
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
You know what? I'm really not capable of holding a good conversation right now because I'm so messed up and this close to the fucking edge. I cannot deal with this right now. We are fucked. May as well just end it right now because shit is that bad. Everyone is dying due to carelessness in the first place. It's over and I don't see how this can be stopped.

What's even the point in discussing this since a good chunk of us are going to die soon? I don't have a lot of hope.

Everything is going to be OK. I'm recovering from Covid-19 as we speak. It started with my daughter and quickly spread throughout my entire household but we're all fine now and recovering nicely.

I understand this is not the case for everyone but it is the case for about 80% of people. It's going to be ok. Feel free to dm me if you have any questions.


Oct 26, 2017
Sadly by the time retooling was done to make ventilators, they would be kinda late.
What are you basing this on?
Honest question.
We can't even know for sure how long this pandemic will last.

Beyond that, there is a chronic ventilator shortage in the US, the government was working to address it, it was just doing a shitty job at that.


Oct 25, 2017
What are you basing this on?
Honest question.
We can't even know for sure how long this pandemic will last.

Beyond that, there is a chronic ventilator shortage in the US, the government was working to address it, it was just doing a shitty job at that.
Retooling in something as complex as a jet factory to other stuff would require (at best!) 2-3 weeks. The ventilators are needed now and by then everything will be even worse. The best way would be to prop up the current factories doing ventilators to try and speed them up.


Oct 26, 2017
Retooling in something as complex as a jet factory to other stuff would require (at best!) 2-3 weeks. The ventilators are needed now and by then everything will be even worse. The best way would be to prop up the current factories doing ventilators to try and speed them up.
I'm not as big of an expert as you on what machines they have in the GE jet engine facilities and what machines you need to make ventilators, but I'm pretty damn sure we're still gonna need ventilators in 2-3 weeks, so better get a start on that.


Mar 2, 2020
A friend of mine who is a flight attendant has recently been tested positive for the virus while on a flight. Apparently someone sneezed in her face. Potential lawsuit or no?
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm not as big of an expert as you on what machines they have in the GE jet engine facilities and what machines you need to make ventilators, but I'm pretty damn sure we're still gonna need ventilators in 2-3 weeks, so better get a start on that.
Dont get me wrong, retooling should have started last week on different factories to start producing ventilators when Trump issued the emergency decrete. Trump leaving it to the companies was idiotic and disgusting.


Oct 27, 2017
Working on that also.
A friend of mine who is a flight attendant was recently tested positive for the virus while on a flight. Potential lawsuit or no?
I'm not a lawyer but I would say no. Unless there was a person on the flight the airline knew had the virus and they let them fly anyway. Unless something like that happened there's plenty of doubt the airline can take advantage of. But again not a lawyer. Ask a lawyer for legal advice. Not a internet forum.


Oct 25, 2017
This is good. He'll totally use it as a "SEE THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR CHRISTIANITY!" moment, but still.

Anyone buying into it should just look at how some other places are handling church service. A poster earlier in the thread posted an image of their church and it featured a bunch of people sitting in their cars while the pastor held service outdoors. And looking around it seems to be becoming more common. No one seems to be upset about that as people aren't at risk of spreading the virus.


Lead Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone buying into it should just look at how some other places are handling church service. A poster earlier in the thread posted an image of their church and it featured a bunch of people sitting in their cars while the pastor held service outdoors. And looking around it seems to be becoming more common. No one seems to be upset about that as people aren't at risk of spreading the virus.

But that would take common sense to understand and implement, which is apparently not something this pastor or those attending the service were capable of.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but why are the UK borders still open? Isn't still accepting overseas flights a big risk?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm working at a major hospital and they are disciplining employees for wearing masks unless directly taking care of confirmed Covid 19 patients. We currently have 50 confirmed cases and over 40 waiting test results. Those are just the patients admitted, no telling how many are in the ER as I type this.

Meanwhile other major hospitals in the area are mandating every employee wear masks at all times. You get one mask for a five day period.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm confused with Newsom's latest comments on California's numbers. Are we thinking we're already at 50k cases, or that's our peak hit come May?


Oct 27, 2017
Just found out my mom is all but confirmed (they won't test, because tests in Michigan are right now 10 days until you get results and she's been symptomatic for a few days now). She's doing okay now, mild symptoms, but she's very at risk due to her medical history.

Trying not to freak out, but it's tough.

Everyday Math

Oct 25, 2017
Wisconsin feels like it's doing alright so far. Crazy how close to Illinois we were and now they have 5x more cases and many more deaths.
Yeah the news conference is going on right now. And they're "optimistic" with the current numbers/trends right now.

