
Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately the first country to go belly up with healthcare infrastructure will be the first to show a much higher death % as it will illustrate that the current death % probably has the proper healthcare baked into its numbers. So if 5% of people cant get into the ICU, they are more likely to die. I see this constant fight over 'oh the death rate is this versus that' and it's stupid because it distracts from the fact that its a serious illness that when left unchecked things can go bad. This is why the US completely failing on testing is gonna bite everyone in the ass.


Oct 26, 2017
Thought you might like this diary, I took out the waffling parts and just the daily illness updates, this is from a english guy in China

Day 1 — Monday November 25: I have a cold. I'm sneezing and my eyes are a bit bleary. It isn't bad enough to keep me off work. I arrived in this country to teach English as a foreign language — but now I'm a manager at a school in Wuhan, the city in central China where I have lived for the past seven months.

Day 2: I have a sore throat. Remembering what my mum used to do when I was a child, I mix myself a mug of honey in hot water. It does the trick

Day 3: I don't smoke and I hardly ever drink. But it's important to me to get over this cold quickly, so that I can stay healthy for work. For medicinal purposes only, I put a splash of whisky in my honey drink. I think it's called a 'hot toddy'.

Day 4: I slept like a baby last night. Chinese whisky is evidently a cure for all known ailments. I have another hot toddy in the evening.

Day 5: I'm over my cold. It really wasn't anything

Day 7: I spoke too soon. I feel dreadful. This is no longer just a cold. I ache all over, my head is thumping, my eyes are burning, my throat is constricted. The cold has travelled down to my chest and I have a hacking cough.
This is flu, and it's going to take more than a mug of hot honey, with or without the magic whisky ingredient, to make me feel better.

The symptoms hit me this afternoon like a train and, unless there's an overnight miracle, I will not be going to work tomorrow. It's not just that I feel so ill — I really don't want to give this flu to any of my colleagues.

Day 8: I won't be in work today. I've warned them I'll probably be off all week. Even my bones are aching. It's hard to imagine I'm going to get over this soon.

Even getting out of bed hurts. I am propped up on pillows, watching TV and trying not to cough too much because it is painful.

Day 9: Even the kitten hanging around my apartment seems to be feeling under the weather. It isn't its usual lively self, and when I put down food it doesn't want to eat. I don't blame it – I've lost my appetite too.

Day 10: I'm still running a temperature. I've finished the quarter-bottle of whisky, and I don't feel well enough to go out and get any more. It doesn't matter: I don't think hot toddies were making much difference.

Day 11: Suddenly, I'm feeling better, physically at least. The flu has lifted. But the poor kitten has died. I don't know whether it had what I've got, or whether cats can even get human flu. I feel miserable.

Day 12: I've had a relapse. Just as I thought the flu was getting better, it has come back with a vengeance. My breathing is laboured. Just getting up and going to the bathroom leaves me panting and exhausted. I'm sweating, burning up, dizzy and shivering. The television is on but I can't make sense of it. This is a nightmare.

By the afternoon, I feel like I am suffocating. I have never been this ill in my life. I can't take more than sips of air and, when I breathe out, my lungs sound like a paper bag being crumpled up. This isn't right. I need to see a doctor. But if I call the emergency services, I'll have to pay for the ambulance call-out myself. That's going to cost a fortune. I'm ill, but I don't think I'm dying — am I?

Surely I can survive a taxi journey. I decide to go to Zhongnan University Hospital because there are plenty of foreign doctors there, studying. It isn't rational but, in my feverish state, I want to see a British doctor. My Mandarin is pretty good, so I have no language problem when I call the taxi. It's a 20-minute ride. As soon as I get there, a doctor diagnoses pneumonia. So that's why my lungs are making that noise. I am sent for a battery of tests lasting six hours.
Day 13: I arrived back at my apartment late yesterday evening. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for the pneumonia but I'm reluctant to take them — I'm worried that my body will become resistant to the drugs and, if I ever get really ill and need them, they won't work. I prefer to beat this with traditional remedies if I can.

