Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
you don't happen to be in SoCal?Me and others here have been dealing with some strong allergy issues for the past week ever since the mini heat wave last week.
Same here (SoCal) I doubt it's corona it's all in my sinuse. I have no fever or cough just a an occasional runny noise, baggy eyes and some headaches. Body feels fine.


Jul 25, 2018
The EFL (English Football League) in England have come out and said the pre-match hand shake between teams will not take place before a a contact sport.
It helps to spread the message that people should be mindful of such things. No reason people can't wave at each other for a greeting rather than shaking hands or high fiving.


Oct 25, 2017
Because we also want to protect others. Some mild cases have no symptoms. You feel safe when you go outside with everyone wear face masks.

Yeah, and I find that commendable. What I mean is that regardless of the ethnicity of the people who are in these cases popping up, news sites and editors are putting in images of Asians wearing masks to perpetuate the racist stereotype that it's Chinese people who are spreading this virus around. Here's a clear example.


Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I have a trip to new york next week that I'm somewhat worried about. I mean I'm personally healthy (and taking extra steps like cutting out alcohol and making sure to take vitamins and get 8 hours sleep). But i'm kind of worried since my dad who's 61 is visiting in the days after... :/. I'd really like to see my NYC friends but I don't want to get my dad sick because he's getting older and is overweight and has high blood pressure


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Don't think this was posted yet:

Exclusive: The Strongest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing

“I don’t know what went wrong,” a former CDC chief told The Atlantic.
If there's one paragraph to take away, it's probably this one:
Through interviews with dozens of public-health officials and a survey of local data from across the country, The Atlantic could only verify that 1,895 people have been tested for the coronavirus in the United States, about 10 percent of whom have tested positive. And while the American capacity to test for the coronavirus has ramped up significantly over the past few days, local officials can still test only several thousand people a day, not the tens or hundreds of thousands indicated by the White House's promises.


Oct 26, 2017
Arguably a bad thing.

My take living in Japan is that masks are expected. It's a social thing that has nothing to do with whether it works or not.
Every healthcare expert I ever heard talking about this was saying that masks are pretty much mandatory for all sick people and those who has to be in close contact with people who are suspected to have this virus.
The reason why it's not recommended for everyone at this point is mainly because we don't have enough masks and are really bad at directing limited resources to those who need it most.

If everyone in the US would get masks and start wearing them today, it will without doubt reduce the rate of infections.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh snap. I wonder if they'd call off the Indy 500 if it spreads around here.

If it gets bad enough they may not have a choice but they'll try to run it if they can without it being a public health issue. Indycar is already monitoring the situation ahead of the season start later this month in St. Pete.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
We'll looks like folks have caught onto the DIY sanitizer finally. There isn't a drop of rubbing alcohol on the shelves at Wallyworld. Off to Target it is then.

What's concerning is even the low % stuff is gone, so a lot of people are going to be making batches of sanitizer that doesn't do anything.


Oct 29, 2017
Arguably a bad thing.

My take living in Japan is that masks are expected. It's a social thing that has nothing to do with whether it works or not.

Japanese use face masks heavily in Spring because of the pollen allergies. However, from Jan 20 as the outbreak happened in Wuhan, we have almost purchased most of the face masks from Japan. And you should watch the news that Japanese people are complaining the masks are out of stock all around, and of Japanese government QA session they promise to provide face masks to the people for self protection of covid-19, but they failed because the production can't meet the requirement.
Meanwhile, a lot of Chinese factories switch to face masks factories. And now we produce 150 million masks per day. It's not only for the medical system, but to supply to all Chinese people.

The non-n95/surgery face masks not work for stopping Virus in high risk areas like hospitals, but they do protect us in our daily life and stop the spitting onto your face. But everyone know that we are in shortage of N95 masks in hospitals, so citizens should save N95 to hospitals. With wearing face masks and wash hands we have lots of success cases here that people didn't get infected even they are taking care of their infected family members. And we also observe some cases that people talk without face masks get infected in 15 seconds( it came from early cases of each provinces, the doctors try to find the connections between the confirm cases. Most are families,but there are some random cases they don't know why and how people get infected. and the ask for their movement path. And then they ask help from the police to provide the video tracking in that area, then we found that 2 cases never met before but talk face to face in the shopping mall.)

That is one of the reason why we almost stop the spreading outside Wuhan.

Our suggestion is that if you are in a city with confirmed cases. When you stay at home without any infected possible cases at home, You don't need wear face masks. If you go outside to parks or other places and you don't get anyone close to you, you don't need face masks either.
If you have to take bus or subway or go to supermarkets, wear face masks, if you go to hospitals, wear the best level masks you have. If you don't have N95, normal masks are better than nothing.
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2018
I hate to defend Trump, because if the clown was capable of making coherent thoughts and finishing sentences normal people could understand immediately we wouldn't have this sort of miscommunication, but it's apparent to me that he was referring to the shutting down of air travel from China, not that he's shut down the virus. We can of course criticize his admin for cutting the CDC budget, doing nothing to prepare in the first six weeks of 2020, lack of transparency around testing, false and misleading statements, and more. But in this case, he's talking about air travel.


Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Every healthcare expert I ever heard talking about this was saying that masks are pretty much mandatory for all sick people and those who has to be in close contact with people who are suspected to have this virus.
The reason why it's not recommended for everyone at this point is mainly because we don't have enough masks and are really bad at directing limited resources to those who need it most.

