
Oct 25, 2017

The fucking bubble they are living in. I sort of get they would believe in Trump if it's a US specific problem, but they only need to look at other countries to see what's actually going on.

Is it true that if this shit is gonna fuck up your lungs it does it pretty soon? Like if you've had mild symptoms for more than a week you won't then develop the more severe complications?

It's the second week that's crucial. Either you get better, or you get pneumonia and things go to hell.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The fucking bubble they are living in. I sort of get they would believe in Trump if it's a US specific problem, but they only need to look at other countries to see what's actually going on.

No, it's the second week that's crucial. Either you get better, or you get pneumonia and things go to hell.

Deleted member 15311

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So you're basically concern trolling if you don't truly care about anything you wrote so far.
I would i be trolling in a serious thread like this? The guy said it represents a flat 70% increase, what i thought analysing things clearly was:" well it's not a flat 70% that linear, because you need to be mindful of the age bracket and the usually mortality in that bracket" that is, maybe a percentage of that population would have died from other complications and would not be those flat 70%. I never intended to shit on those people deaths or that they are not significant or that is the eldery so who cares (like you implied i did), hence why i said i don't give a shit about what you think, because you clearly made your mind up.

Actually i think i recognize your username as one of the people i talked about, always shooting down any glimmer of hope.

To clarify: i do not think eldery or anyone else for that matter aren't important, i do not have anxiety about my past experience ( i just talked about it to show the state of mind of someone in that position) and i do not concern troll (i'm not a child) and i'm always willing to change my position on an opinion if i think i did not explained myself well enough or that i am flatout wrong.


Oct 28, 2017
Since air travel has basically gone to zero the german goverment now hired Lufthansa to fly medical equipment from china to europe using their passenger planes:



Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
5146 new cases in NYS, up compared to yesterday's 4790
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about Cuomo's personal opinion on why there's more cases in New York versus California. I think it comes down to more testing and kits available in New York.


Oct 27, 2017
Cuomo is not attacking trump today. When he talked about ventilators he lowered his attacks completely and complimented the fed including kushner. I mean the whole time he talked about we need fed to make factories work and now his tone is completely changed. Maybe he's accepting we're gonna be in same situation as Italy and Spain and people are gonna die.

I think it's crap and that emotion yesterday is gone and this tone doesn't do anything to make me feel like the ventilators are gonna be made.


Aug 27, 2018
I've had a low-grade fever (99.5-100.8) for the past three days, but no other symptoms. No cough, no difficulty breathing, or anything like that - just symptoms associated with having a fever (chills, slight lightheadedness, etc.) I'm hoping it's just some random virus or a very mild form of the flu.


Oct 25, 2017
Things look a little more up-beat than yesterday's presser, but I think it's going to swing wildly day to day fo ra while.

I don't know about Cuomo's personal opinion on why there's more cases in New York versus California. I think it comes down to more testing and kits available in New York.

He's really good at this, but he's also a politician. He's leveraging higher # of tests executed leading to # of cases being higher to get support first. His data driven approach is really helping him get what he needs.

Cuomo is not attacking trump today. When he talked about ventilators he lowered his attacks completely and complimented the fed including kushner. I mean the whole time he talked about we need fed to make factories work and now his tone is completely changed. Maybe he's accepting we're gonna be in same situation as Italy and Spain and people are gonna die.

I think it's crap and that emotion yesterday is gone and this tone doesn't do anything to make me feel like the ventilators are gonna be made.

He also had 4,000 ventilators committed to him out of the 20,000 in reserve which is new from yesterday. Maybe he was just told he wasn't getting more and is planning on splitting them, etc. Other states do need them too. He just said "The federal government doesn't have them either."

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Cuomo is not attacking trump today. When he talked about ventilators he lowered his attacks completely and complimented the fed including kushner. I mean the whole time he talked about we need fed to make factories work and now his tone is completely changed. Maybe he's accepting we're gonna be in same situation as Italy and Spain and people are gonna die.

I think it's crap and that emotion yesterday is gone and this tone doesn't do anything to make me feel like the ventilators are gonna be made.

Whatever he needs to say/do to get the government to cooperate.


Oct 25, 2017
On yesterday's presser, there is a female that occupanies Trump and I held in high regard. But she specifically MENTIONED THIS EXACT STAT. Like, WHY IS IT RELEVANT we tested "more than South Korea"
I feel like she was forced to say this

Because it's the continual inability to deal with acceptance of failure. They will continue to not do the right thing, because it's not politically beneficial for them to do so. The lies, pushing of misrepresented facts, and a whole lot of pain for the country is what we can all look forward to.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know about Cuomo's personal opinion on why there's more cases in New York versus California. I think it comes down to more testing and kits available in New York.

That's exactly it. Basically NY has been the only state seemingly able to test almost as much as they want/could. In my mind, NY is a microcosm of the entire's just the only one we can see the reality of the situation. I'm now worried that it will get most of the resources and all the other states that have been lagging behind in both testing and restrictions are going to hit their apex close to NY and they won't be able to do a damn thing about it. Here in Philadelphia, the cities health person actually said yesterday that they want to start to CUT BACK on tests...rather than continue to test (his theory seems to be to save what little test kits they do have for the downward portion of the curve to be able to see who is NOT sick). We just started getting real numbers over the weekend.


Oct 25, 2017
So from the most impacted areas today Germany looks on a good path as usual, Italy might be improving based on the numbers from Lombardy while Spain and NY are on a worse path.