It helps, simply knowing that this is pneumonia. I'm only 25 and generally healthy: I tell myself there's no reason for alarm. I have some Tiger Balm. It's like Vick's vapour rub on steroids. I pour some into a bowl of hot water and sit with a towel over my head, inhaling the fumes. I'm going 'old school'. And I've still got the antibiotics in reserve if I need them.

Day 14: Boil a kettle. Add Tiger Balm. Towel over head. Breathe for an hour. Repeat

Day 15: All the days are now blurring into one.

Day 16: I phone my mother in Australia. There was no point in calling her before now — she'd only worry and try to jump on a plane. That wouldn't work: it takes an age to get a visitor's visa to China. I'm glad to hear her voice, even if I can't do much more than croak, 'Mum, I feel so ill.'

Day 17: I am feeling slightly better, but I don't want to get my hopes up yet. I've been here before.

Day 18: My lungs no longer sound like bundles of broken twigs.

Day 19: I am well enough to stagger out of doors to get more Tiger Balm. My nose has cleared enough to smell what my neighbours are cooking, and I think I might have an appetite for the first time in nearly two weeks.

Day 22: I was hoping to be back at work today but no such luck. The pneumonia has gone — but now I ache as if I've been run over by a steamroller. My sinuses are agony, and my eardrums feel ready to pop. I know I shouldn't but I'm massaging my inner ear with cotton buds, trying to take the pain away.

Day 24: Hallelujah! I think I'm better. Who knew flu could be as horrible as that, though?

Can you source where you're getting this from? Stuff like this could easily spread, and segments, especially about the kitten could work people up and put them more into a panic. It's not that I doubt any of it could happen, but would like to know a trusted source.


Oct 25, 2017
Work has banned all reps from visiting Head Office.

Also asked staff from visiting other divisions within the building.

They are accounting for laptops so we can work from home.

Deleted member 28474

user requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
not trying to freak y'all out, but even places with good health grades are not likely following proper protocol. I don't blame people for wanting to make their own food, it may be a tad hyperbolic but you do decrease your risk.

Last restaurant I worked at, we always got really good results from health dept inspections but individual cooks personal hygeine was always spotty (at best). Also generally being expected to work sick, but maybe owners will be more wary of that attitude at the current time.


Nov 15, 2017
It's so crazy the difference between Italy and Germany. How do you explain that? It's like there are two different viruses or something.


Oct 25, 2017
The hospital in Lombardy must be overrun now. 133 cases a day would be the third highest death toll in China so far, and they didn't order the lockdown until yesterday.


Oct 27, 2017
I really hope the superintendent's office makes some plans for us to get ready for potential school closures. At least have us come up with 2 weeks or so of lessons that can get done at home. Hell, I'm an English teacher, all I need to do is get my kids each a book and a couple of journal entry prompts for them to write and that would do just fine. Better I have them pick out something now and get that squared away so they have a copy at home.

Otherwise, I would assume that even though teenagers usually don't have severe cases, it's going to run through the staff and faculty like wildfire.


Oct 27, 2017
The hospital in Lombardy must be overrun now. 133 cases a day would be the third highest death toll in China so far, and they didn't order the lockdown until yesterday.

From what i'm hearing people are still gathering in the red zones, breaking containment to go holiday and in general not taking it too seriously.
Now i'm sure plenty of Italian are, but clearly those are staying at home.


Oct 25, 2017
"a 70 year old healthcare worker" - shouldn't that guy be retired by now? Do folks in the US just keep working until they physically cant?

Pretty much, yeah. Most of the country has little to no savings, almost nobody has a pension anymore, living expenses are constantly going up etc.

I don't expect to ever retire.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
"a 70 year old healthcare worker" - shouldn't that guy be retired by now? Do folks in the US just keep working until they physically cant?
My mother-in-law stopped working just three months before cancer took her life when she was 70 and it was only because she physically just could not do it anymore. She had a little less than $4k to her name when she died.

America, baby!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
As someone who lives in Germany this is nonsense. The German media has been reporting on cases with regular frequency with a high degree of transparency.
This isn't a reference to historical events is it.
What the fuck is this??