Seems like the state choose the right time to start implementing lockdowns. Tho I still worry for Milwaukee right now.

Also good news that testing will be increasing.

It helps that Wisconsin has both a decent manufacturing sector and University system to help the medical field right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the news conference is going on right now. And they're "optimistic" with the current numbers/trends right now.

Seems like the state choose the right time to start implementing lockdowns. Tho I still worry for Milwaukee right now.

Also good news that testing will be increasing.
Wisconsin was still slower than they should have been, but are well ahead of the curve compared to a lot of other states.
So glad it's Evers in office instead of Walker.


Oct 27, 2017
Wisconsin feels like it's doing alright so far. Crazy how close to Illinois we were and now they have 5x more cases and many more deaths.

Yeah, numbers are getting bad enough to really ware on me here in Illinois. We are up to 15 known cases here in my county, which is scary since the few sick people I know who have been denied tests. So, who knows how many are really out there.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really freaking out this morning about this:

A food crisis looms as coronavirus forces farms to stay idle and countries hoard supplies

"We risk a looming food crisis unless measures are taken fast to protect the most vulnerable, keep global food supply chains alive and mitigate the pandemic's impacts across the food system," said the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in a recent post on its website.

The FAO said disruptions can be expected in April and May.

Restrictions on movements and "basic aversion behaviour" by workers could impede farming, said the FAO. Food processors, who handle the vast majority of agricultural products, could also be prevented from processing the farm products.
"We are already seeing, however, challenges in terms of the logistics involving the movement of food (not being able to move food from point A to point B), and the pandemic's impact on livestock sector due to reduced access to animal feed and slaughterhouses' diminished capacity (due to logistical constraints and labour shortages) similar to what happened in China," said the FAO.


Oct 27, 2017
In New Hampshire we are now at 314 total cases (+56 from yesterday). 3 deaths so far.

Firearm sales have also doubled vs. March of last year (5670 in 3/2019 and 11543 in 3/2020).
Oct 27, 2017


Nov 6, 2017
In New Hampshire we are now at 314 total cases (+56 from yesterday). 3 deaths so far.

Firearm sales have also doubled vs. March of last year (5670 in 3/2019 and 11543 in 3/2020).

My parents live in NH. They are snowbirds so they're in Florida right now but will be leaving in a week or so which I can't wait for. They live further up north it's super isolated


Oct 27, 2017
The governor of Tennessee is going to issue a shelter in place order later today. We're up to 1,834 infections and 13 deaths.


Governor Bill Lee issues ‘Safer-at-Home’ order for Tennessee

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has issued a statewide “Safer at Home” executive order, urging people to stay home and stay apart, as well as, ordering the closure of businesses that cannot safely oper…

Ugh still not shelter in place just a strong encouragement to stay home. I'm not sure what else it's gonna take for him to shut down


Oct 26, 2017
I see Bolsonaro is taking the toxic masculinity aproach to Corona and going "are we men or boys? let's go out there and face this virus like men"


I legit expected him to say "women" instead of boys.


Jun 12, 2019
As a "hang in there", the Opera National de Paris has swan lake available for free for a week:

Le Lac des cygnes

Disponible lundi 30 mars à 19h30

Don't know if it's going to be internationally visible... i'll watch it tomorrow.
Soloists are on the young side, but they should be very solid (Francois Alu was an amazing artist when i was still following the Ballet, and Leonaure Baulac very promising is now an Etoile).

It's a nice way to stay at home :)


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
Everything is going to be OK. I'm recovering from Covid-19 as we speak. It started with my daughter and quickly spread throughout my entire household but we're all fine now and recovering nicely.

I understand this is not the case for everyone but it is the case for about 80% of people. It's going to be ok. Feel free to dm me if you have any questions.
Appreciated and sorry for overreacting. As a long sufferer of health anxiety, it gets tough out there. So I'm always riding on a razor's edge, so to speak. :-(


Oct 26, 2017
I'm tired of people acting like this...

Saw this FB video that I guess was filmed yesterday of some guy in Brooklyn walking towards some small hospital. "Not I'm not trying to downplay this, but the democrats (gotta get that namedrop in!) are not making hospitals into the 'warzone' that it seems". Small hospital... only walks around the outside perimeter... just points out there's no line to get tested (and we have no idea if they ran out of tests) and people calling him out in the FB live chatfeed like "why don't you go IN the hospital", and it's just all outside. So I guess this is getting shared to discredit democrats/media/etc., because of course.

I'm so sick and tired of seeing "democrats" tied to things like this...