Aug 20, 2019
We're going to make it through this, right? mental state with all this is not good and I'm only tuning in once a day just to stay updated (not obsessing) but like.....I'm still not doing well. I don't want to lose my parents :(
I'd say between 98-95% of the world will make it through this


Oct 27, 2017
What's the best site for daily numbers per country/worldwide? Seems every site that tracks those datas has different numbers...


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
We're going to make it through this, right? mental state with all this is not good and I'm only tuning in once a day just to stay updated (not obsessing) but like.....I'm still not doing well. I don't want to lose my parents :(

yes, look at China/South Korea/Singapore


May 11, 2019
I am still reading reports in Germany saying it's just the beginning here and in France and pretty much everywhere but if numbers stagnate or not go up that much anymore or even go down slightly like in Italy, doesn't this mean we are no longer at the "beginning" (at least in those areas)? What am I missing?

Deleted member 15311

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Did Korea test everyone or nearly everyone or did they test every single suspicious case? I mean, you call the line and tell them you have been coughing all day and they'll test you?

It seems to me that in Portugal, they're only testing if you have more than one symptom.


Oct 26, 2017
I am still reading reports in Germany saying it's just the beginning here and in France and pretty much everywhere but if numbers stagnate or not go up that much anymore or even go down slightly like in Italy, doesn't this mean we are no longer at the "beginning"? What am I missing?

You cannot keep people in lockdown forever. You will have to make sure you don't hit the limits of hospital/emergency beds. Some measures will be lifted to increase the immunity of people in waves I suspect. So the daily increase might stagnate but they probably won't go down to zero anytime soon.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the best site for daily numbers per country/worldwide? Seems every site that tracks those datas has different numbers...
I've been using this and opening a new tab every day to see the increase per day

Coronavirus Update (Live): 126,620,987 Cases and 2,777,660 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. Coronavirus counter with new cases, deaths, and number of tests per 1 Million population. Historical data and info. Daily...


Oct 25, 2017
I am still reading reports in Germany saying it's just the beginning here and in France and pretty much everywhere but if numbers stagnate or not go up that much anymore or even go down slightly like in Italy, doesn't this mean we are no longer at the "beginning"? What am I missing?
While +10% growth is a low number, it still means that there are +10% more cases than yesterday in total.


Oct 25, 2017
We're going to make it through this, right? mental state with all this is not good and I'm only tuning in once a day just to stay updated (not obsessing) but like.....I'm still not doing well. I don't want to lose my parents :(

To this person and anyone else reading this stressing, I was in your place a month ago when this was much earlier - you'll be fine. A lot of people are worried but ultimately the chances are still very much in yours & your parents' favour even if you do end up getting it. If you're taking precautions to make sure you don't get it, that's even better and I would like to think you are at this point.

I'm well aware this stuff has taken such a toll on mental health for a lot of folks, and you're doing the right thing keeping updated but doing so infrequently - there are quite a lot of folks working themselves into a stress just looking at it over and over when they're going to the wrong places (full of doomsayers) or looking at it too much.

To stop myself looking at it too much, I've got my work, I've started looking at game dev (very very very early days, just learning some basic Unity right now), and I've got into digging up the weeds in my garden but at home and in Animal Crossing. Highly recommend finding a few productive/fun things to do when you feel stressed, especially if they're new things you have always meant to do but never had time.

Stay safe!


Oct 26, 2017
Did Korea test everyone or nearly everyone or did they test every single suspicious case? I mean, you call the line and tell them you have been coughing all day and they'll test you?

It seems to me that in Portugal, they're only testing if you have more than one symptom.
Everyone with fever get tested (and there are plenty of fever checks) and so does everyone who was in contact with anyone who tested positive.
This is what Taiwan, China, Vietnam and really any country that got it under control did.


Oct 27, 2017
Some good news from The Netherlands. Looks like the virus isnt spreading uncontrollable anymore. There seems some ""control" and that the actions taken have effect. They said they that one person doesnt infect 2 or 3 persons anymore but now 1. Wich is offcourse a effect from staying and working home, no shaking hands, 1.5 meter distance.
Hopefully this means a Italy or Spain situations can be avoided. Still far from over tho and all lockdowns and rules still apply and are forced.


Oct 25, 2017
Woke up with a fever and bad sore throat. Called work and my supervisor was all oh god don't come back until a doctor clears you. This should be fun.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been using this and opening a new tab every day to see the increase per day

Coronavirus Update (Live): 126,620,987 Cases and 2,777,660 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. Coronavirus counter with new cases, deaths, and number of tests per 1 Million population. Historical data and info. Daily...
Thanks. :)

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
so believe me, chance I'm laid off tmrw and my wife so we are affected by this , my kids have great grandparents etc but...
the marijuana industry gets a huge boost from this? Right? Like....this has to
Woke up with a fever and bad sore throat. Called work and my supervisor was all oh god don't come back until a doctor clears you. This should be fun.

shouldn't they be in quarantine too til u get a test? Unless you don't work around people.

start thinking of where you have been I guess, take care


Oct 25, 2017
Almost all the remaining Metro Denver counties are stay at home now. Douglas, Boulder, Jefferson, Adams and Arapahoe announced this morning after Boulder city and Denver did earlier this week, which leaves Broomfield and Weld as the last two holdouts. Broomfield will probably join in soon but I'm not sure I trust Weld County not to attempt to speedrun this.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Amazon Workers In At Least 8 U.S. Warehouses Test Positive For COVID-19

Remember that Bezos wants the public to support these poor workers instead of the billionaire taking a couple million to keep his employees safe.