Get out of here with that fake news, and fear mongering.
These nonsense conspiracies have no place in a situation like this and serve no useful purpose so refrain from pulling statements from thin air and focus on the facts.
I was guessing guys chill out, never said it was a fact. It just makes no sense to me it's 0 still.


Oct 29, 2017
Our convention (GAMA trade show) for the board game industry is turning into a shitshow.

There is now Coronavirus local to Reno (cruise ship related) and the show refuses to cancel but we can't send our employees there for liability reasons. So tons of us are pulling out at the 11th hour and just eating 10s of thousands of dollars in costs while the show pretends that everything is totally fine and refusing to give any of us with booths information on how many attendees are cancelling hotels.


Oct 27, 2017
Think the discrepancy between Italy and Germany/South Korea really boils down to Corona getting to higher risk (older) populations in Italy unfortunately.

The cruise ship that was in Japan had like what 7 or 8 deaths out of 711 confirmed cases or so? But cruise ship demos tend to skew older as they are popular with the over 55 crowd.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018
Think the discrepancy between Italy and Germany/South Korea really boils down to Corona getting to higher risk populations in Italy unfortunately.

The cruise ship that was in Japan had like what 7 or 8 deaths out of 711 confirmed cases or so? But cruise ship demos tend to skew older as they are popular with the over 55 crowd.
Doesn't Germany have the oldest population in Europe.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
Can you source where you're getting this from? Stuff like this could easily spread, and segments, especially about the kitten could work people up and put them more into a panic. It's not that I doubt any of it could happen, but would like to know a trusted source.

I saw it on, seems honest as it is a very long article, I pulled the relevent parts



Oct 25, 2017
Of course they aren't.
There's literally deaths at the care center in Kirkland that are still not part of the official counts with family's begging for them to be tested.

Also it's not a 1-1 ratio. For every 50 cases going undetected there could be a death undetected

WHO said there was no proof that there were mass amounts of undetected counts in China so the death rate should be taken seriously. Downplaying the number doesn't help anyone


Oct 25, 2017

Just for context, this is one person's experience. There are likely countless others who have milder symptoms. I post on another UK based forum (Football 365) and one of the members has Corona and has been sick for a week so far. He describes coughing and tiredness and that's it really. Spending his days watching Netflix and sport while waiting for it to improve


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
It could also be they're detecting very early cases, as it usually takes 2 to 3 weeks before deaths start to show up.

The first 15 cases were in Bavaria in late January. (which were basically contained)
The second outbreak happened in Rhineland Westphalia because an elderly couple half-dead with symptoms just HAD to go to the carnival.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm shocked that we've fared so well, so far here in San Diego. Major city and tourist destination, and a large population from the most affected areas of Asia. I fear it's only a matter of time, though, before it blows up here.
I feel the same about LA and I bet I t's totally because we haven't been testing in California. That AT&T store got shut down in SD recently because someone had it and now they're in quarantine, haven't seen any updates on their situation, coworker's, any customers they may have infected, etc. The same goes for like the entire US right now, only reason numbers are so low are because we're literally just not testing ):


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2018
Just for context, this is one person's experience. There are likely countless others who have milder symptoms. I post on another UK based forum (Football 365) and one of the members has Corona and has been sick for a week so far. He describes coughing and tiredness and that's it really. Spending his days watching Netflix and sport while waiting for it to improve

Yes, I was not in any way trying to imply this was the default, I expect that is why the WHO etc think the numbers could be much bigger as lots of us may just have it mildly


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Just for context, this is one person's experience. There are likely countless others who have milder symptoms. I post on another UK based forum (Football 365) and one of the members has Corona and has been sick for a week so far. He describes coughing and tiredness and that's it really. Spending his days watching Netflix and sport while waiting for it to improve

Then imagine 40% of the population getting sick with "mild coronavirus symptoms" FOR WEEKS. (discounting the cases with heavy symptoms and ICU care for now)
"Everyone will get it, just chill out." is irresponsible! Do any of the downplayers and chill-out advocates even look at the numbers they are implying?