanese ppl find that cute and not offensive. There was also another white girl that was acused by western ppl of cultural apropriation because she was wearing a traditiunal japanese kimono. So what she decided to do while she was in japan was to wear a traditional kimono, and whent to the streets asking japanese ppl, especially elders, what they tought of foreighner wearing traditional japanese cloths like a kimono. They all said they love the fact that foreigners like they culture and dont see any problem in wearing traditional japanese clothing, as long you wearing them correctly and respecting the culture, they dont see anything wrong with that.

Most of the outrage reaction you see are pretty much white ppl outraged at white ppl.

The fact Bunny Ayumi likes to see lewd underaged anime boys is where the problem is. Is creepy AF.
This is where I stand on it too. If I look at her photos and ask myself if it represents a harmful stereotype of asians or asian americans, I honestly don't see it. Maybe other asians/asian americans do and that's perfectly valid. But just the fact that she seems to like filters and kpop-esque aesthetics doesn't immediately strike me as harmful. A lot of people love that look.

That said, I would caution against speaking for groups of people like you do in the first part of your post.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
I get that, and if this world were more perfect (or at least less shitty) that would be the case.

But alas, here we are, groomed by the media that we consume often leading us to a place where we don't question awful behavior because we see it all the time. That's society. It's why people don't understand why BLM is so important, it's why we were okay with kids being locked in cages.

I ABSOLUTELY 100% empathize with anyone who says, "I do not have the energy to educate these racist/sexist/other idiots who threaten me and mine with their warped way of thinking", I know personally how excusing that can be. But at the same time, I'm glad that when I needed it, someone was there to grab me by the arm and take me aside and ask, "you know what you're saying or what their doing is fucked up right?"
I agree with this. My main point of ire was the idea that her upbringing should excuse her actions, because I am 100% against that notion. It's vital to hold someone accountable for their views and to not seek out a reason for their actions that makes it seem okay.

It's important to understand why someone acts and thinks as they do, absolutely! It's the only way you can actually begin to address the systemic root of the issue. There do need to be people that are willing and able to sit people down and help them with the resources to better their worldview. But to draw an obvious comparison, a racist is racist even if they grew up thinking racism is fine.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
It's not even like I'm going "She's a pedohpile, Mike Z is vindicated!" I don't give a single fuck about Mike Z.

She's been getting called out in this shit numerous of times since October because she doubles, triples, quadruples down on it all the damn time. And as somebody active in that community I felt it was fine thing to discuss.

Her accusation of Mike Z is valid. Mike Z is a disgusting sex pest that needs to be put to task.

She is also a pedophile adjacent creep with a slew of other things to not fuck with her for like. Like cosplaying as a grown woman that goes around sexually assaulting little boys.

These two things can be true lol.

Like we legit have people in here talking about having to be taught that sexualizing children is not okay. Like she's 26 years old, and y'all in here going "she probably doesn't know any better because she grew up liking anime" ?
My dude.

For real.

If you wanna talk about BunnyAyumi's behavior, you need to stop contextualizing it against the mike Z allegations. You haven't done that at all in this entire thread and its YOUR THREAD! If you actually believe her behavior is abhorrent, then her allegation against MikeZ shouldn't even factor in to your argument, but you keep bringing it up. That's why people are giving you the side eye here.


Nov 20, 2017
Most of the outrage reaction you see are pretty much white ppl outraged at white ppl.
LOL. Not only is that a large sweeping generalization, but it's also very unfair and untrue to dismiss legitimate feelings like that. I would agree that it's a blurry line and somewhat subjective, but come on.


Jun 14, 2018
She's doing her job, cattering to degenerate weebs. Doesn't excuse anything, but she knows where the money is and throw them what they expect and want.


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
My dude.

For real.

If you wanna talk about BunnyAyumi's behavior, you need to stop contextualizing it against the mike Z allegations. You haven't done that at all in this entire thread and its YOUR THREAD! If you actually believe her behavior is abhorrent, then her allegation against MikeZ shouldn't even factor in to your argument, but you keep bringing it up. That's why people are giving you the side eye here.
Nope. Try again.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
It's fucked up, but on the other hand we're still talking about cartoons here. Unless someone was actively hurt/targeted by her she can be trash as much as she likes imho.
The media we consume is partially responsible for our view of the world. Loli/Shotacon goes towards normalizing attraction towards child-like appearances. Which, shockingly enough, is often found in children!


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I guess I can't recognise yellowface when I see it 2 so I'll take you guys word for it. Honestly if someone says they don't see it it's probably because they really don't see it. She doesn't look asian in either photo so it must be really bad yellowface or somethin. I don't use filters and wouldn't know this had one unless someone said something


Jun 24, 2020
My dude.

For real.

If you wanna talk about BunnyAyumi's behavior, you need to stop contextualizing it against the mike Z allegations. You haven't done that at all in this entire thread and its YOUR THREAD! If you actually believe her behavior is abhorrent, then her allegation against MikeZ shouldn't even factor in to your argument, but you keep bringing it up. That's why people are giving you the side eye here.

Do you hear yourself? If I had not prefaced this the way I did. The same comments would've been in here like "I wonder why this came up now? Hmmmm?" like please don't be naive lol.


Oct 28, 2017
I get it. I understand the reflective need to push back against talking about this. As a black man, I more than understand the tactic of bring up stuff in an accuser's or victim's past to justify the bullshit done to them. But there are some fights that just ain't worth fighting, and this is one of them. This doesn't mean her claims against MikeZ is somehow "less valid." It does mean that the shit she's been posting--like the stuff in the OP--deserves a spotlight and be criticized.


Oct 25, 2017
It's telling that you're showing me this and the only thing I can say is "....So?"
It's fucked up, but on the other hand we're still talking about cartoons here.
She clearly is passing an image of japanese girl, from her makeup, to her nickname to the poses she makes in pics. But thers actually nothing wrong about that. Japanese ppl find that cute and not offensive.
This thread is fucking disgusting.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I've made my position extremely clear while never once connecting this discussion which has LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO WITH MIKE Z.

Do you hear yourself? If I had not prefaced this the way I did. The same comments would've been in here like "I wonder why this came up now? Hmmmm?" like please don't be naive lol.

Are you reading the same thread that I am because half the comments are already that.

Kunka Kid

Oct 27, 2017
I was a happy subscriber to her Patreon while she still had it up. Never followed her on social though. Probably for the best.