If everyone in the US would get masks and start wearing them today, it will without doubt reduce the rate of infections.
also the masks most people wears improperly do a pretty bad job of keeping viruses out. They're much better at keeping coughing and sneezing of already sick people from spreading it to others (even if worn improperly)

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If it gets bad enough they may not have a choice but they'll try to run it if they can without it being a public health issue. Indycar is already monitoring the situation ahead of the season start later this month in St. Pete.
Yeah, Penske's probably sweating right now. I'm pretty sure it's still the highest attended single day sporting event in the world, with like a ton on international visitors.


Nov 22, 2018
Wonder what's causing the seemingly higher death rate in italy? older? smoking?
Italy has one of the oldest population in the world, and this may very well be the reason.
Another country with very old people is Japan.

From a 2017 report
"Italy now has the second oldest population in the world, with 168.7 elderly for every 100 young people. Life expectancy in Italy in 2017 rose to 80.6 years for men and 84.9 years for women, ISTAT said. Italians could expect to live longest in Florence (84.1 years) and in the northern province of Trento (83.8 years)."

Italian population older, lonelier-ISTAT (2) - General News -

Italy's population fell for the third consecutive year in 2017 and continued to age, ISTAT said in a report on Wednesday. The national statistics agency added that the country also feels more fragile, with 17. (ANSA)


Oct 26, 2017
I work a couple of days a week in a major UK supermarket and literally nothing has been said about this yet - No information, no training, nothing from the managers.

There's been confirmed cases about 30 minutes away for days now and they honestly don't seem to bothered about keeping the staff fit to work. We work picking peoples shopping, from fresh produce that isn't in packaging to chilled items and household goods. You would think they'd at least remind people to regularly wash their hands and cough into your arm etc, but no, people are spluttering all over the shop..

It's even funnier when they cram 10 members of staff down one aisle and everyone is working in a 15m2 space, rather than spreading people out and ensuring you don't get all your staff sick in one go.. I guarantee people would work whilst sick as well as the company doesn't trust anyone when they are ill and they're pretty vocal about it.

Completely sold out of things like toilet roll, pasta, paracetemol, water, hand gel and a lot of soaps.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Italy has one of the oldest population in the world, and this may very well be the reason.
Another country with very old people is Japan.

From a 2017 report
"Italy now has the second oldest population in the world, with 168.7 elderly for every 100 young people. Life expectancy in Italy in 2017 rose to 80.6 years for men and 84.9 years for women, ISTAT said. Italians could expect to live longest in Florence (84.1 years) and in the northern province of Trento (83.8 years)."

Italian population older, lonelier-ISTAT (2) - General News -

Italy's population fell for the third consecutive year in 2017 and continued to age, ISTAT said in a report on Wednesday. The national statistics agency added that the country also feels more fragile, with 17. (ANSA)
makes a lot of sense


Oct 27, 2017
Please help me get this straight, A person that has caught Corona virus can have an incubation period for up to 2 weeks before symptoms show? If true, can that person spread the virus while its in incubation?

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Getting pretty annoyed with things in Sweden.

We are at 136 confirmed cases. We're doing a decent amount of testing. But...

The criteria to get tested are insane. Basically:
  • You have corona symptoms and have been to a hotspot country.
  • You have been in close contact with a confirmed case.
  • They have basically ruled out everything else and you have all the fitting symptoms.
Our Health Department keeps saying "all our cases are from people who have been abroad" and I'm just flabbergasted. How can we know when we basically only test the criteria that guarantees that will be the result?

I'm just hoping it all ends up ok but I'd feel a lot better if it felt like we took it seriously.


Nov 6, 2017
Currently planning to go to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle next week. ReedPOP hasn't cancelled, but there's a huge list of guests and artists that aren't going. Friends are going no matter what, even if the con is cancelled. If ECCC cancels I'm 100% pulling out.

Last three days have been an anxious whirlwind of deciding whether to go or not--borderline minor panic attack inducing at some points. I have friends and family on both sides of the field, saying "Go! You'll be fine. Practice good hygiene and take extra precautions." or "It's better to cancel and not spread the illness."

Wife is a HS teacher. I'm young, healthy, and only seldom work with elderly patrons. I really don't want to miss the event--a bit of FOMO since I know if I bail my friends will still go, have an awesome time, and not have any issues.

Stressed about it all.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Please help me get this straight, A person that has caught Corona virus can have an incubation period for up to 2 weeks before symptoms show? If true, can that person spread the virus while its in incubation?
nobody knows. it's possible but it seems most cases are symptomatic transmission as with most flus


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Short answer? "We simply do not know why".

'We simply do not understand why': Coronavirus is sparing children, puzzling experts'

A bit more of that answer here:

But we still don't actually know why. Maybe it is Earth's way of... Naaaah.

Fuck me the salt in that headline lol

Because not all contact is equal. The danger is getting the virus on your hand and then touching your face. Now of course they should generally forbid or heavily sanction any contact at the face level in the same spirit.

It's also a good idea because of the message regarding handshaking.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate to defend Trump, because if the clown was capable of making coherent thoughts and finishing sentences normal people could understand immediately we wouldn't have this sort of miscommunication, but it's apparent to me that he was referring to the shutting down of air travel from China, not that he's shut down the virus. We can of course criticize his admin for cutting the CDC budget, doing nothing to prepare in the first six weeks of 2020, lack of transparency around testing, false and misleading statements, and more. But in this case, he's talking about air travel.

This is still a megabrain dumb-as-hell statement because most of the cases in the US didn't even come from china


Oct 25, 2017
Please help me get this straight, A person that has caught Corona virus can have an incubation period for up to 2 weeks before symptoms show? If true, can that person spread the virus while its in incubation?

Some patients show no symptoms at all; as a result it is difficult to distinguish between a patient in the incubation period and an asymptomatic one if we just look at the symptoms. It is known that asymptomatic patients can be infectious for up to 3 weeks.

This paper may help.